� �� �
<br /> � _ -°� �
<br /> �_ � �
<br /> t�oL eut�nd nr ! sosipari4 thr due clms� ai che montlal�� � r,:�t� iirnei�t� resferred Cr� in pant�rapt�v t snd `2 hereot or � � � �
<br /> rhunge the ttmaunt ot such insesilarente.
<br /> 10. Bonovrar Not Rateaaed. Extenoion e,f Ciie time ior psvrncnt or malif: cnttion ot arno:ciz�tinn oi the sums
<br /> srcured by this l�.o;tgage �rante�i k:c I.ender to any =urr^e-ssor ia� interrrst of B�rrvwer shalf noi oE�erate to release,
<br /> � in nny munner, t�he ITability ot ttse ori�znsl Borxo�vec und Btarrnu�cr; �ur,cessors in interest: I.er�der shalI not 6ze
<br /> C12' re��iseef to camr.nence procep,din� agaii�st such �uccessor or re:use to extend time for payinent or ather�vise rnodify
<br /> � CE} ��nortizstioR oi tlze sun=s secured iry tizis :1lonpage !�c ressuat �f an}• deraand :nn�le by t.he original Borrower and
<br /> Ct2 Borrawer'x euccessors in interest.
<br /> 3 C I1. Fo:beeaance by Lender Not a 1�mver. �1ny farbearance by I.ender in exercising any ai�t or remedy
<br /> � hereuuder, or ot3�erwise affarded �y applicable Ia«-, shalf not be n �vai-ser of or pi•e�siude: ii;a. f xerciae of ang right -
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. Tkne procurement of insurance or tlre pnyzuent of taxes o: other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> shall not he s �c:aiver of I.Gnder's zi�*ht to scceleraie the s�naturity oi tl�e indebtedness securad bc tE�is iMortgage.
<br /> l�r� 12. 1�emedies Cum�slative. : �3 � remetiies �ro�°ideii in t4n • �VIoitgssge are distinct a,t¢ cumulative to any other
<br /> +'� ^ righ� or remedy' under th;� .�Iotigage a3� afforded hti• l�sn� crr equity, anrt n::xy '�.. exemised canenrre�i�iy; iade�...nd-
<br /> � ently ar auecessiyeYy. ,
<br /> • � 13: Successors �d Assigas 8ounds Joiat �d 5everat Liability; Cagtiou� 'i'he aocennnts and agreements
<br /> ; � ; ; herein conEainec3 shall bi:�d, ar.�i the rights l�ereunder shal i inure to , tlic respective sucees�ors and assigns oi I�ender ,
<br /> ,', `; and Borrorver, svbjeqt tr� ciit proc:iQsons of paragra�pii 1 ; l�ereoi. .all rovenucite anci agreements af Iiorrowe: shall
<br /> '' be joint and se��eral, The capiions and Leadings oi t.1�e paragrap}i, �f this \forkgage are for conveniPnce onty and '
<br /> � �
<br /> �£ are nob to be nse�lto aa?tPFpret or de�rs,,;w,we prq��isions hereof.
<br /> , . .; 14. Notice. - An}* notice to Borrower pro�•idect fur ii� zhi� \fortgage �Iiull k�� gi�•en by mttilin� sucir notice>by '
<br /> � ' '. :;ertined tnaiL acidresGed Lo I3orrower nt. t12r. Yroperty _adriress strxtecl t�elou•, exce•,:i foi• �n}: notice - required under ; 1 ; ' _
<br /> ,: ' ; ' parsgraph 18 hereof tn bc �iven to Borrou-c2• zn clie anunner �Sreseribecl by alsT�iic.ibi� ia�r. :;��y nc�tiee provided
<br /> � ,' " . for in ihz� llarf.gage sha£I 6� deen�ecl to h�tve t>eeri gi��en . to Buriro�cer when �i�•en in ine zuan�i�r desi�iiuted herein. `
<br /> ' ± 15: rUniform Mortgage; Goveraing Law: Severability. This torm oi mort,gage combines unifnzmrcovenants
<br /> for nstional use and non-uniform covenants cvith limited ��aria,tionc tiy jurisdiction to constitute � uniforcn secu-
<br /> � t rity instsument covering rea1 }�roperty. This \Iortgage sha!1 h�. governed by ti�e latic cf #.he jurisdiction in which
<br /> u` ; the Property is located. in the event ti�ai ;iny rrro��ision oi• cisuse of t}iis :lio:tgage or the Note con8icts with
<br /> . r applicable law, �uch con#iict' shoil not afiect o 't,2�er prouisions o? this _lfortguge or tdie Note �vhich cnn be given
<br /> effeet n�itiaout: tt�e conflicting provision , and to thia end the proc-isions of tlie 3Lortgage and the I`Tote nre dea}ared
<br /> ` ' to be severable:
<br /> 16.' Boszower"s Copy. Borrotiver shall be furnished s coniormed copc oi this i�lortgage at'the time of execu- " ,
<br /> � ¢ �� � tion or �afterrecordation liEreof. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ; � �����
