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<br /> MORTGAGE LOAN h0. ti. 22,585 '
<br /> z [crr�awALLmt�rrav�rt�EssPx�sa�'s:Tt,�t Fred W. Rauch and Margaret l. Rauch, each in his ar�d her
<br /> � own right arsd :as spouse nf:eaeh other, , �
<br /> �, __Mortgagoc,whether on_or morr,in consideratlon of thc sum of ' , � ' i
<br /> �� = �ifty.-five Thausand and Nc�/1t10------------------ ---------------nor.x.nxs '
<br /> ��t loaoed to said mortgagur by The Equiteble Svildiag and Loan Association of Grand Isiand,Neb�-aska,Mortgagee,upan �50 sharea of suack of �
<br /> � "� said AS50CIATIQN.Certificate No.L 22 e S��J ,da hereby grani, convey and rnortgage unto the said ASSOCIA'T'ION the,folEowing s
<br /> described real'estate,situated in HaU CouxEty,Nebraska: ' ` �
<br /> � '� � � � �
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<br /> %r Z�75 5IX (b� AJ�lD SEVEN '(7) Al�9 THE I�ESTERLY
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<br /> � together with all the:tenements, hereditaxrsents and appurtenances Lliereunto belonging,including sitached tioot coverings,a11 window screens,
<br /> �"� windocu shades;blinds;storm windows,awnzngs,lieating,air conditiozsing,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps;scoves,
<br /> $ �
<br /> .s refrigerators,and othe���fuctures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in.connection with said real estate_ � �. �
<br /> � And whe{eas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrEc that [he mortgagor sFiail and will pay all taxes and assessments lev'sed or
<br /> "�` assessed upon saidpremises and npon thirmortgaga and the bond secured there6y befbre the same shall bewme dei9nqaent;to Furnish approved '
<br /> � insurance uptin'the buildings an said premises situated in the sam of S §5,QQQ.Q� payable to said ASSOCIATION artd'to delivet ta said
<br /> �ASSOCiA1'ION.the policies for said�insurance.;and.not to rnmmit ar.permit any�waste on.or abovt said promises;.' � .
<br /> �,� in case bf default in the perfarmance of any of the terms and conditions of this°mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entixied to immediate possession o[xhe mortgaged premises and the mortgagoi hereby assigns, cransfers and sets over to the
<br /> x morEgagee all the rencs,revenuos and inco:nc[o be derived from the mvregaged premises during such time as the marigage indetitedness shall rcmain
<br /> ;\� unpxid;and:the mortgagee shail havc.the power.to appoint ariy agent�ar agents it may desire.for the pu[pose.of�repairing'said premises and.re.�nting �
<br /> , � the same and collecting the rents,xevenues ax�d inmme,and it may pay out:of said income a2t expenses of repai�ring said paemises and necesaary
<br /> � commissions and expenses incuaed in renting and man�ing tlie same an3 of colfecting renta�s therefcom; the ba3ance remaining,if any,Eo be
<br /> ,.# apQlied towxrd tha flisct�azge of said mortgage indabtedness:these righta of the mortgagee may be exerciscd ai mry tuna during the e�ciitzr�cc v�such
<br /> � dafatilt,'urespectivc o€any temporary waiver of the same.
<br /> `:'These Presents,1�owever;are upon:the Eondition,�That iflhe saic3 Mortgagur shall:repay,said�loan on�or before�t3ae mfl[urity.of said shareS hy
<br /> paymenY;puy.manthty:io said�ASSOGIATION c�f the.sum spzeilicd ira the Bond secured fiereby�as uiterest�and�principal on said�loan,on or-b+e1'oce
<br /> ��`:� che:TWencieth day nf each and everu month;uniilssid loan is fulty paid�pay a1)taxes and assessm�entsievied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br /> u � and zhe Bond secured thereb before de)in uenc furnish a roved iasurance u n the bulld' t6ereon in the sum oY$55���0,4�
<br /> ,y` Y. 4 Y� PP Po »�s Payeble
<br /> � to s�aid ASSOCIATION%repay to seid ASSOCIATION upon demand all money 6y ie paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance with interast at
<br /> '� the��maxiaium legal rute�thereon ftom Jate of payment•-,:l1 of which Mongxgor haceby agrees to pay,pennit no waste on.said premises;kceQ aad eomply � .
