i�;; . � . � � . . . � � . . , ti e.. ...
<br /> . . . . . . . �� i.
<br /> { x �4 .,- ^iy 1
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • „4«�7a71h
<br /> �' : . . . . . . . . . . � ..., .. . _ . . . . . . . � � . . � .
<br /> ;. noE extend or t�ostpone tl�e due dnte ai the 3nonihiu iriatrnl}ment� ' referrer! t�� in p�ara�ruphs 1 �.nd 2 {�ereof �r
<br /> change Glae rtmount, of such 'instal[n:errts.''
<br /> � IQ. SerrowarNof Raieasecl;: l:xtettaion of tite # iute for ranpxue,nt or muc�ifieatian oP ainoz•tizat_ion o£ the ,sums
<br /> f , T„� secar�d Uy tliis �1vlortgA�e �ra�ited uv I,encter to ctny �ur,cea�or in 3aterest oi Botror3:er 5t�a11 not opera.te to release;
<br /> in uny rntsnner, ttie liabiYit}^ oi tlie nsi�inal Tiorrair•er anct I3orro�c-er:� successors in interest. I,encler shatl not be
<br /> j � ; requirecl to aom�nonc,e ���occedings agxr.inst'suc}t suecessor oa- reh�se ta exCend tiime for payment or otherwise niadif,y
<br /> n
<br /> ` � amortization o€! t1�e sums securec� k�y t]»s �tlor#gage lay a•easax of an,y demuz�c� n�iide-by the ori�intc3 $orrower and
<br /> ' � J �onnwer's sueeessors in,interest.
<br /> � . 21: -Farbeat�ece by Leuder Not a Waiver., Any forbearanae by Lender in exercising any right- or remedp
<br /> p` -<. K � hereunder, ar ot�ertivise ',afforded l�y anp3ieable lakti=, shalt � ot lae u svai�rer oE or preolude the -exereise. nf any right
<br /> � ; '� 1"'+i ' or remedy hereutider. The procugement af insurance or ehe- pu.yment oi tuxes. or other Iiens or charges by Lender r ±,
<br /> � 'f shali n�at be a �vai�er bf ?Lenda:'s right to' aece2erate the ��aturitv of the ;.—�d�btedness secured by this i4fort�age.
<br /> # 12:. Hem�Bies Cuaiulahve. ; 911 s-emedies procided in tliis 1�lortgage nre;distinct and camplative to nny ot6er
<br /> °� ; righG or remed-y-.�ndertlits �z�Tflagi: �r nfforded hv 12��� or enuit}x, unri mn.y ��c exercised �onettrrentFy; independ- `
<br /> c ; , entiy or succeasiv�ly. ° '
<br /> ? ' 13t . Successers aad :AssigsxsBouad; Joiat and Severc;l Liability: Captiaas. T3ze cav�nnnts and agreements , ' ' _ �,'
<br /> �, ^. i ` herein contained shatl :t�ind and.the ri hts }iereuniier siiali innre to tlte res ective siiccessora and assi ' >:
<br /> . > b , P gns of I.ender � ' :
<br /> , � �F : and $orrower, sisbject to the pcovisions of paragrnpli t7 ' liereot. :111` coyens,nts �nd agreemezits of Borrorver shall ` ''
<br /> „ ' be joint and seueaal. TRe captiuns snd headings of che parzcgraphs oi this � li�rtguge are for conveaience only and � '.:
<br /> " } - arenot ta be qsec� to'iaierpret ot• defrne the,provisioizs liereoi.
<br /> � 24. NoGce. ' , any notice to' Borrocver'provided ior in tTe�is \lortgage slralt 6c �;ii-en by mssiling sncli nobice: by
<br /> tl eertified mail i�dc3xessed' to Borrower at ttie Property Acldre,s stat�d bclow ; escept. for any ' notiee zequired under
<br /> ` ,, { paragraph 1$ Eter$of to ' t>e �iven to Borro�cer in tiie �nAnner preseribedbF- :spplicable ] z�tiv. ::�n,y ntotice provideci
<br /> for in this 1IoTtgs.ge shall he deemeci to liave tiecrn �iven to 13orro�s�n c��}ien �gi .-en iu ihe manner designated l�erein.
<br /> r . , . ,- ., ;.
