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<br /> T(} HAVE �f14D �'O Hf?I.D the same to the Ga�antee , Che Yfeirs or succ� ssors
<br /> �" and assigns of � ta.� Grantee 6 fe�:� ever _
<br /> 1
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<br /> And tlas Grarstar , for itsel � , .its succ� ssQss and asgigns does cowena.nt y :
<br /> with ; the . Gra�t+ee , the heirs or succassors and assigns of the Grante� ,
<br /> that it , th� Grantor , is *aell 'seized 3:n fee caf the lands and premises
<br /> ' ' ' afQr+esaid ;` t3iat it has goa�e3 rigYat to sell and conve.y the same in manner
<br /> " : - and �axm afo�xesaid , that t�,e same are free Erom al1 encumbrances af '
<br /> ; ` �hat�oever natur+e made or to be made kay Grantor , ar_ c3 that Grantar wi21 , `
<br /> . � ; and its succ+essors and ass_gns ' shaZl , warrant �nd u�.efend ' the same to
<br /> - `` Y the :Grantee , :the heirs or successars and assigns of the Grante� ,
<br /> �� �
<br /> �' J c'sgt�irist the 3.awftl2 ' c3aims - and demands of ail persons claiming ` by , :
<br /> � throuqh or. u�der the Grantc�r , subject as aforesaid .
<br /> � � 22� WIR"I+��SS W#�EREOF , the Grantor �ias caused its corporate name to be
<br /> ; ftereunto subscribed and its duly attested Corg>orate Seal to be Ysereunto
<br /> ;� affixed the day and year fi. rst above written . `; ', �:
<br /> _ _.___.
<br /> i �.- , �� � - .
<br /> , � i
<br /> : ;� ��Le�: � s : l �..��
<br /> 3 , � William Gorden Manaqer , Mar3s�tLx.ng
<br /> � �, f��e�'wJ °`� � ������'2`fi Pr�;aertv Max��.qemcnt and Divgs�eer�� f�
<br /> # . �Y-x' r <> �� - • rv : ,
<br /> r � � 7�. TEST : � t , c
<br /> , / .. . .,�;� ^� �"' >; T+: � e
<br /> " j .. . � ..c � LsJ. q �, i ...
<br /> � mrin�tt E . Rossman Assis�a�.�' �� F �«; `' .�`+'�` s
<br /> � -��� Secrefa � = ° "� `+k .
<br /> ��J't.�e%� �- , u�..�-c,r/:2.y -� !JFd�i ' F�, r��
<br /> ; $ v �°F.�rrr :J+ � , '
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<br /> � T
<br /> , � ,
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<br /> „ ' r #,
<br /> 4 `
<br /> �`
<br /> , .,; STATE ;' 4F PENNSYLVAN3A ) �
<br /> :� ) ' ss ; `
<br /> ;.,��, COUNTY OF PIi�T,ADELPHIA) `
<br /> ;,
<br /> -'� ;,
<br /> � � Qa th�is 15th day af p,pril , I977 , before me , s
<br /> ' � a Notazy Pub �ic withi—' n arid for said County and 5tate , personally f
<br /> < ; appeared W�lliam Gorden and E�nett E . Rossmam to me : _
<br /> �� personally 3czsown , who , bein.g each by arae duly sworn , did say that
<br /> �� i `t3Zey are respectively the ' Manager , Marketing Proper-ty Management
<br /> ; and ` Divestm�nt and Assistant Secretary of
<br /> SL1N DIL COMPANY �F PENNSYLVANIA , a Perznsylvania Corporation , and that
<br /> ' the seai aff�.xed' to the foregoing instrument is the Ct�rpo=ate Seal of
<br /> said Corparation , and that saici instruin�nt was signed , sealed and
<br /> r , delivered in behalf aE said Gaxgoratio.n bv authority of its Boa=d of
<br /> D3.rectors , and t2xe said William Gordan _ and Emmett E . RoSsman
<br /> ' ; a+cknowledged said instrumeist to be thcix free act and deed an� tlie
<br /> ; � ,
<br /> =fsee ; act and , dee� of said Corporation _ ' ``
<br /> ,,
<br /> � �
<br /> MY CDMMISSIOD3 EXPIRES : t ,� .
<br /> ; '
<br /> , • . .
<br /> .
<br /> . . � .f"r�Ao4lt � � � ` � . � �
<br /> . . � . . :�� . .. . ..- 1::N , .. . � .tditiF ruh1U� . . � ' . . . . . .
<br /> ._-.•— � . ,�, .. , .
<br /> . � , . .._... . .�,,, _ .
<br /> ` � �A:.�ILJd� i,�w � a-'(�I r �",. l.i.i. . . • .. �.�...w.. _ .
<br /> .iv, Ya._ . . . .
<br /> ` ,s.u ; c , . a, r: .�,� : �, lf.: � � SaTp `t�H.� Pa���'4K
<br /> . . . . . . . . . � � ,1+A� w�'&� .
<br /> � . . . . , . .. . . : . . . . ' . . ^ . . . ., ., . , . � . . . . . . � .
<br /> THIS IL+ISTRUI�NT : PREPARED BY : �'RANK R . ROARK , JR, � ESQUIRE , ,, '�� � " s,�'
<br /> , ^ i
<br /> ., ; �I7N ��'3I.L .C4Nt�A�T3t QF PENNSY'�VAN'IA� 16Q'S WAI:N[7T STREE^l', - ' � � �
<br /> >�. . :
<br /> `� , ' PHIT�A3JLI,PH�,� PENNSYLVANII3 19103 . .�, ;' "
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