� ; ..
<br /> �,� ' �, x,
<br /> 4AIwt9 . . . . . . . � �y4�M1� . .
<br /> . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . _._�Y� .
<br />' , � � �
<br /> not extend or ��ost,pone the clue <laie oi the inontlily insuill�iients reierred ta iri paragryphs 1 atid 2 hereoi or
<br /> change tlre an�oemt of sucl� insiallinent.a
<br /> 1Q. Borrower Not Released. �xtensi��n oT t:he titrie far papxuent or �nodification of ainortizatiox� of the sums
<br /> secured by this 1lortgage granted hy I.ender tc� �ny succe�sor in inier -rst oi Borroa�er shall not operate to release ,
<br /> in any mnnner, the liaUilit�� oF the origii7al I3orrc��ver and i3orrower's successors in interest, Lcnder shall not be
<br /> required to cuznmence l�roeeec3in�;s aaainst sucli eucce�sor or reiusi. to exten� tirne for puyment or oti�eTtivise modify
<br /> e �i
<br /> j�„ aniortizaiion of the sums secured by tLis \lortgage i >y ra>ason of :�n�� <:iernand mssc�e by 'the ari�inai Borroever and
<br /> �, Borrower''s successors iri interasc.
<br /> j� 11. Fozbearance by Lender Nota Waiver. . Any forbearance bc S:ender in exereising any right or remedy `
<br /> � hereuncier, or of,herwise afforded by applic�Ule ]aw , ,hall not be :L wai�er of or preclude the exercise of stny right
<br /> C orxetnedy hereunder, The }�rocurexnel�t of insurance or tl�e ;�syment oi taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> �; shulI' not be a Waii•er oi Lender's right to accelerate tlie asizturity of ihe indebiedness secured by this iSortgage.
<br /> � !2. Remedies Cumulative. :�tl reinedies provided in tlYi� �Iortgage arc distinct aiid cumulative to any other
<br /> � right or remedy uncier tl3i� \Iortgage or nffordecl i�y lan- ot �•qwc�• ; .an<i mati Irr eserciFed cuncurrently, inde�: end-
<br /> entiy or successively:
<br /> 13: Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. Tl�e co��ensnts and �greemente
<br /> herein contained shmll taind , and il�e rights l�ereunder �hs31 inure cr>, the respeetive suscessors and assigns of Lender
<br /> anci Borrower, subject to rhe procisions oi ��ara�;reiph 1 i hei•eoi. :1ll col•enauts and :igreetneirts ot Tiorroli�er shail
<br /> be joint siid sever:�l. The ra�>tior�s und heading� o ! tl�e paraigr:�ph� uf Yhia �lortgngc ai•e for convenience � anly snd
<br /> nre notta be usecl to interpret or define the p;ovisions hereof.
<br /> 14_ Notiee. � ny notice tv 13on•owc:r > >roc•iciecl ior in thi; \ lortgei�;c siasll I>e �;iren by aiailing euelt notiee kn'
<br /> ` ceriifxed in:ail acidressed to 13a•i•ower at ilze Yre�ixrh• .lcidic:..=. scated belo�c . crsce��t for ac�y no[,ice required under
<br /> � paragraph 18 liereof to be gi�•en to E3oi•ro�cc�r in thc ui:tnni�r �, reticribeci b�• :t����lical>le l:x ���. :�n�' natice pro�•ided
<br /> ` forin fhis �Sortgarye shalI be deetnc:d tu l�a��c f�cen gi��en to Bors•ou�er �� i �cm �i��en in ihe manner clesignated herein .
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Sevezability. "Cl � is fc�rxzz of 3riorega�e c�orub9nes uniform covcnaixts
<br /> for national use and non- uniform cu�•enants 3�• iti� limited variaiions }��- jurisdici,ioii to cons�itute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real propertp: '1'his \Iortgage sl.uli Lie ;;overned by the Lio oi the jurisdiction in which
<br /> e the Property i� located. ln tlie event chai any proti-ision or clause ot ihi� \4or[guge or the Note confiicts tvith
<br /> � � spplicable Iaw, su�h cor�fliat shall not affece t>iher ��roviEion4 oi this _�Tortga,gc or ihe \Tnte �+�hich ean be given � � � �
<br /> effect tivithouc. the conflict,ing pro��ision, and to tliis end thc procisions oi tiie Jlortgagc and tl�e i�Tote are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> � � 1&: $orrower's Copy. Borrower shaYl be fui•« islied u r«nfonned copy of tlais 1�Ioi•igage af� tlie iitne of execu- �
<br /> tion or after recordation liezeoi.
