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<br /> �T c�a27�� �
<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN NO. � 2265�
<br /> ,� ,. �
<br /> twQ'xAr.�.�nENffY'rti�sEPK�sEN"rs�Thac Rod L. Shada and Cheryl L. Shada, each in his and her +own �
<br /> right and as spouse of each.other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or mora_in consideration of che sucr�of-
<br /> � Twenty inousand dnd N0/lOfl=--------------------------- __----------- --------
<br /> ---DOLLA32S
<br /> loaned to said maregagor by The Equixable Building andLaan Assaciation af Grand Isfand,:Nebraska,Mortgagce;upon 200 shares of arocic of
<br /> d" said ASSOCIATIO�Y. Certificate No. L 22C54 ' ;do I:ereby grant, convey and mor[gage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foilow3ng-
<br /> „
<br /> described seal estate,situated in Hall County,i�Zebraska: , ".
<br /> y "
<br /> ' � ' EAS7ERLY fORTY-7'WO AND ONE TENTN FEE7 (42.1') flF LOT EIGHT (8) AND
<br /> :t y -
<br /> _„ , ,
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<br /> i �
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<br /> �� . . . .. . . '. . . .. _
<br /> \f .. � . . . . � . . . .
<br /> ��.��. �. together�with�.all ttxc�tenemeni.s,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto�belonging,�including�attached floor coverings,�all window.screetzs,�<
<br /> ,,�5 � ��. winuuw`shades;.blin�ds'sW rm windows,aw nings,�heating;ait condieioning,and glurn6ing and water equipmant and accessozies thereto,pumps,stovcs,�.�.
<br /> ' �' �.:refrigerators,and.ottserflx[u�es and equiprtsen4�now or hereafter attached to or used in conn�ction with said reaI estate.-�.. � � . .
<br /> f �. - - And.whereas t3ie said moRgagor.has agreed and�doeshcreby agree thai the mortgagor shall�and will pay.all�taxes and assessments�levied or�:. t �
<br /> ;-� assessed�.upon said premises��and upon this�mortgage and the hond secured thereby before .the same shall become�delinquen[;.�to furnish.approved `
<br /> �$ insurance upon the buildings on said p�emsses situated in the sum af S��,�0�.�U payable to said ASSOCIA'i'fON'and to deliver to saad ,
<br /> �T ASSOQIATION the�policies for said insuraixce;xnd not to commit or permit.any waste an or about said premises; � � � ��
<br /> �� ��� In case of defaulC:in the rformanc�uf an of ihe�terms and conditions of this mort a e.or the bond��.secured hereb � the�mort
<br /> Pe Y B S Y.. SaBee sha�l,
<br /> +� an demand,be entieled to iixxmediate possession of'ihc morigaged yremises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers nnd sets over to itae
<br /> �.' :� �mortgagee a11 the.rents,revenues and incorne.to be derived from thx mortgaged premises.dc�.ring such time�as the�mongage indebtednessshal6remain .
<br /> �unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power w appoint any agent or agenxs it may dcsira for the.purpose of repairing'said�premises.:and��ren[it�g ��
<br /> ` � the.sama xnd�collecting tlie�ents,revenues��nd�income,and it�may pay out ol said income atl expenses of repairing 'said�premPses.�and necessary
<br /> ;( ' ' �commissionasnd'expeases�incurxed�in rencing and managing the samz and o! cvilecting rentals�therefrom; the balance..rema.ining,•if.any,to be�`
<br /> "x . applied.�towacd�Ihe�discharge of said mortp�ge i�idehtedness;[hese rights oC the mortgagee.may be exercised at any.timo.during xtie existence of such '.
<br /> ,.� ,. default,irrespective.of any�iemporary.waive:r of the.sxme. � . � . .. �. � �
<br /> ���,� �� .��:These Presents;,however;ara upan tt:.e Conditiot�,That if the said�Sortgagor shall repay said.toan on or before.the mxtuxity of sa'rd�shares by �
<br /> ;,p � yayment;pay�mont}c1y�to s�id�ASSOCIATFON of ihe.sum specified in the Bund secured Ilsreby as interest and prineipal on said loxn,on or before .
