<br /> t �'
<br /> �
<br /> �� �� l) G [ � O '
<br /> .
<br /> k .
<br /> � py �y
<br /> W k f r :
<br /> . I YS .'i ! aY 0 `'{I �k
<br /> �' � r �v s -i ``i ��"�6„�a'�,`P 'l�
<br /> 29 _ 4 cJo Madifica�ion . 7"he Mortgagor will not surrende � the ' " r� � ��'�'�`£` r< � �y�
<br /> � �. Qaseho�,d estst�� ereatecl b��y th� Grou�zc��� L�ase , nor � , � �� � " A � � � �'�'����;�``�`�
<br /> � � � �� �� terminate nar canoel �.he: GrounCi Lease , � and the Mortga- � , ` � � E,3� " r �"���a :ay„"'��s
<br /> . . . : . . , � 4� Q�a a p + r� : �l �+� �{�'�j�,.d
<br /> gor will not , without the express written consent of � � � � � � , »� 4 �� ��w�
<br /> � � � � � � the P'�Sortgagee . �odify� , cha:nge , � supplement , �� a2� ter �r� . � � � � ,�'� �j '� y � y,� * +�`��� ,���; ;� �
<br /> amend the Grounc't Lease , either orally or in wri �irar„ ' ,^�. ; ;� ' �� tw �`,��,�,�,��';
<br /> � � if � � a :a,H � . �,
<br /> and as for the repayment a f the indebtedness secu=ed , y . n ' „��� �,� R��,Mt� {�
<br /> . � � �. . . . : . � . Pl@rEt.7.,Y` � dIId �OL' . 't-.�Y2 P@T�OrII�HRQ� O 'F ��. tk1E . CfJVE`SldII '�S ,k1�iS'�1.A '' �° g� ��� �zr+v�:�. r��� Y`s"�++�", ����`��'
<br /> � � ' . � . � �� S31C�.. 2:11 : t.2'3E" �"iYOt2R���� ��G�3S.e G"Q11td1riE3C� � � t�2� ��1�.OLt:fJi3CfOY �. "`*� ,. i� r� '.�y�,f.,s`us�,�ry:,n�r,ro
<br /> hereby assir�ns to the t�lortgagee all of �he NF�rtc3acgnr " s � ��, ", �� � i ���,'��e��r����
<br /> rights anci privi leges as 1 � ssee under the Ground S<:ease � +�At, " ' �`� ` 4 ; ;" `i'y.�'t,�n`w����'�
<br /> -'CO �2TZ[t1II3 �2-> Cr321Ce� r � . I110C� 1. ���Te � C �'lc'�Y1CJE � . . Sllp�'1�,.ERl�Ikt � . .. . � n rsa�1 � � 1`d �� ti`��' �'�'�t��.'�,�"��.�+�y,'�y'
<br /> * /�, � � hr° c � tir'XA�i"Nr �^* (�J'
<br /> � � A .3. t -L'r�� , c3ICtATAd� OY' � .-E?XtE'AC� �. ���'1� �� ts'TOlkZ1CJ � �Le. 3 ^-..aE'�1� A31�T . S`t3C.�'2.:=� �'tti.' 'r�h�t Z� a �% �. �� �G` �q�7. �s<
<br /> . � �5Uj7j.a �8Til�.Iltn � a �te.Yc1� 10.T'1..iOc�II1.+211C11RG-'12tCOT' 1�X�@7251.012�Of � : � t�'1� k ����k� `' J `t ,i"h�iia �° �£�i�����;?�
<br /> ' . . � �.CxTOt1T3CI �` T, "E.'�S 'E-' � W.1.t�1011't.: 'tY12 . �'sYlOL' . Wr]:t'tGZ2.� �.:QOEISEI2'�. � :�I'1e2Et0 ` �Y �� + � ' �G � ��'� �r�����
<br /> i � . � . . . . � ��as�� 'itrv �� �' �k��'�t�'t C4rtiiW� ,�d�
<br /> by tYie Martgagea sha11 be void and, of no force and s �r � « +� , �
<br /> . . @�fOC't . . �. � . . . . . zg,R�it�' '�� 'r� � , ,a Strtd
