� � �4:
<br /> � ..r�
<br /> ��M�.,�. . . �� . . � � . .
<br /> ��'- U0�7'70
<br /> MORTG:i1GE
<br /> bfORTGAGE LOAN N0.�— '
<br /> r : Ki+�1pW ALL MEN BY TtiESE PRESENTS:That ' �8CCH11C NOVdkOWSkI� d 91I19�2 p2Y'SOTI
<br /> 3'Y
<br /> Twenty-Thousand Si x: Hundred and PFfl/100--------------Mo�t�gar,whec►,er oaC_o�mo�_,in canslderatian of the sum of
<br /> � — — —'DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said murtgagor by The,Equitable Building anci Gyan Association of Grand island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,npon ��6 shazes of srock of -',` '
<br /> said ASSOCIATION;Certiticacc No. L 22�65j ,do hereby grani, convey and mortgage isnto the said ASSOCIATION the<fpllawing
<br /> described rea!estaze,situated in ltall Caunty,Nebraskz:
<br /> ! - ELEV�N (il) NORTH, RANGE NFNE (9} WEST OF
<br /> 3�, f � . � .� . � � . .. . . �. � � .
<br /> � � . .� . � . . � � � . . . . . . .
<br /> ,i , �together�with�ull.the.teneenents,hereditaments and appurtenances tliereunto.belonging,�including�attached�f7oor coverings,�,all.window��screens,��.
<br /> ,�3 � . window�shxdes;blinds,stormwindows,awnings,heating,airconditioning,andplumhing�andwatetequiprnentandaccessoriesthereto,pumps,stoves,.'.�
<br /> �` s` . �� refrigcrators,and othar fixtures and equipment now�or hereafter attached to or iised��in connection with saidteal escate. � �. � . � � �
<br /> Ancl�.whereas�the�said�mortgagorhas�agreedand�.oeshereb,y�agree.tlut t}xe mortgagor shall�and.will pay��all taresandassessments'Icvied�or�
<br /> ;� � � assessed��pon'said:premises�and apon this�mor[gage.and the bond secured��thereby�before the same'shall become�delinquent;�So furreish��approved����
<br /> ' � ��insurance�.upnn die buiidings om said premises�situated in the sum of S�2O�(jQ Q.QQ payable to said ASSOG1ATtON��and�to deliver to said�
<br /> '.p : �ASSOCIA.TIpN��4he policies�for�said insurance;and not to�commit or permit�any�waste on or about.said premises;. � � . � �
<br /> ,-"t, .. . : � .. � . . . . : . �.� .. , . : � , -.�
<br /> . In case of default�in lhe�pe.rfurmance�of any of the tetms and condifions�oF this�mort€age��or the� bond.secured�hereby,the�mortgagee shall,���
<br /> on��demand;.be entitled to immediate possession�of the��mortgaged premises arzd the��mortgagor herebv�assigns,.trans'.fers��and sets�over to.the �
<br /> mortgagee'a11 thc:rents,�revenues�and.income to be derived from the mortgaged.premises duringsuch tim.e as the mortgage iredebtedness shap remain r-
<br /> ` unpaid;a�d the mortgagcesluall have the powec to appoint any agent or agen�s is may desire for che purpose of repairing said premises and reneing
<br /> t ' tiie�same .and�cotlecting the rents,revenues and income,and it.may pay out of��said�inwme all'expenses of�repairing�said,premises and:necessary��.
<br /> �' � � �commissions�and.expenses:incursed�in.rencing�.and.rnanaging the same and of collecfing rentals�.thcrefrom,�the.�balunaa�remnining,if.any,to be�.. , �� � ; `, ."`-.
<br /> „ applied[awaid the.discharge.of said�mortgage�indehtedneu:these rights o(the.rnortgage,e�nzay be exercised at any time d.�ring the existence.of such ��*
<br /> tdefault,'srespective of any tempc�rary waiver oC the same_
<br /> -�� Th�se�Presents..h�wever;are upon�.the C�ndition,"Tha2 if the.said Mortgagor shall repay�.said loarr on or before the maturity of'said�shares by`..
<br /> payment; pay�.monthi.y�to said.ASSQCIAT1flN of tfie sum specified in the Bond�secured hereby as interast and principaz un.said loan,.on or befUre ��
<br /> � x �the�Twenaie[h dsy,of each and.every month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all tzxes and assessinents�levied against said presnises andbn i.his Mortgage .
