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<br /> 77-U02711
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<br /> ;��ca�-�ac;r t�n�v t�cx.._� � _
<br /> !'v'rOtiTALlM�18Y'THESEPILESENi`S;'f6at Jerortre Kc�micki and Norn�ar J. Kosmicki, each in his and
<br /> '� Mer own right and as spouse of e�ch other
<br /> : _ M�m��r�w•trcthar�e�e ur m�re-ln cnrts=,dcraWn of tfie sum of
<br /> T�lh1 rty Tiaousand and No/'2fl0----------------------- Qoctnxa
<br /> lauye3 to ssi3 rnun�uc bp The F:quitabFe Buil;iirs�¢nd Lc�an Asserciatioa.raf Grand[sfattd,Nchrarkx.6lorigagzc,upom ��(,� shaces oi siock a£
<br /> said ASSt�tAT`[t}N,Ccezi4�'zcatr i�7�. L 2Z s6?55 ,dta herebv gasnt, coasvsg anct snongagc tantu thc said rtiSSflrL:r'1TtUN thc fuliowic�
<br /> d�csrce�bc�i xea!cstato,situat�d in Eial: �'ounry.'ti�braska:
<br /> h° Lt1T THREE' {3) IS�.AND ACRES No. 3 AN A[iDITION
<br /> r
<br /> ,
<br /> �,.
<br /> �
<br /> �' _ . _
<br /> r.
<br /> �i�g�c.�#�er +vith�.a}1 ttte�tcnerrtcnts,l�err3rtsments as�d.appurcenances��Q�crr�mto bclort�:ing;.inc3adiuEt��atiac?to�d�3ioor.�^ovccings,�ali tvan�iUu;�se.rcens, ��
<br /> ° wint�<u�+shade� biinds,storm.witiduws.�awnings,he�ating,air�n�itiuning,.anu plusntai�tg.�nd w�atcr�x�ipmeeir and accessuries i3t+cre2a.pumps,stut^eS,:�
<br /> � reici�et_...:s;._,:?afhet�.fia[ures�s¢id eqtti}ament��c>w ac hercxf'ter att�chcrf co�ur.usee3 in cunnection wic:it::aid nai r.stat¢.:�. � . �
<br /> . ,a �:�: lttd whereas che said natartgugear haa agrecd asaJ��dees he[�bg>agme atz:>>t:ihe znaef�;agor:�iiall az�ct�wf8.�y atl:[a�rs�and assessments.�tevied a� ����.
<br /> asses�sed upun�said preanises and.u�a�i t.$sas�mortgagc and the.bond ucurcd thereby hetore Che aattzc� shaii br.eante.ielinquent:���m f`urnis€�appn���cd � �
<br /> z
<br /> �r uisurrnce upan thc buildings can�.said,premis�ssvtua¢re!ii�the stau iif 5 �(}�a�(j,�Q. �� �aayahle�tca qid.�.r1.SSCTCIi1TION�as�d��to delsrer���to said .�
<br /> � � ASSC�t;TATION ific�pctlicics lra.r.said.insursncc;and rrof ta cvn�anit or pern2it any�vastr:on o��ahnut ssid prcmises . � � �
<br /> s.,'�. �. . � . . . . . . . . � . . �
<br /> ,'� �� In cs��aE dcfeaft�ia the performanc�.of an}r of tl�e icrras and runcfitions of'�tP�is�mort�a�e:ar clic boud ar�tired�:lierebyy Lhe nx�rtgagec shall, .� � �.
<br /> uia d�n=and,be entiticd lo�ttxmediate possessian uf ihr mortgagc�i pre�nisz x nnd thr flioctp.agor he:eby, assigns, transfcix ar,�d secs ewer tce thc
<br /> � morz�iyec ail��Elre rcnts,"reve�xzies and incoesie.to ba��eiemrd fr�m the mor2�,trd}�temises.durit�g��su�:tx tiinc as the mpr'lKa�`e indetrtcdneas:s�,a3!cemau�.. - ' � ' ��� � �����
<br /> :° ..unpasd;nud tltc marCgagce sha311u�r�c tlae�y�:�wr.r t�a��x�int anp agecit ur�afiznts it may.desim £ar.ih¢��p�rposc.nf x�epairii�g�sai�i.}si�:atiscs��and���rcnting .:; �. , ;. . ����; .;,":':
<br /> >' the:s�nx and�r�i3ectinLt.tMc re.s�ts;mv-enurs and ivtcc�ztre,snd.it�nay�pay nitt��al'said�.ie��omc.alt eapenses�oi�repairutg.said prGaa�iscs and:necca¢acy ��.
