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<br /> � � ,� �
<br /> �
<br /> 7�`� C1�:�5J4
<br /> : ...
<br /> :.r �ttnzir�iec�,ti��. UI.:,
<br /> Rn �ird3n�,.r�er.Lr� �urr�n3��:;ec4lc,n..2 .,f.tird,iz�M�:u H<>, i�S4�3 whfc•h r.r��r_t.�:d. :;u.nft.nry�..':c:atr tiir.trfr,L ttu. 4')i
<br /> 1n'���Llrc C:��-y Gf(:rnu+3 1�7�✓�@.� Nr.t:rxcc;ku;��to retia.!'10a���4hr. Lnw�duri�::; *..I' r;iir,h'dit6rlr.Ly� L���rrpr�itl �,hre'�urif;inn] . .
<br /> ., • : .. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> Cccli•��i: uf" f)rdiiuxuc� . id�+U;. .r,J �.0 pr<.�.�i3do�fc�r.U,,..: rf'!'r�cLivi.r d:�+.,� �.f lial.. �,�rdir�,-.�ir.<:. �. .� .
<br /> � � I:M 7.'!' �nJ}n�)It}!t� 9,(��,:t7; 1{Al7,< l�.1�L rr;fi�;Ii_.0.� •i�7l: �:77.Y �7' r.t.F.11U f"i.hllie� :I!'L�:Ii:Y.f�: . � - . � �� .
<br /> � � .^.,FYJY'IOt! ], ..YL+tt:�.,^,•.ct2on 2..�of Ord7.rci�+�.c Q7a.�;if,'J�r1 Lc� m'nd Y�crcl�,y i::, nrnc.•nded C���rnvl��a^. �:oll�.:r.^.:� .. � .
<br /> :. . ..°3'icCif�nn�?. .77:�o L..un,l:iriec of nvc9�r.��ni.t.r,.ry r,r,:rr.r di•,l:�l-:t. t:t�al.i i,_ n.i f'n'�.]r.u;:�. � . ..
<br /> . . � � Tt��;].nninn �m !h�. n�rth lSnc of i'ir�ncar l:nut^v;.rd �ct. r.hn�-�.uthacr.t c���rnr•r o.f�f,�.t�;5 .Sn�I:]n<:Y. . �� .
<br /> . . � � "U" of-F'ur-Y.Vic�.+ SuLdi.vi.::i�,n�in t}:c C9.L� �,f' Grnr�d 7:.3.:u,d, .Astr:.cY.n L}i,nre rw+nin�; nr,rC3�� on �. ..�
<br /> . Uie-vest �ilne of L��t 35 :.nd l,nC 3i 1n :::ai.d.f;l.ur.Y. '�Ir' fur :� di�i:unce nf"l�i-.i" Lu�i,Fir.�.,^.r.uth � � .
<br /> . . . .. � � lint.ui'�C•rnu�c.^:.•-� Avctiuc;� t.l:�mcc ru.nning �c:��r.L on.LY,_� =:,,uth 7�in^.��,f C�,�nr.rrrr: /ri•.r+un :'or�a�.� . . .
<br /> . . .. � . . QSr,teu�ec��of��:l+ �fcet�L�i�t'r�o nr,r�h.:�;��, r.�,rr,cr�of L��t G$�fn _;ufd Iil+�c'r, "U�� .'^ PfarM�.Ji.d. .s:,3ir,;r.��.n�;
<br /> � .. the•ncc.rur'nriit:;: n�arthi�n thc s:cul.h��i�r�l�,r,�,.,:�.,. .,�r' thcxr�L l.ine cf�Lat.lb sn�U'I;cc'r_�"C":�<.nd on .. �
<br /> . .. � Lhe �rect i.irtc: ., ' LuL�1.i5��and L�.t 17 in fi3cr'r. "C" u:' -ir1: ti.u'.� ::ubdivir.5wi <.r�u di�±1n.�: .. ' �i0'/.`f.
<br /> � . � .fect��to ttz�_ .... '_h11ri<<��c.S !:zr',: U-i.vq; Lt.cr.a.� rvmir.�; �i�::t �„r� thc s�,u�.*� Lir,c of' 'rsrY, i.r5vc^f'or . . .
<br /> ' . . �� u.�disti+ance of�jj2.2 f'oeL z�n ttie cra.=;t lii�^ of' i�nrk�.JrS.ve :il.:.n�r, the.t•.nst ,id.a: ct'�$r��<,1.1cy i'arr,g. ��
<br /> " � . � . LYacrcc�.rurni,'+,�-�a^?t cn ::bc �� L. 1 inc u:". i' Y. 1:ri.v�r 1,n,* t c�F�^t� ilt���' L�1IcY nrr_ for . .
