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� . � �� <br /> , �� <br /> � .�,� <br /> ;� <br /> ,.w. <br /> . .w,:x <br /> ,.�- � <br /> � - <br /> ; <br /> a�'- Qa2s�5 <br /> AiC?RTGAG6 <br /> � ' rao�xrc,ac�Lo�s;xo. L 22,636 � <br /> � �ow atit�:���v�r�cs�rx�.ssxas:Tn�: Roger W. Poppert and Betty J. Popper�, each i n hi s anr# <br /> w . her own right and as spause of each other <br /> ; Matf,agur,wheihcrone or mnne,fn cunuderatiun ok th¢sum of- <br /> 7wer�ty-ane Thousand Two Hundred and NO/10�--------------------------------_______ Do�.�ntes ' <br /> ' loaned tt�said n�nttgsgur 6y Thc LquitaUte Buiiding an�i Le��i a#ssociation af C;rsn3 tsland,Nal�raskA,2�Torc�e,u�»wn atoases of ato�it wf <br /> � ssid ASSi�Lt#TlCDN;Ctrtificatc Nu.L' �,�s��� ,d�i hercby grant,cosrvc� �r�d murt�age untu tSae sui� ,�SSOClA'1'30tV the fullowting; <br /> � d�scr'sbo�c�cai estatc,siWated iq F�al]County,Na6raska; ' , <br /> i� <br /> LOT ONE NUNDREq NINETY-SEVEN (197} AND LOT <br /> QNE NUNdREO NINETY-EiGNT (198j IN 8ELMONT, <br /> AN ADDITIqN TO TNE CITY OF GRAND ISlANO, <br /> �, HRLL COUNTY> NEBRASKR. <br /> � <br /> ��� � � � � <br /> lc>gether witlt all ttie tcnements,hercdiiumeczts and appuricnanc,cs nc�rcuntu belonp:inK,indudiu}i atiaclie3 ilovr cavrrings, all��=indow sereens, <br /> � win�ow sttades,btinds,st�rm�vi.radc�ws,awning�,ticating;,air conditiunin�t,and plun�hing aaid water equipment and acxsnxaries thc.reta,�unxps;xtuvrs�,� <br /> ` refrta*sr�trars,snd utlter ti�tures and ec�tuQment now or hrrc3fter ntcaclicd to aa uacd in ceniurtton witt�s�id mnD estatc. <br /> ; � <br /> � � � Attd�whcreas the.wid martgagor has xgrerd and Sues hcrrta}•agrce tft�t.U�e rnoctkagor elrall and a�Sli�ay ull taaes an1 nssessxttents�le4icd xor <br /> k xssessed u�n aaid premises a�tri upo��Heis mortgs�te and titc Uouct securee3 t erebv Ueti>rc tltc samc sSialf hecoine dclinyuent:to li+cnisk�n�prowcd <br /> insuru¢uc up�?�a�Ihe bu.ild'ui�ts on said premisex situated in ihe siun uf3 21..��fl.�� pa��uhle tu suid A1,SCX'lAT10!��and�(a deti�xt tt+saiat� � . <br /> � ASSOC'IA71C3?�'ihe.pui�cie�icar said insurance;and nuc tu.casnmit r�r pernnt xny w�stc on<�r about saie3 premisrs: � � � . <br /> � <br /> ; In wsc�ut dafau4t in thc perfarmaa�cc oi any of the terms and conJi�.iqns<af xhis mc>clgnge.or thc bon�i �ecured 8iereGy..thc.tzii+rtg�re shull., <br /> ��un dcman�i, be �nt�tled to inunediate posxssic�n c?f thc mortge.