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<br /> � RAYMOI¢D^D.: I�EEZER AND LIN'DA'K. KEEZEI2. Husband.and wife, each in his and tier awn• ri�Ext' �j�`�4f�� t �i �^�'`����'�'��������}`�
<br /> r4' �3 and.:as s c+use-of:: the other � Y�,�` Y ��`",i``��,�`M�'���M G�
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<br />"�rc„ ���s �,i ��4 k�"Sr��� �NA��
<br /> „ of ' �l�" � C.aaatp..:Nobrc�2ra.��ca�mortg�or S.�d t{ome Federal 9avincp and.Zo�Asnoctatioa af Gzaud Ia7aad. �� � ?�� � r �'� }' Y.,�.�x;
<br /> �°�'��.i+: ii � �ta y s
<br /> ��a eorporation orgaalaed aad^axiat9aq.uade� the law�at.Nebta�kac:��wilh 3ffi pzindpal..-otfiee aad�placs ot bnainees a3 Grand fei�d,Plebxvoeka. � 3.j"��. } .. �,r 5��P"r ii�'`M1�.
<br /> y� as moit4?4ee: ��.�. .:� �. s � .. '� � . . . ' � Ir,� a.z >e �$����,�'�,;!§�'T�"�+z��
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<br /> .:�, ;SR2:FF..�Et£YK: T6et sa aa:!gag��.....tas .:..d::a oonsideration ai the num.ct� � � � �'�x .�. i�a�G,°�y� "�F4�'t e�...
<br /> �' ? ���
<br /> THIRTY EIGiiT TE�QUSAND�TFiREE FIIJNDRED AND ATO/1Q0--------------------nollata tb 38�3Q0.00 �. r; g ' �� "�4�' "�ttsa'�''��+A
<br /> � � , i �
<br /> 5 "tfie raceipt of which{a fierebp ackaawledqed,�:�d� ..by theae�preaones morlga4e aad warrant unto tald mortga4+ae. ita succeesors �and . '�r y " �' ��' S��. � �.��:
<br /> 1 u " �v'�
<br /> asetgns. forever,.aIl Ihe falloming doeQfbed teal eatate.:situated�.i:n !Ee county o4 � H811 � � ��.r�� 'fi yjrff s n� Y�i�'��'
<br /> doe f � � �
<br />� aad State.of Nebzaalcwrto-wlt: . . �� . . . .. . r y�r�,���y�� ����.��
<br /> ar . � �=�`r. ,1
<br /> �� � t� u�i' 1 � �������
<br />� LOT TWEA'TY THREE (23) FREEDOM ACR�SaSUBDIVISIUN, E�IALL COiTNTY, IVEBRASKki �# ' 7�a ` ��'} �`y 3,x��, a*��i��'�
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<br /> 4�� . ,. . . .. . . � . � .. �� i a �'a,� � � 6'�'"R1�4a�.
<br /> S'..- TogelSaar with alI heating.�lightinq.�.dncl plumhin4 equiPment�..and:.fixluzea.�includiag.elokera�and bssrr.ecs.•�ecreena,.�:awniaqe.stozmwiadowa $ ` �i � '^ �s. r�°, �"
<br /> " `" and doorn,and-.window ehades or blinda. need.oa or:ia�:conaectioa wilh�aid� ro z �: t J Y iTS�
<br /> y�:� . p perty,whether the same are now�located on�eaid propecty � � x
<br /> d >..„ or hereaftar placed iLereon. �.� �. � . . . . . . . . .. �., � � ...t� } .� i r i.� 'S�� x �.�"��,
<br /> �., . .: �. . . . � � ��� � � � . � � . . . .. 111 . � i
<br />�k TO��HAVE`A2QD TO:HOLD TH£��SAME, logethar..with.all.�.d�.ata4ular L'ae tenemeata;hezeditameata�:an3 appuztenrmcea thsieuata be#.oaq• y � �, � t ; F �� y.�r,�
<br /> � . . . . r �Er � � �7y � �����t.