<br /> � . � , �a di�Lmice- of�j33 fect tri �.4 nn"_�a�c..t cw�r.<.e �f' I.c>'� i, in..};2 �r. .ii" r�f ,�a_3: �fc+�?:ubdir3si.an;
<br /> � , : � .thenec�rur=ning n��rthcactcrl,��un t.;.�c s�3�?:c � .r�.; '.r c ��f �rr�.Dri✓r �1:.�, t niM�th r r��h- � ��
<br /> � � � .��:esterly.lin!a �:f ?.oL A in li?vca „:. <;�. Psrr .�.c�i.^.:.��ivSsS.c.n .:r :.i.�di...t�nc�-- �f >�:.�+ 1_�_t�t+. the .
<br /> . . . • sauth�.li.n¢ of:tc�11eY P...rY.�fso�s�; Cnencc.�i•��rmi:q; ca.:t cn Lhe�s+�uth 2ine.oi' �tr.�ll�.y E rr�'�wr�d �� �
<br /> � � � � far u dist:.��ancc �e1' �51.D SaeL�to ¢ ,oinY l.8 1`u�t en_�t�of�t?:<> easc iine of 7�aar'r.�'Jiew��.;u.,S:vi�ien;�.��
<br /> � � Lhenee rurznin� scuth cri a l:ne�133 Soet ea��t .�f�nd r�rr.37c-2 Lc-tn.e caoC lir � !' :?:.rr. 'lir.+ . ,
<br /> � � � . Subdivicic.��.� ei di. trence of 5�'� .�eeL to t�r nart}i iinc �sa L�k� 3 �in 121ock 3 �f�t'ountr��CinY, �� � �
<br /> � �uubdrvitiG� ��_nee�ru- nin�, easC c� 'ho +��oz��, 13ne �r Lc�b i.n i�2oe< � n"�Cuurtr,f�C1ub�`:ub- � .
<br /> � . � divi,cior� 1'or � discanc_ oL 122 ft�e.,to ::he n�rLhec,..:,, c�rncr o. 1,ct 3, .tt:_ncc rur:.�:nr �.�th^
<br /> . � � . . . easterly�.cn LY.e euster]y lir:e cf '�oC 3 for u dis;s:nrcx o: 2%2.!/5 Y�_cc to��3�c ❑cr:t: 1iac, cf � .. . .
<br /> . � � � � � �Grnnd Avenu.:; _?:ence runnir� �.�act on .thc�n.r;,h li.^.e of Gr�.nd�r��vne:e 'or a c:istanoe �7.i� � �
<br /> � . � � � � Seet to th_r.�xest. line�c�f�E:iverviex��Driv�; t?-�-,ncc runn{r.;; ^auth on �he ��es`. 1ine.a.^�Piver?ieN
<br /> �,�� Drive�for� a d?sLance of 52`I feet ta th^ soui}: linc� c�ll1.ae?;. � ln Cr,unLry C3ub ^�bdi+a��_on; � .: �
<br /> • � ... thence rursnin;, ::r_sc on.ihc sactF l ine�.u:A�uck 3 in C:ountr� Club :;�div sfzMr cr�w�3S..tanc^:�. . . �.
<br /> � of'169.5 t�cet.tn�a#aoint lf3 faeC ea.t of s.n� pxsra12c3 to the��¢st line��cf ��arr 'ie:+ �vbdivision ��
<br /> � ��� � �Z� � for a dis�anc? a'.' 451 £cet to the �o:th 1?rie of t?�^ en,e..^.:�t fo.s nvtLc �--a1i i_�s. �r..r-e:1 Lu �Ghe..�
<br /> �. � � ti��� � �� City eC Grar.d�?slsnd, I:eLro ru, re�cor:ed i.n �•;isccllu�epus fin�..k�14 �ut n-U;e•7J7 ia tr . sficc .� . .
<br /> � �y... F- o: thc.NaLl�Ca�a&y Aegistcr oi' :<^Is; t?�enc r�mnir.� enst nn the north !.it<,e o: said easeixnt
<br /> ..ct ¢ �. f'or�.pvblie util:.Lies for a�dist :�e oS '� fca:; thencA r�arir.i:.3 sout?� cn u l�ne ?T £_ei e�ast. �
<br /> i �� � �. �.W cf and paralle'_ to the� east�2i::e �.cP F'arY. Yi.r.�.� Subdivision f.r�a di..�ance ^.£2Q feet to�tne: .
