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<br /> � �-,
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� SAViNGS FUND
<br /> . . ���. Fors�a No.720 � . .
<br /> � � Loa� Number-33Q]Q------T�-----s.a 3�
<br /> ''7'3'" QQ257'� MC? RTGAGE
<br /> THIS iVIORTGAGE, made and executed this ...__......�-�......_...._ day af.._..._..��'��,?.✓......._....._. A;D_,
<br /> ,� 1.9_,...�7.., between Che Mortgagor>.Tose�--D.,..�',�r-t�in.y_.�'U• and--H�ver-ly..J.,..3�9�rtins-husband �nd..wife,
<br /> each--in-.h.is--and:-hQr.own-.:nc3ivi,ctual xigl�t.-and•.�s�.sprx�se-�f--:.h�-o�ki���-��oi:�n���y--•arad.,seirerr�3ly
<br /> . of ......,Us.an3.:Island....., C'ounty of ..Aiebs�ssk�..... ..... ......Statc:of.;+I�.braska. .- ....,hereinatter referred
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the iYIortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS A�TI.� LOA1V ASSQCIATI4N OF
<br /> LII'JCOLN, 1335 "N" Street, Lincoln, IVebraska 6fi5Q1., its successars nnd assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> , R'tTxF�sETx: That the said Borrower for and �n consideration of the sum of . . _.._..._. _
<br /> ..
<br /> 'Z'WENTY FIVE THOtSSAND SEVEN fItJNDRID AND N0�100--------Doitars (L3S$..'�?s..lOO.OD . ............)
<br /> ._... .. ......... .. ... . . ... .....---.._........ ........... . . .... .
<br /> paid by said Lender, does hereb,y mortgage. grant :tnd convey to Lender, its successors anci aissigns; the
<br /> foll�wing t3esc.ribed property IocAted in the Count;v of .._._k(�.�1............__.._...,.,., State of 1Vebraska:
<br /> Lot Eight (8), in Tdest Heights Addition to the City ai Gr3nd Island, F3�11 County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Tt1cETxea wit.h all the improvements now �r herenfter erected on the pmE�erfy, and all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oit ane� �'as rights and profits, x�ater, wai�r rights, und
<br /> water stock, and all fixtures now or her�after attached t.o the property, all of which, including replace-
<br /> ments and additions i:hereto,shall be deemecl to be and remain a part of the ��ropert.y covered E�y this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the fore�oing, together with aaid proC,�ert,y (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a leAseholc3) are herein referred to as the `"Progerty".
<br /> Borrower covenants thnt Borrower is lawfuilv seised of the e.tiiate hereby conve��ed and h:as thc:ri�ht
<br /> to mortgage, grant and conve,y the Propertp, that the Pro}aerty is unencumbered, ancl that Borrower will
<br /> warrnnt and defend genernlly the title to i,he I'ropert�� aguinsi all claims and demands, subjc ct t:o an,v
<br /> , easemeilts and restrictions listed in a�chedule of excepcions t� rovE:rnge in any titfe insurance policy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Propert��, or t`-') �ttorneg's opinion of titic from abstract uf t.itie certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> Pao�*ipEn ALwAYs, ancl these presents are executed and delivered upon the follawing conditic�ns,�gree-
<br /> ments and obligationa af the Borrawer, to-wits:
<br /> ' ; The Iiorrower agrees to pa� to the Lender, or order, the princi�Al ,um of . _
<br /> ... _ _..
<br /> - ' TYT�.:1�.�Y-k:IV�:_2'.HQVS�N�?.tSE.VE�j..�3�?N!;?F?.�D,APTD..JY9.��oQ---------Doliars (L'S �.?�:`7UQ..pp. ........ . . .....}
<br /> �nyable�s provided in n nnte executed and cielivered,concurrentiy het�e�vith,t.he frnal payn:ent o£principai.
