, ,r,� �_
<br /> � :".�:�
<br /> F , ..,. . ,. �
<br /> c� oL eaci�d qr )xa�t�wwkne thc �iae ciate a� thc �uorskhly i� ,.c ;� �)mcrits i-rferreci cc,� in �>.�rs�Kraphs 1 and 'l hereof �r
<br /> c�lannge tho emount oi suoh 9natsllme*+t� :
<br /> 10. Bosrcv►ar Nari Rsl�osod. Exter�aio�5 oi thc tiarn frs�- ��.yyitfeitc �a• iYxxiitae:iti�n oi amortiza�ion of the suma
<br /> �ecureci by this ltort,�uge grsnte+i lay LpY,�!�r •c anti• :,uccc��scar iit iaitere�t nt .Basra�ccr sfia2l not ag>.erssta to release,
<br /> iza- etny ��an�er; tltie ti�WitiEy o4' tt�c ori¢iaiat Iiorrowei• nr�d I:3nrratiro-or � :.ucce:n..w<>re i�i irtterest. I.endCr shalf iint be
<br /> required to cotnmea�e �xroeee�3in�s agains#. snch aueceaeor ar refuse tc� exten�f tin3c for payxnent ar a�hercrisa nLodify
<br /> � � r�nortizatiu� of' the stams seeuzed by t2ii� �IortR�qc: 1>}� re.^tsc�n c�i ;�ii�- c�emstnrl �u«1e Uy ihe nri�in�l Borrnwer and
<br /> ,` �' � Ssarrower's succer�sc�ss an inGer�ct. : ,
<br /> a � ll. Fcrbearmsce bp Leader Not a Waiver. .:anw fnrtseixcunce -I�y l.end�zr in exercisin� sny sight ar r�medy ' ' '
<br /> ; , � hsreaesder, �r a��,heawisu z�ffocaed �y np�>i�cr�hie In;r; sf��tl ua>�c t,a u oc-ai�ee� ui c7x- prcciude th4t exerr.iso uf any right
<br /> c � or retnct3y hereunder. '1']ie proctrxt�inent caf: lnsurance oc t.lxc' }�:�yment bf tn�es ur ottier liens ar ch�rges by Lender
<br /> ; a sEaall not be a wr�iver a£ T.ender's:right sce �s�eelerate the �nst3.uritc of trhe iti<3e[stec3ness serttred byr this 14fartgnge. ' ,
<br /> �' � ; � 12.; �emediam C�mulatiBe.� . Alt renxedie.. �aror�ide�i irE t3i�s \icazp��ge arc rssttnet and otunmlative to s�ny oGher
<br /> ` ; �' ri�ht or r�medy under thia 1lortg�qe ac• :anc�rrtoci tiy I;itiv ias� f qc�ity-, itnt� �t��c�^ t>x., t�xerciised ennctrrremtly; int3epe�xd-
<br /> „� e�tiy or'succesaii•eiy.
<br /> rs ; � �Wk 23. S�sceessors a�nd Aasigas Houndr laint and Sovera3 Liabikity. Captions. 'I"Eie covennxxts snd agreements
<br /> r ; , h+�rein contain�ed sha1T l�ind, ztgy�[ tlie ri,hts hereunder Gtinli inzaru to, i;he a�es[aect.tc c Ruec.e:ssoz.� and ac�igtis of Lender
<br /> i nrad Bbirotiver, �ubj�ct ta the presvision: �t �rix.��ru#�h t7 lxercof. :# tl covenniyt:� ie�zi ;igreemenis eaf 13orracver eVrull
<br /> $ '-, , ; ;<
<br /> ,. � (� joint and seE�erul. �lie cs���tiurss und lt�:slim�s �t'. il:e pars�rnf�}i� ot tE3is \ f�rtgage ;r.re for cqn�•enitince onlv :ind ';
<br /> ,� urenot ,t,o be u&ed to iaccrpret or defitte tlne ��mcisicm, iri:re�t: `
<br /> . I4. Na�tice. An�- noticr. to Borrower -pra� irfrd fot in ttsz , \Icmt�z;gu slieili 3sc �;i�•en by* mniiin}: suc;h nqtice liy ' ;; .
