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� �'� , <br /> � �'� i <br /> ,-L- — � <br /> � <br /> jND(1FIDUA� <br /> DL7E t1N SALE <br /> ��' OPTIC�NAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> �ws SAVINGS �EIND <br /> : .i���r-....�oR�+ N4.720 . . � <br /> Li ry __ <br /> r . Loan Number_33Q6Q __ �=_,.i_&8 ____Pl���n <br /> :k : <br /> , �'e�- 0(}2646` "J! +�Q R T G A G E <br /> ; <br /> ; T�-IIS 31:+iqR'I`C=AGE, rstaciE an;l+�xe�.u#ecl f h�s , � da5 of:. ��{�.c� A L?; <br /> `; I�J..__.+.�+,_..,laetween the Mor{;�s�gor�Arnold L Thurlow arrd Zaura .t Thurlora hiiy�band anc� wife ' <br /> , T3. . .......... ........ ..r............,.., .. .... ..... .. .7 _.. ............. ._............'"_, � <br /> � : .].ui�t1Y..:and �ac3�;in_their a�wn rx�t, .,._�_........... <br /> . .. . _... .�..... ....... ................ - , <br /> ."` Grnn� Islgnd Hall . Nebrasks : <br /> � af_:_. .._....- ............ . County oE ..� .,..... ..._:__...---,..--..State iaf. ..,..... , _..._....hereinaftcr reEerrec� < <br /> 4' i to �s.the fiarrower; and tl�e \1art�agee, FIRS'I' FFDEF.�L SAVIi�*GS r1Nl� L�AN ASSbGI�3T`ION pP' <br /> I.I�COLN, '1235 "I�l" Street,'Licicatn, :�Tebrnsks 6S5t71, iGs succes.�rs rind r�ssigris,, l�ereinaft�r re€e.rred tt� <br /> as;Lender. <br /> ' VVz�rNuss�r�i: 'I'hat the said Bomower for i�nd in c�on:.cideration of the surn of FIFTY ONE T&OUSAND ; , ; <br /> - _.S.I�s,::k�uiy�RE]] AND,;NO 1d0 ---- ------------ � 52 Gq0 QO ' ' <br /> � ... .._ � .__"� � Dcil�rs (US � +... .... . �s; t.h� <br /> paid bv said I.e�ider, cloeG hereh mort age, *rant and �on�e� to I.ender rts �u�cetisor� �nd e <br /> ;," follnwin�d�cribed pro��erty locatesi in the Countv oE ._��?tl... St..te of �Tctirnsi,.n: ` <br /> � Zot; Three (3), Centen�.—ii�2 �=tardens Subditi�-3sion. Lity o�' Grand Isl�nd, "ria11 Cozznty, <br /> Nebraske. <br /> � � <br /> �j'. . . .. , . . . . .. �. .. � . � . . <br /> � TocsTx�a with ali t,he i�npmv�ments now or hereafter erected on the �1rnEaerty, �nd nll e:x�ementsr <br /> righte, appurtenances, rents. rovaltii:s, mineral, ail stnd gas ri�hts and profits; �vater, water rig�sts; and <br /> wntes stock, and ulI;fixturr.s no�v as attuched to the propertv, all af svhic�h, including replgce- <br /> tnents and additions thereta,shallbe de;emeci to t�a and rernain a patt af the E�ropertv covered by thzs <br /> ' ��ortgage; r3u;�l a11'c�f the foregoing„ t.ogether «zth said groperty (or the leaseholc3 estafe in t_he event this <br /> 1VIor#gage is,on a leasehald) are hc>rein referred to �s the "Property>". <br /> Borrawer covenants that Borres�aer is �awfully seised a£the estate herebt�canveyed and}ias the right <br /> � to mortgage, �ran{;Axid con�+e}� the I'roperty; that tho l'raperty is unencumberecl, and t,hAt Horrower wiU <br /> warrant and defend generally ihe titie t.o ihe Pmperty agx�inst al.l claims and demnnds,.subject to any <br /> easements and restrictions IisY,ed in a scheduic of esceptions to-covera,me in �n�� iitie insurance �cslicy in- <br /> sar;ng Lertder's inter�at in the Nrop�ert,y, or (2) atiorney's c�pini�n of title from �bstrnct of title certiSed <br /> �S.�xonded'aiastrar�ter. <br /> � PsovID�n Aiwats, vnd f.hese presents are e�ecuted and delivered upon the foilo�t�in�;conditians;a�;me- <br /> `� msn�s:and nb�igmtians of the Burm�ver, t.o-wit: <br /> � <br /> ! The$crrower agrees to x�ay ta the I.ender. or order�the�:�rincipal suin af.��FTY,.QNE_.TAQi,TS�7).,__.,_ <br /> --��I�-•iiI1NDR�A-�AAlI3_:NO-1-LQQ- -----.----- --- -- ..:I)ollars tL7S �. 51.,.