<br /> . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ' . � , � _.:a'" . . . ..
<br /> � � . . .. . . � - . . . . � . . . � . � ' �� . . . . . : � �. .,
<br /> ��
<br /> - � .
<br /> . . , . . �;"�� ..;.: r .
<br /> � � :,. . . . . . . .. . . ... , .,.,. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . � � � � ;
<br /> not extend c>r pwi.gone tl�e due siate of tl�e araantl�Ic in.t ;� lIinent� �•eferred ta in �r.ia:3graphs 1 and `_� hereo� ur
<br /> change the smount of suc�� Snsta2lments.
<br /> IG. - Barruwer Not Reteaserl. I:xcensictz7 oi tlie ti�ne 1'ar �a�+,vtuei�t or moc�ifacntiun �f amortization of t,t�e suins
<br /> � s�cured by this n3ortgage, granteci iay i,encler to uuv surce�sor iu iritetr�t oE Barro���er �t��il n�t- opemie to release,
<br /> in �n}= 'afaa�aner, the IimbiIst}� �i tlae nrigiiia! J3orro�r•+er and H,orro�cer'� :ucee�sor;, in i:tteresf�. Lender shail not be
<br /> required ta eoinme�ce �aiti�eeeciixigs against �iaclz sucr.essor ur srfusc i:u e:+�tenc� t:iezie for q�a}•ment: or otiiernise modify
<br /> l � xcnortiiation of the sunis secured by tl�is �Sortgz�ge .tap rea�,so3� ot a�i�• dems�id made by tt3e origir,sl Borrocver and
<br /> „� I3orrower's successars in iut.erest.
<br /> � � 11. Farbecuance by iander Nat a VVtriver. :1n�• iorbe�ra�ce !�y Lender ii� ezercising any right or remedy
<br /> � F � heretuider, or otlierwise xffortled b>* a}�plicub�e lati+•, slssli nat he xe wai+�er of or �.ireclude t.ile c�cercise of'sny right J --
<br /> y ,' � ox rem�3y hereunder. 'Tlie procurexnent of insurmiice or tlie pay2nm�t. of trzxes or of.lier }iens or rhnrges by Lender
<br /> � sha11 n�t �e a t�ni�•�r ot I.ender's right to c�cc�lera�t.� the inatUrity of tl�e andebtedi�c;s secured bv th"xs ilSortgoge.
<br /> ,s
<br /> ; � 12. $emed'aes Cumulative. ' .all reu�e�iie� pro�>'sded in t.i�is �iort.gage are distinct snd c�xmuiative ta t�ny other
<br /> right or remed�• uacler i;i�is \iortgt�ge oe• affcr��}eci 6s la�r or e�uit��; at�d m�y },i c�ei�cised concurrently�; indapend-
<br /> ; , � . ent3y ar suecesaiyelti. . ' ,
<br /> 1 � 13. Succe�sans aad Assigns Bound: loint and Sevsral Liability; Captions. Tli� ru�>enz�.n#s and agreements
<br /> �� ' iaerein containeci;s}aail �iu�d , und tlae righGs t�ereunder sl�ult ini3re ta. the rec,}�eetive sur.cessors send assigns of Lender
<br /> ` y und Bozrower, sulaject zo clie �xn��isionu oi }rs+ra.gi.ri�l� f i hereoi: :�tl cu� e�iants an<i agreeiu�rria of I3�rro�v�z• shni3
<br /> � be joint and se��er�.i. T3ie captions and l;e�dings of t,l�e ��sragr:it�i�. oi tlris ltur#gune are for ��onveiyienee anhf esnd
<br /> � are noti to be used to intecp�eL or define iiie pravisions I�ereof.
<br /> � � ; � I4. NoEiee. Afly+ no�ice fo �I3c�rro�cer ��roc-icfed f�or in tlri• A3 � r��a�e rfi:itf Fie gic•eric by��� reauilizzg� s7zc1: nniiee� by
<br /> ceriified cilnil addi•u��ed to 13orro���er az the Yroperc�� Aiicirc�, �t::3teci belnti�• , c�xcept fc�r :iuy natice requirecl under
<br /> par�grt�j3h i$ l�ereaf co bc given to Bc�rro�ver i❑ zlie �uanner !ii'e�ez�ibec3 h�• ;t�i��licixFr3e fa��r. .1ny notice }>rovide��
<br /> for iin ttyie 11ort�age �t2a11 f�c deenred Ce: hu�-c L�c,en gi�•en io I3orro�rer rvhen givezi in t4ac utan[�er de=i�ri:iteti herein.