<br /> 5 rM1 et < �. re w �df���
<br /> . . " . . . . . � "� . '. � . �, . . +,yr` ��i� �k ' �"1� ' ts �6 +�s� '�
<br /> �e a r_ " a 'r �� .r a �' t � �3 `�Ye'�,s�
<br /> 29 . 5 No Rc-� leas � . No selease or £orbearancc= o� an}T oi t�e v ��� ; � �_ �� a�,� `�,��� r���R��,j�`;
<br /> � � . . � Cr � i1k. ✓ � fi� � w As �dy� "b �
<br /> Dlort �agQr s obli�ations under tZze Gxo�?nd I,ease ; puz- �, z �,+� � ' � � <
<br /> SlldR� t0 � �� tr12 . . G2'6�.11'�CZ �2 $9A '�I' � UtY2@Y'G41SE?' � :� 51131.�...�. Y' 2 �. H+ZSE �'" ig �7 t ttv, 7a} T, i{f�`������i
<br /> � the Z�Iortgagor from any of �he F�tortgagor s obligations ,, .`k, ;�� �x � �;�G1 � `r t µ ,��;„,;��
<br /> under this Mortgage , incZu�3ing the Mortc�agar ` s obZ �.ga - �1�' , t ,3 ' < � ,° " ^ '� �s ``
<br /> t� s'k � '4 n � !�?V {�t $ P f ���r',��
<br /> tions �aith respect to the �ayment of rent as provicied � 4 � � � �� y
<br /> ' in ;tYxo G��aund� ��� Lease asLd_th� per€ormance � �o,f al:� of _�he er, �` � , „� ';"; ;�` ��'����
<br /> � � 'tE'r2TI5 � ��?rOV]. SYOriSr ���COV�R3S1�L5 � . � COIIC'11�1Dri5 , dRCl . 8CJT2E�.^ - �y' " ��i, � �vi '��, " 3t,��'�rt��y��
<br /> ments containeci 3.n the Ground Lease -Co be per=ormer.3 by �ur ',a � f' r}"� �;'j#'%? �' ��a����i,�
<br /> the': i�zortgagor � �thereunder . � � � � , <-: ,. ,�,<<r� , ,� li� �r�. .�,;
<br /> v � ;
<br /> � T � � �,f, ������*�
<br /> F � � „ �y
<br /> ".� 2 � . 6 � � �O ,.�AY' e� � Ah 't�'1117 �'10YG-'1Z7 COII�d1.I1GC.� tCS� t�'12 CORtT':c3r �kYnr ti ,St � y yi�z` a � J'',� ,� '�an7�
<br /> g Y �J Y . t� i e p� � , .. ,�, �f� � a�
<br /> notwithstanding , it is - agrc�ed .that the leasehoid �pw � - " � '� "n'1u���jj
<br /> � '� 3 �� aP�Tr� 9 Y �+r M1F �A� �` , �Y MN'4i��
<br /> interest o _ the i�lortgagor under the Ground Lc.ase and {�� 5 � � ,� s , r �vx„
<br /> the interest and .estate of the fee' owner and ,lessor 3'w �" 'u ' ' k� "r" � > �` ��� x'�>"�'M'^
<br /> � < r i a �. . . r ���
<br /> UI1C12r tF12 �Y'011I1C� �� L '�'3S2 .� St18 � 1 .�3t 3 �.1. t1.Z31F.' S rflRi3121 �� ' t�' �' ��� '� r � a ��i ' °a�r�'
<br /> . � ra � ' .i ��" d,� v rh $,
<br /> separate and apart and retain their senarate -iclen- '� ; 'v ' �� � ° " x' � , ���,�
<br /> b +s :r �, o i i �, , a�''i
<br /> t1t20S � � 3rid IIO�� IRerCJeZ' Of. �: '��1(.'. �. 1@3SehOZd ESt3t`.@ .� 4� t�l@ r' ,, y s n✓Y�,�y: lw w+�h'"+'�:.
<br /> � Niortgagor� caith the� estate �n . fee o� � tt�e �-ownar .� and � +�� � ��, i . ,�„r ,�.� �s�� ,��xa��.
