<br />�.::
<br /> � � ,
<br /> �y � �
<br /> � �. �
<br /> �
<br /> nomE racC�nc'i or ;3aRt�onG zhe �ue clate of thc usc�r� clil}• in�< <rllme�rtr r�r•f*,rre�i to ir � par�gxaplr:, I an�i ': 't.ere.oz �r
<br /> cixange the rsmaunt of sra.cli installmentk.
<br /> 1Q. 73arr000�er Not R.eleasod. l;xtensio�9 of rtxe : iuie far Frciyiner�t .>r ic7alihcntion ��f amortizaiion oi the aums
<br /> �urecf v�y- t,his �lortgag� �grunt�ed by Lendcr to arsy =t��ressor� iir interest. of II�orrower �fia�Il np: oF��era6e to release, � � � �
<br /> in any insnner, the liability ot ,the ori�in�l Borrc�s�•ea• and 13orro�crr�� �uccessor. in inaerest_ I.ender shats' not be
<br /> � requireri ia commence proceedix:gs ap�inst sucli sucsacssor or rc:iusc to �x.-.enc� time ior payrnent or othenviate mwiify ..
<br /> �; � a�s.ortisaGian of the su�ns .secured L;v ti�i.� ilor�ga�e: 'r�v reu:sau ai :�rry �lema:;ai nxade b}- the ariginrsl }3orra�wer and
<br /> � u^cxrroweg's successors in inter�t.
<br /> � 1 L Forbecuaace bg Lendeu Not: a Waiver. �ny fvrucarancc by I.ender in exercising any right ar remedy
<br /> he�under, or otherwise afforded k�p a�apticable tatir- ; shatt nat ire a n•ai:-er of or p7reelucie tlie exercise uf any right
<br /> �' or 3emedy }tereunder. T"hesXrracurement af inat�rance or tlie �>a�ment oi taxes or otlier 3iens or charges by ' Lender
<br /> �" � ""� shs�lt not rii� � waiver of I.encier'y zipht ro aceelerate the anaturiiy of tt�e indebtPdness secur�ed by this �tortga�e.
<br /> � 12 RBaxesiies Gumuiative. All remediss T�rov i�lei� in ttz"ss �lortgage nre distinet urzd cumu3ative to arJ,y other
<br /> "' ri t or remed under this .11prt n c csr sfforded i>y ta�c or � uity, nncf ma k>e cxereis�ed canc�srrentl inde end-
<br /> h' &� Y B � �3 3' Y, P
<br /> , ently or �uccessively.;:
<br /> ,. .; � 13. Suceessors aad Assigxxs Bouad; Joiai �id 5everai-Liability; Cdptioas. The cacennnts and a�reements `'
<br /> y her�ein conEained ehslf bin.d;;and ihe rig;hts i3ereunder �!'iaif inurc to, the res�ective successors sxnd assigns of ` Lender.
<br /> 'y ; and Barrawer, sut�ject to ihe .pmvisiona nf psragrae;ih I7 liereof: ;�11 ca�.-enants and agreements of Borrok+rer shnil - � `
<br /> be joint and several: 'Che eapiiar� sn�3 {te3dings ot" tlie �inragraph. ni tl�is lt�rt�n�e ar� f�r eonvenience only t�nd
<br /> are rot to ba vsed fa intergnet or define t,tse provisionslicreor.
<br /> � • ` 14. Notic$. .�nv na�ic,c to 33orroc�•er rovidec.l io�- `in tliis \lort a e shalL be '
<br /> � � f1 �' �., �.,'SV'C17 ��)� 137ii1�lI1�T, :SllC}1 IIGitiCC �?V � � � �
<br /> � : e.errafied mail addresseci c-� Borre rer s: t1�e 1';•oRer�y ��.idiE,� ,txted hc�3ow , excePt, for any nacice required under
<br /> paragraph 78 hez�eo�' to h� g"scen ta I��r�Qx•er in ziac �nanner ��rescribecf . �y ap��licauic l:i.v. �ny notice paovided '
<br /> far sn this l-longage: sl�atl be cIeen7eci tc� hr+e•e l7ecisj �iven to f3orrou�er ic-izen �iven in i,lie niasnrner clesignated lierefn.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governiag Law; Sevezability. Tiiis tor:u pE' ivarcgage c�zneines un'tform couennnts
<br /> for national use and non-uniiorm covenants wi'tla timited cariations E,ti• jurisdiei.ion t.o constituta a uniforrn secu-
<br /> ��; ritg'� instrun�ent covering 3eu1 �>ropert�_ 'Phis \foi•r�age e}ial! l7e governe�l by ihe Is�4� o:= �he ��jurisdietion in � �chich � � �� �� � ,-�
<br /> a
<br /> - ; Lhe Property is locateci . in the evene th3t anti� provision ar clause oi �hi= \lortgage. or tl�e lTote canfliczs with '
<br /> - k �pplicahle lacv, sueh con�ict shzll r.oi affcct c,ther provision�, oi i.l�is \ fortgage or the 1�ote �vhich eztn b�e given
<br /> ; effect without the eonflicting �3rovision, and to this end tlie proe-isions oi the _llortgnge anr3 the Iv'ote nre deelared
<br /> ' to be severable. �,
<br /> t IS. �nzr,zver's wpy_ isorrower shai! be turnit�ed .:, conformed cos�y oE this llort�age at the time of execu- -
<br /> ' ' Gion or after recordation h�reoi.
