<br /> � � . . . .. . . . . . . . � . � . � ..sw4.��� . � .
<br /> - �.�.. .. . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .
<br /> � �
<br /> naG exten�3 ar � �os2pc+ue tl�e3 due ci�#.e t�i tlae mont3ily iii,t :ei]meni . re�ier•rect to in par:agrci��3�, I aii� 'L lierent car
<br /> r.lisinge t.lac� smount �i-�uclr iii�t:�lline��t�,
<br /> iD. Barraw�r Not R+aleasad. L:a;te�isioii af tlie tirnt� fcar jriwite�it �r �nnc,tific��tiion r�f ;i�aiortisaiaati nf t.hr� ruins
<br /> •ec�Yced bg L2ais �iort,gage �ranie+�� by I':enc3et� ta ;tii} �ucce�ssor irr°iaiCera�t af I3�orro�ver <hall Aic�t opecate tra t�:lects�,
<br /> in s2ny 3rl�nt3er, tl�e 3i� k�ili6y �£ i6e +ori�tinatl �3t�rroicer mic� 13�arco�vae•', ciirceSWans iix ixiY�res4. I.enr�er 'siiali �fo6 lia
<br /> requind ta cou�:tienee ��raeeeriita�s :e�gin�r �ur..h succc���c:r�r retiisa t.« r.�tenc9 ciinc t«r ksayinenc �r other�vise n'ecaelify
<br /> :�xx�ortisation nF tiie sutus secut�d b�• tliii \Tort��r:gi, {a>' reasc.ia ut` iin�� �ietns�ic� tiu�de: t��- tl�e nri�inu! T3orrr��ver a�ud
<br /> � ;.l2 E3nrron�nr's suecessors in iutere•t.
<br /> ; � ii. Fort�srrrcnae by Leadet Not a Waivar.'t Ai4v toi�icuraucr l�r L��ndar iu 4�crcisin�; c�ny ri�lit or ct*tn�dy
<br /> � lierauitrier, cu• other�a�ise �(iar�3c>� t��� :sp�alicut�3e la+r, sh;all �it7t he ;z �� :tt.*er of or {>rer1uciet tt�e c�erCisc ni nn�° right
<br /> + G�l . or retaiedv }aereu�ider. The EazvcureuicnG o£ insuranc� or the pa��iueut r,i t.:�ic� vi� e�tsher liens or ci�arg�±s lay Lender :
<br /> � sTaall' nnt�be a '�ruiver �t Letieier'c ri�fit to aa�elc�rett� tlic n'i.�turii;y 'of tti� icfdabt,ccinets sceur+acl k�p t.lxis :�iortgug�:
<br /> ' � 12, 8eaaedies Cumcilativs: A13 ��eni4�ier pro��icjeci in thiy :\lort �:tgt+ an: disiir�et aaid r.tunuluti��e tu an} c�ther
<br /> � ri�ht or rexnedy cinder k}si� 1T�rt�a4gc� nr iit�c�rti�e�ti liti� I:a�c i�r t^y�iic}� ,' .+.Aici uiay l�tr ��xa.reisrd eoxzcurmattyr iaade��atzd-
<br /> (� �ntly� or successrvely.
<br /> pv� ! 3. Suecessors cmd Assigus Hannd: Joint and SeveraY liability: Cuptions. '1'ti� cnti�en:�nls .and .��av.*emera#,�
<br /> }lerein oont�ineci ehal! Uirid, :xnd t }�e sigiit� !'iei-eund�*x• .IxaU it�tire Yo , thc rra��esr, i:iv� sdc.ce�.�sors aud ae�i�ns af T,�nd�r
<br /> i uud ,Borrnwea•; :Libjectto thN Earo� isioiia Ui � �area�r.xpi� li l�ereof: :# 11 ccnenaiitc and 3xc;rci+iruart.� n[ E3nrroGs�or �1=�11
<br /> ' ' be joint ei�d sc+va>ctil. I'he ,ca��ciotts anii iieuduigs c�f tlzct p:ix'R��i:yili�, ot ilaie \ ( i�rt �agc> atct f�r cunt�anienae, e+nly t�ncl %
<br /> ; are not tn iae used to iiiicrpret. or �ietine thu �,i•ovisiou� laer���f.
