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<br /> _ � . :�
<br /> .�,
<br /> � � • �
<br /> ' 1NDIVti?UAL
<br /> DUE ON SAi..E
<br /> . �� FORM ht0::720 . : . .... . � . - � �
<br /> Loan Number.:_ 33046 ___ _,188_- T.__
<br /> . :� � .�.. . . TYM BrAntfi
<br /> � 77� �
<br /> � �� Qo2�4�: �� � o ��a -r�� � a;� � � � �� � �� � ��
<br /> ` `, THIS NSORT�AGE,made and executed this _._;. f/..:. ...: .da,y of _. :/� ._.._. A.D.,
<br /> 19 ..=.7.7.,tietween the Mortgagor,_.1?ona3.d_.M..:..k'x.�deraksen..ar�d`I'IzyJ,Zzs R k`xed xzksec .huslzanrl ;
<br /> � ;; ..:�zas3�_h=_i.��:=--�azntlu-:�,ad::e��.ti:_zrA..�h�.zs..arrrh..r.i.uht...._......�...--•--��- -------�---�---..------�--------.---.:._-----
<br /> � �. of.:.:._A�.4?a=-- •---.......---,'County o£ ....FSrra.t.1 ....:.:.. .....::.. State of.....N�k�aska._.:_,hereinafter referred `.
<br /> to as:the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVIN�S ANI?LOAN raSSOGIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN,;1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6850?, its successors and a�signs, hereinafter refened to
<br /> ° s
<br /> ;` as Lender.
<br /> 3
<br /> T'ViTxEssETx That the said$orrower for and in consideration o"f t,he sum of FORTY ONE TBOUSAND
<br /> " AND NO/200 .__-•-
<br /> ------,---'i�olian (US S-.4I,.:OQ,3...OQ_:. ..........:..)
<br /> _ .. ..._.. .--•---.. ..---�-- ._._.-�----......�_.. .
<br /> � paid by said.Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the :
<br /> ; foliowing described groperty located in the County of ........_._Hal?............. .__..., State o£Nebraska: •;
<br /> Lot' Four (4), Argo Second Subdivision, being part of the South Half (S�� af
<br /> " Section Five (5), Townsbip Ten'(10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th
<br /> � P.M':, Hall`County; Nebx�ska.
<br /> ;
<br /> ly. . � .. . � . � . . .. . . .
<br /> `; !�..� � . � .. ... . � . . � . . . . . . . . � . ..
<br /> ' . . . . . . � . . � � . . . . . � \
<br /> 3oc�Txsx with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, tind all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and pmfits, water, water riglats,,and
<br /> wat,er stock, and all fixtnres now or hereafter attacherl to the property, all of which, includi.ng replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered t�y this
<br /> Mor£gage; and all of'Lhe foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event #,his
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> � t � � � �T3orrower covenants that Borrower is laK�fulIy�seised of the�estate hereby conveyed and has the right� ��
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Pxoperty is unencumbered, and that Borrawer wiil
<br /> � warrant and defend generally the title to the Propertg against all claims and demancls, subject to an,y
<br /> easements and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insuranee policy in-
<br /> suring I.ender's Snterest in the Property,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of titie certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> i PaovtDsn ALwwss, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following ccaditions,agree-
<br /> ,
<br /> ments and:obligations of the Barro�ver, to-wit:
<br /> ? The Barrower agree�to pa,y to the Lender,or arder,the principai sum of _..F.QRTY_.QNE...TIiDUSBND:_:_._
<br /> ; ._;_RND'NQ/ZDO. _-�-----_--------------------.------------- 41 OD� 00
<br /> , . . ._ ...__�ollars (US S------r_.. ..�._--� ---....._.....:.)
<br /> pay�sble as�rovided in a note executed and delivered,concurrentl,y herewith,the finai payment af principal, -
<br /> � if not-sooner'paid,on the....--_---1st......_.day of- ---.._1�+fay...._. .._�._.... _._., �8..2Q�6
<br /> {
<br /> ' UxiFoxrz �ovnxnx•rs:Borrow.>r und Lender covenant and agree as foilou�s:
<br /> .,:3 . . . . . . . .
<br /> L Peyment of Principul mid InteresL Borrower shall promptly pay when dne the princi�al of and in-
<br /> i terest on the indebtedness c;videnced by t.he 1�Tof;e, prepayment and late charges as provid<:d in the Note,
<br /> and the principal of And interesGnn any Future Advances secured by this AIortgage.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insurmice. Subject to Len�cier's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> rower shall gay to Lender on the day monthly instailments of principAl and interest are�sayable under the
<br /> Note,until the Note is paid in full;a snm (t�erein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearlc#axes t�nd
<br /> assessments which may attain prioritY over this Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any t�ius
<br /> one-twelfth o# yearly gremium installments for hazard insurance, �lus one-twetfth of yearly laremium in-
<br /> stallznents far mortgage insurance, if'any, all as reasonabl,y estimated initiallv and frc�m time to time bv
<br /> � I,ender on the basis o£assesGments and bill5 and reasonabie estimates thereof,Lender shall apgly the Funds
<br /> to pay;said taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground zents.Lender shall make no char�e for s�
<br /> hol+ding and applying the�^unds or verifying and com�iling said assessrnemts and bills_ 'I'he l.ender shall
<br /> �' g3va to tkxe Borrower, without charge,an annuai accounting of the Funds sh�wing creiiits and debits to i.he
<br /> ., Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are gledged as additional
<br /> security for.the sums secured.;by this 14tartgage. The$orrower agrees that tl�e Funds may be Y�e1d by the
<br /> ' I.ender and commingied with other fuads and the Lendez's ocvn funds and the Lendex.ma3 pa1 such itesns .'
<br /> � ;; ' fmm its own funds and the Lender shall nat be liabie for interest or dividends on such Funds. �� �. ' . �,
<br /> i - If the amoun�of the Funds held'by Lender,togeLher with'the future monthly inst.aliments of Fnnds � �'' �' "�' -`
<br /> payable prior to the due dates"of taaes,assessments, insurance prem3uinc;and ground'rents, shaIl exceerl " ,��,,
<br /> ae 1
<br /> j.; the amaunt reqnired to pay said tases;;assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they ir�ii clue, ;��
<br /> �.;, sueh excesa shall'be,at Borrower's option,either promptly repaid to Borrocver or crediLed to Bormwer on "�;'T"-
<br /> - mon t h iy�ns#;a t l men t s o f Fun c l s. �f the_amount,of Lha:Funds held:by I.ender shall not be sufFicient to pay i „;�-� .;.
<br /> - tazes,.�cc:s�- ents, insurance �irenuums anci,ground:zenrb3 as t.hey iail dae, Bormwer shaYl pay to Lender i,�
<br /> � ttny amoctnt ziere=sary to m�lce,ua the de$ciency w-ithin. thirty �ays af€�r nutic;e irum Z;eixder Lu fiorruwer
<br /> , requesting p�yment thereof, oz Borrower shaii',by an increase in monthly installments of Fvnds required, �"' .�
<br /> ; repay the deficiency vcithin the Fund,:accoun{;ing period.
<br /> � � I7�ion rayment in fu13 of�13 sums':securcd by this'i�iortgage,I.eadez sl�all s��rly�ruuus 1�a11 as a i�e�IiL
<br /> , ' sgainst:ali sums due. _
<br /> �"ry!Nt
<br /> ' __ 1� �
<br /> _ , .
<br />�
<br />