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��. <br /> ���" <br /> � �" � <br /> ,�� <br /> �:.a,:. .--- � <br /> MOA7GACiE-BaMq�aad Loon Form�-tDlr�et G�dlt.Piml SS5•1 lEp�dap � - : <br /> � <br /> IVlORYGAGE <br /> 77� E�C►2 65� �No <br /> � � stns Tt�tnBNrt�,xnaa* du� I 7th ,,,r,o, Mav 1s�� �cad v.two.n 1 <br /> R(�E3ERT G. tNE�*IZL'' AND REBUR?4 R. WENZL', husband �nd wir'e, oach in his and her osvn righfi � <br /> � : and as spouse of the other T <br /> `� oL �`�.��� . �..�'nuaty,�ka,aa mo:tqegor 5,.. �d.Home��Federal Saviage and3aaa.4aeor.lQtioa pt Graod�Istand,-�� <br /> `^. : .. :'a corpomtloa rorgani:ed�.aad�.asLBng.under�tha:l¢ws�ol N�bzzaeka��vfttt'!b�yrindpal.offiea:�aad placo ol:�busiaeea at Grcnd IsI�d....Nebzaska,��... ` . :' <br /> �a�-aoxt9'Q4sa � . � . . �. . . . . . . . . . � . . � � . <br /> �" . .. .. � . . . . <br /> .� WISNESSEI'H:...Tbet�.wid.mortgagar S for�and In.�conuidaraifoa��cf��tbe.sum.ot� . <br /> , � TWO HUNDREE3 THf3USAND AND NO/t 00 --------_------------------------r�„�la=a tS 2f}fl�00G'.00� <br /> , . � the receipt�ot whlch�ie hezeby�aelmowledged, d� bp theee prewe3le morigage and warr¢at �unto�:nid mortgagoa, ita���succee�ozs and ��� <br /> r� � ${ aeafqna, fazever, all the lollowiag deecribed real eetato, aituated in the county o(_.__ �, He I I _ <br /> � � t"� and State of��Nebrvslm;'to-wStc ::' . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. � '..� <br /> , �^ <br /> ` �� L(�T E I GHT C 8) W!LDWOOD SUBD I V t S I O�S, A PART �F THE NORTHEAST QUAftTER OF THE PlO�T�IEAST � <br /> i r��;�pTco.�n,�4��Ew. ) nF SFrTinN T4�FLVF. C 12) 7QWNSHIP TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M�, HALL <br /> COUNTY, NEHRASKJi €� <br /> i �. -and- F <br /> _ # �>. � <br /> � _ . �� <br /> � ALL OF'L075 N I NE '(9) AND TEN t I G), I N W I LCiNOOD SUBOI V I S I UN, HALL CuUNTY, NEBF.RSKA 1 ; <br /> 3 <br /> –and– �� ,� <br /> ' � L4T ELEVEN C! I) W I LDWOOD SUBD 1 V i Si ON, HALL �OUNTY, tJEBRASKfi <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> j� Teqethev with alb..heating. 2ighting.�and.plumbiag equlpmant and�fi�uree.�acluding etoken and burnem,�aaeens. awninqs, slorm wiradowe �.� � <br /> . �S and dooro.�.and wiadow��ehadea�or�blindn..uned.�oa or�Sn croanection wit�eaid propeztp, whelher�ths same.are now locatedaa e¢id.propexly <br /> it �or hereafter��placs...i�e�eon. � � . . � . . . � . <br /> � <br /> �$ �:_70 HAVE AND TO HOLD�THE.SAME, toqether witk all and�aia�iar the tenemeats,hereditamenta aad appurteaaacen thereuato��belonq- � <br /> f <br /> t, . �f ing_or ia�anywise�appeztaining;lozever,and�wanant tho title�to the.aame. Said�mortgagoz S hszeby�coveaan�w[th said mortgagee.�.� 5 <br /> � <br /> s� '� that t he.�_ �� a r�' .�at ihe delivery hercwf,the lawful owner S�.ot the premiaen above c.oaveyed�aud.deacribed..a:s.d�� '�re .�,�� <br /> .. �# � . � � . $$� <br /> 3 seized at a�good�and.Indedeasible eatata..of inheritance thers; aa� clear ot all eacumbraaees. and that�he_�.wiIF wcrraat cmd.. <br /> j detond ths��title tbezato�.Yovever against�the.claima and.demands o( ali po�sona whomscever. + <br /> ; r <br /> + ���PROVIDED ALWAYS. �and�.this� instrument�is eze�uted and�delivesed to secuxe the paymeat of the sum of 7� ,�� <br /> � TWO'I',UNDRE[�3 THOUSAND AND NQ/i G'0 ------------ ---.- =------nott�n (s ZOO,000.00). �# <br /> with intereat�theieoa. togetber�with�auch chazqea�avd advancea as may �be dae�and�payablo to said�martgagee� under �th.e�terms aad.��`j <br /> S <br /> � . �, conditiona�ot.tha pramia:org. noEe�oE even�date 'tserewith.and secured hereby,axecuted by said:mostgagoz S to amd mortgQgoe.�payable� � . <br /> �, as�expresead in sa'u':.siuto,.�z3 to eecure tho performaace ol all the tozm�.aad� cond�hons.contained. Ihevein.'