<br /> � , . 15. Uniform 3�to:tgage: Govemiag Law; Seve:ability_ 'Phis iorm of mortgrxge combines uniiorm covenants ' ',' , '
<br /> r � ' for na$ional use and non-uniform covenants �vith limiied variatim�s by jui•is�iction to constitute a uniform s2cu- a; ,
<br /> , , � zity instrument coverin�:real propertv. This \Iortga�e shasl be governed by� �l�e 7a�i� of the jurisdictioa in �vhich
<br /> a ' e the Property is tocated. In the event that any provision or clauserof tl�is 1Sortgage or the Note ' conflicts ' with
<br /> , ; : app�icsble law, such confiict strall not affect other provisiQns oi this \[ortgagc or thc Note :whicls` ean be given
<br /> 5; � effeotwithoutthe conflieting provision, and to t.}�is end the provisions ofthe -llortgage and the Note are declsred '' �
<br /> ; . ,: :
<br /> t to be severabie. '
<br /> � � 16:: Borrower's Capy. Borrower shal! be furnist�ed a eonformed oop,y of this ?�Iortgage .at the time of execu- '-
<br /> , „ } tion or after recordation hereof. , , ,
<br /> a ", { 27. Transfer �of the Propertyc Assumptioa If all or a.ny part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ; ` `. _
<br /> ;, � or transferred by Borrower zviihout Lender's prior cvrit.ten consent, excluding �a) the creation of a lien or encvm-
<br /> � braneasubordinaLe to ttris 1lortgage, ( !i) t.t�e creation of- � ;�urehnse rnone� security ;interest for hausehold tappli- ; , ;
<br /> � " � s�nees,: (e) a transfer by devise, r3escenc or by operaiion of las.��• upon the deatli of a joint tenant or (d) , tlie 'grant of ' � �
<br /> „ anyleasehold interest of, ik�ree years or less not containing a.n option to purc:hase , Lender may, ut I.ender's ogtion, �
<br /> $ declare all t}ae sums secured -t�v tkiis 1loxtgage to. U� nx�mediately due �nc1 pa.ysble. Leuder s}ialt hac*e waived such � �-
<br /> � option to accelersze iP, prior to il�e sale or transier; Lendei: vnci the nerson tio whom the Propeity is tobe sold>or ,;
<br /> i.ransferred reacli aigaeemenc in writing ihut che credit of suc�i person-is sutisfactnry to Lender and thst the interest
<br /> � =� payable on the suzns seoured by this Mortgage shnil be at sucli rnte as Lender sl�ssll;request. Ii Lender has waive�i
<br /> �"� . . � � , . . . . � ` ; . ... i �,
<br /> � '' the option to acceierate prov��ed in this para�rapli 17 aud ii i3orrower's suecessor in interest 11as execute� a �rrit- i ;
<br /> �, 7 ten assumption sgreement accepted in ivriting by I.ender; I.�ncier s1�aU release BorrowEr irom all obligations .under • . '> "
<br /> Y � this Moztguge and Ghe IVote. ; ' ' :
<br /> � �� If Lenderex�seises-sucli option to accelerace, Lender s}iall �iiail 33orrower notice of acceleration in uccordsnce
<br /> ivith paragraph 14 hereoi,: �uch notice �hnll t�ro�-irle a perioci of not lees Lhan 30 days from the dute the notice is
<br /> ruailed within which Borrower inay pa:y tlte sums declared clue. IP 73orrower . 3uils to , pa�� sucl� su�ns prior to the
<br /> „� ` - � ,�
<br /> } ' � expiration of "such peiiad, Lender inaq . �vithout furt.liea notice or clefnand an B�orro�rer, invoke any remedies per- ` '
<br /> s`'; � ' mitted `hy psragia.�h I8 hereof. :
<br /> g
<br /> � j .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �,
<br /> t�" "� :��ox-UxiFoaM C:avExa:.Ts. $o� ri•o�ver aaid Lenc��r fizrtl�e�� nove���nt and agree as follo4v� :
<br /> �
<br /> � 18.' Aeceler¢�ion; Remedies. Lxcept as pro��idccl in 3�i�rugru��li 1 ? hereof, upon Iiorroti��w 's hreach of atty
<br /> ' � eovenant or agreemextt . of Borm�x�e> >n r. his 1lortgngu, inc3uc:: ing tLe co��enants tp ��asy tr•hen due �nv sums secured
<br /> .
<br /> � t,, � � � � k>y tlyis�� �lortga�e, : Lender i�rior fo 'acaeteratiou sl�utl niail »otico- co � I3urro�der �:�s � provided iir ��aragrapl} �� 14 3iereof :� � �
<br /> - € :pecifying : ( i ) ttae breacli : 12) flie xrtion requireci to cur� sucl� t�re�sclr; , C3i ii daie , not less than thirtv days
<br /> � , t from the date tlie �otice i� �u�ilcd to }3urroticer. I �y v-hirli �uch brr.acl� �iiusi t�e cu� ed ; and (4 ) that failure to cure
<br /> " s ` such bresoh on or Uefore tl�e date specified in ilie noticc iva� re.suix in acceleraLion oi ' tlic sums seeured by this
<br /> '_tloitgage and sal� .of tkre Pro�erty. IS ihe breacl� is not curec� or� or• befai•c the d�te sx�eeifiec! in the notice, Lender
<br /> � ' , at Lender's optiqra uaey declare all oi thc suizxs sc�cured by this \Iortgage tv be immediately iiue i� nd payable
<br /> �ithouf, further de��and und rriav ftireclose tl�is ,�lortg:i�e b�- judicissl proceedin�. J ender shall be entitled to cotlect
<br /> ' . f in such proceedin� iaA ex�enses of icareclasure . including. I�ut not limited tq costs ot ciocuuientary evidence,
<br /> ' ` abstraots and Gitle reports.