<br /> w'� oc �� �. sr�.uth liac- of :.si.d ea=encnt�fc,r p•,:.:alic ctilir,.ies; :t:=nee.runnin� saesC on tY:e.so�.h line���.of.
<br /> °- - ��.� . said�casc.`nt.:cr puSlia u il .��s for:d :1nce�cf 27 `�������to the ast lsne o:^��?arA 'fe�+r
<br /> ¢ ,
<br /> y . � . `Z S�..bdivisiwi �ence runnin �ouL'� nn the e.s.t linc ot Per: Vicu Subdivisic:i � �a dzs �n.C= uC �
<br /> .� ���� `-' � � 319�•3 feet�to.: ooint 66�+�.3 :eet r_orth of ..Y:e souch lSn� c:t _h_ .:or-hae�t -.cuar er��;i�?-) .o£ � �
<br /> � ��Section.?.5�, ?�.r_aship Il ^orth, =:an,�;e 9 Wee,t vf the. G:.h ?. . �.!fa11 Cc,unty, T_.ebrss!ca;.thcnce�
<br /> � ru.nnin� e�st cr. a line G("ila�.3 Ser.t :�or�h uf azid nara12e1 Lu.the south lit�_• :.f�Lhe ^bar'thwesi�. �
<br /> �� . � . �.. Quarter�(T:du�.c'_' sail Sectian 2B for a dist::nce of 29 fect; thence. runnint,�couth os� a.linc � �
<br /> � � 29.�Scet east.oC and paralL_1 xa :.he ea:�t linc of Par3c Vin_w Subdfvision tor a distance�oP�60 � � . �
<br /> � � � fect; then�.ce.rs-^-ning r+eat cn a lir_e 60��_3 rcet�north of :1�d�pnrallel to�Lhe suvth lfne uf ��
<br /> � � �� � �� � the North�.rest C;uarter {YLJ? �,"nsiB Seeliun 23 for a. diecance cf �tO�i,G teet to��tn^ easC. 2ine�. � . -
<br /> �� � � � � � � of'Fioncer�Boulevard; thencefrunninv, soutri cn the east line cf Pioneer�Tiou�evlyd� fbr ¢�dL�i:;G-.icr . � �
<br /> � � � � . of 5�+���fect; :?:ence�runnir.g..;ouc�:+est�,n the eastariy linc of Yioneer:Y,oulevard ::or.a di�tance � -� . . .
<br /> � � �oS�.205.3 S'�eeL.to Lhe junction oF the east pr�lon6aLion of Lh�s norih line uS Pioncez•� Boultvsrd �. . � � �
<br /> � � � � � �an the south s:3e of Block "U" Sn Pnrk yiew Sutrlivision xith the ea^teily 3ine�cS��aid��Pi.necr � � � � � . �.
<br /> � �� � Boulevardy,�thence running wc�t cn the es�t prolan�;ation.of the north� line of Pioneer doulevard� � . � � � �
<br /> . � erid.on�.Lh�.nortYi 11ne of e'icrcer isvuievard for a di�vancc ot 1,738.9 fcet, morc or iuss, to � . � . .
<br /> � . � . � the.poinl of be.�innin�, as sbown o�thc pLut doLed 5/2f�5 marked Exhibit "a" attached hereto . � � � �
<br /> � � � . and�incorporated�hercis'� qy�refcren.ce.�" � . � ��
<br /> �. . � ' SF7C4IQIi 2. 1'ki3t the original�Section 2 of Ordin;uue tio. �84$be, nnd hereby is., icpcaled.� � : ' ��
<br /> � �� � � SECTI�7 3• .2hat�this.nrdinance, vith t3ie attack+ed plut, �s YereLy directed to Le f11ed in tkic office .
<br /> ��. . � . : � of�.Lhc�:.Aegister�of Deeds, Hall County, Nebra.ska. ' � � �.
<br /> � � StxTiCN.4. Th7_s ordizamce shnll bc in forcc oi�ed tuice e.Sfect Srom an3 aflcr Its pnsse�,ey approval, aa3 � �.
<br /> � �� � publicution�•srithau�.i.he.p3nt�.�:�ri�hin !'!:'t�ecz�,Erys LR�une�2seuc of th- Gre^�?.Is�ensl Dnily IndeFendc�t� as . � � �
<br /> pravidcd by 1av. ••
<br /> � � _� t�iAY � 1�7? ' - ___
<br /> ,
<br /> �/ .eaidceaii of the Cow�otl *"" � �/,�a
<br /> � Abtoat: � " ,��� 3UY Clcrk , �i >' ��'�
<br /> � . � ��..
<br /> ' _.`!
<br /> �:
<br /> �3a.-,.7, �_ �
<br />�
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