<br /> � wich at!the agce�men:ts and conciitions otthe Bond foc S 55,OOO.OO this day given by the said Aiortgagor to sa'sd ASSOGIATtON,and cornpty
<br /> �`S� with ali iha requirements ot 4he Cons[itution and By-Laws of said pSSOCIATION:then these'gresents s4a11 become nall and void,othenvise they
<br /> ;� shap;�:remain in�fuU £ore��and mzy.,be foceclused�ut the option uf the said�.ASSOCIAT10N�afzer�failure.fot�.thiee rs�onths to�make any.oF said � .
<br /> ,,� payments or,6e three months in arreux in n��lcing saic3 monthly paymrnts,or to keep and comply with the agreemenxa and condilions oF said$ond;
<br /> and Mortgagor xgrees Lo hava a receiver appoinled forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings:
<br /> ::��
<br /> ����If lhere�.is any r.3range in ownership of i.ize real�esxaLe mortgaged herein,by�.sale�or.otherwsse,then the ontire re�aining�indebtedness.hewby:.
<br /> �.� secured shall,at[he uptionrof She Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,Neisraska,bewme immedia3ely due and payable without
<br /> further notice,and the amounc remaining ds�e under sxid bond,and any other bond for any additional advances mar3e theremdor,shall,fram the
<br /> date oP exurise of suid option,beaz inzerest at the maximum legal rate,and this murtgage may then be foreclosed[o satisfy the amount due ara said
<br /> �"� bond,and anyother bond for addiuonal advasaces,together with all suass paid by said The Equitable Building and Loau..Association of Grand Isixnd,
<br /> Nebraska for inswance,ta�ces and assessmenis,and abstiacting excension charges, with interesr thereon,from date of payment at the m�ciar�um
<br /> �r � . legal�.rete,�. .. . � . . . .
<br /> „�> As r+orided in nd secured hereby;while this mc�rtgage iexnains in effect the mortgagee mxy hartef[er advance addicional sums to the
<br /> makers a id 8os�d,their a ' ns or successozs irr interest,which sums ahall be within the secwity of this mortgage[he same as the funds originally
<br /> ` securad eby;the to a]a� unt of principa3 debt not[o exceed ai any time the original amoue=t o!this mortgagn,
<br /> � 's,. 21st�aayot March A.D.,is�77 `-.��""`�
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<br /> G'� _�_�-�_
<br /> V..
<br /> - ;�iarga��n
<br /> 7, s�raaE oF NEsxnsa�n;� 215 t Ma rc h 77 �
<br /> � . . .. ss. �. � Qn this . day oF � � 19 ,befare me. .
<br /> z Cl7UN?'Y�F HAZL
<br /> k x' the un.cie ed,a Notary Pub ia an0 For said Cuunty,prrsc�ally �� �^;
<br /> Fr�d �. Rauc� anc! "!argaret "L. P,auch, each �n his an�her own rig�it and as spouse o� eac�i �* `
<br /> t,� 4'th�'t' who a re Personaliy known to �a=
<br /> me W be ttm ldeaticai�atcsom S whoae$ame 5 d i'C aff.ixed to the above instruvncnt as mortgagor S an�3 they srveraliy M�,
<br /> acknaw+ied�ed the se�..iostre�ment.to be t�fT 1' � �voluntary act amd d:eed_ '�":
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<br /> � Y#.�t � Nr•�arial Ssxi�the dace aforr.ss�i:� �� `�
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