<br /> � 17. TransEe3 of the rPzopertyr Assumptian. Ii all nr an,y �iart of the Propert4 or �n interest ti�erein ia eold { '
<br /> , � ` ' or transferred by Borro�ver �vithout Lender's prior written consent; exciuding { aY } the creaLiomof a lien - or encum- �,' °
<br /> ` f brance subordinate fo tlris \Zortgage , ( b)` the creation of s parchnse money security interesb for household appli-
<br /> o-' ; ances; (c) a transfer b}�devise, descent or hy operaciun of la�i• upon the death of a }oint tenant or Fd3 . Che grant of `
<br /> � . ' any leasehold inierest o; three years orless not coniaining aui oj�iion to purchase , Lender inay, at Lender's option,
<br /> x declase all the sums secured by ihis 14orcgage to bc iminedi�tel�- �iue .;nd ��ayal>le. I ender shall have tvaived such
<br /> ; ' � optian ,to accelerate i€, prior io the sale or transfer, Lendea• and it�e person to �vhom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reac� agreement in writing kl�ai the credit ot" suclz a�zrson is satisfpctory- to I.endei• and tha.t the interest
<br /> „c =q. payable on the �ums s$cured h; <his -�'fortgaQe shatl Ue at �ucti rate as I.ender sk3all reques 't, If Lender has waived
<br /> �; „� the option to aceelerate prol�i3ed in ihis ��arugrapti 17 and if Borro�ver's successar in interesc has executed n. writ-
<br /> ten assumpiion agreemeni accepted i*� tvriiing �v ;.ender; Lender sl�allselease Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> � this Mortgage and the ItiTote.
<br /> = If I.ender exercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall *nail I3orrocver rzotice oi aceeleratioi� in accordance
<br /> F� � �v:iu pars� aph 14 hereoi. Such notice aha: l }�rovide a peraod of noi less than 3t} days from tlie date #lie notice is
<br /> ; , � mailed,.�sithin which Borrower may pny the sums declz�red duc: If Borro«�er isiis to �>ag such surns prior to the
<br /> <<' � expiration of such peciod, Lender inay. tcziteeut. fvrtl�er r.otice. or �iemsnd on 13orrawer, invoke anti- zemedies per-
<br /> � ' mibted by paragraph 18 hereof:
<br /> . t ' . � � . . . . . ' . .
<br /> � � \ orT-1J � iFoxas Cort.xaxzs� �oi•rci�vei• and Lei�der fui�tl�er covenant sind anree as f'c�]lows :
<br /> . , 3, � . . . . . . .
<br /> , � j 18. Ficcelezati9n; Hemedies. I;xce[�t as pruviete<f ist � ��ragra�rli 17 l�c�reof . upon Borrawei '_ t�reach of any
<br /> ' � ' cavenant or agreernent of Br�rc�un�er in il�is \I�r�g:�ge, ii�clzxiing thc covenants tc� p:�y crhen duc an,y sums secured
<br /> • �' j by this �tlortgxgc, Lendex• t >rior to 3ceeleracion sl�ail mail notice i:o Borro��•cr a.-: ��a•a�• ideci in psragrapl� 1� liereof
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) ' flie- 6reach ; f2) Lfie action requireci to cure such breach ; i31 a dute, not less tlzan thirt.x- days
<br /> iran� the dnte' th_e notice is mailed ta 13on•o�t-a�r, I,ti- u•l�ich �ucii hreacli uiusi be cured ; anc! 1� 1 tl�at failua•c ca cure
<br /> ` ' such breach on r�r before tlie 'date sperified in the notiec 3ua,y i•esulc in accelers:tion of tlie aum; secured by this
<br /> ` � % SiorLgage and.ssle of:the Prt�pert}�. If ihe breacls is not ctzred or. or �efom thc 3ate specified in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> ; i aL Lender's o�ation may declarc- sll of zhe su�ns secw•ed 7.i�• thi� �lortgage to 3>e iuunedix�te,l,y due hnd pxyuble
<br /> �' ' uithout further den�and �nci insy ioreclose this :liortguge k7y judiciak �>�oceeding_ L�ni3er s}2a11 bc entitled tv collect
<br /> ' in =ucli groc���na =s11 expenses ei forer_lo=nrc , ineluctir,g, hnt not li�uited ca . costs of docwrientsry evidertce ,
<br /> abstracLs and tit3e reports:'
<br /> . . . . . :� ' .II.CT'�^'..•..r:�8 .�2�}.1� : T^v.� �aB"'..�II�C. �':JIN'1Tti7Jt3.1C1'.'..^.h � l.f'�2ran:' ,'. YACru�onaritJ' R . Ot tEtg � cltI11C �:P.C311'fd � �)V t}I3S. ..