<br /> 17. Transier of the Property; Assumption. If a11 or any part oi tl�e Properi�- or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by I3orrod�er tivithout Lender's �irioi• written conseiit . exriuding t�� ) tiie ereation of a iien or encum-
<br /> brance su'vordinate io this llortg.Lge, ! bl ihe creation oi a ��urcttase money securii�� irrterest for i�ouseholci appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, clescent or 'e��• operat.ion ai l :i ��� upon ttie cier�th oi a joint icnuiit or �. d ) ihe grant. of
<br /> ' any le3.sehold in 'cerest of three yea3s ar les.� nut coniainiii� :ir. opriwz to pitrr. hase . I;endei• �nap , ��t Lender's option,
<br /> iieclare all ths sums �ecured by this \lortgage ta ]n iirunedistelt• < Iue aiui Er� y-ablc. I.ender �lssll h3ve w�sived Such
<br /> option to accelernte is, prior to the siile or iransier, Lender exnci c ?ie per�un to ���tyoin tlie Yropen,y is to be so13 or
<br /> transferred r�acl� sgreemeni in ���riting i�l�at ihe ereciic oi sucli pei•�n i; nut�sfar,tozy to Lender and tt�ai the interesc �� �� �
<br /> F>a,'�ble an ihe sums secured by ihic \Ior[gage siiull 15c si �t� el� rate a� I.et�der stiail request. Ii I.ender tias �cai�-ed
<br /> tlie option to actelerate provided in this parsgrapli 7 7 ;iiid if I3orrotire2•'� .�uccesspr in in2erec4 liu� executed a �vrii-
<br /> ten asstimption agreemeni accepte�i in wriGing bc Lender, I,ender :�hcill reliase Sorro�eer Irocu alt obligaiions under
<br /> ihis 1�4ortgage and the Noie.
<br /> If I.ender exercises sucl� opiion to accelerar,e, Lender shal ! � i:iail Borrower szotice oi acceleration in acaordance
<br /> �vitl� k�3ragrapll 14 hereof. Suc�L izo� ice shnii prcr�� icie s perio��1 of noc 1�+�� ch�n 3l? das}•s from the dt�z� the not�ice is �
<br /> mailed within �chicL I3orro�cer tnsy pa�• tl�e �um� �1ec] ;ired due_ 1P }3orro�rc.r f?� il� ic� p:�y :such oums prior to t.he. � �
<br /> espiratiun of sueh ��eriod , Lecide:• �n:iv . :��ichoui fi� rtl�ei• noticc or demand c,�i }3orr•o�sei� , iirvoke :iny reinedieS ��er- � �
<br /> mitted by pnragr�ph lb liereof.
<br /> ,,
<br /> \rox-tis �tFoa :�z� l'o��EN�nha^�:. �B� ri•c��c� r .znc�� L(.ndei• fzarGliir�• cocenant, iiiid a�ret� :z5 f'ollo �v� ; �
<br /> � 18. Aceeleration; Remedies. k:�cepY ns Irru��i<le�t in � � ii �r=r;i � �l� 17 iurreoi . upun 13orro�+ er '� hrcach of sany
<br /> envenani or �greetiien2 of F3orco�l• cr in ilris 11oi-tr;�o-��!��r_ inclu�.iSn� tLe coven:�nt � to ��ay �chan iiue un�^ ::ums �eenred � �
<br /> bt' t'his �tort�age, Le�zdcr q�rior to zeceler:�tic�n <hali � u�ii nt'� ( irc• to 13ort•a�cer s, � ir�ti�i�iad in j�,�era�;:�aa�li l �l l�ereof � � �
<br /> specityinq : ( 11 the breirch ; + 2 ) the :iction re�_{ uie•ed tc,� rurc �uch irrtratcl� ; ( 3 ! i3 dstc . axot less tf�an tfiirt.p d� ye � � � �
<br /> � Iro�n t,he da[c ci��t� notiac i� m3iled tq 13uc�i•oner . i �� �cllich �uci ; bF�e.teli �uust, he ew�cd ; and ( 4 ) that f:nila.�t to curc� �
<br /> ��iicl� hreucP� on oc beiore tlie dat �s specif'ied ir: t } ie r,oticc• znas�� rc�,uiC ir, ucrclera�tion uf 21if� ,ua�7s serurc<3 bz• this �
<br /> � �f�ortga6e und saie of the Yi•of�ei•ty . if cl���a i,�rcacl � i � n�t ci3red r�n: i�r beiore thu rlate� ;�xcifit���d i ❑ the ii��tice, I.en�er � � � �
<br /> sst I.e:ncier's oF�tioii m� �� de�elan^ a!1 ui it�ic^ swn. secured b�• thi:: � iorcgage to be i�nii2ediate 'ly rlti�t� anri j�;ayscble �
<br /> withc�ut further d¢m�nd uriti ma�� forerlose tliis SIort�:uge b}� j uciariul � rro��e�din�. Lendtrr sl�alt l�r., c�ntitle<1 to eolleei � � �
<br /> in suc't� ��roceetlinq all c•zpei�ses oi iorec+ lo=ur�� . inclutliu�; . i �iit not li � ni: ed to . coat, oi dacuiuent :ar�• e�'idet�ee,
<br /> nlSstracLs and tit3e reports.
