1 _"��'
<br /> „ .. �
<br /> INDIVt�UAL
<br /> �� DUE ON SALE
<br /> SAVINi+C'sS PUhID
<br /> Fon�f rvo.72a � .
<br /> ����� Laan Numbe�_3.1..2.�L�------ l�----1
<br /> ; . . . . . . . TYp9 B�a�Cti �
<br /> ' 77-`002C2� M C> R T �' A G-E
<br /> .6 .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . � .. .
<br /> " THIS MORTGAGL, made anc�executed th�s t CP aay of �� y A�
<br /> "; ?9.7�...;beture�n ttze Martgagor,,. T.�.'.?,��..D._.,RuYf} a..single:person. .......:. ......... ...... .. .. .:...._
<br /> .� , ....,. . .:_ _.. :... ,... ----�--• ......_ . ........ ----..__
<br /> yof..�rand_Is3;and,-- . .. County af .:......._T���. ......._.,State o£.ST�3�x.a.aka.....,..,hereinafter referred
<br /> ; t,o As the Borzower� and the Mortgagee, FIRST-FFDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> ; LII�COI..N, 1235 "�i" Street;Linccxln,:Nebraska 68501;its succes�ors anc3 nssigns, heze"snafter refened to
<br /> ,`f as Lende:.
<br /> ;
<br /> � WtTxEss��rx That the said Borrower for and in cansideration of the sum af �Y FOEFR R'fIOUS�'VD
<br /> ..� �'?VE.HiTIqDRE�7_:APm_NO,IOt�...:.. -- �---- -----._. ---•-- �--•--.... .:-DoL'ars (L3SS2�,.�Q��,Q�..... :. ...... )
<br /> x pmid by said Lender, does h�reby r.�flrtgage, grant and convey to Lender; its successors and assigns; the
<br /> failawing described property locate+3 in the County of __.:...�J.1_. .._._ _:....,State�f?�Ieb:aska: �
<br /> ;� "
<br /> `� Lat Thxee {3}� in Block Severi (7), in Wsnd,i.ph's �ddition
<br /> "'��" Eo the city oi Grand Island, Ka17_,County, Tdebraska,.
<br /> "�
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> .� 'ToGSTt-tax with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br /> �,d rights, appurtenances, rents, roypIties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, �vater rights,>und
<br /> water atock, and all>fixtnres now or hereafter attached to the property, ail of which, inciuding replace-
<br /> �r ments and additions thereto;shall be deemed to be and remain a part of ihe"property covered by this '
<br /> Mortgage; arad all of the foregoing together ���ith said propert,y (or the leasehold estate in the.'event this
<br /> " Mortgage is on a leasehold) ase herem referred to as the "Properiy"f
<br /> �
<br /> �,•� Borrower covenants that Borrawer�s lawfully seised of t.he estate herebY conveyed. and has the right
<br /> :•� to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Yroperty is unencumbered, and that Bormwer wi�l
<br /> ,'.� warrant;and.defend generally the title to the Froperty against all claims and ctemanc�s, subject to any
<br /> ;r easements and restrictSons listed in a schedule of exceptions to-coverage in any title`insurance policy<in-
<br /> ;..1 suring Lend�A's ir�{e.�.�:.in'the Property,-or (2) attorney's opinion of title-from abstract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abstsactzr. `
<br /> t i � �ROVIpED ALWAYSir�dAC� tI18Se j3T@SeRtS are.exec:at,ad and delivered upan�the following conditions,�agree-�� �
<br /> �:� ments and vbligations o£�he-Borrotiver, to-wit: '
<br /> ,`� The Barro„�ar agraes to pay te the L�ender �x order the nnncipal surn of,:�a�KT,X F4UR 'I�i4�T7�P.,�tR -
<br /> , .E�__�PIl?RED:AND:NQf 100---•-�----.. ,.-�---. ----- ---- ---- --------Dollars (US �?.`}�.7�c�.vu __ . ......... 1 '
<br /> °-;- ' payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith the final pavment of principal,
