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<br /> � IQAN NO, �� " �� ;.��'��� M��� � "PAORTGAGE AND SECURIiY AGREEMEiJT" � .
<br /> � � � . � � KNOW AGL MEN 8Y THESE PR.ESENTS �
<br /> rHAr JAMES L. BONSALL and SARAIi L. BONSALL, husband and wife,
<br /> � each-contracting 3n his own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> � of thr Cou�ty of j�,�,], . and ita7e of Nebrmka,mortgogors, ie onsiderotio�of ihe sum of.. . .
<br /> FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NOIlOOths---------------------------------(s 55,000.00 }no�uas
<br /> the�receipt whareof is hereby ockna.v�ledged,do�hereoy SELI AND CONVEY to State Federai Savings and Lcon Associatirm,IIe�otricq.Nebrosko,martyagee, .
<br /> .� ihe follow;,,9 da:���bed real estate sitoated, in jjgl];,� � � Covnty,Sfate of Neb�o,ka, ro.wir; �
<br /> Lot Eleven (11) in B1ock Three (3), Lake Davis Acres Subdivision, HaZl County, Nebraska.
<br /> .r
<br /> � r�,,,..�-���
<br /> J'' ,,,,-
<br /> e �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � Togefher.with.atl�buildings,easements, impro emenfs, fixhures or oppurtenancas n hereaFter e eored thereon, incloding,all appomto.c, equipment, �. . � .
<br /> . fixfures or arti.cles,wheiher in sin9le units or centraNy r.ontrolled,used tu supp�y keat,ycs, ui conditionin�,water, light, �aowek,refrigerotian, ventilotion, � � .
<br /> .� dishwashi�g,disposal,or other services,and any ofher thing oow or hereofrer Ihere�n or ihereon, fhe iurriishing oF which by lessors to lessees is.custo+ncry or �
<br /> � . . qpp`opriafe, including screens,wiodow shode:,storm doors and windows, Floor coverings, screen doors, I -u-d.onr 6eds,.awntngs,srovc�ond wetee heaters(aIi
<br /> . of w6ich�ore de<fored to be a�parr of wid reol estate whether physicaNy aftoched thereto.or not). The Mortga�ee is hereby subrogoted to.rhe rights of 911 mor- � -
<br /> � tpegees,liertholders and o ers poid off by the proceeds of the loon bere6y secured.Thu mortgogc consituroz a writy ogreement wihh�rezpect to tha chattels. � �
<br /> covered I�ere6y ond with respect t�ihe iixtures attoched to the cbove desr.ribed real e>iahe in which mortgogee has an ordinery secvrity in�erezL � � � ..
<br /> �;�� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property,with said buildings,eaumenis,improvemenfs,Iixtures,appurtenances,apparatus ond equipment,unta said �
<br /> ?� �� Mortgagea, its�wccessors ond assigns Forever. . � . . . � �
<br /> r,;�� . . � The mortgegors reprasent ood covonan!with the morigogee tha�they a elawFully seized ivi fee simple of xaid premi5cs;that they have good right ond lawEul � �
<br /> outhority to sell and conveythe somn;rhat Yhey o e frea and clear from encumbrances;thot there are no cwistanding security�i�fer�.+sts agoinst any fixfures:�and �
<br /> �rhot they will warraot and defend the title to soid pre+nises ogainst rhe ClpiTi of al I perso� ,ond that Ihere are o0 outstanding security interQsts os to any and oi! �
<br /> of the above described Fixtures. ��
<br /> �. PROVIOED,alwoys and these prasents are upon enprese condition:That,Whereos the said nwrigagors have this day-executed ond delivered to�he wid� � . �
<br /> . � Association,o certain nate in t6e amounr of fhe obove<onsidcrorioo,w ich sv v.•fth intcrest ns provided by said note or any muhvol TO�IfiC�1iM Of[XfM510(1 .
<br /> � Tharoof,o�d ollsums which said Association sholl�oy out of its owo funds for taxes,inswance or rapoirs on rhe property described herein,or Fu�uro<ashadvonce-
<br /> �ments made by�Yhe mortgogea ro the mortgagor,or his successor in rltle,for�any purpose or�ny riine befare ihe releaso and wnceilotion oF thh rnwigage(provid-. �
<br /> d�. ed that the seid odvancemenr,togethar with ihe principol b�lonce due ar the time o(the said advoncemenr,ahali nor e eed ihe original omouar oF the mortgege. �
<br /> f- ' �and,prwided forther,thot noshing herein cootoinedshatl be conside�adus Iimiting rhe amoun�s thoishall be secured Rereby when odvon<ad ta protect the sewrity .
<br /> - or�in accordonce with the covenontn contained herein)shall constitute the debf e in�to sa7d Aswciation and by safd noee�aaid mortgogors promise to poy seid - �
<br /> �. debY o�nd inferasi to fhe Aesociafion In monthly instailments os provided in said oote of even date herewith.Unless modified ar exranded,1he i�nal�payrnent'rs doe, �
<br /> 348 �++onrh:Prom aare.
<br /> i' � Mort a ors fu«her �
<br /> 9 B flgrae fa pay, before detinquenry,thn sums secured 6ereby, �nd ali faxes and charges of every cnoracfcr azsessed or now duc,vndar .
<br /> , rhe laws ef Nebrvska,�pon said real estaiv, ond up�on this mortgoge ar the note or debt secured hereoy;to kyep the.buiVdings upon soid premises lnwred far fire �.
