<br />� ' o .
<br />�; . �;�� �
<br /> � . ,:�.�: =
<br /> � �
<br /> x7ot extend �sr q�o�tpon4� chc ci�e dace +ai tl�e ino7xthlti , r.�tallrncnt. :�tyferrrc} to in Tr;iraRrapi�s 1 3nd 2 hereoi or
<br /> e�a�,gc 2re o.�::,:u�,� ui �uun ii�siall�i �nta.
<br /> 20. Bosrower Ptot Fsleasescl. Lxten�ion ni t :�c 4im� for z7n}*niccnc a- ntnd�fication ui aa3a�rtSzation af tiir. swf�s
<br /> secured Dp this _l4ortgu�e grnn=:ed uv I .r�atier ta ariy �u�•ce,sor i3: inxer�se oi Bonon•er �halt noc o�xerute tr� release,
<br /> in any ��anrees, tt3t ti�b•.iitp os ti.e �ri�ii;al 3,3arrawer anrl �3orrcaHer � su ,r,cessora in iczter��t. I.ender shaii noL bP
<br /> re-t�uireaa tt� cosnmen�e �racee�3i�gs ��ainst �uch suece:�sor aa• rcrixtsc tu r�tencl sigue i��r pa}��nenu ar atherwise ,nodi{y
<br /> xniorciz�iian af. t1�e sums aeeur�ed l>y tlaas _1Scr��,a�e 1�y� rc:aso+� ai an�� �.iemanc€ rxzac�e uy the sariginai Borracvsr nnd
<br /> � S''= , Borr�owc.r's s�ecessQrs zn interes�. ?
<br /> 1 " G�.? Y !: £czhe¢rrsace bg beas�er Not a Wr�ivez. ,�a:y forbe�ranec, i � u i.ender in ?�e�ising, any ri�;ht or remedy
<br /> �,
<br /> „� , C�' ' hereun�Eer, or es£herwise afforde�d ay npplicable 43ss, si7all riat d.ye ai �4 aaver oz ac greexude tlie exeecise oi ang raght
<br /> _ �} ` or reme�iy herenricier: Tlre pae�eurerner.c of insuxar=ce or tlie pn`mc�xi ca( ;;axes or atiler liens or r,hsrges bg� I,ender '
<br /> `�: sha11 noL be n. <c•aives of �.enda�'s: r��hc to acce�er:�te the insturity ai ihe indeb�edness �ec:uz-ed {>-: thin i�Iartgage_
<br /> � ' T �» t2: ,Reme3iesG�uaulaWR� ;' .�11 retned'ses providect in il� is iFortgage are eii:,t;:.—�ci arr:', cc�:.nulatiye to any other
<br /> � ; � right ar reruad3' nnder tlsi;s �tu�^tggge n�- �ffaxvleci f:iy ian. nr cr��aitv: aaai3 inay f;e exercised cancurrentl�:, anrlepenci-
<br /> ' �;7stty +or �succ��:�ely. .
<br /> � 1�. Sticcessors and Assig�c BouadrJoint �d Soveral Liabilit�r� Captioas. T�se rocen�knts anri ' agreements
<br /> hereia'c+ontaia�ed shall bind, anc3 the rightF liereunc�er tilaall 9ni2rc co: # 'trc� respeetive successnrs and asaigns oi Lender
<br /> � ` '' ' : � '.".a: . . ... . � . . � ';� .
<br /> „ , ssnd Sorm�ver, s,nbjeet io the psa4isforts ot �>�r��r:�p�i t ; Irereoi . :1i4 c�oeen�ixa,� �:id vgreerri�nt� oi Borrower aha]2
<br /> Y � - . � � . r .e � . . � � � .
<br /> �;, . , ' be aoxr,L anrl se�•erssl. 'The capt�ons zna s�caciiu�s ns tiie p3ra�;rai;fis oi ahis 1Sorteare are for convemence only and
<br /> ;
<br /> are not'�o be eised co inte:-pret a3 define tl�e provi=iun� f�ea•et>i.