<br /> ` � eeztifiect inail addresscd to Bc�rrr��cer st t �ar Yropertt� :ldcire�s :.ttite�ci 1>eln�r, c•sce�7t for aiiv t�otice required unc�er
<br /> ,, ,,� p�ragr,���h I� laerecaf t+o 6e gi�•err tu 13ori�u�er in rlie �nnnner �uiscriixci ; 6�� ' :3{���licat�lc Lew-. :1nc not.ice prn��ided
<br /> . ,, ;, fcsr in C}�is �13art�s�e �l�nll Irc <�eea:ieti i,o Is���c heuii giti-en to 33cn•r���-er «�i�cii gi�•ext in t:�c �nannu• z{e=i{;uateci lierein: '
<br /> ; 15. .UuiformMortyage, Gove;ttiag Law; Severability. 'I'lais fr�i��u oE utor�ga�e coanUines ucii3orm : covennnts
<br /> j ,3 , fornationat use-nnc£ n+�n-.unifonn eqven�z�ts �citIc iitnitcd �.•srin,cion� i>tr juris�laation to eorastiCute a uni£orm secit- ;
<br /> � y ri�y instrument covering rea! }�ropert,y, 'l Uis \tort:gage shnI � i�c �overned by ilae 3s�c of the juriscliction in whi¢h �l
<br /> � �, tffe Property is 1oc�tcd. In the e��ent ttiat any- t�rovisioet or clause oi this \iortguge or tl�e \'ote confiicts: �citli
<br /> ' , � � �pplicAble la�v, 'suclx conflict shttll uot :�t�ect oiher �arovi�ions of this \Iortgage a• the Idotc wliicF� can be given
<br /> , ef�cet withont tlie eonflicting pr��*ision; .trnci io this enci the ��rovisions oi the lSortgnge n�i�f the liote nre dealared
<br /> '`_' to be severab3e.
<br /> <, ;
<br /> , $ 16. Bosroweis Gopy. Iiorroiti�er ski�l! be furnished a confa•itzed coFi�� of th�s \Loriguge iit tfie time pf execu-
<br /> �; -,e cion or after recorc�stioa� hereof:
<br /> " 17. Transfer of t2ze Propertyr Assuffiption. Si all ur anti• t�art of #,he Pro�sertg' or au interest tlxerein is sold
<br /> `,, ',�� or transferred i�}�, Borro�vcr without Le:ider's ��rioi•-tivrilt.en conseiit, ecaluditig (a:) the ea•e3tian of a lien or encum-
<br /> : •z l�rance:subordinate to tliis 1[ortga�e, ( b) tl�c creatian uf a �aurcliase mone�� sec�rity interest. fnr linusehold appli-
<br /> � ' 'r nrs,ees; (c) s transfer las�z clevise, �escent qi- bv o�sea•ation of i:x�c ii�ion c,tse deatli Uf n joini. tenant or (�) the grani� pf
<br /> i , } anyleaselxald interest of tl��ee years or le�s notcont¢siuing nxi opt,iux� tc� ��urchnse; Lender mayr a,i Lender's option, „ `i
<br /> y ; �. de+clare all �lie sums sectired b�• ihis 13ori�uge tii be iu�inedia.icly due a.nd ps�<ab7c, l.ender sl�flli l�usre w;�i�-ed such
<br /> ; - � a�ion .t,o acn�lerste if, lirior tc� tiie sale or iruixster. Lender and 4he persun to cc3��m t.hr. 1'roperGy i5 ta ba sold oi• ' ' '
<br /> �' 1 trsnsteriet� refteli agrQe.uieiic in �rriting i,li3.t t3�e creclit t�f sucIx �iers�n is i�tisfneLor,v Co Lender ssnci t�ad�t t}ae ixiferest
<br /> 'r � `' p�yahle nn the sumw ��cured by� tfiis Jiortgu�;o el�aili U4 iit sueli � �Gte :as I ender �kault reqi�est . If Lecidei• has �vai��ed
<br /> � #h�e option to accelerai� provided< in tlus F�ar�gr.cph i r .ind if 13as•ower s suc�cessor i» intarest. h;�s ea:ecutad a writ-
<br /> q� ten assumpzion agreeruenc xcce�ved s`r. �. r;�ing bti• T:endur; i:eficier siixall relec�se B�rrot�•er iroin all o63igettiUns under
<br /> i'� � ihis riortgage und thv '_vToie.
<br /> t If I;ender e�:eroises 'sucli option to �cc�lerxtc, Lender �hail �nai2 liorrowar noLicc of sccelern;tsori in accordan¢e
<br /> �� `` ���i-�ii a»ragr�ph, 14 hertui. Such notice, slesll pro��Sde a �ierioci cii noi tess t:li;in 30 da}-s frnm Llte <i.ez� the notice; is
<br /> f ; . � � � � � ,'
<br /> i tn�iled �citt7in �thicki Sorzr�wer u�sy ��:��� dLe suu7s diclnred du��. li .L3ora•o�rer i¢s�ila tq p:ati• aucli 5ui3�s prior t;o the
<br /> s ,-'., exyiiraAi��n af such peciod; Lencier: iva�•, ��-itl�out iuxKh�r notie� cir e�e�nancl on �caa•rotver, inval:e iixn- ��einedies per- ,; .