.Tha ta:ma.�ot edd.note axe <br /> hereby.incoxpozated.�hercin�by this�refereace. . � .� � � . � � �� . <br /> ��II�ia the�intentiea.and agreemaat.of the.parties heceto�.that tl�ia moztgage ehall .aiso aecura. any futuxe�. advancea� made��b� eaid. . � . <br /> �mortgaqor�S�� by.-ncdd�.mortgaqea,��and any aad all indebtedneae.In addiHoa�ro�tho amour.c above.siaced� which aaid mortgcgon;�ar.�my � . <br /> � �of them, may owa�to:said mortgaqee, howevnr evi�enced.�wheiher by aote.boQY accomt ox mLer.'vbe. Thia moriqage ahali remain in fu1L . <br /> b' ��Io;ae aad�:elfect:betvv�aea�She�parriea herero and tYseir.heire..pereonal.:xeyraeeaiatives, vuccessora..¢ad�.'assigne;�uniii aii�amounta secumd�� <br /> . ��he:euadei.includinq futura:�advaneee,�are.�pmd ia:hall with tnteresi. � � � . <br /> �r . S ::�.Themortgaqor���:�hezeby�:aesiga�_tow-id���:�c�crlpaqa�::G>',�i�,,'nts�:and��.3nmme:.ariaiag:at�.any�.�and�.all:times.lzom�.ea[d.�ropesry�aad: tt : <br /> 4� he;eby autbotize salr3.-muriqagee.or iis aqea6 at ssa opuon,�upoa�default,to take�charge-of nnid gzoperty.and�mllect all reata.aad�iacome � �'S' <br /> therefrom and�apyly SLa.�same to the.pnymeat of iataiesl, pr(acipaL��insuz�vnce�.pramiuma.�tasee,aeeemmeate. repairs or improvameaU��aeces• St� <br /> ?� aary to kecp:raid pzoperty in tenaateble.madit3nn, or ta other..charqss or paymenls provided tor hezaln os in the aote hereby secured. Thta. �� � � <br /> � � re¢t�assignment shalT:� �ontiaue 3n�force unul the.uapmd�balance oE�eaici aote is fully paid. The ta3ring of ywayeanion tiereundar shail in no $� <br /> manner preveat or retord said mortqagae�.m tLa���eollecuoa��.ot said suma�by tozeclwu�e�or othe:wiea_ � � � <br /> ' The taituze ot tho� aueri.aay.o£ its riqhts any time ahall nat be caaatrued as.a�waiver o!ita zaght lo aeseH f.. <br /> . �3 the-���aay later.s6me. ead..ta ins�sl..upan.and- entorce�triet wmpiience.with all .the fe/me aad.provialone u! said nole aad.of thia.�. X � . . <br /> . . .$i�' +ncr14a9e•�. . .. . . . . .. . . � � . . . � ��.. . . . . . .. . . <br /> � �t <br /> S$ �� ..1! wid mo;lqaQ��"paid��to eald.maztqaqea f3x+e entSre a�ount�due it hereunder,and uader the term�ccad proviniam . � � � <br /> �:��; ot aaid aota Les�by aeieured,3adudln4 tu=U+s��.advaa�as.aad�any�extansions.a[ ren�waL thareof�-�.fn aca:dans� w�lth:tha:1e:ma�..oasd�ptoviaiou�� � � . <br /> jthazaol,and.,i6 eald mvctqaqor S. ahall camplq vrit3i all the�provlatans-od said nola aad o! thia mort,gage, then theae pzeaenb�sha12 ba void; <br /> . otaeswi�c�taa�.r+smain.ia,lull Soscs�vnd elfecL�aad.��moit9a4se aLall,L�,the D�+maioa�:�,ot�all of smld�P:oM+�Y.�aad-may.�ct ii�.� , <br /> ' y o tion,xiaekae ths whols o! wid..aote-�acd.all.iadabtsdnea�= eNntsd°t6ere to ba Sa�mssllatol 3�ua md . ay�tareclowe thi�� . <br /> p � epr by. y payabls,and m <br /> ��` mortqage or-ta1ee aay���atLer 7egal.acttoa�-to profect�Sta rtghp-aad�trom tLa�datw oi �ueL�datault ai3�ttems cf iudrbtednea.��eevrad�hesebp- � '�e ` " ^*',5 � <br /> t% .'s�. rhalt draw intacest at��bpe r aa¢am. Appraisem�at.walvod..� � ${ . , op*:� <br /> �.. �T ��.ihia maceqaqe saoii ba aiodiny +a�..�� :��::a.u:.� «. t.L»' ..�-�:�u•c•h�:.�lre-asecuton,�.zdminletrate�a..�sumsuon�msci�cxaaiipi.0 d FS . � � '' :; <br /> � ..�: . � ... .. ��:� .. . � . . . s aa �� �� <br /> ,3 tha,.sb+r+iatir�.,.vmtir.�eF.�a - #e.�, � �. ' °$i.� <br /> " � i�h �� . . . t . <br /> 5 ,C,.�V 8 "1'h 2 1 7" . t, S S � ,� � :. <br /> � '#$ �:it�.1fii3'N#�{9 :SRi3£fl£O$ aaiFl Mo�t9a4as —y.�.--- heuunb s�i��.. aarL_We.daY and.yeu=Eint aiwva i ., <br /> , 3 wrii»n_ .:ry � ,� <br /> �.. f,,.'''- . �� ""fi � � -. i. , i i l f � �..� /,t..�" i�� � <br /> A�rF�� �� <br /> ber# G_ l�ervzi bur a R, 4da�" <br /> � _ I„_ � <br />� — _ � <br />