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<br /> �,;_�y. �
<br /> � ���. M08TGAGE—Saviaga aad� Loan��.Porm-{Dlrect�CreNt��P1md�255^2 t3pee7al) . . .. . . . . . . . �� . . ' �. .
<br /> � d:?0 2�F3 7 MORTGAGE
<br /> �xa
<br /> � I 2th ��, of May is �� by�rmrr►baa.sea,o� �
<br /> SIit3 INBEt#TiJ1tS:mude.eM�• �.
<br /> ROBERT M. PESHEK AND SHARON H. PESHEK, husband -and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> 3 ' right and a's spouse of tha other
<br /> ot�� ' Ha� ��. . . . � County.Nebraalca,as mortqago�s. aad.Flome Federal Savinqa mdS.oaa AawetqHoa�ot Gcand Ialand,' .�
<br /> �".: �.�a corporaHon orqaafzed�aad..�eaietfng uader.the.law��ai Nehraska:evlth.iu prtndyal:oflice md�placa of�buaiaeea at Grand Ial�d,�I�imbraaka.���.
<br /> . ..cm mortqagee: � � �� � � . � . . . � . _ . ... . � ..
<br /> � WI7NESSETH: �That.said�mortqaqor 5� for and in coneideration ot the num at�. . .. .
<br /> , �. . —"-----"--------- ---------
<br /> SEVENTY 7HOUSAND AND NO/I00 -------- -- ,,,,11�� � 74;pq0.0� ,
<br /> �� 1he recer;pt�of w}uch�.�.ia hezeby��acimowledgad do�_�by�these preaenU mortqage and warsant unto said mortgages,�ffa sueoarmra and���
<br /> �.asdgm,.forever. all tbe Idlowing described reai estate, a3tuated in tha couaty ol � Hd I I � �
<br /> ' :�and�:.Stale.:d�NebY6ska:to-.rlt:���'� . . � .. .. . .. . .. � . . �� . . . . � . � .. .. .. . . .
<br /> �£ NEBRASKA
<br /> � �
<br /> �.� � ... � . te
<br /> �f$
<br /> $ ?�j
<br /> . S � � � . � r� � .. . .
<br /> ' j3 7oqether vnth dl heatlag, liqhtlag, and plutnbiaq equipment�cnd itrturee,inciudiag atokeie and 2�urnera. saesna,awniaqa.atozm wfadowa j �
<br /> " ;� >� � aod�doors;aad�window shadea or�bliada, ueed on or in connectioa witia eaid pzoperty,whether the eame aze now�loaQted on aaid properiy.� f
<br /> or herealter placed fLereon. �
<br /> � <
<br /> TO.RAV£ AND 't0�HOLD�THE SAME, togetber wich all aad singular the tenemeats,Lezeditaments�d appurten�ces thereunfa befanq-
<br /> inq,or in anywiee apFsartaining,forever,and wazsnat the fitle to the eame. Said moztgagor.�_. heseby covenan� with. sa3d martqaqoe f
<br /> � #.. that—the�_ dre at ihe delirery hereol.�ihe lawiul ownez=ot the piemiaes rabove conveyed aad deecribed.aad a r4 �. . . .
<br /> . j'�.�� �seized of.a good and indefeaaibla eatate o! inheritaace thereia, free and dear ot all encvmbzancea, and that + h� ` ccili w¢zruat �3 . � .
<br /> i- detand.�the tiUe�thereto.fo:ever agaimt the ctaima and demanda ot all.persons whomaoever. � �� �
<br /> � � PROVIDEP ALWAYS,���d tkxis uastrumeat fa esectxted and delivared to aecure the payateat cd lhe sum of �
<br /> SEVENTY THOU5AND ANU NC?/1 00 ---------------------------------- noltara 1s 70,QOC�.00 t
<br /> with iateresL thezeen, toqethez�with such chargea and advances aa anay be due aad payabto 10 eaid mortgagee undez the lezm� aad {�. . � ��
<br /> coaditiom .ot�the.promiseory aote of even date herewith and secured herahp,executed by eaid morigaqo:.`-=.Lo smd moreqagee,payable } �� � �
<br /> � �. as�nspresaed in avid note,�aad to aeeuze the pertosmanee o[all the terma and conditioas cantained�.theceia, TLe.�terms of amd nme are . .. � � � � �
<br /> �. .hereby�Incorporated herain by this relezencs. .� �
<br /> �. It is.the tnteaaian and agieement o! the partiea hereto that thL.moctgage ahall also .sacuze aay luture adv�ces mede to eaid. �
<br /> ��moctgaqor_:a_.�y s�d.d mortqagee, and aay and a11 fndebtedneaa in addYtioa.to the amount akaove etated mhich�said morigaq�s,�or��anp � � . � . � �
<br /> 04�thexn.�mny owe t.o said mortgagee, however ovideaced whather by�nWe..book eccoun!or otherwiee. 'Shia mortgraga shuFi tamaia in Sull �
<br /> " , � force aad�':eiteet between the��partiea Lureto and theIr�he3ra,�perwnal rapreaentatioea.� sueceasoia aad aasiqns,:uatil a!i�amouati� sei.-uze3�� . � �
<br /> � � he:auadcr,tndudiag�luiure adv�ces.�e pmd�in tuil with iatereei. � � � � � �
<br /> ' ���� The asosi4a4or��s'.herebp:assi;�.. � ;to�eaid.mortgageg��ell rente��and:.inenme���.arEeiag��at�anY�and all�timwa hom saud:�P=oA+srtF��.aad�� �.. . .