<br />' ing,oz�ia anpwise nppestmning.lorevez, csad�w�rm�t.lhe�..title to.tha eame..� Said mor'gagor S.horobp�eovenaat_wrth said mortgaqee �, p$� i .;, �., -' � yr i
<br /> that t ho�._�: a=e.:� at the�.de}ivery�hezeof..the Iawtul:�.ocvaerS.ai tha pre.miaee above�conveyed�and daecribed,and. HY'e . ..2s � � " �, i°�� f� `���`�
<br />� � . . . . � �. '.F Y y k j 1 -��
<br />� $r'.; seiaed of a qaad��.and iadoieaeibie�.eetate o1 inherit�ce therain,Szeg�.:aad�cie�of aSl encumhraaeea,and Ihnt -tEio��will�warr�! ¢nd ��{' �*� �, q'3�1�
<br /> $ defead�.the title thereto torever.against the�cl¢ime�.aad:demands..of� all�pezeoaa.whvusaoever�.���: . . '��� � i fi�',;
<br />� �.�� r .
<br /> PAOVZDED ALWAYS,��:and fhis.fmtrument.is ozeeuted and�deiivored�to�aecure�alie paymeat ot ihe eum o+ � � �' p �` in f;
<br /> THZRTY' EIGHT THOUSAND THREE_HUNDRED AND N0�3:00--------- ----------`nolkara S5 38�300.00 � # y c+ '� +,�
<br />' '��- wlth�.�3nlereat-:l2wreu�.��.togettier��with:such�=harges and.advancree�as maY.��be�� due.�aad�Paya2�.Ce�:�.to�amd�mortgagee.��.under��the��:terma�.�:.and '�� ��� � ' � q;
<br /> � ..�. : , � � �:: +,:.
<br /> . . � . . . . a �. � �.:
<br /> a � condi2iana of the.��.Promlenory aote.-of��evan.date.:hezewlth�and�.eeeurad hessbp,esecuted�by.xdd.mortqagoz S So aaid mortgagee,pcspcb3e S '�' g � s �.��.�+
<br />„ ' ���. as:aspriensed..fn.said-aote...and ro necure..iLe..perfozmaaee of�all the lecros.aad�..coaditEona:coaCaiaed tdesaia.�. The�...tecme.of.said aote.-..�ara .��€ ',` ��:, �� . �•.�;.
<br /> a . . �r. 3ierahyT incozporated:�.}�ereia��by�!LL iefarance.:�. . . . . � � � � . . . . . . � � .. . . .� . ��s .r, 's r �:� �`
<br /># �4;
<br /> Tt is the inieatioa and:.as�xeemant oE.the.partiee.hezato that.thSa.mortqcqe...shaR..�. .ala4 secuze.�.aay. luture �advances:made to.�safd r ".� '�- �' � -
<br /> . . �. . . . .. . . . . 4�. k�
<br />�, '�mnriqagaz�_&_�bp. acid�moatga4oa� and.any..and�aEl�:iadebtednees -in.�additioa��to tho amount.abave :alated.which��aafd mortgaqoxa, vr�.any _ �-n ._
<br />`r :- oi them:�may-owe to eaid��mort4a4ae,.however��evideaced..whelher�..bY nota...book���ac�unt or oiherw3�e...�T2ile mortgage ahall:�remaia�Sa.�lu11 � y �� � � i
<br /> �. torce�aud eftee!-betweea::t3ta�partiae.hezato aad theis��heira.::persoaal�seprenenMtivee.��.su�ceesore�-�.and�.�maigns.-�until�..nll amounta �eccued ;; M,
<br />�a+ : heieuadez,indudlu9 tutuxe:adraaeee..�,:ax'e Fa[d ia�ull:w3th fatecast- �.. � . . . �. . .. . . . . � �:sr �;
<br />� ,� � , � : . � .. _ ��.�: . , . � -.i i
<br /> i
<br /> Ty+P.�m�t�xt*gar.�_.,..k�arobv aseign:___�...:to.�no'u3:�.mrntgoc+,+x�11��rr•mtn�mad.��inr»me�+c�a{e6au��:uS .anp yaad;adl-S3m+ara-trom eaid properip=;�d '- � .'�� ;
<br />� -� d�areby authorize�:said mnrtgagee ox:ite agent.�at its option, upvn..deiauk.lo..take.chQrqo ot maid�:property�.�and wlLecl�.all rents:and Sacome £
<br />. . therelram and applq �the a�e to the�.papmaut of ihtarast,:priacipal.:Sasw�ce�.:premiss�e,tasea..:aeeesemaala,.xep�e�.�.or improvements nseea ��.� �..