<br /> j. ` Mortgage; Borrvwer shail hssve the right t.o hat•e any ��roceedinr� 6egun I�y T_ent9er tu eci{orcc this �lortgage dis-
<br /> .. � , oontinued at any time prior to entry ot a judgnaent enira�cing this \iortg�ge if : (a '1 Borrou�er pa?:-a Lender sll
<br /> ;' sums which wou�d beth�n due under t.his �Iartgage, thc ?�ote ain+i natee �ecuring F�rt,tiire Advances, if eny ; had no
<br /> �: acceleration oca�rredr 1b ) Borrovrer cum� all breacl�es c, i anq otd�er ce�vin:�nzs or agreexncnts of Borrox�er con-
<br /> " Lained in thiS ivfortSagei (c) Borrawer ray< ali rir�coii:tblc� et}�rnves inr� irred h}- i.ender ii7 enforcine c he cto��eiyancn
<br /> r%, = and agreemente ,of $osrnwer contained in ti�is �iort�a�e a .ni� in enioi•cin� F.c�n@ez's rernedies a:a pra��ided in para-
<br /> � '.� < grap3i 18 hereof,. includirig, but not Simited t.o, m�sonable � ttorne}� 's fc�c:s ; �nd 1 dl I3orra+��er takes saach action as
<br /> � ° Lender may reaspnabiy require to assuxe that tne lien of t;n, 1lortgage, I:ender'e incere�-t in the Propertv and
<br /> ( $nsrvwQr's obligatioa to pay the sums secured b� th�� Jir.artguee shail continuc cinimpuirec3 . C� pon such paymenL '
<br /> r . .' and cure by Bor�wer, this �$tiitgege and the obligstions ::ecured l�ere}n• sl�all reznxizz in fuil force and effect as if »
<br /> z10 acceieration 1�ad occurreci. ;�� � • •,� � '
<br /> : : „
<br /> 20: .2issigaa�en! o� , 8an3s; Appoiatraeat o# Aeceiver Leader in Posse=G4�++ .�s sddii:ionsi security here- ;w, '
<br /> Y�� � umde�, $arrower hereb3� assigns to Lender the rents of tiie 3'roperty. ��ro��iiied thxt Iiorro�-er shail, priar to acceler- '
<br /> � .
<br /> ;�; , ationuiiderparagraph l8 hereof or abandomnent oi the Yronerty, huve tlie rifitxa to rolieGt and retsan such rents ,�;�';',
<br /> as thsy become d.ne snd :payahle. . ,
<br /> � �. . . ,r � • � F . � �� f i t T r . � ..,;, r � . y;'r , f. �.
<br /> � .. ,: Lga�t aaceireratian und�r Pai"Sc"�1�2i 18 hcregi .or a ...sndon:r.�nt o. , ic Yrc�ny'. _c..de. . i. ,-e. �mn, kr: abea : , :�,,.
<br /> . . . . . �
<br /> � ,,.', ; .� . � DI 'f3f", �"3C�ZCSfl��S'.. .`Ili7�.70IS1LCf� N'.CC31'£S S��- .klC L'31:1rt�.f{� ffl f:,'^.^T.CT. I�'jl0^ . .S�P �lOcc�cc3f�2? Q? flT1(�� 1Y]5fl8^,.,�' 4}1C Y�C�FnTltr . ., , ,.� .
<br /> ;` , ..: sad to':oallect _i.2� rents ;of t31e Prop:ertq;-inciuding thos� }�a�st due. �11 retxts in�>ected i33� l.�nder u� t}�� �eiver „� , ;
<br /> ;;� , aha�3 beappiied �.ttsttopaymentuf tt�c costatif ax2s;nsgetne�at of tlie Pm�aeris• anu collection of mntc , i»cluding, but
<br /> :n� tia�ited to, r�ceiver's fees. 3�renaiwns on rcceix•er's t�oetca:s az�s3 rc�soi�s�ale atiorne�� 's fees . s��d i}ien to the aum�
<br /> � �
<br /> �uredbytlrie �ockgage. Le'nde� snd �he recziver �liall �c* 1[xable !a7 r�eeouni on,w- for those reai.4 a�tu.�llp ree�eiceci .
<br /> � a_:. �
<br /> i �
<br />, � �
<br />