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<br /> , ;.. - �
<br /> r ...�y� � �';�a� �d . T'L.x� 2[utfe.an Uwaral ti�,i+yiy tioaae, i.lnnuAn. NaW. :��.
<br /> TffIS AGREEMENT, mads this b� dny u/ M�Y , �� 77 , Gctueen
<br /> �� � �
<br /> '� ,$� GOR[�Sd R. & BE�T,LC�'I. W.LE.I7Er`Hxlsba�ld &'W�ferSPOu36 Of e1t32 Ot11Els' Jaerei�after referred to � ��
<br /> °;� � as�lte�'selter(rj �and JBRIiSt G. DI�2L�'1�. d s%n4� P��� � � �
<br /> y : , ; c ;
<br /> �� � ; � � �� � �� .. � hereixditer referred Yo as the uF-uyer(s), ;
<br /> �# �YXTNESSETH,' that the selLe^rr(a) heraby toveitant(s) and ayree(sJ thae if the buyer(s) shaL!first make the pay- J
<br /> ; ' £% }ica�(s) and �icrfar»b the cmuenarsts hereinafter»+aasfio�ed ori his,�dcr or their pnrt to be rnade and¢er�o�med, !he soid ,1
<br /> 'e '' � gell�r(,�):agrer�s);;lo fura►ish buysvr�s) a gaod uttd su�u�itnt abstract of Eitle shozudng a sttercho�table tit6e of recasrl t� �`
<br /> � , �
<br /> s �? lfzea:�r�mises he^reinnfter described sn the seUer(¢J, cent!uri1Z conv¢y and cu.cmrre ta Ghc ln�yer(s),in fec si»cple, ct.ear of,all `'
<br /> ; erude»ibruncas sxcept as sta2ed hare:n by:good asid su,�cisnt kYarsaentysDeert,,tlae'follazerin� lot, piece and ,yar:ced uf' ��
<br /> � � R � � . �
<br /> �rarixd,to zvitr .
<br /> � . �_ � �. . . . � �r
<br /> 1 � � �' u� i . ' . .: ,�. ... . � � ": ' t
<br /> •;� °? `' Ipt 8, 9, 1Q, 11. 12, Block,:5. ''pra�i`s Add.iti�,to Alc?a, Ha31 Ca�ty. ,: °
<br /> � �� I
<br /> � ` Nebraska
<br /> �." ;s� � � ;,
<br /> ; �,
<br /> � s,
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<br /> 4 �f .
<br /> � > ;flnd the:rsisid.;hsryer(s) covenant(s} and agree(s) to pay to said seller(s), the sum of ,�].7,560.00 �
<br /> �. � � � �� D03T.G�?RS, � � � � � °:
<br /> ka
<br /> SEV$�1TEh�T,TliOUSAND.b'IVE Fi[7NDRED AND NC?/10�-- _--__�_�� �¢ '
<br /> � irs the..»aanner�following. $4,500:.00 r(FOLIR THOZJSAND FIVE HUNDRID DC�LL�1FtS) `t�
<br /> s ! �* `- Do1F¢rs, casJr;sn.hand paid, the receipt whereof is h�rzb,y;acknowledged and the balance payable: r,
<br /> Ba7.ance:due.;$13,000.00, first rpaytrent due January 2, 1978, of $3,��9.28 fi
<br /> ` ;, Tt� TEOF7S�t�3 'Pf�.2EE:FIUL��2ED NIi� AND 28/100--DOLT,ARS, inc2uding PrinCigal,and In�erest �
<br /> �� .i
<br /> . ; r
<br /> ? and ec�aal annua.l gsyn�ents 'for a periocl not to exoeed five (5) Years. :i
<br /> ;. � ,
<br /> Buyer reserves the ric�t-to pay off pr�.ncipa.l balance plus accrued interest at any >,
<br /> < ,
<br /> timc after .7anuary 2, 1978, without pez�alty. ,
<br /> si
<br /> ti
<br /> � j `t If Buyer allaws real esta�e taxes to beasme deliquent. Se12er's reserve the right ,to #1
<br /> ;<.� rs pay suciz ta�s and add th3s arroimt ta �he amount of principal due plus _interest. �,
<br /> x.