<br /> 19. Bonower's Right to Reinstate. lotu•i2h,tunciin�; Lenc?ea '� :ccelerution uf t }'u� �unv s<�:curcG.3 I:rv ihis �
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower sha]) Iiuve the right to hati�c an�- ��ror,eeriin�;� !>efiun b�� [,��n<icr t� t•nforcE� thi, :liort �;uge dis-
<br /> evntinued at any time prior to entry ot a } ucl�enent euii�xcin�; siiis \I�rt �;aike it : � <� i Sorrourr �ou}�� Lt:nder all
<br /> sums whicf� would be then due under ihi� \ IoiK �;:�y�r , thc \ote :uxi n�tt+= seeurin � Futur�� .� �i � ziucea , if unc , had no
<br /> accelert�tion crccurrer3 ; ( bi Barrower r.utes all i�rea� l � r: oi� .� nc orher �ot�enxnt� ur a��r�•e�x'ienx � ut }3orrotiti�er con- �
<br /> tained in this 1�Iortga�e ; (c '+ Borrewer {�a�•� .iil ��:: �_ . .. F ! ,> c • : � �
<br /> . .. . . . , ._ . . . . . ,. . . ?� .. .. � . Pv. . . :� ' ;�� t„ cr�:is.t�
<br /> � and sg�reemen�,s of $orrowe�r eonixined irt thi� :Aiort + aGc � :� nd� in c-nioirin�� Lcmier'r� rcn Eciic�� :i� ��rm•ided in pai•:t- � � �
<br /> graph i $ hereof, including, but not limited to , re.rsonable nttorne}� '= u�e; : and id � 13orrotrcr i ikes �uch c� ciion ais
<br /> � � Len$er m�y reasonat�]}• require tc� ��is�ure t }'iat tl �e lien oi th9r � Iortga�e , Lradei'> inccr�ast in tho Yropertr uud �
<br /> � Bbrrower'sbbl�gabion to n�� the surns se�cured hy i1u� A9o� t � t;,� e �l� t !l �c+ntii�u�• �mirril>air�ci . T � �,m� �iicl� P,syrnent � �
<br /> snd cure by $orm�x�er, this ltortgage und the obli�,atioa: �ecured ix•nh�• �liail recnai>> iir iiili iorce and c ffe i.t a� if .-o;} � - ,,,�,• ;
<br /> no aceeleration had occurred - 4 � ' '
<br /> 2Q_ Asaignatent of ReatsrAppoisstment of Receiver; Lendez in Fossessioa. A� sddiciunal �ecuriiv here- � <` '
<br /> under,Borrower liereby assigns to Lender the rents oi ihe Yro!>ertt• , �nos-ided that Borro�cer shatl , prior to :�ceeler- �
<br /> �,; ` ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abatidonment of the� ProC>ertl , li.i�-e tl�e riFhi to cul}ect and retain sFach rents °x '
<br /> . as thev become due �nd payable.
<br /> nw; v'.
<br /> � ,
<br /> „
<br /> Lponrnce�I�ratian un�er �iw�rigra}ii� ioLeixei oc a[,wn4iumi,�i� � ui cL�; YeuE �ri-� p . 3.rr�der. � in Eier�-on c,,�� aQenc
<br />�� . . . . � , , .
<br /> cr by. J diclsil� Appointed :ecelrrr s};till b., �niiL:cwl tc, ca;t� i uE;.;n . . ,,1�.: � ,u,. � >,�,:� o� auu �uz�us�;c u,c x'ru�,eri,c
<br /> � nnd�� co coileei the rents of ihe Pro{>erty, including tftose past due. 311 3 �: ncs coliect.ed by I:e3�der or rire rcrceivrr _ �
<br /> shall be appiied first to paqn�ent of the costs of uianagemenf of ilre Yro}x rip and collectx�n oi te�n : , invhidin�. i,ut
<br /> not lirnited #o. receiver'r Feec. i�remiums nn rrr�F�iver'. li�n�i � �m�i .-.�� .nn �ti,l�, ;� � � ,,.T, •,•,• •: , c ,,� •� „d tt�r^, ! n ], c a,:m•
<br /> ro secured by this J'fortgage. I.enc9er and ttae recei�•c:r =Lul1 l �c� iuthlc to xccounr ani}� iar chosc r<�nt .� actvally rc�rei �-ec3 .
<br /> a. � .� �
<br />.� '�- -,�, .__ '
<br />.+��� . �
<br />