<br /> � and extended covnrape in some company or companies accepta6la lo mortgogee For an amoum nor lexs fhan�he volue oF tFe 6ui Idin9,as determined by iha mor- �
<br /> tgagee or rhe.unpaid batance of tha loan,whicheber is lass;to keep all irnprovements in.�ooci repair and condirim,wirhout weste during�he�ife of this mortgoge; �
<br /> � �� .and to permit mwtqogea or its agent to entar upon said premisex ro exomine rhe wndit�on of said Improvemenrs in order�o ertsure con+pliance fierewi�h.
<br /> ' $houPd defoatt ba mactn in popnenr oi�the sum ser.ured'nereby,o ony p�rr rnareof, ond sofo deFovir conrinue for s xry (60)acys, or shovid soid�i soranca
<br /> k� � �� noF�be.prompNy effec5�ed,or tuxas.pr assessrnenfs not be poid be{ore delinquency, vr deiauh in vny ef tFe tem�s oi the note for which hhin mortgct7e is securify, .
<br /> � ar said property sold or.transferred by deod, contracr, <+ption,o mont,or other.vixe,v.lthout approvai of�supplemoMal oppiicatix(or assumptioa o(rhis mor- �
<br /> � . tgoge�and the debfevidencad theraby, by�he Auociaticm,o n<ose of foilure tn duly abserve and be 9overne�by the provisians ond•conditiwu of tha Ghorter,.
<br /> � � By-Lows oF said Associatian, ond ruips and regu�otions eF TF�e Fnderfll Sovings and Loan System, or if.ins�ured by mortgoga insurance corporotions,ro pay in add-
<br /> � �isian ai}ha vption of the Associotion,the premiums far said ins�rance,ar�he discovery by the Ass.ociatim,or its officers, that ony of the.statements�coraroined
<br /> � en the appliwlion for?he loan e cuted by mortgagors are fafse,o if c rax lien, additionvl morteage, .e<hanic:lien,o-orher en<umbranca is (ticd of r ord� .
<br /> . � which imposex a Ilen agains�rha o6ove described rool esiate, than the whole a}'said indebtedness remaining unpoid zhull at the�optirn of the said AssocioTion, �
<br /> . � beoome due.ond poyable withoui notice,fime boing t1�e essanae of thiz conlract. �
<br /> �. Shouid morrgogars faii to keep fh¢buildings rud,as.berein agreeJ,or fcil ro poy reoi estote faxes and speciol ossassmenh on rha said mortgaged pro-
<br /> � .perty bafue duli�quency,morrgoHea may eFtecr saidsi�s � � ,poy tarns ortd i� urunce nrerniums,ond ail such pavmenis,wi�h inrr..resr os provided in�he tirst
<br /> ' mortgoge nota secured by thia mortqape, shal!6e u lie.nsuucmcsaid nrrmises and secured here6v.
<br /> � . Thn moitgoyors harcoy relinq�ish aU homasteqd and ma�irol rights of every k ind in ond io the soid premises. .
<br /> � � � � For tha purpose ot fumishing further securify for tne debt sewred he.e6y,fhe artgagars hereby ossign,fronyFer and sct o er to:he morrgagcc,to be upplied
<br /> . .. ��towerdtha payment ofthe nare and oll other sums securod bareby, n case of a dofault in�tba perfurmooce of ocy af tha rerms ond cvnditio�s of fhis mortgoge �
<br /> e �-xhe�wid note,oH�he rents,�revenuos,and inceme to bn derived from the mortgoged premisez during su<h teme os ihe morhgoga�ndebtedness rhaH rnmain uapaid; ��
<br /> � ���and�The morlgoges shall�hovo pawor to oppoint any agent,o egents, it may desire for i�he purpose oi�epair�ng snid pre �c an.�of renfing the s and coll¢<t- � •
<br /> �ing.the ranhs,r¢venues,and i.ncamo,ond ii m�y poy out of caid incom al7.uxpeases o£repairing wid premixes and necessary commissions,and expenses in<u�rad N
<br /> 'in renting ond monqging�the same,and ofcollectiry rentels tnerefrom;the balancn remoining if a�y,robe opplied taward the discharge of said morrgoge indabied-
<br /> L' `nem.Mortgagae aholt acco�nt For rents actually coltected ond not for the rentoi value o(said premises. �'
<br /> If the indebted�usacurad hereby be guorantead or insured under.the Servicemen's Readjustment Act,as a onded,s�ch hct ond Regu7miona is med thexa- �
<br /> , � u der and in effect on tho dete hereof shall.gov m tf s ghi.dut es� d liobililies P tS e.po ties hereto, nnd ooy provis�wis of this o�o�h�+r instrurnenh exacuted � ...
<br /> n cwmact:w dq su,:. .anutuaneaa ,w��u��n. w �� fan� � ln smd.�.c�ur Fay�i �s u�e.:mra�}art nnaed�o cunh«m rnerero. . � � �
<br />� �The frrms usedto designate.nny of ihe part._sherein:hali be dee+ned to include ihe 6eirs, representot'ves, successors and as:igns oF sa�d partie=,ond the�
<br /> . � term"Morfgogor°zhnl!olso include�ony lowfui�owner, holder or pledgor of ony indebtedness zecvred i�ereby. ��
<br /> � L-9 Rev.�7-75 . � frumble)
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