<br /> if not sooner paid,on the .._1st. -----._._ duy of__... Jtu1e.,...... . ._ _..._._....., :K�..<.'4?Q6
<br /> Urr[i c)nnr Cov�xa:vTs. 73r�rmwer and Lendex covr-.nz�nt All(I a�;ree ae follou•s:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principai and Lnterest. $ormwer shall prvmptly pay when due the princip��l ot zind in-
<br /> terest on the inclebtedue;;s evidenceel L��1:he Nut:e, preF�ayrn�n[ xnd late charge� as Farovi<led in the. Note,
<br /> and the principal ot and int�rest�n�zny Future Ad�ances secured by this :�1w�t�ge.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes cmd Znsurance. Subject to l.ender's option under pvragrnpi�s 4 and �i hereof,F3ar-
<br /> mwer:;hall puy lo Lender oxi t.he <lay m�>iithly installments of princi��nl and interest<+re��a��able undt�r thfa
<br /> Nqte,until the Note is�aid in full,�sum (herein "Fvnds'°) cc�ual to one-t�veftth af the vr.nrl}� t��c:, axiz3
<br /> as�essments which ma,y nttain pric�rity over t.his R1ari�3�e, und �;round rents un Yhe Propert.y, if vi,y xalus
<br /> une-twelfth of yearly �remium instal$nents for hazard insurance, plus �1ue-t.�velfth of��earl,y �iremiuni in-
<br /> stallments for mort�;a�e insurance, if an��. all as reasonabl,y �:stimated initially and from t,ime t� time k3y :
<br /> Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable e�timate�s therr..of. I,encler shail�pZflv the Funcis
<br /> to �a,y sasd t�scs, assessmcmts,insurance premiums and krouncl rcnts Lender slzalt zn�l:ir no chargc� foi•sez
<br /> hol.�'.ing :;nd a�:;ph'in� the I't;nds vr ti'eri[�ing aud �uxiiNili�ig �xiu us:;e,siuent.�s ainu i�iil:;. 'I'i�e Ix.���ic�r.haii
<br /> give t� thc�Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting af tihe Funds showing credits z�nd cicbits t.o t.he
<br /> Funds and the purpose for�vhich each debit to the Funds svas macle. The Funds arca pledged as ndditional
<br /> seeurit.y for t.he sumM sacured hv this Mortgnge. The f�c�rrt�wer agrees ttzat the Funds rnat� be laeld Lip t.he
<br /> Lender and coinmintiled wif.h other funds atsd the Lender's o�vn funds r�nd the Lender mav p�y such items
<br /> from i�5 own funds anci the i�ender shall not be liable fos interest or dividends an such Funds. �:r � '�,�r;�
<br /> if the xmount of the I�'unds held by Lender,i�ogether with the future mont;hly instu3lments uf Funds ?� :�^;^''
<br /> �ayable prior to the due dates of t�ces,asreasments, insurance prc:mivms and ground rent�, she�ll rxr.eed �
<br /> the amount required to pAy said.tases, assessments,insurance preiniuu�s+ind ground rents as the.y Fall due. �"` ti
<br /> � n �
<br /> such exness shail be,at.Borrower's optaon, either pmmpLly re�nid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on ��;
<br /> monthiy inst,allmen�s of Funds. If t.he amount of the Funcls heid bv Lender shall nat bc>�uffieient to p��•
<br /> ks�xec, �a,�,a�,�me nts, insurance prer::iuzns ._nd bmund rents as tNe•; fa:: dac, Barro:z-er sh.�ll �ay' fo Lendcr
<br /> an,y� ampunt necessarv Lo mxike u� the de�ficaency wit.hSn thirtv ciays after noiicc fror*.m L.er.c�er to �c�rn+r��er "�
<br /> requesting payment f.hereof, or Borrower shs�ll,�by an increase in znonthly installmemts of Fm�ds reyuire<1,
<br /> repay the cleficiency within the Fund acuounting period.
<br /> I.Jpon payment in full of all sum� sPr.nrP� hv t.hi�Tvi�rtgAgr, T,��n�ler�hall at�r�l�� Func�4�ie�l�l r��� �•rr��iit
<br /> ` against ali sums due.
<br /> � �_ �
<br />^\�
<br />