<br /> lessor sna. 11 result wiih r� spect to the ,Iortgagce or �ti ` ; x; t, �� ,��,�x�t�� `;�����„ ��r
<br /> �
<br /> . � W1t1"!. 2'2SPeC '��.�. tQ ' t3.R�7. �7L1Y'Cf2dSC'T �. ..aCG�ll1L1.RCJ�. :tt1@ MC)I' �CJc1Cjf3C3 . �`�7 ��� � '� � `-\ a '„ � �"'�''� F�,N`��
<br /> Premises at any sale on foreclosure o � the leaseho�.d � r' ' , �` ' � �r, t^a,; �'
<br /> . @3'E3'�G 2riCLIZRbGZ' GC� � }J�7 '�.�'ll$ Is�O.'CtC�3Cj -G' : .W.l '�310ll't. '�t12 WTl �t�ri �7a a �,, �'� i � � y ; ,�e�"r'� R����r'i
<br /> vc �
<br /> consent ^ of tl�e Morfgagee . '�� ' �, ; � • ; , ��,
<br /> �h � 4, k� ��a� s f ;
<br /> � . � . � . � � . . �. . � `, � i �r ; z r i x 'uv i �
<br /> 30 . Canstruction _ Whereves used zn tYsis hiortgag� , unless th� ' ` yr, r �5s „ j �`� r ,, .
<br /> contez;t clearly : indicates ; a contrary ir_t�nt or unless atherwise � y j � � � �'��, F 4;
<br /> speci�ical3y prc�vided herein „ the word "PAortgagor " sha11 mean ^ ' $ ' � ,��`�` ��
<br /> "Mortc(agar. and/or any subseqt.� ent o�aner or owners o � the Mortgac1 �d � ' ' ' ;� t���
<br /> . ..P2'2Ik11`SC45 " � 't�1C �..WO�'C3 �. �" MOr'tCJdi3� En.�:.� S11a1 .1 . P383ri�. �� Mortgagee OY: � dR� � ��, , ' �. � ^ t ' �� ��g ����
<br /> subsequent 1�oZder or holders of tl� is riortgage " , th� word "iVote `@ � � " '' w � r `'��^"''
<br /> � ; ' ^ ,�� .;
<br /> shall: mean " note secured by this I�Iortgage ° ' and : the word "' persar= ° :, � f � <y;
<br /> �i.i� � .- r i (� � 3
<br /> shall �nean an individual ; corporation , partnership or unincor- ' "� '
<br /> 1t 1 1 4 ,
<br /> porat�� association . " The p�ragraph h� aaings contained herein are ' `
<br /> inaiuded as a ma-t�er of convenience anc�f are not intended to define , ; ' � rr V' ; -;.
<br /> liinit; or moc3ify -the terms .of this Dlortg �ge . This Mortgage shaZl � ` ' ' �.;
<br /> .;,
<br /> be : binaiazg on . tize DSortgagor �nd alI, heiss , persona � representa- � . ' . . � ' ' + ;_ :':
<br /> t �u�e� r . �u�,=. essors and ,sssigns of the i�lvrtqagor and inure to th�
<br />' � bener � t ot the Yiortgagee and _ all heirs ,. personal representativ�s , ?; , � . , � ; .,,;
<br /> succe�sors: and assigns of -th� ASartgagee . - '
<br /> � � � � ` ' ` a�
<br /> 31 .. Amendment . �'h3s ' Nlortgage , cannot be changed axcept by an , � r�. " :r i.
<br /> � ; ,, <. ; � ', �.. ;.
<br /> agree�ezit in writ3ng : signed by the party , against wksozn en�orcem�nt , , :" � .<;
<br /> a� tli� ckianga is sought . Mx ;x, c. . .. .r
<br /> €,
<br /> � � � �;���i
<br /> ,
<br /> . . _ . . . . .. . . . �4 ' Y.
<br /> � . � . . . � . A„ ., U (
<br /> . . . . . . . � . . . iz �
<br /> . . . . . � . . � � � . � .. . ? Wti�i x �;�.
<br />� ' Rider t� D� ed of Trust � . ;; � k � .:
<br /> u��.
<br /> and Security Agreement �" � ;
<br /> Paqe 19 0 � 1i �aa�s .
<br />�
<br />, �
<br /> °y n&�'W��rlf°.�^� a`'h� "'�'F Ir2,��x XF�k.�..., f Tt �s � 1 ��'r °d �� '� i a x, x � '. ��� .
<br /> w
<br /> . ' : r' a iv '4 '�' °���' %ch^zi,�.s.Jfi ,N^�v,«. . .+.�.� e . ,a, „� � �. , . >
<br /> , . <:. -
<br /> � .�a,� �t� , `
<br />