<br /> F and�the�Btind�secured thereby,before delinquency;Curnish approved insurance�upon the buildings thereon in the sum ot 5� .2��(�Q.OO�paya6le .
<br /> to.said�SSOCIATSON;'repay�,to said ASSOCIATION upon demand atl money by it�paid foCsuch taxes,assessments and insurance withinterest at-�.
<br /> :he�maxinitum�lega4 rate:thernun�from date�of payment.all of which Mortgagorhereby agrees to pay:permit aio wasce on said.premises;keep and coniply�.�.
<br /> '� with all tfae agreements.and conditions of the Bond for 5 2Q�(OO.OO��Itis�da_y given�by the said A�lortgngor.tu.said ASSOCIATION, and wmply.�.
<br /> with nll tl�e.requirements of the C�onstituiiun and By-Laws of said ASSOC[AT10N;then [hese�presents siiall��become null u�d.void,othetwise they-��
<br /> j .�: shall.reinain�in�fuil�force.and�.may�be�foreclosed.at xha option of the sxid ASSOCIATION.�xRer.�faifure for�thrae mozfths�to make any of said�
<br /> . ._paymelats��or�be three months in arrears in mxking said inonthly paymants,ur to keep and.comply with t3ne agreements and conditions of said Bond;:
<br /> � and�Morlgagoc agrees ao have a receive�xppointed forthwitli in such foreclosure proceedings. � � .
<br /> IC ttnere-is any cLange in owncrship oi[he real estate mortgaged herein,by sate or otlierwise,then the mcire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> �-secured�.sF3atl.,at thevption of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraslca,become immediateEy due:and payabla without . .
<br /> `d� � � ��� furthef�notice,and�the amoun[ remaining�due under said�bund,�azxd any other bond for any edditionai advances made thereunder;shaLl,from the��� �� � �
<br /> �.daxe�:qf execcise qf said option,bearinterost at the�maximum Iegal rate,and[his mortgage may.then be foreclosed xo satisfy the amouat.due on said. .
<br /> bond,and-any othar bond for add4tional advances,together with all sums paid by said The Lquitable Building and Loxn Association of Grand lsland,
<br /> ��',Ve�riaska-for:insurance,taxesand assessmenis,and�abstractingextensiuncharges, with interest thereon, from date ui payment at the maxunum �� . � .. �
<br /> legai7ate.
<br /> .� As ptovided.in the Bond se;:ursd hereby,wliile�this mortgage remains in afCect the mortgagee.may hereafter advance additional sums to the� ��
<br /> . � � mxkers of said$ond,zheir assigns or successors in�interest,which swns shall be within the seeuriry of.this mortgage the s:me us zhe funds orSginal7y. � . �
<br /> � � ��secu:ed ilaereby,.the totxl amount of principal da61 nut xo exceed at any time the original xmount of this rnorigage. .
<br /> o��ed cn;5 23�d aay oe tyay ,�.D.,i�� 77
<br /> 1 �
<br /> � J erome Nova�Co�vs �
<br /> y STPaTE fl�NEBKA.SKA,�ss. On tlus 23rd day a1' �`"�ay 197� ,before me.
<br /> " ' CQ1�1T1``OF HALL �_ • �,�,^a
<br /> � � tf;e tu�dersi ed,a Notur Pub�ic ui and iu�saici C�unx ° �� �
<br /> d ' �+tski, a single person �" y y�m��nai1���
<br /> �► ��°
<br /> 5 .,,� " Ck' . �� . .� � who j�g personaltyknownio .;F .
<br /> � �..... Y
<br /> �" � ���h�'�e&ly�ii'�^�I whose name�. l S� � affixtd to the'a�ove instrument as murt�agor and he X}E7(4pol[9( r�°
<br /> a��iert�ca�s8�d in ent iu bo h7 5 v+oluntary uct antl deed_
<br /> � s v+
<br /> '�': �F�
<br /> �pr,ntpc�atSStOi+r'�y mY hand and Notarisl Sea1 thc date afnxesaid. ,�
<br /> � �fihS�'ISdES��;co "o$cxpues( �1 y 1'\'�sA �:��� ���, �'��'-? "
<br /> t�ot lic
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