<br /> � he=aby authoiizs amd mn:tgcgee or ita agant, at its�ogHoa. upera�dofautt,�to taka charge o!�eaid property and ceFiect Qu reats and Snoome �� � �
<br /> . .� kheralrom cmd apply the same�.to the paymmt ot interes4�Pdacipal.�fasurance premivma, tazes.asee�aemeab, re . . � � . .
<br /> sa:y..to kecp aaid pzaparty fn unantnble condi4on.m to other chcr es oc meata Pmle os improvements.apc�eis.: . .
<br /> . 4 Pa9 ProvFded.foz hereln.or in the noie he�eby eeeured. T}iy
<br /> e
<br /> �.rent.asaignmeat�ahall continue.�Sn..force uatil�the ssnpald balanea at said aote is fully pai3 The takinq of poases�ion.hereuadas eh,aii.in no � .
<br /> ���manaer�preveni�.or�retcird emd morigagee ia�the collectioa�of eaid wma by fozeclosura or othexrvise. � � � �
<br /> . ; ..The.tailura ot.!Le moztqaqee::tp waext�..�y o!.ib��:riqh4•Lezeuader al aaq time rhall not be caaatrued aa a wmver ot its riqht to as�e:i � . .
<br /> -, . � ttaa.�,same�at�any later..tlme, and.to inaut>upoa�d enforce sirfet campl➢.cnce wft6 ¢ll the terms�end provitloas of e¢id note and oi thfs 3F� , �
<br /> , martqcge. . � � fl �
<br /> ` �:H aa3d mortgagor=ahall�aauee to bo paSd ta�aald moslqagee the entizo amouat due it heisundac.and uader th.e te�mw aad pzovis�ani
<br /> ot said nate harehy sewred iaeludiag tature:advaa�s:.and.anp eztensiom.w..reaewda.ehoseot�in.accurdaaee..with the�.terms��and provf�iona . . . . � .
<br /> .�.� UureoL,az�d�it�,wid moxt �, ahaIl wit6�.all tbe � . . 3i � �
<br /> �� 9a9 �mP�Y D=avLdoaa o4 wld-note and of lhia mort4a9a thea.the�e proaea4 ehdl ba.vold:
<br /> � . othesvrlse so�semaia.fn�lull larca�:and e!loe4��aad wSd�m�igag�s-.ahall�bs eaUtled to the�poseaesSoa�01�all.af.said�pzopnsty.aad.may.�.aR lu � .
<br /> � uPHon.deelare�ths��.�rhole of satd�.note aad..all.3udabtedne�s�seyressated YLerebg to bo�immedtatdy dua md payable,and may fozeclwa�.thSs .
<br /> , . �mortqage-or�take any..othar legal'�aet[on�to-protF+ct!L��-zigld. �d�izam�aLe daie ot anch defavlt all ltems o! lndebledaew. securod�]aemLg .. . . „"h� ...�'""`.�'` �
<br /> '" ahaL draw!nlezaat at�911 per anaum. AppteSaemont.wai�ed.. . .... , . . . . .. . . . . .
<br /> � " '
<br /> �Thia m.ort saa71�Sa b5ndta u � � � � �`�
<br /> !he ze� 4a9s 9 i�a and �hall�eaurs W /1u lwnef3l��ot the hslr�.��eseeuian.��admlai�tralota. woee��ocs�d��asrigas oI ` s. �:�?�
<br /> ', � � ,. ✓p�8r hetetn. �,... c �.. ;:: _ .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . � . t .
<br /> P�ave
<br /> � � ..��tN �YSSl��I�OP. ,xitd biortqayoss . �,•v� yure„utc aet .;� thG i r s ,� . '� �� ,"''
<br /> _ �,�. � � �-�. �
<br /> . � ,� s
<br /> . yaa f[��t abore
<br />� �'.J"---^' i"' ��;,/�..��.../�` ✓:_ . .- . . � i�� � �' } .
<br /> /"`- t.X'�7 .�' G'� �r'�'i's'" .+'9����,. . . . f .. ��.� �'J/' . � �/ -'� '�' ��
<br /> r�ober��PesneTc—�—` � aron' rr. s e �
<br /> � � �
<br />�
<br />