<br /> • 14. NoGee. : Anw- noLice. #c� Aorro�ser ��ro�-ir�lec3 far ir; tlu \lorc�;s;c chaii 1>e ri��en t�y �3�ailing sucfi nntice b?,•
<br /> ' cvsitfied. irtail ad<iressed io 13or�ower at xhe Prope3�tti� Ac��ire. _ :t+ited bcl<�cc, rxce��i fa� nn5� riotic�� rec�uired under
<br /> ` paraGra£�. h IF� laereof io E�e �iv�n to Bon•ouer in tlie manncr �aa-e�criia•ed l>�� apgylic:Lblc Itsca•. riny notice �uocided
<br /> ` ' M1 farin tc3s �1orc�ane .hslt .br, daenze�i to I�ave bern gi.�en to T�oa��ro«�er zklier: gi..-en in tiie man:nes desigasted herein.,
<br /> 4 , ; 15.. UniEoras Moztgage �,-oveming Law; Severability. "Pi3is forn crf mora,�age canDines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use n �^ ...::.- :;+__n�*n covenanis n•i�1i I�mite<i rariat.iorL, l . }• iurisdiciion to co:�sutuie a uniform �ecu-
<br /> ' rity inscrun�eni covering re�i1 F� rouerty. ".T'Iii� 1Ior�gage sha3 ! bc go�-er_ie�3 b�- t.he lan• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> +, the 'Pro�erty is, located. In tli� erene ihac am� ;>rovision or clause oi cl�is 3iorc�age or ihe I�To#e con6ict.s �ith
<br /> appiicable 9aw; such conflici sisnll not siiecc. ot}aer l�rovision� os this \Iorigage or ihc \ot;e c+�hich c�n be gicen
<br /> effeot tis�thout tne conflicting �rovicion, atid to Li�is end ti�e }�3ovisio:�s ot tiie 3iori�nge and the \oEe are declared
<br /> io beseveraht,�.
<br /> 18: Borrawer's Copy. $ormwax =3�s:; hc i ... �„51:8:a » ;''J,?'3'.'.??fL' ?'O¢�V O? #.his �iort_eage af; the t.ime ai execu-
<br /> a c:�,u or s.Ster r2�ordatior ?.ureoi_ '
<br /> 19." Traasfez of fhe Property; Assumpcion. ii aii or an�� Irart oi t.ne Properi�- pr an izierest Lherein is sold
<br /> � or trans3eneci by� Barrp4ve; ��itnont Le�der`s prior wriiten consent . exeluding (a i i,he creation ot a lien or eneum-
<br /> v
<br /> ; br�nc;e subordinaiz tt� this \Soriga;e; � :>) the cre3.tion oi a ��urchase r±'ioney secnzity intere.sc for �oucehold sppli-
<br /> , ances; (c) a trsnsier �y: devise; descent or tac o;�er�tion oi i:io� uE�on the dcath oi a joint tena�t or (d) td�e gran't af ;
<br /> ~ any leasehold inier�t of zhree 3.�ears or less noi co=�t3ining xi� optiois tn purchase, I.ender naay, :it Lender's ogtion,
<br /> t declnre aII t.he suuzs secured bti• th�s �'ilorigub c:o F3c inuneciiatel�• iiue :3nci }>z�yai�de_ Lender siaall l�ave �s�aiti�ed such �
<br /> option t.a sece3eraze i;, prior to tlie eale or iransiez, Lender snd hl�e }>eison io x�-hom the Pa•operty is to be sald or .
<br /> 4 ` ' transfer�eci ceacL ugre��ueni. =n z�•rit.ing il�ut ti�e cmdie oi such � ierson i� s�tisisetorc• io Lencie_ and ihai the interest
<br /> , ; , � payable oa ti�e sums secured b�- i:i?is �Iorigage �h�li �e �i sucli rafe as I,ender shAll requesi. Ii Lender has waired
<br /> � ,+ tPie ogti�un to kecelerace �arovi.it d in this paragrap�3 1 E and if I3orrotiver's �uccessor in intel�se lias executed a svrit ; �
<br /> u
<br /> z ier. nssa3npiian agreernenL aece�ted in «'riting 6ti- �.ender, Lender ehalY reien�e Borruw-er from a3l .abiigatians undea•
<br /> r thisfi.3ortgagesndfhe ?Vote:
<br /> : If.s.eudEr: exzrcas� such option to acce.:s. .ai�, :. .�d..; shs � l �.....1 T? �rr�r.�er r.e�xce oi �c�e�eration iu acaordance ' ,
<br /> . >. +vir,U ;pssctgraph 1� �.er�oi. 5ue't�, �otice �l�sii pro��ic�r .+ �aeric�d of not I<ss ttian 3G da,r-s ir�nz the. c3ate tlie ixot;ice is
<br /> niailed -�+�ithin whiet� Borro�i-er ma�• ��nti• - he .un�s decisreci due_ 1i Borru«-er fails tr� ;�ay s .3ch sums prior to the
<br /> � . ' cspirstic�a of' such �aer'xod . I:er�cer inay, �cicF,out iunt�er r�oticc or cleirsand on Borrolxer, irsv+3ke sax,y remediea per-
<br /> mitted isy �:eragraph 13 1=ereoi.
