r>�,r;�� �� :
<br />�� . . . � �:� �
<br /> � .�..... . . . . .. . � � .
<br /> d' �`'., U L!�V�I��.
<br /> �P. ��
<br />� 4�oraTr.ar;�;La�.a:vt�o._L 22,651 -
<br /> ,� x.�wow A�L�Eir sY T[-�rss rR�sElvTs:r�dc Mary J. Krueaer, a si n�l e �e�vv.^,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in cansiderr�uon of die a�%:n af
<br /> ����t�en Th�usar.�-Tvao°Nundred and [�e/lOQ------------------------------------------:no�L.arzs
<br /> loaned[o said mortgaeor by The Fiquitabie Building and LosmAssociation of Grandlsland,Nebraska,r9ortgagee,upun 1�2 sUares af star„k vf
<br /> ,a ; �`�. .saf!�:ASSOCIAT[O!�T, Cexiifi:ato.Na..L� �2z..6rJ1 �. ,�da heraby.grant.�on,.ere., and mattgagc.unto Yha.said�ASSOC[ATION��the fullowing�.,� ,
<br /> described.real estaxe, siivatad in Hu11 County,Nebrssk3: " "—
<br /> THREE (3), IN BlOCK 7NIRTY-THREE (33), IN
<br /> }
<br /> . ,,
<br /> a ,
<br /> � .�. tixgether�.with:all d�ic tenemants,.her:ditarnents:�.*�d�2pp:::t:.^.�n::es tli-:eut:tc�Lelcr.�.�ir.g;ir.clad:ag attacl:4d f7oor .^uverings,ull windaw scretns�.��
<br /> � . window shades,blinds_storm windows,awnirigs,heating,air cunditioning,ancl plu�nbing and�3�aterequiprneniand accessocies thereto,pumps,stoves,�� .
<br /> refrigerstars,aud oiher tir:tures and equipment now nr heres`ter attached to ar used in conneciiun wilh said real estate. � � � .
<br /> � 't� And�whercas�the�said�xna�rtgagor f:as.agreed and dues hereby xgree thai ahc mortgagor shall and will pay�all�taxes and assessments levied or �
<br /> � � �assessed��upon said pre�mixs and upon this mortgaga and thc hond secured thereby before the same shall bccorne delinquent;co ftirnista�approved- . �-
<br /> ` �� insurance�.upor.�:he bt_iJings nn�said prc�nixssituaie3 in the sumof5�j��2Q0.�Q paysbie to said ASSOC:lATION�and.[o�deliver ro:said�
<br /> , ,i.�� � �ASSOClAT10N the pulicies for said�insurance;and rtot ro coaimit ur permit any waste on or about said premises; . .
<br /> i . . In case of defaulT�in the.performanre of any�of the terms and cunditions of ihis mortbsge or the bor4d secured hcreby,xhe ntortgagee stxall,�.
<br /> on�.demand..be�entitie•d[o immediate possession o�f the�rziurtgagcd.premises and. the moctgagor heteby �a�signs, transfers and sets aver to��the �
<br /> ; r.,o[Igagee�all the rents,revenues and income to be darived fzum the mort{;ageci premises during suoh time as [he mor*gaKe.indebtedness�alf rem7�i � .
<br /> ����� � � unpaici�;a,�d the mortgsgee shaL!have�.the gower to�appoinx any agent or agenYs it may desire .Car the purpus�ot repairing xci��premises asd re.�xmg.,�.
<br /> � � �tlxe'same and collecti�zr,.,lhe renis,revenues ard income,and it tnay pay aut of wid income�alI espenses of repairing said pr�mises.anii. ;,vicessary"
<br /> commissions and expenscs incurrad�in centing�and managinfi the s:�ma arid of collecting rentals therefrom'. the baiance remaining,if any,tu be �.
<br /> . �aE�plied coward the discharge af said mortgage indeixedness;chese rights ot the mort�xgee may be exercised 3t any tiine during the t�stence of such� �.�
<br /> default,irrespective of any tempocary waiveT o(the same. � � � .
<br /> � . . Thzse Preunts,taowever,am upon the Cundisiun,That if the said M1tartgagur shail repay said l�an on or before�the mati.uity�oC said�sha.:es by;�.
<br /> � � puyment;p�y manthly to suid ASSOClATION of s.he sum specitied in the Sond senured here6y as interesi 3nd principal on said loen;on o:�beforc ` �
<br /> . the TWentieth day o!'eadt and�every month,until said loan is fully paid;p�ay stl c�aes azid assessmen[s levied sgainst said prenuses and on this Mortgage -�.
