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<br /> ! . ..t�i.
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<br /> �"` ���i�"f��
<br /> q.}.i;;, r�A���r�PTr b�EU
<br /> 1. 'C'he City ai '.:,,ra.nai Isl�tirxd, PJ��rf.�ska, by �etiun af it;s Citf C��unei2 c,n r�.�,rch 7,
<br /> 1977, enacted Oxc3in�srs�� Tso. 60a� whic�i direct�d the convey�nc�* ot' *_h� rr:aL estite
<br /> cieseribed below axid t�se Lnanner �nd te�ms tl�ereof.
<br /> �_..
<br /> ?. Orciiz��,nee N�. 6099 was published in ttie �r�r�c3 Isla.nd Dai1,y :�ndependent �.cccrciing
<br /> t� law, and notice uf "such sale a�rtd t�e terms there:�£ was p?zbiishee3 �n Y,he f;ra,c�+3 Is�and
<br /> I3aily Z'sade�endent for three �c�nsecuti�:e aee•ks, or. !4a.rch 11�, '�+.arch C�.;, a,nd N?�;rr,h 28, 1977,
<br /> r�ll as �^equired by SectiGn l�-2�2; E.R.S. 19�+3.
<br /> 3_ i1'o remUnstr2zzce �ainst such sale ca:zs i'zled .�;ith the C.i�y Cntasicil u1` the City
<br /> of Gra.,.�� ;S,1r�nd, Nebraska, ;aith?:n thi-st;{ d�.ys oi: the o�ssage and pub�.icaticn �f th�
<br /> flrdin�.nee �;o. 6��39:
<br /> 4. Section 5 af Ordina�.s�ce No. Eit.i9�3 pravides that if' nc: remonstra.nr.e be �:ile�
<br /> s.�ainst Sueh conveya:r[ce, tne ?�+ayar anc City Clerk-Finence �irer_tor sna22 mr�.�ce, execczie,
<br /> and del�ver to Ethe1 E. �'erkir�s �, warrrinty deed i�ar sz..iti real: e�tate� and the ex_eeution
<br /> =>f suc�i dee@ is hereb�,= :�uthorizec wi�i�ouc f'urther action on behalf o�' +he !'ity Caunci.l.
<br /> N�7, `i�`EREF��,, tk±e Cit,y o� Grand Is1�.nd, Nebraska, a munic=nal enrp�rutScn
<br /> in Hal1 County, Nebraska, as t�s•.:ntor, iri consi8eraiior_ :;f �1,Oj0.0�? rereived f'resm
<br /> :�xantee, cioes laereby �ran�, oar�zain, sell, canvey, a.nd ccrifi� unto
<br /> r�l"�-1"� E. I.=EPyINS,
<br /> herein ealieci the Grarstee, �he fe�1ow:.ng desrribad real broaert,y i.n �a11 i;c�urttg,;Ptebxaska:
<br /> Lot Seven (7), Black '�t_n !10�, [rc>i+le'� Aclditian to 41-e Ci.ty
<br /> o:' Grx3r_d Island, H�:11 CounL•y, Nebraskz.
<br /> T� have and �o hold the above descr.ibed premises, togeiher vritn a11 -cenemen�s,
<br /> i�eredit�ients and app�.zrtenances there�o be2ongi:� wnt^ the t>rantee a.rs3 �� Grautee's
<br /> �eirs, c`ie*iisees, execu.tars, a�3ministra.tors, sueecssors , 3z7d assigns; fc,rever.
<br /> Assct:the Grantor �?es hereby covenant wi}h th� Grant•ee and with Lse,ntee's heirs,
<br /> t�evisees, er:ecutQrc, acimir!is�ravorY•, success�rs, ;,nd assi��s ii��.t Grantpr 1aUr#'uZ1y
<br /> seized o£ said premises; tha� tney are !"'ree fr�m encu�t�rance, except easemP..�ts a�„•.reoord;
<br /> that Gr�:ntar i3as �ood ri�ht. and lawiu� zuthority to ec�nve3r rhe same; :artd that �arantor
<br /> warrants and wi11 defend the d:iL=e te �aid aremises a�ainst viae lawz"u1 elaims o£ all
<br /> persons ,,�homsoever.
<br /> . ,. � �D�;ted�/2�/VI.�'y.�� T7, �
<br /> c ° �i�y���}?TZ L"� iFiAND TSI�A,N�? 1TEBRA,SE�Fi
<br /> �. ; _
<br /> R��RA..SlG�. l7CGU�,4EN�AnY ( �;, -��°j�tunicipal Cospart3:uir3n
<br /> � �;aTA":I�TAX� r',d :r � -""��,� � � �
<br /> �;'��� �.� 1�1� '� �3y �/ v�.�--.C`�_.
<br /> �, � � ;- � `Y identi of' t�e CcunciZ
<br /> _��x;36�r...�bY ��-,-.-^=�{ '`:x `'��� ,
<br /> '` ,, C_�y C erk
<br /> �T.�TE C 1V�;BR�+.SKA )
<br /> ' \�'.;:Mt . � .
<br /> � S� �l4iEA��'±i i 1cl 76 A5�'�1!"
<br /> ": C.OUN'T�,.+3�':IiFaI,3; ) ._ .
<br /> ; A��'�re`'�e,-t�. riatary public auaiif=es3 Fcr swid �.qus�iY, Persa�nalZ;y> c�.M� J. ;�. b9inrs,
<br /> i'resid�i2�^"c�� -Y�ie �auncil c:f the City �s=' _r,ra.nd I>1�nd, TF�br�sk�., ca mun_cig�.� cornorat���,
<br /> Iuipur.e ¢,cn-��`�o be ihe `r'res:ident �.f' tlze Gotartcii ::cid ex c.f:_ci� ;ravcr c=` sur}� !:i^'y. 'r-nct
<br /> +,-. ;3 ��.., r 3. .,:a H. „_y -
<br /> . >
<br /> �� �. .._._ �.r� ,. , r ,y _ _ ._ .._. _,��. ,. ....
<br /> w _„ .�. w� ,,I-^�;•1�.1:ea :; _:;ie
<br /> �a.�na:tur�* +.o be 3zi� Zc•���ary �c�-t :.nd �ce3yp�su:a�t ._ D.�in•�nce nio. E0;�9, ;>.nd .:'r:aU�_„�
<br /> ccirpc�rat� seal w:�s ihereto a�'i.'ixea by prcper �uthoriiy�
<br /> W_Tu-"�ESS m,y ;c:a.ua,and xi�i;�.riai sea3 tnis r'�{�,¢L�2,c.-e. i..�, �'y 7?'
<br /> � �,
<br /> t�afru�tr�wtr-axu.o+tt.`n+tic ��/" ,'`t �` i . , rde �,1�r`
<br /> � A!!�a fNE J_ �C{M6 _�,,lr^,_.�e.-.-x..z.i .J. � 2 rr„�� ' � ,
<br /> i Ivcat� `P'ubla:C
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