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. �.'� <br /> 1 '� <br /> , t�� � <br /> �`7_ UO2'7U7 <br /> MORTC,AGE <br /> ntoRrc::AGe Loa�v`o. 1 22653 <br /> xivowACL�E�vs��rx�sePxessNrs: Tnst Rod L. Shada and Cheryl L. Shada, each in his and her <br /> � own right and as spause o�F each ather, <br /> l �� �� � _____,_ MorYgagot,_whethcr one ar more,in consideratlon�of k!m sum of ,� <br /> Twenty Thausand and Nol100-------------- �LLwRs <br /> � ���baned tn:saidmort�gor by The�Equiteb3e�Buiidiaig and laazn Association of Gran3.lsl,and,'t�+°ebraska,?Nurtgagec,upun 20�}� shares o��'stock o( <br /> ��.. ��sa4d�,naSSOC�.IpT1Q�,��.CertificaCe N�:��L �26�'�J3�� � � ,do hcreby grant, tusivey and mort¢ag�e unto the said ASSl7CIATi�N tha Collowing <br /> � - described:real estate, situaeed�.in HaII Coun[y, '_V.e6raska.: . � � <br /> LOT SEVEN (7) IN CLAUSSEN"SUBaIVISION BEING A PART <br /> OF THE WEST HALF OF TNE SQUTHWEST QUAR�'ER (W�SW4) <br /> 4F SECTION T'v10 (2)> TOWE�SHIP E�EVEiV (1 i�, ; RPJV�E <br /> TEY+i (10) WEST OF THE bTH P.M., IPl HALL COtlN7Y, <br /> ` NEB RASKR. <br /> � <br /> Subject to a prior mortgage to th� �sortgagee herein in <br /> the principal amount of 518,9QQ.00f dated July 29, 7959. <br /> ,. <br /> �� ��ogethrr with.all tYce� ienemen[s.,her�ditamenzs and.appunenances tf�errunto 6ePUngvtg;incJudi�g attached�73oor cuverinZu,all windaw.s4;reens.� � <br /> � window:�shade¢�,hliads.,.sturmwindaw�s,aw•nings..#�eating,�r.ircondic.�oning;andplumbingandwatere�uipmentandacceswries.theret�7�,pu.mps,.stoves,:�. <br /> : � rctr'rEetators,and attaer fixtures and equipment nv�+u crr hereatter atta.clAed to ar vsed in eunnection wiih tai�f real estate. � � . . � <br /> � And.whercas the��said�mortgagnt}w.s agrted anti S�.ie.s hereby�g�ec that the�morcgsgur shall xn.3 wilt pay�atl taxrs an��ussessments levied�ot �: <br /> � �assessecT.up�cyn�rnises and upon tiris mnr2ga�e and�tha bond�secured therebv�be:ose t.he samc shsil become dalinquen.t;to furnish:�apprcived� <br /> �.��insurance u�wn thc�bufrldings on said premises site=ated i�the sum oi.S ZQ�QQQ�_Q{J payable�tcx��sa.i1�ASSCM:I,�.?IO`v and. to dnPiver to sai�i.. <br /> ..ASSOCIAT'ION�.the�gRlsciesSor s�id insurans:e:anc'�.nut to comrnit�r permit ai�y vvasZe vn<,�r about miG premises; � . ..� � �. <br /> � � � Inr:�se�of 1 fau:a in�fUrma�cs af'an.✓of the termssnd condi+.iuns�of.r�iis mc>rtgage or c.t:e Land secured hereb�,.+,the.mortgegee shu1l��,.��� <br /> .�on demaqrl.�L�e�entiti+eci to inzmediane�p�.>ssessinn�f[he mvrt�aged premiscs 3nd che mcangagar hasot�y assi}yu, tranafers and�sets.over:zo'the �� <br /> � niortg,sxgre.sll the teais�..revmues and income w tae derivod from th�inortgaged pr¢snYs:s during xuch tirne as the mortg,age in�abtednes5 shall zernau�,. <br /> � � unpai3.;sn3-tha inuri�:x�ae:shrli hayr the pr�wer tcr appo'e:et aay agrn.��or agents it m�y.desire�fur thn purpcsso oi'ragz+u�ing s:sid.pranuses and renting�:� <br /> 'tlre:samc�xnd collecting tha�rencs,xevenues�and inrorzie,and st may�rsy aut af sai�! in�urr>e all cxper�ses of��repairing said ganmisrs.and,ntccssaty. <br /> •a.�� . �: :cummissions..and ex�er�us io;:unod ia renting zrtd manaaing the s;cmc and oi ccall� thrrefcotn; the�baJ:ence rernainink,�if any.�to�be � <br /> ,�:.. �ppl�+:d towxrd.the discfiar� said moragage ind��bxeJness:.thex�s nf thr mor�g:ts;re cxescrxd at sr.�y time durut,r the existence uF such� � <br /> � defauls.srrrsprctive oi��any.tempnrnry rwe'rv�er ot zhe samr. � � . � � - � � � . <br /> V.,. �Thtsr�Prexnu,h�wever,are upvn ihe Cua��.ition,Th3t if the s:aici btortgagur�s:half repay said loazi on cst betore tEie macur{ty of satd shares by�� <br /> �����:fyment:gay said A$SQCI,�TSON�of Uie yum specifitc9 ia the$und x�>ured Eierzby as issierest�arid pr�incipal on said loan;can ur before�� � <br /> � �' �the.'fwentieth day of'each an3�e�ery month�.until vid 3oan is fully;pay afl taxes xnd asussments Irvitd a�yainst s:�id premfs��and nn this M�rtp,�ga. � <br /> ��� �� � � � . . . � . . <br /> „ . <br /> and.thr Bond sa.cured sl3ereby,botora drlinquency;I'urnish upon the�buildings�herrota ni the�sum of S 2C)�0()Q�Q(). .payabte � <br /> k� . ao said ASS�GCIA'I1C3��repay to said ASSOfIAT30N upc�a�denund aL{nwnry 6y�is'.paid for such tax:es,assessments.and insa.