¢.4Q Q.9::: _':.:..:.? <br /> � payable as�.irot�ided in�azote e�ecuted and eielivtred;cUncurrently herewith,the f�i psymenl of�annc.iEj�l, <br /> iif not woner paici.on i.lie...._..� L...__....._ day of_._...A�ri�. . . __._.._...... 19:�..... <br />� , LTNir^t�aAs CovsxazaTs. Borrower �nd T.ender co��enant and agree a� follows: <br /> I. Payment oE Principal cmd Tntesest. Borrower shall'prc�n;�lly pay when dut tt�e�rincipal ut and ii�- <br /> terest�n t.he in�3ebtxdness evidenced b�� t:he Note, prepxyment and li�te charges a�s F�rc�videci in tlic:�T�t.e, <br /> And the principal of and int,erest on any Future Adrances�ecure<i U,y this�lortgage. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Lnsur�ce. Subjc�c�t to Lender's o��tion under pnr,z�rZphs 4 and b hereof,Bor- <br /> mwer shrtll pa�to Lender on i;he cla_v mont.hly insiatlhnents of principsl ztnci inl;ere�L are�ayxble uncler t:he <br /> 2�'ote; until th� Note is paid in full,s sum Cherein "Funds'') equ�l #.o one-t�velfi,h �af iht�yc:arl,y taa:es a3nci <br /> ussessments ch•�ich tnay attain griori�cy over this I�iort�nge, aaul ground renEs on ttae PrvFseri���, if an,V plus <br /> one-tweItth of yearly �renuurn insta3lments for hazard insisrance, plus one-iwelfth of ver�rl�� premium in- <br /> staliments far mortgage insurance,if any, :s11 as rea�onut�ly estim�,led iriitialiy �acrd fr<�n� t.ime t;o t.ame tti,y <br /> L�:nder on the-�asis of assecsment;s eizsd i�ills aand reasonahle e�iimates theret�f,3,encier Gha11 a��ply ttxe F'untis <br /> i tc> ps�� said ta.xev;a�sr��tnentc, tn�urgnce premiu�s�ind �ro;rnc?rents. I.t�uder s}:a:i t.ia�:e ncx chas�;�: fcsr:,o <br /> holding and appiying the Funcia nr verifyin� and cotnpiling said assestir�erst.s and bill�. 'I'tie T�cncic>r�hmll <br />�the 33orroxyer;.without chargc:,an annuai<accounting of the P'unds showing credits»ncl dek�.its ia#.he <br /> Fuads and the ;aurpnse for which eac€�dei�it ta the Funds w��s rnade. The Funds an* {aledged as adr,�rtic�ns�i <br /> sec�ari�y fc�r the suzn�,secured Uv th'cs il9ortgage. The Borm�ver ugrees that i.he Fnnds rnay be held �iiy the <br /> I.ender aud co�niniq�led wi#.h okher issnds and the Lender's o=v,�n fundF nnd Lhe Lknder may pa��sur,h items �- n�_4 <br /> irc>m i#s ox=n ficnnds and th� Lc>nder �hnll noi:}ae 9iable f<ar ir_te�resi:or di��idends nn suckx Funds. � <br /> If'tht�emv�an�E�f the k`unds heid by Lendes,together wirh the future mont.tslv inahallt�ents vf Funds , y"" ' <br /> � pa�ab3e prior t�o�he due ctat,es o£ta�-eg;a.4seasments, insur�aCe �remiunis and ground ren#s,sh�tll �exceed ��... <br /> the a�aounk rec�a�ired��s s�.sairl ta�s,,as�ments,insuranc�e preayaiums and ground rents as theY fail due, �s'�^� <br /> such�eacceas shaell be,st 13orrower's o.gtioa,e�ther pmmpt,ly repeud ta $orrower or crediked to BarmFcc;r c�n '� <br /> ° - �, . <br /> ; ; montlt�y uastul33��eaks uf Fiunrls. If t�e amoauut of t�he Func�� heid 1�v T..ender Fhaall aent F,r.„afiicze,.t �.i�,;��- �,;,. <br /> ; t-axes, asceeacne.:nta:, insurance �xemiu3ns and graund renis ss theY fall dae. Bnrcxxwer,hH.11 #�ay #.> Lencier : <br /> a�ciy�cr�ussai,ss�r:.�.gar5 to mai€e up tt�e deficiencv witfut�thirty days aft�er notic� fnnm Lender to Ba�crower <br /> rt�qut��� pay�neat Ctier�#, or $orr�swer st:all, by sn increa�e in mont;hlv instalim.�nts of i�unds r<rr#uireci, � <br /> r�PaY the defi�ency w�ithitt the Fund accou�ting �eri�d. <br /> L�#�� ui�YtraenL in,fiuli c�#a}i sums secv�ct bV t.iiis Mort�age.I.e.ndes shali aP�1�- r'unds held as a credii: <br /> � a�scirzsL aii sam�duc,. 1 <br /> _� <br />� - � <br />