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<br /> IPx�iVfS)UAL
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> � ��j` OPTiONAL F'UTC7RE ADVANGES- "
<br /> �� SAVIlVGS P13ND
<br /> ,. . . ��� . FORM No.720.. . _ . .
<br /> � � _� ,i
<br /> ,. ; _ Loan Number._33053-------;a;-----1 88
<br /> y ..a e .:�♦�M �=J��U�a7 ��� . . . . . � . . � .�' � ����
<br /> , , , M O R_ T 'G A G E
<br /> �` THIS MORTGACE, znade and exec�ted i��s .. ..1.�:'�y`_.._.._ ...: clay of_ ,..M.R� A L`
<br /> r ; 19:.___.:�(.,between the Mortg3gor,__..Louis_.L.Longsine.and Barbara J. LonQsin _ hasband and
<br /> ...... ._.... ............... ---...... ..._.........--
<br /> � ; wif��_7ozntlg and each,in__his own_:ri,fFst�... ............... _ `
<br /> ......-----._................._ .......-�----------��--•---
<br /> - ' of.:. wood Ri✓er.., .,,.,., Ccunty o£ _:..Xa?� . ._.... ...._.,State of._.Nebraska �hereinafter referred
<br /> � to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRS'Y' FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> -� LIIITCOLI�.',,I235 "I�T''Str�et, I.incoln; iVebraska 63501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> ,; as Lender.
<br /> �4YtrxEssETx: ThaL tt-�e suid Borrower for and in consicieration of ttie sum of ,FOIi�X_S.XX._�'�tO.�IS�Z3
<br /> + ' Tl�Q__HUNZ2REl.2:.A�V13_.KQ/.l_20.---.--------------.----r-n,---r.-- Dol:ars (US�--_.9.6...�C�..-0.4-----r.--.-) .
<br /> ` paid by said Lender,cioes herzby mortgage, graLt antl conve,y to I.ender, its successnrs and assigris; the
<br /> , r ' foilowing described property located in the County of .......K�,Z,Z__,__............._..._., State uf Nebraska: '
<br /> 3
<br /> .�r . . . � � � .
<br /> . ...., , _._ .
<br /> . ...._-.. .. ._... ,
<br /> .,..._... __ . ,- ...,. ,_..�.....
<br /> ... ... . ....... .... ,����
<br /> ;� , �.....,,,. �e..,..., ... .,_.,,. ., ....,.... . . ... � ,�i
<br /> � ..,. . � , . � � � . � . . �Desc: .. ._ . .. � . .
<br /> 4 _ A tract of land loaated i,n`the Norttzeast
<br /> ;; r Quarter (NE 1/�') o.f Sectior_ 24, Township. 10`North, Rang� 12 West o£ the
<br /> 6th P.M. , Ha13 County, Nebrz��sa' and rnore partioularly dascz�.bed as
<br /> ;� ` follows c Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Sec�ion 24, thence
<br /> South:0°A2'07" Eaes a3es:� the East line of said`Section 24' a distan.ce
<br /> af'3f30.0 �geet; thence SQuth 89°57'S3" West a 3istance of I59.46 fee�-to
<br /> ` the Cen��:ljne of the Wood �ver Channel; thence following, the
<br /> �. Centerl3.zte of the Wood River Channel Sout�h 14�I7'33" East'a distance,
<br /> vi i38.2 i° Pse'�: '�itence Souzn i$=2�•i�," iv�.sz � distance of 78.75-fee-t;
<br /> � � ' � .� � _ thence Sc�utk� 74°42'40" West a distance o�.144.94; feet; thence Soutkz
<br /> { S9"03'52'" hTei9�t a d3.stance of 109.65 feet; thence Souty
<br /> _. , , 73°04i�t�`� tNe9�t a disitan�e af 128.77 feet, thence Narth 69°g3•46" West .
<br /> a dists�.ce' of 3..38.18 feet;..'thence North 45°54'91" West a distance of
<br /> &2.��': ����; tlsenee Narth 7�3�'i�7" �est a ais�cance os" bi_55 ic�t: e�ic.nce
<br /> Narth 18a40'08" East a distance of 64.24 feet; thence North 31�28'30°
<br /> �Iest a distanc� of 90.31 feet; th��e Nnrth 68°51'4a" W�st a :aistance oi
<br /> ; ? 30.OU faet: th�ts.ce South 60�58'1&" West a distance of i7.77 �eet to
<br /> ths Sautlieast coxner af i3a.ckels Subdivisifln; thence No�th leaVing ;t�ie
<br /> �enterline af the Wood River Channel a distance of 123.40 fe�t along
<br /> ����� � � � �� the� East�erly:,�line�of 6aid St�bdi.vision; thence North� 1�7°�35�'55"` East��� � � ��
<br /> " ; ' a d3.stance;of 194.08 feet alang -the East�sly line of sai3 5ubdiuision; '
<br /> ` tHsnce Nc�rth a distance of 4(1:00 feet ta the North 2iae of said::Section
<br /> 24; �henee' East alQng the, North 1i:ne af said Section 24, a distanc�
<br /> � "�' %of ?01.32 feet t�o the point of .beginning; except the North �'r�rty (N 40)
<br /> feet thereof''and except a strip of land off the East thereof deeded
<br /> to: the State of' I3ebraska:as shown in Boo}c 122 of Deeds, Page 531.
<br />�
<br /> �# .x.
<br /> . . . � � ...f�t
<br /> . � . � � � . � ' �
<br /> �:,
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