<br /> 13. $orzower's Right io Heias3ats. 1.`ota-ith�Lunding Lendei-'s ucceler�.iio❑ o€ the su�us secured bg• ihis.
<br /> 2�fortga�e, Bormw+er shall have the zighi to ha�•e an`v rroceec3ings begun by i ,� nder co c>.nforce tl�is �+4ortgage ciis-
<br /> } '•` contiaued at any �ime prior to encry of a judgrnent enfoy�cang titis �fort�;nge if : ( a1 Borrow-er pavs I:ender all
<br /> , sutne whi�h:would be theu due under this �fori�ss�;e. il�e A'ote:ia�d notes securir:g Future Advances, i# any; hsd no
<br /> ; ` ; 'acce)eratic�n qceurrxd; (i�) $orrox•er cures all l�rcxcl�e_ o: :i.,�• otl�er co� enr�7xts ar agt•ec:rnenis ot Surrower cou-
<br /> Ls.ine3 iu this 1fUrt�x�e ; : 1c j Eurrower yays aii reasuaiat�le e� �mxise: incurreci iar i,ender irr eniorcing ehe covenants
<br /> �' ar�d sgreements n! BoTrower containeri ii� t}zie 3lortg�ge anc's iu enic>rein�; I,enc�er:s remedie� as proti�sded in para-
<br /> ; graph 78 hereof, inciuding; but nob limited to , reasonable attoiney 's fec� ; i�t:cl td ) E3orrower iakes snch action as
<br /> ; Leni3er may reaso�.aably , reqturQ, to assure lhat the lien of ti��s \iorzgagc, Leincier'� ircrrest in [he 3'ropercy and
<br /> ,,, � Frt�rzawer's obligutaou to pa� the sums securecl ��y fliis �Tprt�age �1�sli cuqtinu� x�uixnpail•e�. l:7pon cvch p�avtx�eni ,
<br /> w' aml cure by Borrvorer, this ?�iortgage ar3d the obligations �e:ca:xred fica-ebv shzl ! r�main in full fnrce anct effect as if """�� '" �' "'�-. '
<br /> ' • - � �- . -.
<br /> '� . i na acoelersEion haBE occur� . Y,�: �, ;; . „
<br /> ' 2G• '3�9otnamt of:$s�3s: °A.ppaiutment of Eeceiver. Zeader ia Possess�cn. :�5 additionaI security 1�ere- � '
<br /> f under, $arrpwerh�rebp asxigns to I:end�er t.l�e rents �f tl�c Pro��erty. �3rovideci t}�at ]3orrow-er s13a11. I>rior to acce2er- "�� .
<br /> �' ,� ation under paragtsap33 i$ �ereof or sbandonment of the Prv�ert,y, h�ve the ri���t to collect s2ad,retain such rents A� �
<br /> �e, , : as they taenome du�, and �sysble. ,
<br /> ;� .,.
<br /> �� : U�a macelersl,imn t�ncler �aragrrs� 1S t�ereexf pa• abandonment Uf t'trr, Yrb�crtg, L�:nder. :n a�c�cn. b}� a�enf, , �'.":
<br /> l, ` : nr by jndsc�ly=ap�a�nnt�t: s�ece�versitaL� be encrtled #o ente�- u�on, take pos.�e�sion oi and ivana�e #he Ympert,y
<br /> � . a�d �o amllecL t,he �errLs oL:tfse Pro�erty, inel�adis�g thoue {�a�a di�e. .�il rents ceollecteci t>y 7.ender or t:he receiver '^ '
<br /> �.; shalibsa�lied $rs9� topsyme�tofthecoatsofmanagement ,oizhel'rc���criyancicoltcetic3nofrents , including, F>ut
<br /> :�ct Il�ti�et3 Lo, rec��vtss'a t�,ea, �ar�'uiuc�u. ui; r«.�+Skui'� leu��ur ma3 arnaunmLle a�wt,�riiay �. icrN:. nn:i t1�en to tiie sutr�s
<br /> seCnzgd i'tYp thie :�ortgage, �der and tt�e r�eiti•pr sl�ail be li�.ble ta acnount onTs+ fnr tlaose rents uct,uallw receired,
<br /> a � � �
<br />� . �..�...� �. �
<br />, . _
<br />�,
<br />