<br /> : ..� ,«�.�
<br /> � . �
<br /> I fV D1Y!DUAL
<br /> ���� DUE ON SALE
<br /> ���' OPT10NA1_ Ft�TURE ADVANCES
<br /> 5AVINGS FL?ND'
<br /> , ` � �t� FOw!d�No.720 �
<br /> Vi114� Laan Nurnher___33Q��--�_1$$__=_1..._
<br /> � �� Typ� tl��n�tx'��
<br /> ��
<br /> �� � wi .^� RTG: AG E,.
<br /> �� U26��
<br /> , � `
<br /> a a THIS MG�RT�Af�E,'made and executed.th:s ....__,1� ....:.. ....:. davr of :_..I�ta.a..__...._.....------ A.D., , '
<br /> � E 7�J...�.;:,oetween t3ie Mortgagor, ..James,„.5......SErgner..and:.Ca:r�ale_.E.....Besgner.,--.h�hand.aad..wife,.
<br /> �-a _�.a�ux,�,v:and�:each..in._.their..ctran_.sighY_,.... --,--._ ...:.....---
<br /> _ . ....._.. _..._...
<br /> � `vf..__��#3n.d_.�&�,.c"tttsl..::�----, County of_:':...Eia.11'. ................State of 1Vehraska....._..,hereinafter referred
<br /> '� �to as,tiie Banower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FE.DERAI,SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF'
<br /> � ,3.I�TCOLN, 1235 "1V" Street, Lincoin, Nehraska 685�1, its.c�uccessors.and as�igns, �ereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> � � _
<br /> � WrT ss Tx: That the said Bor!�nwer for und in considera+:.ion of the sum ofT._S.IRTX EIGHT THOUSI�ND '
<br /> A1�ID NO�10� ----------------- __....:,_)
<br /> � 'DaZ'ars (US$ 38,000 00 : ,
<br /> - - -_.�� .._.... . ...:... . .. ..... . ..��--- .__...-- -----• ----..�_
<br /> � �p,�Q�b�,said Lendex, cloes hereby mortgage grant and convey ta Lender iis succe�sors and assigrts;,the "
<br /> ,s.� i g described property locuted in the County of ... -•---Ha11.:._... ...�_.::,State af 23ebrasl�a:
<br /> 5},k . .. .. . , . . . ' . .
<br /> i Y,4 ': .. '� ;.�. ':� � .� : �. . .. . ..'� :
<br /> � Lot Thirte�n (13), LeHeights Fourth Subdivision, Hall County '
<br /> � Nebraska.. `
<br /> � „
<br /> � �
<br /> ,� _ � `
<br /> 4�j� ... . � . . .. . . Y•"
<br /> y,3 ' �, .�. �.. � . . . � ' � :. .. •'
<br /> r,,� TocExxse.wits�a ali.the impravements now or hereafter erected om the properEy, and ail'easements,
<br /> a rights, appurtenances, rents, roytilties, mineral, oil and gAs Tights and pro&ts, water, water rights, ar.3 r, ,: ".
<br /> "' cvater,.stock, and a�€l;fixtuzes now ar:hereafter attached to the property, all of which, inc2uding replace- {. ;
<br /> ;�� rnents and additior�s thereto,shall be:deemecl to be and remaim- a part of the-pmperty covered by this � . - ` <�
<br /> �;� �vIortgage; and all .o£the foregoing;together with said property (or'the leasehold estate in the event this `'
<br /> t�".,� ;1�tortgage is on'a leasehold) are herein:referred to as the "Progerty"_
<br /> `;�� Borrower coves�an#s that Barrower is laxrfully seised of the estate hereby.conveyed and has the right
<br /> z.� to morl;gage,grant ancl convey;the Pzoperty, that the:Property.is unencumbered, and that $orrower wilt ` '`
<br /> �:� warrant;and.defend enera.tl : he :.itie to the Fro ert a ainst all claims and;demands, sub ect to an
<br /> ,� g. 3�� P Y" � J Y �� ., ' '�'
<br /> � easements.and rest�ictions listed in a-schedule of exceptions to_coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> � svriug Lender's interest<in the Property,or (2)<attorney's opinian'of tiCle from abs�ract of"title ce:tified
<br /> ' '' ded abstracter. 1'
<br /> „� by bon � � �� � , .
<br /> ,,.� PRovinsn ALw�,rs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,agree- i
<br /> t;� rnents and obligatians of the Borrower, to-xviti` `' ; .,. "
<br /> S`� �. .; �. .��. � � � : . . � . ' �. � � ; �:
<br /> 'I`he Borrower�.grees Lo pay to the Lender or order the pnncipal surn of ...._
<br /> , t'�ND,_NOj100 -----,-.-Uollars (US$: ....38_,000.00<. ....,..)
<br /> 3 .__..... ._.._� . �....."" """""" '""_ .... ._..�.�.. . ' �.