�md prett:i:;es and ihe�rn��rtgagux iicrrby assi�nx�, t:renst¢ra and�sets over tu.thc�� <br /> �.ttiurt�q�ee s13 the�rettts,revenues snd.income ta Ge derived frum ttye mort}zagrd premiaes 3urinµsuch titne as the mur[gsgo uicick�tedness.rlaali aem:tin. <br /> � u�ip,uid;and�.ttie nwrt�a�eeshalt t�ave thr power to appauyit any a�ter�a or agents i[ ina,y desGre f�r thc puxp�x ot`repairiftg aaid gremisns an�i�rentizag��� <br /> �� the samc-and collectimg.the�rents,revenur�s rnd int��nr,and it��i�y pay nut of sa.i3 incaccxe aIl capenses uf repaitin.g.said p�`eniises nnd ne�cessmry��� <br /> c.a <br /> � � �umn�isciu.ns srnd�ca�cnae�incurred in renting and iu�naging lhe.�me and of'c<nliacti�eg rentais thee�eirnm; 1he�balance rema,inang, 'tt�t�y,1+�l�e �� <br /> applie�«rward the discnur�e oi said mor�gage indebtedness;the,e si�;hts of ihc murig�gee snuy be e?cerr.isad at sny tfsue during t3ic existen�c�f sucli <br /> . dt,fault,irre��ctivc u.Cany tcrnpor•rr}•waiver ot`tho sxmc. . . . <br /> ����� � � � "Thesx�1're.srnts.h��?u^ever;aic upcatt the C'onditiori,.Tliat if ttie said';Nc�rtgag<,��shall repay said laan on or beforc tl:e matieritp caC saiS sltares h}� <br /> .. peytneitt;pay�r��unthiy ta snid�ASSbC;IATItIN c�f fhc xi3m s�citicd in di�e 13un.i secured hm�ely�s int�sest and��rinc�psi oa sui�d luan,�1n tar bafi�ae <br /> ,"�:. � tNe Twcnticttx day<�f'each aud.every srwnth,usitil liiau�is ilitt_v paid;pa��aIL tax�s and a;�essnirnt�s le��ed ugainst aud prnmises;i.nd qn this h4artga�a �. <br /> % � �anJ xhe Bc3nd s+:cured Yticraby,ba!'ure�ieiinyuency°;1'«rniata�pprov¢d inswance upon the butldinks t:licre�n in Utv wm uf G 2Z�,20{),nQ�'p3}�ah�e <br /> Y ��. tt�said.e15SOC�L.ATtON:rspay�fca s:3id ASSC}C1A'1'ION u�on dcxnan:i all nt�aney i�y 1t paid 3i>r suclv ta.xc.,ussessmen�s acad insurance�vith intcr¢st at. <br /> � �k .. �t14e maximuin degal rate therccin 1'rum Jate oi p:s)'�t�eati alt�>l.wtiich;�i�!rt�tagor hereb�•agrer�to pay�;pcnnit no waste on sai.l pretnises;keop sndcpcnpty��.. <br /> � . . �wiili 6S1 Uic agrecmentsztnd cunditiw�asof t.lie f3a;�d I'ur$ ZI�2��.0� tl�is dav �i�rn U��the suid A4�a�t�,agor to said A56CK7(A7�I(]N,ai2;�cum�+t�e�: <br /> � . N�ith all thc rec�nuemrncs al'tite C.unatitutionsr+d dv�l.awx of sai�3 A5SCX'IATIC)N:then zhese prcaenta shsll becuma null axid void,r�tl�er+visr tiiey <br /> ��. . sftati reniai��.in.1'u41 fat��r end may br t,he uptiun of'tlie said ASSCX.IA'CICIN �fcer Carlurr f'or tiirer am�utiis t�r tnske any e.�F�:iid. <br /> pa.Vments or k+r thr�e�:manths in anr,:�rs iix fnaking said znontlily paymcnts,oe to keep anct r.untply�wifl�t.lte;�zeei�aents 3n+1 cux�ditiUns al'aaid Bu�ad: � <br /> , � and�hltirtga�ar ag�ees�to a rc4eiver appoi�tied f�rUiwith ir�such ti�rccloiure pr��cecd.iikts� � � � <br /> � � 11'�tliere issny���wnership<�1'the resilesxatrmortpagedhecein,U�� snPc ur�atlunvise,then the enCirc rc�nuini+ig ixrdebtetlnesr,hereby: � � � <br /> �. � � 'secured.stx�li,ai the uptloei of TIiE 1'quitabic Building and Luan.4saaxiutiur3 0£Gcat�d ls9arid,Nehrasks,hecomo due une�pxyabte withuu2. � <br /> � .furthcr�ncatice, nnd�ihe euxwwai.xem:tining duc undct� sSJd b��wd,and any otficr bcan�fer sn,y addrticxnal ad��snces mx�ta tixerennder.