<br /> ini�%ted by pmrs�gruph ls l[ereo[. ' . ' ^ , ' ;
<br /> , „ �
<br /> � �� ° Nni.�-TTrt€onms �.`tiv�avn�Te�.' 13oi•�i-�>vt> r_ and Lc�iider ('urt�l�� i• c�ovezaarai�� i�nd z�g•re�� .z�s �ollo�a•sc _ � � ' � �
<br /> IB. Aceeleratioa: Remedies: l�xrc� ii a; p�ti�vi�ic>d itr } ,xirczgr.Y� �l , 27 "Le�rec� s, uj�on> d3arro���er':: lirex�cl� of a�.ny
<br /> , � ; eovenun}� or u�reemenc 'of Bon�o���rrr in tt�i� �IurtRni�;c , inclucding the r.crvenants to pii}� ���Ili�n duc �rrv 5uti�� �eewrd '
<br /> �' by tliis 1larGgage, Len�ec ��ri<ir to uccclernticau ci�:ili wail nc�t �c�c tu 13cii�rcmrr :.�.� ��ro�• ia1�•d ixi � itiz-tx��'�t�afi i4 l�cteof
<br /> , ; �� <p�-cif}�ing: (1 ) � t1�� br�Hc3i : f2 ) � 2�1�c :tier:ic�n rccjliireei to cui�e sucli bi•e:it�li ; r �i ) �i daic; xiot � �te�s Yli�u t�tairC�v� days � � �
<br /> ` ' ° iresm t,}te dafe [hc' notiec i� �n:iiled to I3i�rrc��ecr, bp �rLich :uct : l,rcech rnusl bc erircai ; and c4 ) tli3t fuiltu•c ta cttre
<br /> � � ' �5uacta l�reach trn � or befare � tl�e da�tz* �sp�eiti��d in �t13e, noGiso ivay r�>tu�it. in accelo*s�s�tiau c�i � fl�tt :uni� �ec�rc�� [iy � this
<br /> \Inrtga�a snd sule ol ii�e I'ro{>erty. li tli�. i�rc.�tcli is e2oL e.tireci or. o�° l�eiiire tiie d�it�: sE.>rcificd in zl3er nntice, I.ender
<br /> ' at Len�ier'a optican �i�a?.� ticclalre. <all ��f t:3�c suuis �ecured !rv il�i� \ibrt�ugc tu � �a in� ine�iiut:rl,v �3ur :inci ��siysl�le
<br /> � . " � wi#.1inu6il'art}�erdeitzandand� may #<�rweicr<� dhi: At �aa•iga�c �by � jx�dici�l ��>roceedin�;. I,c���der �L:�Il � lie ene?Uc�s'i to culleet. � �
<br /> izt suclii �>rocee�iti� �x12 ' ex�ens�s of fi�n><rlo.urc , includih�;, tuif not li �nitr�3 tc� , cos2s of clocumc:cEC;ti•}� evidenec,
<br /> � � abaLiucLs and tit:e i�e��or�s.
<br /> � ,
<br /> � � 19. ;Bomoweis Right to 8oiastate. Notacii3 ��iandin� I .e�ader'� iicreleratian ot ttie sum= e��cure�9 l�r t.his
<br /> f �, h�xort,�a�g�, Boratiiver sh�li. ltave tlx�c riglit, 2.a haue :iczv ��racec;ciin�s 3�e��ui f.i� I .e,t�eles• t<� enfarcr� tlii. �lorcgsge t�ia-
<br /> , , �, coz�tinuecl ai ssn,y tin�c ��ri�r to �ntry c�f s j �akuienc e,i�t:oy�rirx�; this \ 4ortgtl�;e ii : Iti 'r Borcower t>r�.ys l..r�.nder nll
<br /> - t sums which wovld be tl3eii.due u:idcr 't}3is llort�ap�e, zhc• \<x� xuid nutcs ;:ecuriz�� Futum Adc�aucE:s , sf �ny>> }�ad no :
<br /> ' ' tsceelers;tion _Pccurred ; ;b ) l3orrur+�°G�r cure�, ;�ll I�re:�clzc� i>z ts .r_� utl;er ra� riiant� ur .a�;rr•�cxren4� �i Hurr�w,er con-
<br /> , ., .