<br /> " "' payable;as nrovided in a note executed and delivered;concurrently herewith,the flnai payment af princ7pal,
<br /> �,�,�q i€not saoner a'
<br /> � ' p xd,vsi the lst..: .day of;:__..._Ji�7.e-----•--- . .-•--.__..:�:;�9.Q'6
<br /> � UrrYFoxnz Cove,r�exrs. Borrower and.Len�er covenant and agree as-:foliows:
<br /> 6.
<br /> � 1. Payment oi Piuscipa2 and Interest. $or�'ower shall gromptly pay when due th�Principal of and in- -
<br /> � t�erest on the inde)atedness evidenced by the ltioce,prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br /> '` ; aa�d ths principai af and interest on any;Futuae Advances secured bg this Mortgage. -
<br /> `-� 2. Funds for:-Tcaces and Insurcmce. Subj�et to Lender's aptian und�r paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> ,.; rower shall pay to Lender on the day monthl�instaltxn�nts r,f Nrinc.7pa1 And interest acre payal�le'under the
<br /> ,•�,; 2�ote,unti!the Note:is paid in'full,a sum'(henrein?`Funds") equal Co one-Lwelfth ol the yeariv tases>and' ' `
<br /> t � assessme�ts which rFaay attain priority over t]�s-Mortgage, and ground xents on the Property, if.any plus
<br /> ` '' o:Ye-twelfth oF yearly preinium installments.for hazard.insurance,. plus.one-twelfth of yearly �retuium:in-
<br /> ' s�allments far martgage:insurance, if any, all�s reasonably� estunated initiaily and from tisne i;o time;bv
<br /> � 'r Lender on the basis+nf assessments and bitLg and reasonable estimaY,�:s thereof,Lender s.�all aUpi,y the Fund�
<br /> +��'� �o pay:said taxes, asseFsments,insuran�e preasiums and:ground re�t�s.T.ender shall m;ake n�charge£or so ',
<br /> ''�'a holding"and �pplyitz��fhe Funds'ar verifping and campiling said �essaivnLs.:nd bills. 'The lender shaII
<br /> ,.
<br /> r � ' �+ve to the$nrrowese,withaut aharge,an:-annual'.accounting�f tne r'unds show'sng credits and'debits t�the
<br /> �`? f��ancis;�nd the pur;ac+ae-#or which each debit ta the�nds was;natle. The Funds are pled�ed as additionai
<br /> ``b a�,•urit�for the s�rxns sec.-�sred by.inis iiaortgagc. `I`'tte r3arroweragrees tiiat the Fund� ma.v 1�e held t�y the
<br /> %„ 3.end�r at�d c�ommingl�l wi�other fuade;and the I.ender's own fusrds aisd the Lender may pay such items
<br /> az
<br /> � ".
<br /> fmzn'its own funds�ad,the Lender=sha�l not �e liable for interest or dividends:on such Funds. ��, : ,�M ;
<br /> i If the.aa¢�aun�n�#the.E'unds held by Lend�,#.og,ether.with the future monthly iis.stallments of Funds '����,* -�
<br /> �r r P��'abie p�ciar,'�o Ghe-�due;=dat�es af taaes,,ass�nents. insurxnce�premiums and ground�rents shaii exceed €, ; .
<br /> tk�amouat zBquixae�d to pay*said,tazes,a�c�essrrsemts,2nsursnce prP,sniums and�round rents as they fail due;
<br /> siur��esce�=shall:�. �t Borrxtwer's op�t,iran,sitlaci�t pmas�t2y repaid ta Borrower or>creciited to Bozrower on
<br /> ` � an � ���
<br /> '"� �t�t��t a n s#a�m e�t a e v f;F'u r t c l s..I f t h e a m o u u�o�t h e F`u n d s h e l d b,y L e n d e r s h a ll n o t b e s u i 3'i c i e n t t o p a v
<br /> *` t�,°ass�ssrnents, �ce presnium.s aad �iand sonts as th e y fall due, Bo;rawer �halE F*s Y#u 3.ender ' . ,.�"
<br /> ; s�4Y'artcvtu3L�es�t3'.;ta;m.Ake:uA�3��de$�iemev ovithin`£birtv davs after notice trocn Lender ta S<>rrower ; : :
<br /> �+4u�tim,g p�a3�uteszt�het�en#, or�'3arrower eh�1t��9 an ixa�crease in�nnti�ly installments nf Funds required, ` ,
<br /> 'xa
<br /> i �3'�9.�d�.csen� "withiz�the Funrd ac�ou7s#a�sg;period.; '�i '
<br /> ,; �i�� ri�3'�et�.t�n 3uii of aii sua�ss securerd �v#his�ort�ta�e,Lender shall apply Frsnds held a;:a crediL
<br /> a�ais�st ad!�umas dcaeK
<br /> � � � I' ��
<br /> f
<br />�:
<br />