<br /> � ..:;� `
<br /> � ^ �
<br /> r STAT.E �OF NEBRAB��A., Countp of •
<br /> ................................._.............._........
<br /> Filed far reeord and entered sn Nnmericai Indez NE@RASKA q(7CUPIlENTARY
<br /> ..........................._ at o'cioek M., STA:VIP l'AX
<br /> au . . .............,... ................ ................ _
<br /> .............
<br /> , and reearded in Daed Recard.. __.,......._........., Page .....
<br /> ..................
<br /> ' h��;y 18 1917
<br /> ......... ..._..... ........ ........., ss.... ........ ........ .................
<br /> f���,;�s,,�
<br /> Connty Cier�ar Deputy Caunty C3erk or ��'��'-BY'�#
<br /> Etegist�r of Deeds Depnty �tegieter of Deede .
<br /> �
<br /> � ` 77- U C3 2 6,7� WA�ZRANTY DEEIl ._ ar�►rFr�Erfr ,.i-r�s�
<br /> � 'f KENRY A. STANGE and DdR€�THY M. STANGE , husband and wife,
<br /> <
<br /> each in his and' her own 'name and right
<br /> =; an3 �s spoe:se of eaah �}her , :a�ein �aiied �he:grnntar wnei:ner vue ar s:rre, ; '
<br /> _ in consideration af LOVE and r'°�FEECTiON
<br /> � received irnm grantee; does grant, bargafn, sell, convey and confirm_unto
<br /> a `. HEN'RY A. STANGE (one of the Grantors)
<br /> 4
<br /> ' herein ealled the-grantee whether one or more, the following deaeribed real property ia
<br /> �' .:.Hall .. Gounty, Alebras�a:
<br /> r ......... ...._..
<br /> ,.°
<br /> r�.- The West Half of the North.east .Quarter (W� NE.4) and the
<br /> East Half of �he Northwest Quastex {�� NW4�, all in
<br /> ." � � � , �� � �i
<br /> Section Thirty-Four C34� , Townshi.p Twelve C12). North; �
<br /> Range Twelve (12�. , S�Test of ths 6th: P.M. in FIa11 CountX,. -
<br /> °` � Nebraska, containing 16.0 Acres, more or less.
<br /> t
<br /> To k�ave and to hold the aUove deseribed premisea:together witEa'all: tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> � aud appurtenances thereto belanging unto the grantee-a�d to grantee's heis�e and assigns forevea
<br /> , � And the grantor doeQ heretxy cova*+a�S with the grantee and witla grantee's heirs-and sssigns
<br /> : .; tht�,t grantor is 3nwSully seisett of said premises; thst tE.ey are free from_en�umbrance; that. �hey,az�
<br /> : ; conveyed subject to cov�nants, conditions, restri:cti.ons, reservatsons,
<br /> � easements of record and visible easemants, i� any, and zoning 3ai,rs, 'Yules,
<br /> � �
<br /> t�egu3ations and ordinances;
<br /> iaEgrantor has good right-and law£-ul autfiority to convey the same; and t�at grantor warrante and will
<br /> ? �efead.t�� tit.a tc sa:d pre�iise� ugainsi ine iawful e2si�s of all persons �homsoever.
<br /> ,
<br /> Dated May 17, 19 7 7.
<br /> � � J/�/�.-� �1 .l.Y..� c�� . . . .,L��,c�., ,—`� ��T... `������ . .aG�
<br /> , �.- ...._... . ... ..... .. .... ... ....... r .. .:b.
<br /> , .......... _.r..._ .... ....... G<'..i.l.Gi.C.... .
<br /> ; CHenr A_ Stangej'"".'.. (Doroth� M: �Stang�J �
<br /> 1� � ...:.._.. .:....... ,...:....:.....................__............. ..........�................_................................_.._.........•--......
<br /> . . � . . .. . � .
<br /> " STATE OF 1VEBRASBA, County of .......Ha3.1
<br /> I?eSore me; a notary g�ublic qualif.ied for said county, perso�ally exme
<br /> ;, Henry A. Stange and Doroth�y M. Stange, huS�.and '
<br /> , and wife, eac�s in hi.s and her own name and
<br /> sigizt anci as spouse of each ather,
<br /> known to me to ba the fdemtitial peraou car persona who sagned the ' ,,
<br /> foreqaing:instrument and a�eknowledged the eaecntion thereof to be his, �''
<br /> �� � ;.M •
<br /> her nr tLeir voinntary act snd deeti. - ,.�
<br /> ; � �.
<br /> � Witness mp hand and notariel esai on ls 77. `��'
<br /> . _ ta ...... ..............May. 17..._..:........._.._.. a�'s�.
<br /> r _ c' u�":
<br /> , _. ,.� „ -.�. z�::�.
<br /> ......._ ......�__ . ...---.. > ....... . ....... .......... IQota:x',v Public n.
<br /> -, :4Sv eommiesi�mn eznires -•••-••••-- -...�.,,,.,. -" ;�';
<br />�' ;
<br /> F'orru 22 A�pro�ued by Nebra�ks BtaLe i3ar lissociation a.�ma s
<br /> k
<br /> � ..,� �
<br /> a
<br /> a
<br />