�rance�wich interesx at.�� <br /> � �.��ht znaacimum iegxl rete therron�from datc o€paymeni all cif wfiich a4�arigagor hrre�r�•agrees t�pay;perr:�i[no waatt un suiS prer.n.ises;keep an@ comp(y� . <br /> s� ... ;.�i[is :�c�eg:�. . _ �:i�.�.u�.�c��t - (.sr5 t��i,QOO_OO this c..a� �'.'��.CT t:e v-.i3�.' Kg-ogU>.: - �inT��vi<.,.ni�u��cumpiy�� <br /> . with xIl the.requiremeazs t�t�ihe�unscitution artd(3y-Law•s uf s.�.id Jta.:;C'?ZIATI:JN:chen cl�ese present��shall becurneVnuli anc�''.woid;atlierwise.ihey� <br /> ; �� � sliallrema_ia in fuJl fc�rce�and�.ay be.f�reclose�d at the optionot�.he said ASSOL'IA?�IqN afler tavurt.Cor three�mt�n:hs to.makn any of sa.ici. . <br /> � . �ayme:ats uz�be��ihre�e��munths in�arreazs in making said mon[hly payrnents,or tu ke�p and c�rnpty w�ic�'�the egreements snd cunditions e�!'said Bonrl;� <br /> •; a� '��� � snd Alortgagor a}ees.ce'r liave a ceceivrr xppc>inted furthwith in such zz�reclosurt.proc�edings.. � � <br /> � � If�ange isi owncrshi.p ot�the re:ml estate m::.rlgagti'u�.ltarein,by salea ur o�henvise,rhen the e�xxite rarnainin,�it�debLedness herGby � <br /> J .: ��steured[he op�.ion ut The Equitable B:eildang and Loan Aswr.fation uf tirand ls3.and,�ibraska,brcomc'rmmtdiately c�ue and payebte v✓iLhotrt <br /> : � . .surthex notice,�and t6e�amt�unt:�[eir�ning due.under said bond,a:d any uther bond for any a3ditsr.rn•r1 a�va.ncrs sna�de theraurtdcr,shaU,Irom ahe <br /> �, � date�of txercise of�saici c�pciqn,bear interr�at the maximum le&al raxe,and tlus m�rtgabe may then be foreclased co stisly t�Ze unount due on said� � � � <br /> ; „�. �.�. bond�,and an)�other.borsd for addstional�d�ances,zogrther witls aii scsms pxid h}�said The Equitable Su.ileling snd l,oan pswo,sxfiun oi c;e'xnci 1�'iarid,�. <br /> . "_tiet�iask2.for insurance; �axes and xssesxenents,and abst�acumgexteresiori charges,�wi3h interest �t�ercon, fram date uF pay[r�ent at the maxuzxum� <br /> � �C$3I iBSY. . � . � � . � .. <br /> � As pzovi�eii in tfz�k3ona secw�eci herrby,wd-sile this anortgagn remauis iu eifcct the.mur�gagee rney hereafter edv�nce a�lditionat sa2m5 t*�ifis�� �� <br /> . � rnakers rsf s.�id Sond,.Th�ir assiRns or sue;ceswrs in i:�trresc,.x�hicti suac=_s shall be withisr ttae security of zhis marigage the the lunds origanaily � <br /> � : secure@�dtereby,the�.Yus31 xmaunt.of princi�a!dehi nut io cxceed xc any tirnz the ori�in�!amount of t3ais mcangsge. . . <br /> r� <br /> ated ttiis � �}� �3ay of �a� A.D_.19�� <br /> . -�GH���_�3�_�-�' J=�'.s.�-���!fr�..�..�"-+i � � . <br /> R L. 5na a Chery L. S a a <br /> S?A7'E UF N7:SRp',aI�A,l �. p�e this 19th day of �d,y 19 ]� ,beForr me. <br /> COt3�;TY OF fiA3::S.� <br /> � the undesaig.ned.,x Nota Public� xnd for said Cc�::�nty pessc�isUy ma �� :>"�^� ^ w•^��, ... <br /> #�d.L. S�ada ar�d Cheryl L. 5hadaa, eac#a in #�is and t�er own rig`�it an� as spouse of eac� o�er, rv,��. <br /> �� . . . . who d 1^f I10rsoaaliy known�tu � � �-� . <br /> ,.� �e�yi'► �R pezx�n S wh�se name5 i tY' afF�ced to tho abov�c instnunent xs marigagor5 an� thl',y severally °:x�,'�J <br /> 1a . •� f tn 4fe t#'lalT yniweer <br /> .�.. . t. s .. . _._..:._ —.P��'�"�9f�.4��c�._� �`�. <br /> t�. .. , . l,P?.,.. . <br /> � �: ,��'�� :�� '.�N� ;,my hxad aaa�otxnal:�seaJ ihe daac aforesafd. ,� k_ <br /> R:UMKsA, ti+ui 2rd missisan ex �� ��.- �� <br /> EXf"3S3 �Q � � . .Pxra .. '.` j{���,' �C� .�( ` . . <br /> � _�Pf/c+ f ..`3''��,k,. . ��s� '�` �tiai.,_...___._ . . <br /> ary 1 ubfic <br />� ��� * <br /> °+�()f �1'f..kai�r ''--.) <br /> �'.; _ <br />' i � <br />� <br /> c <br />