<br /> ' '_ti�x-1.' r-raaxu (;o� r.*�.4��r�: I3cri•ro�rci• <isid L«�ndei• i'urtt�c �• co���=nnnr anci a�a•ee arn foIlo«-r� :
<br />� , .
<br /> I8� Acce2eration; Remedies. lxt�e�it as ��z-��'idce3 i �� 3x� ra�r::��i � i � iicrcof, u�7orr t3orrorcer s tireueir ui am:
<br /> covensrstaragreeauer�i of B:�rr�+�•er in tfii> >Ios-t�z+�;r. inc3u��iirg tlic corensnt� tn Fxav 4��iicn �iut� � ii�- snm� ;.eciirtci
<br /> ` � � h��,titib,�11ort,���;e> I.�nder prior [c� �ccrierati�n �ir�.al1 n3:ai1 sosice to T3 �rrui��cr a� ;�:•eti•icii•d irx �varagrag��li S4 l�ercof� �
<br /> apeci#ti'k��= ti1i ihe i>reaet� : i '? l ihe tietioci rec�ui�e�l to cure sucii i� rc-ncl+ : t3 ! a ciale, n�i, le�� tltan , tl�xrt}. ciays
<br /> � � � � frairnx�h;n��io-�Ye ihc noticc xs uxai �ec� kc� l�orro�a�cr, 17}- ti� iiic7a suc1 : Lart�.ac1i n�u.t i�� cu:�rci ; :�nd � t � l � tl�ai fasfurc �io� cure
<br /> , '. ; � � such� �r�eactr� or or � be£cim. � il��e daie specified in i".�c: noticc ryz3y se�uit :ii sc.celet.�tian of ri�e sarus secureci bv thia � �
<br /> .,u�L�s�e snei asl� uS t37e 2'r�p�ric. Ii c3�r, t�rerzch ss not c ��re�a oi: nr `: �<:.foa•e tiie �iate ;Ereci6ec3 in ils�� n�Lice, I.enc�er
<br /> ,' _
<br /> . ; ai Lc:naT.�r's o,i±,ioa sna}- �3eciar_' all tif t3:e .u�i:. _ecvred bti :lu;: \tr� .�gagc ;o fae inunediat2lr ciue :�nd }>�ysble
<br /> c�iihouY turth�r aei���nci and rr�ay fornclose e1ii� 11�rc�agr i»^ ju�ficiai �srcy�teriin�_ Lenc3er shal3Jse entit.lec9 t-o eo3�ect
<br /> in such (>roceeding aT! cxpen,es oi fore{•,ia�urc, i��riuriin�;, inii n�*t lii.�itcri to. co�t� oi docuuieutarv evide3�ce,
<br /> mbsirac� snd istle reports.
<br /> 29. $artower's Right to �ieiasiate. �;oL�ti�i� Lstancling T.ca�der'.� a �ce.leratian oi the �uiu.r vecumd tiy tliis
<br /> t :�lortgage, l�rarmwer s?isil haz:e theright io k»ti•e sn�• ��roee�ir�ga bc�� an . tn- 3,encie.r tu <>niarcc tfi 's, \lon�;u�e ciis-
<br /> eonfin+seid st an}: time ��rior La esrtrg oi a juci�ix�nt crir'�rein� ii+is '� Iort�s�e ni : i :; i }3�rrotcer pays Lender alf
<br /> ,.....o rv , � .:aoa:d s «�..._ �. a .� ; „ � , . ,
<br /> . . . . � �ia�„u4 c� �ziiiuv . ii. ave � �a{-_t + � t � Jtc + � i . ' ( L.S3]']31:�. �. l7CtiPC �Q1�:1C7CCG 13 3n1 . �73C1� 13Q . . .
<br /> accelera�tiun necurrec3 {}> l Borrower �ure� all hrn.iiiu oi anl ��rhes ro� � n�� ntc ot _�n � c3iesits os $c�x-rower c.an-
<br /> . `�..1id1E.'C�al.'� t=i1I5 �:i.0 ut.",&�f:: %I:f a�Jital\ C z )�i'.'_ � . 4-:-iU J� S.' i'\ � _C: : �:� �. . C � F- � l .".�2 �• I� : �ra (p7( s tlep � �\'f'n ,ry71+� . .
<br /> aad agz'�aemeai,� of Bcax�'o�•er ccantnmed in t}.�s �1c*rt �,�i�;e :irxi ri cmiorrinr T,enuc-r � remt �iit
<br />