<br /> t�ined in 2iti�s A'lo1't�,•age , (cl �iarret���er }'�u�-� ail!-ri>�i�c�natalc c��aense_, inrrar�• 'r<i b}• 1 .enrie9� iei �•�� farring t6rs coven�ir�6c
<br /> w °�, ; a�d 'agcesments of Bors�aw�erc�ntaincc9 izi. �Li� 1[art���;e xud �n x:nic,rrii��: 1.cr�cl�r', rer�iedie� as q�x•a+ ideci in p�zsa-
<br /> gca�h 18l3ereaf; 'includiz�g, l�ut na+G lirnit;ec3 lo, re:i,aixabli� attt>ant�� ',. sc:��• ; ai�r1 t .-31 }3orra�r•E:r rakea �uc•13 aetion as
<br /> ,,, : Lez�der :ti�a}* reaeQnabl�r: require ta ussure th:at. the lieta n[ i.lias \li�r# ��e, l.;enci.ea•'� ir.ierest i�i ihe :('ro�>ert:y :;nd
<br /> <�arz��sr__'s ioRaligs,�ion t,�o �a8y The saiz�e ,st�cat'rec! �av' tlsic 11wiz�x��G: �+htlli contiuur u��iru;�s9re�1 _ 1)�jc7n �uch }aa}tnent. '
<br /> " F - sua3 cura by I3qrrawer. ���ia A�fort�s�,c �,nd thc ai�li�s[ivns �er.ured J�erel��- �li;i11 reait�rin ir� iutl toa�ce s�aad t�f3'e�t �s if a� ,` x� n
<br /> , .,
<br /> no �coelez�stiau hacl ocx:uri�ecd. ° ,<r< �. e. . . . ,
<br /> ` ' - 20. '1i.esigament sr� Rsata:::3S,PFointm�ent a4 , Receiver. Losider in Possessio�a. .� , sdditin��:al �ecurity. here- .;,'` ' : ; .. ` ' `
<br /> T y und�`, BQzsuwer herelay awsi�� ta Lender t�ie mncs a# ti�o ProS+rrty. ; +s�cai�icieei t�ix�t tionrc��a-er shali . i�r�or to acoeIer- ,, ,
<br /> ��� at9yer,n un�er pd�'agrap� a�8 :liergoi or ahandonrnen{ +of il3� Pra��rky, h:tive ttu a•i�?a2 to c�tiect, �ud mt�iu sueh renta `' ��°'�
<br /> w� a� '�.�rs� liecosxte due snd :�iays�rie. ',� ,
<br /> :t�F� �x"iC1kY�i�)!1 3][M74i' j#ST4�PA�M�t ���.{!Y#'P++1 4#T )R1�ft'!?�'�+�t'?!1?�/,'Si? . C7f ��?'P ��T��?y="^[�th , .�.:' -.r�B. � I.^ y4 T-•Q3, � �' .�7�C',Rt t �
<br /> «. .,
<br />�� : . cia �av jarlirri�t33v ap}xxint.nri • rrncbe.iverslaRil �asernritirrl dn ,r�r�r +���nn , iR7;.> ��ov,r�carn „i ,1 •zcd »+.Kn � �e� thr f'int„�rtv =�
<br /> f�� ` nneE to �eol� ihe;:ten#s of the Prv;>erG�*, i�eiudin� thaatt :pa�c� tiue. <�lH a•cntfi r4ltect,eci 1,�• Lendcr car ii�e i•x•cciw�cr .��' . ...
<br />, . .
<br /> ` sh� be ,a��apT�+�d fitsL to �aymeAt a#: �1�e caes�,of tu�a►��tiient: caf tiie Yro�x•rty Yn<i col3ec#i�an oi reaat ' . �nc�luclirar, i„st
<br />� : _
<br />;w ' [at�.31m1�,0d t0. a'cC�t�v�r's f€tes, ;3re#�iutns +��3 ci�cctti'et'e t�omic ,�r�d reasvyaaatrle � tic�rne}' 's lrt::. acid ilie� te tUe �.uina
<br /> S�ez35r�d by 't�is �4ort�e: �.�'.nder »n�l 2he' �neceirer ��2�31 l�c 9i:ntaira tt� xecn�nz�t can}+- ior th�.i�c 7•eait� mrt-�=�:atl�� rrcei�-irii .
<br /> . 1
<br /> ' �°"^'*M- . �. _J
<br /> �
<br />