<br /> 15. UniformMortgage: Govemiag Lavrs Severahility. '.C1� is forin oi inorigii�;e {�ombines uniform ca��enant.s
<br /> , � for nntional use and no�i-uniforni o���en� nts �vitli lixnited �•:�ria�ions ti� jurisdict.ian to constit.ute ss uniform seeu-
<br /> rity instsuznent ca�ering rea! }3roperG,yc 'I'tiis \lortg:�ge shai ! be guverned b�� i he la�r of the jurisdict�ion in �vhich
<br /> ; ' 4 t1�e Property is locateei. In the. event that any �>rovisio�i or c•lausc ol fl� is \lartgage or the 1Tof,c confliets o�ith
<br /> -� applScable law, such conflict shull not e�tTect ott�er ��i•n4•isions oi t.hi, �fortgage or ttie Note which can be �;iven
<br /> = R effeat:without the r.onflictix�� proc�isioct , ancl to tliis end 'cl�e �ii•o�•isions of ihc \ Surtgage and khe 1�'ote are deciared
<br /> . � to be severable.
<br /> ' �' I6e Baaowei s Copp. I3orroF��er sh�11 be furnishe�l a coniormed copp ni tl�i� \lortgage aL the time of execu-
<br /> � t.ion or after recorcisbion iiereoL
<br /> ! I7. Tzansfer of the Property; Assumptioa. It all or any part of t,lie Propert�� or an int.ereet tlxereiu is sold
<br /> ` '3 or t.ransferred by Iiorro�ver trithoui Lender's prior �vrit.i.cn conseni , exciuding ( a) the creation af a lien ar encum-
<br /> i brance subordii�ate to this �iort�;age, ( UJ tl�e cree�tion oi u lrurek�:�se ztioney secunty interest for fxousehold appli-
<br /> " i uuces, (c) s transfer by devise, .iesceni or b}� u�2erncion of }z�v u��on the deatl� of a joinl tensnt oi• (d ) the grant of
<br /> � ; uny leas�hold inierest of thrce yenr� or less noi cont �inil�g an option to )>urch�se, Lender i�is,y, at Lender's opGion,
<br /> ; declnre all tiae sums se�t�red bt� this :h4ortguge to lae inuuediiitely due arni iatti�-aU[e. I.�rid�r sIaali h:�ee �i�air-ecl such
<br /> " N aptioia tA uacelerste if; ��r'sor io the sala o�• trnnsier, Lei�<ier and ilie pei�vn to �chonz tl�e Properi,y is to be. sald Qr
<br /> , � trans#erred re�ch sgreement in �vriting tliat t}xe credic ui �ucli }�erson i� sutisfnctor�� to Lender �nd tliac the inter�sG
<br /> �' pnyabie on the sun�s e.ecured by this Y-torcga�e shatl be :�t ellCll saic: .is Lenc�er shall request:. 1.f i,eiider has �vaive.�ci
<br /> t t.he oF�tion fo accelerate �rovi3ed in this par:��rsph 17 �jnd ii 13orra�ver'r successor in intereet lz3s crecuted a wrif-
<br /> ten xssumption sgreement acr.epted iii n�riting i��� I.ender. Lencier shr�ll mleaise IiorroG�-er iroxu sil obligaiions under
<br /> �;, this Mortgage and t,he Note.
<br /> I# Lender exercises such option to acceleraie, Lcnd�r sh�ll �u2it 13orrc�tiver not�ice of aceelerrtGion in nccurdance '
<br /> � rt
<br /> -�� � � rvith �sragra�h 14 �l�ereoi. Such aotice Sh.� ll �pro��id� a �,eriud o3 not. less ihan .30 � dUc� from �the d3ta:. � the rcifltice �is �
<br /> , � �ue�iled csi�lii�x �rhic.li Borrow'er ina� pa� the stzuxE cieclared �9u�a. If Sorr�a«�er• fail� ta p:1�• �iicli suius prior to the
<br /> expiratian of such period; Lender xna}� , ���itdiuut further notice �r iie:nxind on Borro��°er, it�vo�:e nny rernedies per-
<br /> s mitt,ed by paragraph 18 l�ereof. .
<br /> � � �
<br /> 3, -
<br /> \''o�-:['rrsar�ms C'oc-�xAnT. I3orro�cer �ind .Lenclei• �'urt:l�er coti�c�n��nt etnd a�;ree aa� Yollows :
<br /> � 18. � Aceeleraiiosic Remedies. ��xc��pi � as �;ro�vider,t � in � � s3i�.�grar�h 77 � I�cre<�P, � upc�u 13orre�titer'� �i��rea�rli of�� any
<br /> + ' covenant: cyr agrn�.ment of Borrower in thi� 1leirt �;;i�c , inrluc�iu�; i,lee r.o��enan�:• to ��.ti�• n�{een ciue nn�� suuis secured
<br /> = by this tiloriga�e, Lendes• ��i•iur to .iccelernxic�ri sh;til m:xil nuti�e to Borrol��er as Zaro�.'idcei in �iau:igra;ih t �i lYcrroi
<br /> ; speci#ying: ( 1 �! ihe Isrcacl� ; l '2 ) the ai�iion r��}uiri�i t.o cure �url� i�reacl� ; l31 :i ci:�Yc . not less tlian thirUt' dnvs
<br /> , ; from t:he date the noi;icc is m�ileil tu I3orrojver, 1,�• t��l�icis :ucl � larr.tcli iivaat bc cumd ; anel t31 tiru failure ta cure
<br /> ,uclr breacit on or be9ore tlie da�te �pecified isi the notirc �uny re,ult it� iiccelerat.i��n , of tlir sunrs �ecumd by this
<br /> ltortgage xnd nale of the Piroperty. If ii�c bresei� is noi curec9 �i: ar l�rforc ilic ti:itc specifled in the natice, Lender
<br /> ue I,i.nd�r'� apt•ian way c3celarc ail crf the �uuis aerureci la�• this �iortgagr to hk: ici�u�niietrlv dye xinci payuble
<br /> K�ithout funher den�and und may foc•eciose z, tiin ltart �;:ig� b}• juciicial }�roce.eding. I.ender sh.�iT }�e ei�tit,lccl to cotler.t
<br /> � � in sucl� �roceedin}a sll expeuEe�s uf YorecIo�ure, includir�g, but not liuiiYid t��, co�t,s of �'.lociuuentim•y rti•idenae, �
<br /> nbstracts and titte a•eµorts.