<br /> �^'; �. � Ihe:Twentiethday�of ench xnd�every month�until said loan is�fully paid;pay all taxes and assessmenes levied against�mid.premises and on.this Mortgag�c. �
<br /> r�,� � xnd.tht v.,�,d i�t�eure�thereby,befart 3elirc�uency;fumish approved�insurance apon thz buildings ihzrean in ihe sum af�2O��iv0..ri�.� � p�yaba�
<br /> �r a tn said ASSQC1ATiON;..repay to said ASSOC[�TION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance with�interest at .
<br /> the:maximum iegaLrate thereon fzom dace of pay-ment all of which Murzgagorhereby agrees co pay;permit no waste qn said prsrnises;keep and comply
<br /> wiCh.xU the agreemenxs and condizions of qa+e 13ond for S 2O OOO.�O this�day givert by the said Morigagor to said r1SSOClATION�,.and compiy� �
<br /> with all the requ¢em�ntsof tlie Constimtion and By-L.aws of s�id ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become nvll and void,otherwise they
<br /> stiatl:remain in l'ul1 force and msy be foreclosed at the option of ihe said ASSOCtATION after fuilure for three months to m�ke any ot said
<br /> �,j �� .�.payments or be Ihr���months in arrears in making said monthty payments,or to keep�.and�camply with.the agreements aod conditions oi said Band.; '. � �
<br /> and�Myrtgxgor agrees.to have a receiver appc�inted forihwith in such£oreclosure proceedings_
<br /> � �IF there���is any�hange in ownership of the real esiate mortgaged lierein, by sale or ottaerwise,then�the entire remuining indebtedness herebg+�
<br /> ^'� secared shall,at the option of The Equitabt�Building and L�an Association of Crand Islznd,Nebraska,becume immediaicly due and payable withoLi
<br /> � farthet:notice,and�the��amouni remaining Jue under said.band,and any oiher bond for any additional advxnces made thereunder,shall,Crom the�
<br /> � � dato��f exercise ol'said optiun,hear interesL at the meacimum legal raie,and this m�rtgage 7nay chen be foreclosed w satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> `� bond,and 3ny other btind Car addi[ional advances,together with att s�ms paid Uy said 9'he Equitxble Building and Loan Association of Grand[slanc€.
<br /> ?; ' Ne�raska for insurance,taxes and assessmersts,and abstractin$ex[ension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the masimum
<br /> �i 2egal rate.
<br /> �� �� As provi3ed�in �ihe Bond secured her�6y,while.this mortgage.semains.in effect�th�mortgagee may�hereafter advance addi[ional sums lo th� � �
<br /> � �� .makers of said:Bond; iheir assigns or successors in�interest,which sums shall be within the securety of'this n�ortgage the same es She funds originally. � �
<br /> •,� .,� secured�Ihereby;tfie Yotal�amoant oI prinaig+y)debt.not to exceed xc any time the original amoun[of this mortgage: � � � �
<br /> ° , v a t�;s � t day o� May n. ,ia 77
<br /> ' �� ,� � �.��� �`_��.�� �
<br /> _ , --�._ :d
<br /> ,; Rod t,. Shada C ery L. S v a �"�— '
<br /> �
<br /> �;; ,
<br /> i STACOUNTY OF He3�} ss. On this �9tf1' day of �fay I� �� ,before me_ �«c� , • s
<br /> � �
<br /> �� � ���� � � - � � the undersigned,a Nota,ry Public in d for sai8 County, erwnapy � . �'� �� � '- ¢" �
<br /> Roii L. Shads� and Cheryl L. Shada, each ira his and her own right an�as spouse o� each ot�er.
<br /> �� wha are personally known to `
<br /> �` � �� � < s;• .
<br /> S•� pr,rson S whose name 5 dl'2 affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor S and they severaL"�r ;�,�
<br /> o�y�,ctJ�a wnenc-to be t�81 X' volvncary act and deed. °"�* "
<br /> ��4,s� '��J'�"N myhandand otacialSealihedateaforesaid.
<br /> . :Ch. . � . . . .
<br /> ���NCSTAft'l�:My'�' ' n�ezgirea ,,y$� ��.�1�� . _./.
<br />�,,� � ; COtAt�t55i9N . . �� ��i� t.U n � � � ii V v�_ca.�/ �
<br /> . C%�t��� ���� �s i�otary Public �
<br /> 6�1� � �. +b�„� � �
<br /> . � ��� m3..•j�'• � � . .
<br /> il"�jf r)F�ri�.�'�'���,
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