<br /> ; 17. Trcassfez of the Propezty: Assumptioa Ii nll or anv pnri of tize Property or an inteeest therean is sold `
<br /> , `' ortransfeTred by Bonowerwithoat Lend�r's priorwritten consent. excluding ( a } t.he creatiou oi a lien orencum'- ,
<br /> y brance subordinaie "ta this biortgago, (: k�} Cfie .creation of `a purcirase monev seeuriiy ini;erest for household arrai-_
<br /> , ' ' snces, {cy � Eransfer 6y dez�ise, descent or by operucian of la�c ul�on f,he cieath of a joint �,enant or : (d) tl�e grant of
<br /> �, any 3easehold interest of c�res yesrs os iess noc containing an option to }7urchase: Lender may. at Lender's option,
<br /> - a d -eei�r� xii the sums �ecured by this i2artgage io 3�c intuaediaieiy due snci payable. Lender sliall hflve u•�ived such
<br /> :� option to accelerate ii, pri�i� to i3�a sale or cransfer, I.ender � rzd ttic l�eron io K�i:om ihe Property is to be sold or
<br /> i t.ransterred ieaci� agreemea�ti,^, cY"3`ILSL(�' tll3t L}1C CPE"dii ai suclz ��ersaz3 is s3:iisiactory io I.��iier and thst:the interesi
<br /> paysble;on #he stuns secdured by this \-Lortgage shait be nt sieel � r�ste u:� I��nder shall rec;uEst_ Ii Lender has waived
<br /> .' the aption to accelerate pro�-i3ed im tliis psra�raph I i anc� if 13orrmver's successar in interest iaas executed a writ-: r
<br /> � r ten assum�i-ioii:agreeineni accepted in cs�riting by I.ender, I.ende�• rfiall re�ease $orro+ver €rom all obligations under
<br /> , ;' Ghis �2orEgsge and ihe Noi.e: _ _ `, . '
<br /> ' IT Lender exercises sucL opiion to accelerste, Lender shu1l mail Borrower nozice oi acceleraUSon in accvidance
<br /> r- ivitia pat3graph 3�3 hereoi� 5ucfi notice slrall procide a �ierioci oi noc tes, t.lian 30 da��s irom the �3ate the notiee is
<br /> + inailcd �sitFiin ���hiel� Borrower ms,y pnti' � 4ic suins cieeiured ciue. Ir Barroner fails tu i��. y �ueh sun�s prior io tt�e '
<br /> �' expiassstion nf sur.h period, I.ender n3a��, ���ithout 'fui-�'srer noxice c,s demun�3 on I3brTower, ;n•:oke c�ny� remedies per-
<br /> ` i° miited �y paragraph; i8 hereof: ;
<br /> ; �,
<br /> u'r 3. � . � . � � � � � .. � .. . � . . . . . . . . � x .
<br /> z \'o�-L;� vrFoxAr Cor�xa:�•rs. I3oi•rower �nd lyeneler furtl�er coveuaait and agi�ee a5 - fo)lon�s _ -
<br /> � . � 18. Aceeleratiosx; Re�edies. X�:x;:e�t a�s proti•ideil i �i E,urs�ra��i� 17 lacreof. u�>on :t3orron�er'� i�reael3 ot= fln}=
<br /> f cavssiant or>agre�nent oi �orrox-er in xiiia .lfort�regc, iiulutt � ng tfic eoc-e:7�nts ro � �a�� witnn r�,=. .:j�:. • Sum� secured
<br /> , ,: by tbis lAort�ge, Lendu ��rior to ncec;ierution sh.tlz ivail ��oticc I;o I3orr���•�r as �irnvide4l in �}nritgrapL 14 liereoi
<br /> ' r, ' ��ecifying; (2 ) ti�e bT�acls ; {`> ; t3re :�ctiox� rcyuirec� to cuic r. ucl� f�rr�el � ; � 3} tl dute, not le�s tl�an tltirtv days
<br /> � franr tt3e daie xizc ;�oYicc is niai3e�i to 13orro�cer; In� i+-liicl� r•uc33 in�eac�li tii�st be rurec3 : ancl t41 iftat [silurr to cure
<br /> such breacla on or befnre tiie c�ate s}�ecified in tlie nciiice ix�xy� tY�ult en acceleration oi �lie �um._ �ecurec3 hy titiG
<br /> �1lartgage and saie of the F'roperit-. If the breach zs noi cureii �z: or beiarc. tlne r3atc sperifieti in ti�e notice, Lender
<br /> ut. Lender's op�wn nxxy c4��elr�rR; :311 uf 2iiE sun�s �tc� aiced t>y ffai. \4ortgage ia bc imu3ec3iateit• due snt3 p�yabie
<br /> ticitl3c�ut fnrt:her dei�»nd unci rx�s�• iorcclo�e this �1oz�cg�ige l�y iu�iicial procQed'zn�. Lender =1�a1! fxe entitled to cal?ect
<br /> in sucl� nraceeding ull ; expen4es oi fareclos�re, inclnclin�. l�int naz 1 "s�ti:itec3 to, costs of docu�i�entarv evicience .