<br /> � � � � � and.the.Bundzecured zheret�y�,oe�iura�zlinquency: furrish approved insurance upon ihe buildings 2hzreon in the sum of S �I7�20�.�� �.payabic ��
<br /> , . to:suid�ASSOCIA"f101ti;repay to said ASSCX'IATION upon demand all n;miey by� it paid for such tuxas,a�s�ismencs arid insurance.with interesx nt . . . �.,�
<br /> � �� � the maximum.legal rate iherenn irum date of payment aIL af�which.`.lorzgagor hereby agi�ees ta pay:permit no waste on said premises:keep and comply .
<br />�'�`' � � witlt all tha agreements and conditiuns of the Bond€or 5 j7�2QQ.QQ tlus clay given by thz said h1ortgagor to said ASSOCSATION,3ad cortzply
<br /> � with all[he iequireinerzts of the Constitutiun and BvLaws of said ASSOCIATION: then these�presents shali become null�and �•oid,.oiherwisc they
<br /> . shall rernain in fuLl fuzee�and may Ue foredused at the op[ion ui 4he said ASSOCIATION �fter Cailure for tbree months to mxke any of said � � � .
<br /> ' � . � paymen[s or be three nionths in acrears in makuig s:+id moathly paymenls,or to keep and comply widi the agr�ments and c�ndi[iuns of saic3 Bond; �� ��
<br /> � � and Mongagoi agrees to have a receivrr appointed forthwith in such fureclosure proceedings.
<br /> �� . �. � II thete is any cEaange in c�wnership of the re:�3 estace mortgaged herein,by sale vr o[iierwise,then the enxire re�naining indebtedness hereby . . �
<br /> ` �+ setured sha.11,at the upiimi al'The�.quitable Building and.Loan Association uf Crand 1slsnd,Nebrasl:a,become immediately due and payab3e wiUzout. �
<br /> further notice,and thc amuunt remaining due vr.�cr said bond,ancl any ozl'ser bond for any additional advances made thnreunder,shat3,from ihe
<br /> � � date�c�f exercisa of said ap[ion.,beax interest at the rnaxunum 1ega1 rate,and diis mortgage rtw.y then be foreciused to satisfy the amount due on said � � �
<br /> � � bond,and.any.oQter.bond for xdditiona!advancts,Cogetherwith all sunu paid by said.1'he Equitable Building xnd Wan Associa[iun uf'Grand Island, :
<br /> � � Ne6r.uka.For insuranc�,�axes and.assessenents,and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon,fcoan data oF payment at the maxitttum� '.. ..
<br /> leg,i�l rate.
<br /> As provided in ihe Bund secure3 here6y;whale ihls mortg,age remains in effect �tie mortgagee may herzafter advancr additionxl sums to the
<br /> mmkars.of said pond,.tEieu.assigns ur successors in iaterest,wtuch sums shall be within�the security ot this moctgage the samr as the Cunds originally � � .
<br /> . secured th eby,the tca�tel am�unt qf principxl debi not to exceed ec anp time the ori{;inal amuunt of this morigage, � : .
<br /> flas.��;s 16th a�y ns� May .4.n.,is77
<br /> � i
<br /> �
<br /> yu r
<br /> STA'TEOF?+TEBRASKA,�ss. On[!ils j�th dayof May 15]] ,bzforome,
<br /> COU'?3TY OF HAE.L ,�� . ���.-�,
<br /> �.. � ttie undersigned,a Notary Yublic in and for said County,perso.nally qme � ,
<br /> . . . MdPf�v- .KY'U2{��.:+''�� a 5 ifiy-;c :rf;�Gm whu 7 S peraonally knuwn to '�#��
<br /> � � n�to be tiie identical�+e ,� �,,, �p'�y mt �� aiTixed to the nbove instrumnnt as mo[[gagos aad S F12 ��j( �
<br /> � acknewkdgerd thr sa'.�� 4��b�e�...�{ vo)ur�tary act�d deed. � � M
<br /> Y.
<br /> . �A+�Sl�i4y�fiwnd an�P�f;t '.sl thr daee af�rcsaid. . _ ._
<br /> t �+ �7 �) � �' �,,,f/} i
<br /> i�4 Ga t.Xr-�hrk":,+u < / ��/�U� Ci'��/r ,l�—� .s'1 �� / ,.` , .:'' j . .
<br /> . . . �'- I 4 �I�3' Kotary PtzElic
<br /> . . a i,ue k.3 S.. Jr,".C 12. �"�� -..
<br /> ; ry''y��'G'F"'i�����,`�'�'�
<br /> { _ �
<br />�'
<br />