�tis1l.fttam thc � � � <br /> - �� ��ttirte c:+i'exercise uf said optian,Uear�interrsy at iim m:�.a.imum legatl�rate,and nr��rt};age snxy then be forrclestd t.0 satisfy t�te amounY dur on said. � � � <br /> bnnd,and any act�cr ban�fnr ad3itiunsl arlvances,toqether wi[h all awns pnid t,y su�d Tlie k yuitable Bui1d'u�g nnd Loan.4ssu.fxciun of Grand isixnd, <br /> Nebraa}:a for ii:surxncv,taxes and assessrrrents,;+.nd abstracting�xiension ch�r�es, with interesl eherei�n, 1'roan dmte oi �rayzixnt st ttto nSaxi�xwm � � � <br /> icg:il rstr., <br /> ' � � � As pit�vidctii io the 13ond srcucr�.hcreby,while thi.s nt�rl.�e.remains in�1"fect.the mc�rtgagcc mny hereatter advaace�u�l3itiun�l sums.u��the � <br /> r` m5krxs qC said Bnnd,theu assigns vr successors dn intcresi,wtucl�suans shal] br within i,hc securiCy of this niurtgape thc uuno as xha funds arri}citwllY <br /> '' . �� sccured iheicby,�he C�ta1.anto�nt of princip�l drl�t nor to ex red ac vny time tlie urigixuil�srntauni oi thS�muttgap,e. . � �. �� .. �� <br /> x <br /> "� �� � r� Uatetl t2ris �:.1Qtt1 . dsy of �d,}� ��.Il.,1`.� )� � . <br /> ��.�. «F��:____.____ _�__� <br /> � <br /> 8et y J.;Anp�°f�t -- -- <br /> � STAT�'l�F NEBRAST{A, <br /> .� COCINTY i�F f�A1.L�ss. On tt�is 1 Qth ciay af MaY �17 �7 .UeCure mc. k . <br /> -� � � � ihe undcrriF;na3,x N�tary PuAlic in und t'ur srtid Cc�unty,persY nall„v came � ��«'�t . <br /> s Rox�er W. ,Aoppert and BeLty J. Poppert, each in his and her awn ri t and as s �+ `��`^ <br /> L'dCh othe�"> ���no �e s�l��y�c�ow�n tu » �; <br /> {, are <br /> I! me ti�be tite identical petse�ng whose nameS a Ce at3ixed to ihe ubo�insireunertt,as tc�ortgsg�r 5 a�id 4'�+*' <br /> „ ...,�y they severalt,c� �,�,�xk. <br /> 4 ackncawledged the said u�ssirumcnt to be t�e71' 'voiuntery act snd decd. ;� } � t L ; <br /> -' � ' � �4TTNIFSS my hxnd and�.rttare�l cest thr date afnr�rsait!. � � . . �. <br /> k . .. �. . . . . . . . �� ; ' ' . . . <br /> _.�3y Co.^tunioslo�a• 3ras _. '`}~'7' fl <br /> � C�1R�:€iP*1 R�r�t�Y= P a i r, . ,,�+„�, ,, c::� r r���� F <br /> : � . <br /> �.�:i'TSM��Vd�d�l,.,.�1�J . � .. ._1'.a"�a,��rt�..�_____`��!__.�.� <br />�,' s�t' .\�) 1 � F ., , '' N atxry�Yu ic . <br /> 4Ax s,art+m,�ia t�t.-�-/ "� .-��-- --, r-� <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ,. (w.u.a�c:c-��r . . ..�-.-H�-�. � , ,/' % p' . <br />�� �> . . . � >, _. . ....., . .. � <br /> a � <br />� <br />