<br /> a`ostrscis and title reporta. .
<br /> ; 19. Bozrowar's Riqh3 !o Rei:tetata. \oCtivitlT.tanding l.e�xr.{ir'; ,lceeieration oC thr suixrs secured s�� ihis
<br /> �ior�age, Sosrower shaIl 2��ve ilie right to ha��e any- proceeding� Iregi�n br 7.c:ndcr to craforcc �kri� ltort�ag� etis-
<br /> canf.iaued at any t9me prior {.o eni�y� oi a jn�igmeni. enioTrin�: tt�i� �Porzgugt if : �; .� i Bc�rroiver F�avs I,Lncf.et all
<br /> * : . suuas whieh vc:oulci be then due und+er thio JIortgage, clic \ai� and notes �Qcurn�g Future Advanec�, if anys ha� na
<br /> xcce.leration occurred ; (b} Bormr�°er c�re: isll f,rea<•i�e: oi at��- otl�ei c�o�-.�n�n2� or :i�re� �irants ��i i3orrower cati-
<br /> tained in Lhis 11Sarvga�e� ( a � I3ortnsver pavs aiil r�a{�naf.rle c ti �e�n,�r� incurr,•�i i ,v I:a>ruier in cnforcirrg the co�•rna�nt.
<br /> ' and �.greemreAts of Borrow�r coniaaned :n i.}�is \Iortga�;e and ac� eniot�cing I,encier', remc•die� xs �5rovided in �ara-
<br /> ,' gragh 18 hereof, inaluding, but nae iin�it,e�i to, reaaonaUie attoa�a��''s ie�:� : atad � d t Burro�•er t�kc� sucU activn a�
<br /> �Fi �
<br /> Lead�er may reasonsb7y mquire tcz �ssure tlirit: the iien o[ tlus 1lortgr�ge . I:t�nder's intr. msti in tise Ympertc nnd
<br /> BorroR•er'.s obIiga�ian io ps.�s Lhe saums secured liy t,hi: '�fott�s�e :9i.;11 cc�tiuur �i�iimpair-c<� . I"}>an �uch ��a�-meni �
<br /> aad .cx�re by Borrower, this �Zortgaga und ihe obli�ati�nr sc-curec� lierek,a- = fiail remuiri in �uli force snd efl`ect as if ^"�� „ " ,�'�
<br /> � no sc,caeleratian .l�a.d oo�urreci. � � � � � � �.
<br /> � � �ccuritu nc+re- . .
<br /> 20. .�ls�gamsat o! Reasts Aptawiat�xeat o! Aeaeiver; Leader in Pcsaession. 4, s<lditivna.l . � • r 1
<br /> under, $urrr>wer hereby assigns to i.ender the re�tc of the Pro{�eriy: i>ru�•icicd rl�at F3orrow�r sha31, ��rior io seceler- ' ��,��
<br /> � aLion amder paragraph 18 t�creot or abandonmenu oi the Pro��ert� . ?}a�•e t:i�e rigi�t xo coifu�[ and rntain si.cli rents
<br /> �. . , �
<br /> t sa ,the� n�w�e due snd pav�b3e. ;,�'� ,?
<br /> ` �?pon ac��e�+era�i+u+ un�e �r�rsgrea��!� ' 7 £� 3:erectf n, s{:s:;:?qr.:=^c..i c; :':r_ Y�c,-zc^ti , L���:.'c :. .c, } .crcun� t,} �get�t
<br /> � , .
<br /> or "bw judicia,3ay appuini.e+3 rece+vc�r s?�all tw Pntit)P*i *o �nrer n;�oti . ! ni:� =,u�<� =,c.^. nt y._d :a:::LL�c t�:c Yra,"�. rn� ` ,
<br /> ;� antl 2�u ca3�ec�3; t.he reni,s nf �he 1'rog�erf:vt irsclad�c�g tkaose �xast <1ue. 411 a�c=ats coiiecteci i>r Ltuder or tht recreiver
<br /> ehall beap�alied itrst ta paym�ent of the ecrst,e oi n[iat�a��e�nc�r3t of zTie Pro�>er� y and cc�llf�ctior= o= rr nt�, incindin� . but
<br /> not lissaited ic+, reteiver's fees, Y.^�nta�xns siin xrceiyer'r boxcd. aaci rca4onttLiY attornr�� 's if�-�. an�a tFst�n to the -un��
<br /> secured by ttcis ?VItsrtgage_ i.en�les and #he mcei��er �,t�r�3t }�c liutalr tn accu�sn ' oniy ic7r ifioce re�rrt�: accu£illv r���ei�•eri .
<br /> � �'r*"+w _ ..� �
<br />