<br /> � 14. Neotice. �1ny rautice te� I3urro�i�er Irroviricd ior� iu� this \[urt�;x�;e s#iall hG �;i��ezi b}� � uactilin�� ,urh #zoi,ice� � fn•
<br /> � reridtied nuail [uiiiressce# tU 13c�rra���c_r at 'th�� £'rc�perc� �ildr� an rt �iteii hr: ir����, r�cea �z fta�� aiiy caotia�+ ��ctc�i�jre<I tl�tcica�
<br /> '. > }a:;ra�gr;spli lS l�ei•e.of to 1>e �;iyen t�a 136rro�ti-c�e iia ihr n�it��ncr a�i-�,cribr.ci I �y :tpplic.i6le lat+-. :\ tz}� a�oExi�e ��ro'��ieie�{
<br /> � ft�rin ihiti \ ��orf,��i�G> 3�k�e�71 he �ciu��ined tq lr�vn c�t��y g�ir��n �tsr I3orrowt�r �+ 11en � �;i��e�a iii � thc� mt�u�racs dr.�i �x�:xt�xi �l��rc�it7. �� �
<br /> � 1S. Uaifcrm Z4Iortgccge; Goverxsing Lccw: SoverabiGty. T'hi� iortu uf tn�rtgagc� cumt�incs unifortn covenants
<br /> Iar n�tiat�s+l us�a :ind tiotx-uuitnrzrt coz'eca;�u �� �viYl� li �uitcd �-vx�iakiuns b�- ,jui•isdici,ion fu coustitute a unafonm �secu-
<br /> rity �insErtttneii� cvvGrin� real prc�}�er� y�• 'i'lris .l,lurt��ge� aha�l� hn �„oterned !�y t.l�� ls�c of tl��> juriEdietir�n ira �vhirl�
<br /> ` th'� �"rq�1�1'#�v Ss larat�9. I'�� � die 4venti 41�:�t yii�� yrovisiois or clausi ul tliis �1i'�i•l��a�e� ur i,lti Arbt.c� i�aii3i�cte � rwiU� " "
<br /> :i�plieable Ia�v; siinc �oni�ict s}�slf ncrt: uticri ntlier 2n�ovisior�, oi t2ii. \ Inri.gs};�y or the Note �ahie}� cacx lae �;it'en
<br /> � �� zff�set avitliout� thc <:ontliacirG� Taravisie�n, cuid to Lhi� �nii tirq �� ro�� isians oi' the 1Tortget�e :A�ul the Not�; uro cisclai�t�3
<br /> to be sa�erable:
<br /> i8, Bcuzowers Copy. I3orrowe>rsl�n.il be turni�hed ,t ec>ntormeci cupc of this ;1[or 'cgr�gc at the ritne of execu- ', "
<br /> � �� tion or AfGer se��orc�atbion l�sCre�t. � � � � �
<br /> ? 17. Tranafer of the Propadp; Asvumption. S i all or c�ny pari, �if t he l'rapc�rt,yr or un int�resl; th4rein is sald
<br /> � `� or transferred ��y Borirw��a• ��•itliout L,eudt;�'� prina• ���rittcn ccz�isrjrit , exclii�iing tu ) i.hu c�rc�itP,ion tat n tien ar c�ncuns- -
<br /> 1 braiaee subordinait,e ko this llvrt�sgc , (1�) thC ereati<�n x�i ;c ��urr.liai•e iilant*c secuitit�* iiatereat !or lioustaiiol�l a��ali-
<br /> ! ' ? anees, {c) a 6runster �v decise, descent or b�• olaerutSon ot 1:6��- u��t,n tlic circitli c�f n jc�icii tenxut- or 't<i ) thc grunt ui
<br /> aixy leasehold interesb of' thrr.e ycnrs �r le.s not evntuining ;� n u�,tion t�� p�urrh .t�e, Lendc:r may, ai .I.cndar'W nption ;
<br /> ei�clare all t,l�e xuixic secun:c{ 17�� lliis \Sariga�;u cc� , f.ii� iiti:uedi:�tol�• �iva �ind ��ayal�le. l..cnder shati lrsve rvai�-eci aucli
<br /> � opEion f.c� etec��lea•ate iC, prior to Ghe ssle or txtuzst'er; I_ei�der aand t�he } ,e��;un tn ���hon� t,i�c 1'rn�ert,y i� _tu �iae sold ur� �� �
<br /> 1,r�,nsferred xeaclr a�recii7e,nt in �vrit,inp; t.hc�b tl�e cr�.etiC of suclt 4�e.rso:i �a e�ztisfaetc�iy to T,�ne��r and that thd� i��t-em9t
<br /> jaayable ou tlie tiuius �ecui�crf by ti�is �[ort �,ag� �hull bc ;it. sucli raic .s� L�^ardcr .fialE requc�;t. Zf I ,cn�ie;r i�as waiv�c�
<br /> r, ttxe option to ttiucelei•ate }arovi�ieci iii %his pr�ra�rii��li ] . .iu�i if }3i>rro�vee's siacce,sar iu ititerest }i�s �*aecute.d u avrit-
<br /> t.en assucnptioti a�;rea�iuent :xqc�eptcri izY n•ritin�; la�• l .cxider, I.��ndc�x• :a}iati r�>. lease �3ori�ca����r iruii� :�11 oblig:�ti�ns under
<br /> this Martga�e xnd thc Note.