<br /> y � �{ �
<br /> � �F ii
<br /> �� t 9
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<br /> . . �_, .. ... .,� ..� .. ,� .�
<br /> q ri. � � �'� . � i;. . .
<br /> . � ', urith interest aE tke rate of' eic�it'y¢�-cent Qer a�nn:cm, payable :'ax's17u311y onifhe whoi¢su�n remain- ,i �. ' ' .
<br /> „ i ing from tinie to lime urzpaid,and to pay all generad taxes,.tlaat�tiay be.legally:levied or issiposed upom:said Zrznd; sub-
<br /> ' �� sequent to the yeax 3976 and al!fnsiallmexts of speti¢l asscssn:�»ts or speciaE taxes 6eco��xing due or deliuquent
<br /> i ,� after May 20, '1977 a . ., . . . `
<br /> $ Ef �tc� n/a . If lhere%s a mortgage qn said proqertv,pay interest arr�d tazes:tkereon up.to . n/8 �`
<br /> i ;; • 1t is mw#ualdy agreed that tit�ie is an essential eleasent sn this euntract. And ik is furthe.r `1
<br /> �j agreed tlsat in case of any ¢ayment, either af psinci�ia! or snlerest, remai�ixg un¢atid for a sj�ar.e o� `�nty": days
<br /> ` ^� ter the same shall becQme due, ¢�nd in rase o azlaae a the said U:r er s ,to �raake an o the a oresaid n xts '
<br /> � r; af f f f �' O, �' f 3 p Y� ;
<br /> '' ¢rouided for het�ein=:or tJsa breach'of any oth'er covenant contain¢d hPrein� this contract shali�t the nplion of tl:e seller(s), �
<br /> # 6e fo r feited and determined and th� En�yer(sJ shall �orfeit all payments +nade hereunder, a�ed such paysnents shall be
<br />, § ': ;= retained by the s`elter(s);as liquidatcd damagvs irr frr11 sattisfaction of all tke datnages,sustained,an�seller(s) sTznll haa�e
<br /> the righs to re-enter and take poss�ssiun of said pres��ises aforesuid.
<br /> �i"
<br /> Thad this qgneement shall not be assigx�d by 6ss3r,er(s) uriEhvut the zxwitter� consent of the sel6er(s)c i,
<br /> Da Ly l�alt�t &-;�ur�aoe,. 3nc., `2514 South I,ocust, Gran? Island. IaE 68801, shall act ;
<br /> " '; as es4"+o�a a�3ersts;.. �.'ay,r�icsts ta be made ta Mr.. Gc>rc�on'�'i?i7.de. 67�5 S7�sta F3,.roa.�; Driv�, i ;
<br /> Morro�"'�`' Ge��i,�,,;�,;3t?2G0;.or any such �lace as Se31er ^�� di.rect. �
<br />� 4� I ,.
<br />�g. � `' tt u nsutually agreed tl:at alt !k� tovenaxEs and csyreerr�e»ts hrrein canfaixed shalG Cxtend to and .be obZigatosg•
<br /> p' r u¢vtt tke'heirr, rxecutors, ndminisiratars und assigns of the respective parties. � '�}"�
<br /> ; ° IN LIiITN&.`'iS WHEREOF, the f�arties`of these presents have nto set tlzeir hands and sevls tlee day and year � � �
<br /> , t
<br /> ; '� f'irs# above xvritt��:: f,,✓�d , � /� /,� H �
<br /> ,� .
<br /> � � Si ed,scaled and dedduered rn tlae reses�re o . _ . L��y'b � i.�-'1{_-�r� ; - � � +�
<br />, �" p f r • - - ;- -.�t. s.� � �;�,
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