<br />+, � vary....to��keeP aaid-propsrty�:in tenoatable:��condlHoa.�:or to other chors4seozpaymeata�p:nviderlf,orherein or.inthe notehareby�eseured.�..3his �" ,� :,, f ���h -
<br />± '� zent��aadqnmeat..ehal3.�wntFaur.�ia.force va.fil:-ihe�unpmd�bal�co��.of edd aote:u fuSlp :pmd� T'lie�taldag:o! poaeeseion.hereundez ehall.ia�ao � � �
<br /> :. axmaes�.pceaeat�m'zatrad��:wnId�mortQagem..in.the.collecttoaoF��oaid�.sumu�by.foxacloauxs��o:�otLerrriee.�. . . . . � � .
<br /> ,��� The..failure of.11�.e mort9a9a4..W�;gsem=t,.aap.,�oi 1h.zi4hte-:hezeuader at aaY lime.skaall aot.ba.comstrued a a waivar�of�fta riqLt to�assert � :v�;.
<br />� , r.. the�name at aay�latsst3me:�:�taFd.+,ia.iasist�"a�Pon.m¢d;eufares�sMet�.ca�FLQace.with�atl Ihe�nezms:and..pzovieloas�af eaid.note..�and��of -tLfa
<br />.. m�9a4a . . . . . . . � , 3,� �.
<br /> � a... , .. . . .. . . . .. � . � .. .
<br />`�` .�.. of aaid�.�nobr ltmera�hF;�vsc4tsd::��Lc11�?�Oent�r-nio�-`be�pdSd tp iaid,morlgag�s the:entize amouut due 3t hereuaekr,and undex she ternne�aud Arovimlmna �' �-� .,', ;; '-..
<br /> If spid-
<br /> includlug lutuca.advanwur,aad�aap eztoasmuu�o�r raaawair.:pthezso� in�:aec�daace-with tlae..:..tarau.,-�d.provioou� ^a,�'�..
<br /> ��:: therec�.�=�aad St�:t�aid�ri4a4�'�� ahall svmpiy�.�th ali�:the Droviaioaa o!�satd�note�m�d of�thi��mozdgngs.1laen.:thees�..prasents ehall�:be vcid: .';�r : :i=
<br /> :. otberw!Fre Ao semaiu,3R.hilL�azce�emd�.eiiaat.�d�.aaid�.m�tqaq�e-ahoL ba-�:�atitled to��.�osrerioa of.ail.:of eaid..:propeatp^.�.�d..may,ac,.il� `?;i
<br />°�� ,�S ��� opNon.-.�declace tho��vr�ole of sa[d aote:��aad u7I indebtedoeu repcerwted lhecebY fo be Iwnedfaealy dun�and paYablr aad may foroclose Y6ia �� .�� ���' �� �",�: .'
<br /> a h.
<br /> � awrtgags ar Aake ma,f�oaLsr Isga1 mtiaa-��pcome!its r19�4 �d fzwm the�b o(s.�ch delaea8�all Stesw�::-o/ iads�adnsa wcured,.hes.-bg r"�.
<br /> �. aharD.draw laMrxat,at 8%per aaaum. �-Appmiaem�at�vaired. �� �. . �. �� � . ,�Y
<br /> Tiiis:a1oXt9���-:-airaLL;.la:��9'npoa aad..,YLcdl�avs��:10 th��ts�n�itt mf�sh�hNt:.;essauon..admisi�h�aton..�u+ocaamrsrs nad�:ausgar af ���• . ni
<br /> " :t8w c��'��Pa�W.�z.��:• : .�. .� . . � � � � � k"
<br /> . � � � � �, k v. �s
<br />' � =�� u[��wtSIlWSH:.�qF�o�.ra3d.Dlodsqa�qcc.6�: ,.,, ve��„�...,� �. � tt�eir � � ti.,.,.+.:"s.:ho.slnr and�yoar auu abovs :;
<br />� ,s 'Ms+iMsa. �. . - �,r�%J.�.% �� .i � ��� ,
<br /> �i�Lt�.msW4 � . ..�L�.�'iC..�L"'�,/j"�,... �j.,�_5..=�:�<"�,� � �a �P i u
<br /> 3ta . d,33. Ke� Linds 3C. Keeze r G..�
<br />� r
<br />� �
<br /> v � y �,.
<br /> �x'���'S�'_�,���''`�� '��-�'-�-,�a`�4���r�fy��5��fi�C�'t� ��r,',�a. m�� _ a�:.,+�,w.��,«. � �
<br />_ ,
<br />