<br /> a R If Lender ex�rcises auc:[i option tu uccclei:�tc, .l.ender shall �i�uiI }3orracver noti�� at :�ccelrr�t.ion ir� n�coniauce:
<br /> �vitli par:��raul� 1� la�reoi. �ueh t�ot:icc eluitl ��r«rl�lu a pqrio4.I oi n�3t 1c4� thu�x 3U d:�ys fi•au� t1��� dfxtc thc xioEioe� zs �
<br /> E �
<br /> � � i���silet; �vithin tivhir�G 13orro���c�• ana�� � �n�' tl�e san» declan�d duo. 7t I:ior•rower isils ko �aax}' �ur.ta s��tus ��t•ior t.a chu
<br /> rxX�ir�tioti uf vuc�h �>�ripd , .Ler�der rnc��� . �viehouf furtl�et� naticr c�rr{rciiu�a�l an I3orrc�a�ec , iuvuke a�ny rrin��ies }a�rM
<br /> matted b,y parn�;ru,ph l8 l�ere�f.
<br /> �ox -l� r� irox.n� t'crvrx,ana�s, f�c> rro���ir azad l.<cuder turCixra� coti�ctuuxt atucl a�;�rc,c: ;ia ' follc����s :
<br /> '� 18. ' Aeceleration: Remedies. Z:xcc��t x. � ,n.i�� icicti in � �nr.iµa-n �>Ii 17 licr<ol' . u��on l�arttnvr*�•'s 1arc�:tch c>T i�.ny
<br /> '' � �r�av�nat�3t or� zt�re:emcrnf vi }'3or��ti��cr in tlii. °�lort �;tt� <• . tncluc� in�; �tl�r rovcnmi�tv ta pnv ��� haa iiuu :fhy �una;� ��s�r.wa•e<i
<br /> ' � h�* ikx�is ,1lortga�;e, I.G,r�der ��r�ioz• tu i�ccaiec:Gtiun ;:IuQ! uanil � neyticr� tc,> L3ur:�aiti�e�' eis pru�-i� icd � iii �z ,a4rat�rztpli i4� heciaof �
<br /> j �pt:cif��in�: tll� ih� 6rtturlt; 121 t.lro, uctic�a� ra�auire�i eo � rau��r aucl� I �rcach : i3 } �i ��intr, ztol; fCc:s l� hat� t�laiz'i.y � +'ie�t•y � �
<br /> `r, frt�nr thr duuc thr. natict: is �itiailc<l tu liu�•rci�w•ar. 1 ��• �rhich �=�trl� I ,� rc:icdy iuust be i•urr�3 ; :xr�d 191 YlAtil. taittirZ t�� c��rc�
<br /> � such � t>rcaetx uai t�r be:iorc t:lir date ;�>a��,�ificci in � he iiuticu ntay' resuH iu i�ccelez�ntiott �,,t' flic �Guia, s��curc+.l 1',iy thi:; �
<br /> � � :��1ort�x�tt ivnd sule of �t�1te � 1'roperiy . Tf the bri�:tcli i� nnt rur�r+3 �an ar beia,ar t he ri��i� c� s� r�,w^ilic�� in tlie notx•e . C.en�t;r �
<br /> � � at � Lr;rnder's o��tion nzeru declarc till c�f th�. .�iu�is sccure�i � bt• tlu:a A�iart{;it�;a to� he � intvlidiixtlrl�Y due an� i tiG�vitible �
<br /> � � �e�iE}tcYutr [t�rt;het• dexciatxd. �z�ni1 tnay forzelose tlii:+ �Tisx�tgu�e !>i-� jtidiri::l au�oc�����,d�ic��;, I.et�dcr �sh:rll h� uni-itled lt� ccsller, 't �
<br /> � � iu � �urh [iruceec�sug all ex�eat�e5 ot� tort^�•loavre, � including , h�at � nut lirnitcd � to , � uort� a1'� dorumc�atnr�; avir".ane�e ,
<br /> nbstracts t�nd tit.le, sepe�rta;.
<br /> 19. Borrowsr's Right to Ruinsiate. 1ot�sitLstaiidiii�: 1.cizde� 's .icresleentiun ut tlie ;i,iaAi� .eeumci lry i:h �.
