<br /> I .�;...'',,�,
<br /> � 4TA.TE QF NEBB.i#,�d, Conaty of __ . _ _ . _. �
<br /> ....»..............�,.._..............._...._..,.---..
<br /> F'iled for record and enter�d in DFnmericai Tnd�
<br /> on .....,.__......._.....,,..........................._...».at .._............. o'clack ......�......... Bi:, �TA"1'EMfNT At'1',�G�+6iw
<br /> and recosded in Deed Reeord ............._............,..,,Pa.ge ..........................._..
<br /> . ........ ........� ....�......_.............._ Bq ... ......... . ..:......,.................._.__._.. f ivcorcr�Sn� ua7CUN3f[�iTARY
<br /> Gountg Glerk or Deiputy Caanty Clerk or STATst�f�"t"RX
<br /> Re�ieter of De+eds Deputy Register of �2eeds
<br /> �.�; ��� � �; ����
<br /> ; 77»,��2�S�3 WARRA.NfiY DsEE�D � � ��''�,,' .� �Y�
<br /> � , ,
<br /> „ � � � .
<br /> ,., : �
<br /> ? ' Aarct�iy Lepp and t�tilbur LePi�, wife and husband------------------ ' ``
<br /> " ----r----__---------------------------, herein eslled the �rantor whether<ane oa±e�:re, �-
<br /> �
<br /> 'ry ` ' in eonsiderat'aon af division and partition of real property
<br /> ��� � �
<br /> rece3red 3rom,grantze, does grant. bargafn, seIl, convey and<evn€iriu unto
<br /> °'.; A1vin IIenman ---------------- --------------------------- -------- ' ,. A"
<br /> ,
<br /> ,,;.; ,
<br /> ;. � Izerein eslled the grantee whether one or more, the folloming deseribed real praperty ia
<br /> s
<br /> n . � � � � �r� , '. �'.
<br /> ; . .....:.. ........r. �{all:. .........�.. .. ...__ County� $Iebraska: ;
<br /> The South Fialf' of the Southeast Quarter (S�Sfi;)
<br /> :` of Se`ction Twen�y;-tivo [22), Townsiiip Eleven
<br /> (11) Narth, Range Nine (9) , �Vest of the 6th P.i+t.,
<br /> y Hal1 Cpunty, Nebraska, and an undivided one-fourth (1/4)
<br /> iaterest in and to the ?Jortheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> , i (NE;SE,} , Section Twenty-two (�2) , Township Eleven ('11) North,
<br /> ; Range Nine; {9) tiNest of -the 6th P.M. , Ha11 County, F�1e6raska:
<br /> ;
<br /> i Ta �s.se ai;d tc ,hold tQe aboce deseribed premises taget�er with t�li tenements, heredatsanenta
<br /> ; at�d appnrtenances thereto oelonging>unto the grantee r�nd to�rantee's beirs and asaigna`farever.
<br /> And tT�e �rantor does hereby covenant v�ith the grantee and cvith grantee's heirs anci assip�na
<br /> �` thzt �rantor is lam£ullp seised:nf said premises; tc�at tltey are free �rom enenmbrance
<br /> �
<br /> }: t.
<br /> '� ` t.laat grantor has good right an3 Iawfui authoritp ta conve�� the same; and til�at grantor warrsnts sad:wilI
<br /> t3�fe�d.the titi+e to said premises against the lan-ivl. elaim,9 of sll gersoas svhomsoever. '
<br /> Da#ad ApxiZ; oZ�' 1977
<br /> -�, . "
<br /> • . .... �......._ .. .....__... ,� .::�'.�� --....... ...... ....
<br /> D9:3'q Lepp
<br /> _ ._ �, t�
<br /> � ', .....��r '�'� "
<br /> ' .���...�: ..........�. , ._�....... .......... .......�.....""' . .� ...... ......... ...:..� .��.�:' .
<br /> . .........
<br /> .,
<br /> loTi 3bur Lepp '-
<br /> ' , S'i'..t�..fiE;flF 3vE�3R.A�E�9, Couuty of .:.......H.�IxL.......__.......:................:...::
<br /> �
<br /> � Before me, a notsry Publir quatified for saic3 coanty, P�rsona�lly eame.
<br /> ,'
<br /> Dorothy Lepp and l�'31bur Lepp, wife and huSband----
<br /> ,: knvvcn ta .aze ta be the identieal g,s:rsoxa or persans uba s�gne�i;the
<br /> forc�oing instniment and a�.l;sio�ti•ledg;�si t'�e ezeeution #hererof tm be 2iis, ;�'�,
<br /> ` her rar their volnntary act aad deed: >. , ' , .
<br /> � ; +
<br /> �� Witsz,ess my hand d seal an ......�'i:��7�F �f r77 .._..,
<br />� �.e .. ,. ,. . ,...... . .. a
<br /> e . . '�J
<br /> s
<br /> ��.,�R. _...� .. .. .._.._._, . __._... .._._.__...»..._...L.�_..... PvOtaty Publfr� .��
<br /> ��;�,,14yt.t?.:�`?t
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<br /> r �
<br />�..` y , 'Form 22'iip:��ed by ��+Tebraska Si�Ce Bas Asa�ociafic� �.dm�war a�.�.�,..�- �vd�r.
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