<br /> if not sooner paid,on the._.. first.._ .. .. day of . ... June--..... .. ....... ..__., 17�.2006 '
<br /> �
<br /> �•'� Uxt�ost.s CovEtvaxas`. Borrowes and Lender coveaant and aa ee as follox�s:
<br /> ,�
<br /> � L Paymeat of Prisscipat�d Ixitezest. Bormwer stsa�I promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br /> i terest on the indebtedness evidenced}�y the Note,pre�ayment and tate charges as provicied m the Note,
<br /> � ' and the printipal of and intesest on any Future tldvances secured by this Mortgage.-
<br /> � 2. Funds tor Ta�ces and:Insur�ce. Subjecb to I.e�der's option vnder paragra�hs 4 and 5 hereof,Bor-
<br /> '"t rower st7all pay to Lender on the day monthly installrnents of princinal and interest are-payable under#.he
<br /> ;� ', Note;urttil the NoteSs paid in fu11,-a sum (herein"Funr3s'') equai to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br /> as�essments usd�ich may attain priorit}=over this t��tortgage,.and graund rezits on the Property, if any p]us
<br /> 'one-twelfth of yearly Presnium installments for hazard insurance, plus one-twelft.h of y�arly premium in-
<br /> Q+ t?+*n_�_ts fes rnartgage insurance, if any, all as reaso�ably estimatecl :r.itially and from time tu time b_Y
<br /> "_ ., _
<br /> '.! Lender on the k�asis.of assessments and biils anci reasonable estimates thereof, Lender sha�l apply t.he Funds
<br /> to pav said tages,assessments,insu3ance premiurus and�roun�l renta ].rrxder shail mak�no charge for sc
<br /> holr�ing snd-applying:the Funds-or verifying and caaspiling said assessm+ents anci uills. 1 a� Letiuer aizaii
<br /> ; ; give#�the Barrower,withou.t ehttr�t+�.,an annual acc�tuiLing of Lhe Fwids showing cmclits tind debits to the
<br /> s
<br /> Funcis and the::�uz�pose for which each debit to the Fund.s was .�.^.?�Q: T!:e �t:nds a:re pledged as additional
<br /> se,curiZy for the sumr;secured UY th:is ATortgage. The Bnrrosver agrees that the Funcla may be helrl by the
<br /> ;r'' L,ezzder and commingfec3 cvith other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender may pay such items :
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> tram its own;funds and tl�e'Lender shall nat be Iiab1Q for interest or dividends on such Funds. �,�.�� _�'�w ;
<br /> .. �,
<br /> Ii cne ami�unt oi�ne iuniu�ne�1�y i.ender,together with the future mont:hly instaliments of Funds �'
<br /> E:;� paqabie prior to.:the due dates of tases,assessmonts, insuranee premium.� and ground rents, shall exceed
<br /> '���
<br /> the�z+nount rega�ird ta pay said ta�ces,assessments,insuirance pramiums a�d ground rents as they fall due, ���x�
<br /> sueh esceex sk�ali}�e, at Bor�ower'& •nption,either prozxsp!3y aepasd to Iiorzower or credited to Bormwer on ���
<br /> ' ' mantbly,'iws#.al3znen#s of'�unds.:If 3;he amount af the Funds held by Lendes aball not F�tiuffic'seni tA pav �'
<br /> � wx,es, s�ee•�nmeniq u�aurx�uc;e-pretni�s xnu gruusxi:t+�nla as il;ey iali du�,Borrc::�cr s3-.:aL' �;,� tc Lender ";.
<br /> atty a:m�unt u�::zssary to nsal:e ap �h�d��.ncy cc�t�;t�.i.^t;,�da3�s after ncfic^+'som i.�nc�er}n F3�rn>wer �•
<br />� ; a.m� � � �
<br /> reqtse�ting paymeat theisep#, or Bprsower st;ail,,by ars increase in monthly installment;s c3f Func3s required.
<br /> repa}� the defi�ency wi#�hin the Fu�d ac�ec�unting pericxi.
<br /> Lpon p�s-�en�isz fu'.:a#a!i suz3s serurczi b5��.is ?14ertd ee,�erdcr s�uZ!apna� �un•-�v hwl�i A�a��rv�;t
<br /> against all snms due.
<br /> � t_ �
<br />� — �
<br />