<br /> NIorE�ge, Bnrrower shail iia�c�e il�c right tu l�ati�e ;in�' j>rocet�iio+,;. h4�;tAn b�. I .i�niler to ���ifurec thi� \iort �x�ge <lis-
<br /> +; tiwfltinued mt uny Lipie ���rior �io enEr,y �af :.4 j�uds;ii�e»t ��aatt�eing � tliis \tc�rl �;a�s�;u if` : � � � :� � k3on•orve:r� pay�s l,encicr ��il
<br /> `' sun�s which w•nuld k�e theti due tttidcr t4is � lo�K�n�;c , tl�i^ 1otc� ;tn� l notea seruriu�; .l�u«u.• s� d�•sxeicirs, if szip . hai.i no
<br /> acr,elaratiom cmcurreci ;� ib1 � Borrtawr. r � eiu�c^c :ilf �brc�aiche� � ot :xai�� othe�s• rr,c��n;�x�t. � or �:��*r<•i�iaie��nk. nl �Lic�rrow+er caa�- � �
<br /> `� .
<br /> � Ba,z1t^� .u �t}9is �ASori�.;gti;, ! u) BAc•,^o�cerpn� .� a11 rcu�ozzaalc ,�� ��era.:ca ii.�• urit��; :.�� I.�;i�l��,r in ru:ur�Y�wy; tlaa ��uc�"u;��:t�s �
<br /> _ und agrecmesiCs of Borrower rontuic�c-ii in tliis \ [ oi•f;�•ce;.;c ;�nd in rniarcii�?; I ,az�der'� 1•cinedi�, us ��rcn� ii�ec3 in p:��:i-
<br /> z:� � � grap� � 18 k�ere�f, � inalnding, � t,ut not� limite�� i�a, re.ttionutalc attorncn• '€ 4 ��e� ; ,in� 3 ti,il I3Szi�raw�>r �f�lkes .ui�h a��c�ti�ax �.ati�� �
<br /> �.: , Leztder msy reasatiabl,y requirc to sstiure t }�at tlia lieza ot tlzi� \ lurt �;a���, Ixnder's ir:tc:rc,t iix tlic I'rc>k�city anci
<br /> ' IIorrrtwor's obli�ation tu p=iy fhe sun�s :crun�l i,}• t17is .l[i;ir � i�c �Lall routi��uc unin>> >aia�cd . lTpan .iich ��.tymcuti
<br /> y, . �
<br /> +�z�Sl oure bv Borrower, t}1i�c A3oht�;et�e az�d t.he obli�a�kioL�e •�cu.rt�cd herc+ly�� rlixLll rimauiu in full fi�ce�� r�nci- ktCe�:t :+• if , "*,� � ^ ,� '
<br /> no gccelera3aon had occurr�til., u, , �� „ ,
<br /> ' ' - 20. As,signmtat of Reats. Appo3ni�yeni of Roeeiver: Lender in Poasession. ,� � ,uiditic�uxl security herr- `5 * ' "
<br /> � T ' *,• . un�er, 33orrawer heraby-tis�igns to Lande.r tlie rents of il�e Yrn��eri }^. �ir<��• icicci tliat [iorrocver s}sall � IiriUr to ;�cecler- ^�(� .-
<br /> �
<br /> � R aAiun under pat�raph �IS 3ieruol � or aun3�doma�ent� �f iliel'3'o�,crtr; �P�src flir+� ri�ht to' .c<�Ilcct �Lnd a•cl,Hi�a Kach r�ent:s� � �',«�'`��..
<br /> ` ;� ,
<br /> ° ss, the3* taecome due anci, F�ay�ble; i:�� .
<br /> I ' 4' . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . .
<br /> , ,. _ . ' . uf tiae Yrriperrp: I.endcr, rn ��errota , l�v aReait `r{ .,
<br /> I�{�on -�ceeIeration und�r t�arn�rapt� . .iti }acraoi c�r ^ii�a4tan<�nmei�t
<br /> tir uy luuxe�nliy� a�Nuixiiexi t•�ceivrA• ,riiali . l�e enliil��.i tu wit.��r u�ao�i, iak�: ��u,.e��ion ui x�iii na�xuu�;c t,iie �i�piem�
<br /> and.tt+ aoll�ecE -the rents pf the -1'1'oa�t�'t,V, inc:ltuia�ig thvso .�»,�i tiia�e: .All t•ciats cQllecteci 3��� T,er3'uler c�r the rcccivrr �"� '
<br /> � � ehall- be a�pplied firgt t.r��{�avm�ent of ttte�e�c��,tt o! �rasnsp;ernunt af lhe 1''r�i�et•t;s= rii�ci collectiun of rca�6; , inclui,iin�, tii�t � �
<br /> not 34cnzted te, mceiver'e iree; ��mmztz�lis im rci:cirri ':� taqn�3; s:id reas:�nat�lc :ictei•i�c1• ';; frc�. ;ind tLcn to tf:c stizit�
<br /> � :secnrvd by #,h'is A�iortguge. I.,enei,er and khe �'rcpi��er chtilt bi� liailtl�a :tn acr.oiant c�nlp fbr tliouc x•cirt, uet � �;tll� rc�cci��eci .
<br /> ,;: .-..� � �
<br />� - �
<br />