�: i �'� i
<br /> _ =,�.�.
<br /> � ST.A.T� ��' NF.BS�.SS:A, C)ouuLy of ................_..__.............._...............: �
<br /> Filed for record pn .......__...........,.......,_.., 29...,..._ ai..._........................ o'clock ............,........_.. ,�.
<br /> and recorded in ttie Deed Reeord ................................. Page .,.__..,.....__...._........
<br /> . _..._ . .. .... . --- By .... ..... ... ................. ..
<br /> ....... ....... ... ......... ........ ..._.. .... ........ ....•--........ ......
<br /> *� £�/� l�yELagister o£ Deeds I3eputy I?,egister �f Leeds
<br /> 7ai►! Lfld���31
<br /> � � 5U�c�'IiTURSH� W�?►]�RA�JTY'DEED
<br /> {tonald E. Hi3ger an� shirl'ey .t. fi5lger, each in his and
<br /> her'own right and ars husband and wife,
<br /> ,herein cs.�led the grantor 4e�ether aae ar mbre,
<br /> inconsideration of -Fifty-six Thousand Doi7ars ($56 ,000}--------------------
<br /> � �
<br /> received from grautees, does grant, bargain, sell ronvey and confirrn unto
<br /> Paul 6_ Messing and �taine M. Messing,
<br /> husband and wife,
<br /> ae joint t�nants. with righi of survivorship, and not as tenanis in oommou, tl�e follow-ing deacribed real
<br /> property � _.:..._...:...............�.'�.�_�.�........ .. County, i�ebraska:
<br /> Lot Fourteen (14) in P�eadow Lane Thirc3 Subdivision ,
<br /> in �iail County, Nebraska,
<br /> i
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> .�. �►��*�.�r ,�rinu,�w NlAY 16 i977
<br /> ` ...��'_. . . . � s�. ,�o a��
<br /> ;
<br /> 7'o have and to hald the aboce deseri�ed premises t.ogether with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtensnees thereto belonging uuio the gr�ntees and to tlieir sasigns, or io tha heirs and assigns
<br /> o£the snrti-ivor of tbem forever.
<br /> 6rad erantar does heaeby coveurxnt with tlie �rantees xnd �itn their assigns ssd vc•ith the .heirs
<br /> anct $esig�s of ttse surs�ir• ef them that �rantor is l;i���fullv�seised uf said gremises;that tl�ey are free from
<br /> enenmbrance
<br /> � _. - -.' ——L� _a .c.. .6,. . F.,..., . , �i, .� �.a :1.._ . . , . � .
<br /> . . . ` "_'. .�arryin$s anci �vil!�
<br /> inai grnnir�r unn g�vu ..���� a.�c� ta:,�..1 aa,.,.,.it; ..,. ;,,,n:c, t e sa: _ . a�u ,.:�. �;e�nto�
<br /> ciefend the tit3e to said premases a�sinst the la�wful cl�uns of all persons «-I»csisoe��er. '
<br /> It ih the intention of al1 garties hereto t�at in the event a# the death ol' either of Lhe erst„+r_aw,
<br /> i.tie eai:ire fee t3tle to tttis re�l prapc-rty tihnll s�est in t;l�e surcici�q gr�ntee.
<br /> ; � � T3ated �lay 16 , I9 7l. �.� �
<br /> : ��-
<br /> , •• •--........__.._....._....-••.................-........................... ...;ll���"`-�..'�.,..�.NT.�� "
<br /> .................. .__ ...__........_....----__........................_.. .....�'.�.��,:� �,.�.�........._.........
<br /> St�IRLE�J��HILC�R
<br /> " STATE dF ......,._....#VE$RASKA Covnt oF ...........Hai..�__, _
<br /> -._._....._......�...........y y ....................................
<br /> ' Before rne, a notary public quslified for sa.id cannry, personaiJy came Ro n 8 7 d E. H i 1 g e r
<br /> �
<br /> and Sh�r-l�y J. Hilg�r, each in his and rer owr3 rigni and as husi�and
<br /> ,:,:d wife ,
<br /> knotvn to uce to be Ghe identical gerson or persons vcho signed tt+e forsgaing instrnment and ac�owledged � •
<br /> tha eaeoutdran Eberco£to be hir�, her or their volunt�ry aci aud deed.
<br /> �;�`^
<br /> � '�?Fr4#nese�uy iiand aad notarial seal on M3,y .l 6 a ......._.............., 19:.�7..._..._ �� r:;e� ,
<br /> : � f // � , -
<br /> �, �, -�vas_ac H ��Lcexx .L.;�.�i.-!-:'2t1;..U..M»�.�:�^--_' * � s�
<br /> ........_ . .. ....._.........---... \utarv Pubtic �`^
<br /> :' - t'sFS`�iE4iA,t� N(�FR.R+' S;3.t+.�at R�pt. � � . . / ��,�� . `: �
<br /> An`
<br /> , h�y r`ommis�o��xeures 1Sy commissioa eapires __���1""t'.�.'.tl.;�...��............. I9...�.�..... .....
<br /> N�.-.ac�r.d�r 13.1�77, '-'••
<br />� F�r1i# -�.� T� k;e n}��.�ruveu-by ��rbraaica 5iuze 13vr�i.isutiiza.ti�n :.-:4.::t^-:;:�..:..,:.a,:.::�n:.
<br /> 4�y ' �� �
<br />�,� -
<br />