<br /> n coxnmisaivns ancl a�panses incurz�d an rcming and snxnsg�ng 2hf sams and of naiketing re�ttats nc�reCrom: she bafancc rc�naaning,iJ any,cn br
<br /> `�,r appii�i to��ard sJ�e tlisd�srge eaC said mort,�age in3eL*sedness:thcse rights us`�!u vnartga�;ce�vap•be c�crciscd at mny time dudng t3ie cx[stence oCsuelx
<br /> dei"aazit,irrrspecxive nf arty te�rpnraty wai�mr af rlte saroe.
<br /> ,� � 1'hCSo�Prtsents,ho„sver,:�rrugwiat3zeti:nitdxtaun�,ThatiYticesaid!+lnirlga�;ur�skiall.rcr�a��aai�loasitin.ur.be!<aretl�ematuriYy.�afs.�tid.sliaresby
<br /> r,+ paymcnt;p�y manthil�s�saiu' �1SSCaC IAT10\of i3zc sum sge�ifed in tlae a-3und�cuired lteeebv as irctemst and principal�n sasci loan,un qr be#ore
<br /> � dic T'���rnheth�ay+of each anet��x�;ry monti�,until s;iid l��an rs luile�g:ai�l:pav s(1�azrs as:m asscs�mcntx tevicd agarnst a3id Nrrmiaes az�d�n th'ss t�tort�a�e
<br /> � �nd t��e Huud xcut��i thcreby_treCare 3elinquency;t uinistt appruv¢d ut}uraiue upi�n the teuttdie�;qs thercnrt in zhe sum�C5 3q;(j�p,QQ �apable
<br /> t�s�cd ASSCICIATIDiv;.�repar- to�said ASS(X'�.fe�TlC�:3V upt�et deznand all nze�rsey bv it(�sid fn� sucJi.ia.xes,assesxtnertts.and mattra�ice«�th uitersst aP
<br /> �z� thc xraaavnum}egsl ratc thererxxa fro�m ilaie of pa4�arsent all o:.Eteicli�So�tRagc�-�.z hcirh��a�zcecs ro pay;perrnit tio�vaa[c an saici premiaes:i:eep anS comply
<br /> �
<br /> y'� with alt the a�n�tmmtnfs and cnca�atsutts of the�iond trar'S 3Q�QQQ ��iRis d�,r givea hy the:�id RA�rtgaKor tu�,sid e1SSOC:I:L?IC)\.avid contpl��
<br /> t
<br /> ,W wtth all dit sey�uren�enksc>f R1xe Const3tution and$v-l.aws of said�Y5SOCI.A'€"IC7N: t}ien these persenYs shali i�oa�me nu11 and.vY�id,uci�erWisc tliav
<br /> �i sf�aU,�'cmain:in�futl fUrc.���aic8 anxy:Iac Yarrciciscd�at Ihe uptioxt i�t thr.�ssi3 ASSC3GiA"i'{C3N�aCter.tailurt��fcir titior��mi7nthx�tcs�nak� �..xy�, sa;d�- .
<br /> ,��c pavnr�nrs rar be tftree:rsrontha ai�.arreara i:s mak'ut�;�iJ�ti�nihl�{.�skments,c.s;tu keep as3J.cti�rnplp�°i�.i�tdte�a�r�erttea�ls.ai�d�ron.3itictns r�t aaid i3�nd; �..
<br /> �:� and�Vrtgag�e:acrccs ia ltate a receit�f ap�ointec!Curih�1�th in such lorednsu�r prv��ecd�ngs.
<br /> �'� lf t6erc is�n cltxn e itt�wncrshi crf che rra3 estase nxc�ra
<br /> Y tt p gap,�:d 4crc�n_ Uv safe ur od.erH•ix,tfa:eq the antim��rema�nmt;:rsadebtedness�here6y.�..