<br /> ` 19. $arrowar`a Eight to Reinsiate. \ot�vithstan<`.tia� I:enc]er's siccelerxation ai tlze ,u�ns accured by ihi�;
<br /> ^ 11qorGgnge; Borrowershali liati�e the righ# to hati�e any ��roceer�ang� tae�un Uy 3.ender co c:nforcc thi� liortp�n�e dis-
<br /> �, continued nt �ny time prior to r.ntn of a judgment enfc�cing this \fortga�e it : iu1 Bai•ro�ccr �7a}•s Lender all
<br /> sums w6ich would be then aue unc�er tlais �iort,�a�*e: tlic :�ote ilnd a�ates securin� t�'uturc :1d�•si�ce.�, if unv, hsct no
<br /> accelemtiun occurmd ; ( b ) BorroK�er cures all brretcliee of sn�• oti�ex• cocrnant� �r �grcemetir� of Borrower enn-
<br /> tt�,i�ecl in Lhis ;�4ort�aAe; ic1 Borrower pn�s ai3{ reusonatale ��xpensc� iricurred i�y t:erncier ia e�rfvc'cis3p; tlte coveriatiis
<br /> and agreements off Borrower contsined in iiiis :�iurt�:�gc �nd in enforeiz��; Lendes'ti re�x�edies a� �iro�•icieei in �ara-
<br /> grsgh 181iereat, includin�; but not limited to , reasona�ie z+ttortie�• '� ic•es : a�nd idi Borro�rer askes such action us
<br /> Lendermay reaeonably require to assure. ti,hat the lien nf thi� \loriga�e , I.ender's interest in the E'roperty and
<br /> 4 ; � Borrower's obiigation to puy the sums secumxi i��• t.lu: ltortgi�;;�r :lrsll ro.xtinuc unirnp�irc�d. L7�uan �uch pay anent °
<br /> 4, � ' and cure b}• Borrower, this �fortgage and the obli�ai�om ;ecured 3�emb�� �tisll rim� in in ictll iarce �nd effect sa if ;� - � ,_
<br /> , . . � no accelerstion had oeCurred. y, ' �'
<br /> �: 20. llasigamemt of,.Heats; Appoiahaent af Receivec; Lender ssa Possession. as ndditionxl securit�� here- � `��'��'�
<br /> � � � � under, Borro�es hereby assigns to I.ender the rent.� c�f thc Frope3Yy: pro��idrel t liat Boirow•er ,h�ll , prior to acr.eler- �' ~ ��,y �
<br /> • ation under paragrsph 18 hereof or abandonment of the k?ro��ert,y; ha��c tlre right to coilcct �nd retain such rents �� '�; '
<br /> xs they became due sad {�syabie. "� "'
<br /> � ' . L?�on »c�e3ersl'ten ��rt3er nnrxgrfl,I�h 38 hereti! nr sF�an�Ior+n��nt oS the Yro��ert �� . I.rnder, in ner�on , b�� �eent ' :
<br /> .r 3
<br />� , _ or hv jvdiei�llv �q���ninteci rnceivwr shnl'I i�r entit.lcx�1 ta e�ft-E r upun. ta� ke � ios.�es.cioae :�f anci insnaQe Y,litr Pro��eri.;�
<br /> and to collect the rents ;of the Prnperty, includiiig those ��ast �ue: :�II rents collecL.eci bti• I.ender or t,h� rieeiver „ �
<br />� shall be spplied fixst to pa}•ment of Lhe costs of �nxnugement of tl�c Yro�acri�• and collection of rents, includ�n�, iaut.
<br /> not li:nited to, receiver's fecs, I�remiums un rccei;�er's bonr3F and reasanssk>le attornc�� 's fees. :� nd ihen to the �um,
<br /> ' , � secvred by t.his Tinrtgage_ Lender and the rer.eiver �l�al! be liable to account onl�• inr 21�ose rencs ae�u:�iiy rc^ceiveci, j
<br /> ._ �
<br />�
<br />