<br /> ,� sectu�d sCtati.ac the a�tia�s of'�'hc l3quits�ie 13uilciin�and Loan Asxuciauvfi caf Grand lsland.NeUras4:a:_�aama irnmociiaieh=due atsid paysbA¢withaut
<br /> �;� ,I'u�2Rck notzce;and z�c aitir�urax s�eniainin�d�¢unci�r said bon�4;r��od apY�thcr I�ond tur znv��ditiv�tal•rdvar�ces msde dureuzsdtr,si�at[,frotni�he
<br /> v clsie c�f exercisr-uf ssi�i apticaa�besr intex�est at tlx maxi.munr legel�ats,snd�tiis murtgaga v�sy then t��R�renFoseai to�tisfy rhe�mc�uni d,ue.wn&aid
<br /> � iwnd:xnd an�uthcr b�nd f�ac additionai advances,tta�rther witly all sums paic�6��ayid'('ht I:quitab!¢B�ilciing and Lsasn A�acia[kon caf t�rand 3sland,
<br /> ♦
<br /> 1Vet+ra..1:a�tur it�surgniY.„ta.�:cs snd xsscssrnenis;and a�estrarting cxtcnsi<�n chsr�cs,wit;t 'vitcrest ttiemon, CrUna date i�f p�vmezzx ac tttc r,taaimuir,
<br /> � ir�x�;�t�.
<br /> � ,As pr3uided in shc i3trnd �ecured hereby;whit�Ihis moity.age rrmaiir_• an e�3'ect clxr morc�agee a:sa�=hereaCcer ad�ancr ad�iti�nal suixis to the
<br /> �,� �naker�vf said liund,their na-sYE.ns r�r xucces�urs in intaresi,��ftich sunu5 sliali t c withi�t YRte securiiv t>t t3�is mortgage ciic s:une as xhe ituid�uragtnally
<br /> secured ttrcraby;�i7e ietxl atnu�unt af�+rind�+xl debt n�t to exeea�i at any tim�ttrn ori1tins)amount ciC rtsia in�rigs�e.
<br /> � ated titis 9 }� �tay af P'�3!,ey :�.[)..t977
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<br /> r,6 ... � �w^iJ . . _�'. _._.�_.__._____..., . . . . .. .
<br /> � KOsmic•�
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<br /> t� QlZilayi �. �C?5R11Ck1�
<br /> � STAT3E tJ��l:BRASAA,
<br /> �'��" ss. Un 71�is 19Lh c3ayof �2iy �y �� .l,eCurcane.
<br /> � G:+�ISNt'1't1�HALL�� � � � �
<br /> • tFae undersigacd,a?��>tar��PsibGc izi and far sald Counn�,�3ars+an�iiy ca�m ,+� +�
<br /> �z{ Jerc�rse K+�smacici and Norma �i. Kaserrickti each in f�-as and her own rig}�t and as spause of each r'!.
<br /> k", otF�' ...� .., � � .. �. . . � . .. � � wMd are �fis�snal�;.�i�„aun,To . �. ' .
<br /> a 1t
<br /> �, me to.�xhe idea�t3cai peraoa S w}+ata nninaS ]1"+2 atYieed to tkse aUvve 4nxttumant aa mazi&�SnK and Chf'y severetl�� " .k��
<br /> � ....�,--,. e.�'��r
<br /> : sckaxu�re��z!t�;3zd ar'tsunlc..-at fo hc Z]'1@ 3 t' vuiwus�a y a..�a��t,`rc�ai, ,r � �r
<br /> Si7'T'.�1S�a xx;} tw���ui1:a�,staru�l Saac3�ixe Jatc xiuzoaasd. \ ' . _-
<br /> z. � ? � �'s'��� F3 �r:.
<br /> n:, My Comanissioz�ezpe�rs �����•_;A� �,
<br /> � C�[`�YFR4k Mtr�,��y �kert„t u«cb e .«� ,,..s' �`�m.f�`_��.,_— �'"��
<br /> ;�� y� �.r:a�:i F.: s" ./`y''� ����!'�-� . ..
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