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<br /> �iOR3"CAGE
<br /> saoRrc;ac�Lown�v��. L 22.633 _
<br /> 4� �;z.o�.�[.LucxsY�tESErRESLzv�s:'rt�ac Wiiliam J, Lawton aaad Marcia J. lawton, each in hfs
<br /> ����; 3Cit� �1EY`-:�t3Wri 1^T.t�h�...3Ci{I d5�. 5f}OU52.�7f edCh�OL}1�2Y. � htorcg`;�r,w�etherune��.ur�stare.utcansideratsAnof�thesumaf
<br /> Thirt�r-eiaht Thausand Eight Hundred an� NollOtl----__- --------------------------- ���xy
<br /> � � �toaned tu ssid�mora�ga3 by Teit E:quitable Buildi�2g a��d Luan A�ixtSaa of Gcand islanit,\�tbraska..3vtarcgagee.u�sn ���' � si�ares uf��scock oC�. �
<br /> sa�c3 �4S51X'Ir1T10N,Cr.rti�csta Ma..!: ��'�tJ�'3 ,do herrba�grant, conveg snd mortgage unio z}:�sud RSSOCdATFON d�e faTiowzng
<br /> dexcribe� rea9 tsiate,sStvated in Ha1!Caixncy,Nebraska:
<br /> zor Fo�R (�) �r�� r�E n�flR�� ttai� t�,}aD aF �or FrvE
<br /> {s} Inr ai�cx rrra {2) r�a �iasr �RrFsr�c r�or��s
<br /> RECflRi3ED AT 84QK 164 PA�E 27 IN THf (}FFICE OF
<br /> r
<br /> � .tc�eihxr.u•it}3. all :fat rerceaaenes, here�3ata�ents :fnu apapsrtenanti.s thereunsa belongj*ng, inc'sudir�attache�f3.�cr ccsxenpgs;aI.€ window�s�:rcnas., �� �
<br /> �_.
<br /> � .�. win�3a�u,•sha�s,biinds,storm xinuuws.awa+n�s,h.rax3ng,�ir�nditioning,an3 Yluanhine and�E�aier equiprnsnc.s!:�i a�ccrssvries t.ht�tcs,pumps�sta�rs, .
<br /> � ref}�erat.Urs,at�Q ut.�-,ar Cextnres snd equipment now or heressf�e.:sttaciaec-S tv or used in cUca:iection�.�ea.h aaid[eai est:�ce_ . � . � �
<br /> � �;�nd.wheceas�ihe said nFnrt�agur fus a�ereed and docs hezaby agree that.ene mcrtes�car sltalF :i:id w:ll}say- ai! ts�es and nssessnuats 4rvhed ur�
<br /> � ssses�d.upun.said pr:m�asex�an:f.up+an ttus snurcgage and che is<an1 s:-cured thirzhi�� �etc:re zt:e sam.e siaali&etior:ze dtL��,:;cnt;tv;urnis�a.aFpru��ed �.�..
<br /> � ietsursaece apon�i3ae build'u�gs un sx�d Fzemixs siYaa:7ted i�.t,:e sunz o.i��� 3$�$(j(J,Q�J; pa���bie.�.0 said�ASSt]{'i_�TfCtti xnd to dcfie•e= co.said �. � � � �
<br /> . A�•a'S4�Cf 1T1fJdti the policies!ar sai�insnr.tnce;and not to aomm�[ur Qrnnit ane��u�ste nn x�r abcrut s:-id premises;� �
<br /> ; 3a��c:xse�o!'delault in tP1e performzn�e fli an±.�os"the ttrms and���sditions�o£tEus::�c�rtcage�.�r the boad securrc�hereby`,efie mort�a�,re sha}d. � �
<br /> �. ��a�a 3rsn�rad,he entitttd ca immecidal�passession ai'che nt�rt�aged Frerniscs snu� ihe marsgs�or t�r.rehy assigns, trxnsiers aud sets c�ver m xhe �
<br /> � �� .�.�n�ara�gre ail.iire zenis,rev'esaues and incame to t+�dreived.truan t.ha mcrrgage��cer.r.ises durinL.suci�:time as the snorigage ittdebtt�ness shall re�in � .
<br /> unpaitifi:astd ihe n�cangsgce slaali M��r i.iie power tca ap{wSnt an}�agent�r agcnts it may ciesse ior the purQuse uf rega!ruu;said prrmixs artd reatizi� : �� � �� �. .
<br /> � tHar:�s.me a.nd�colle�ting.the rents,ie�ronues and icscomr,ast�it rtviy pay ti?ut o! �:cid incume sll eag�enses ot repairet�¢suid.p:eaia:ctrx and nec'esssry .
<br /> � � cammi�sie�rns and ex�+e.nxs incurred im m�timg sn3 mans_>ir,�>,[he same and ot� �.:nileet�ng rrntals.zherefar�m; ahe batancs reaaainirc�,il��m-,tn� kre . .
<br /> , xpq�lied.towarc3 ttu�dischsrge of s:.id m�xrtgage inciebtcdsiess,ahese ri�h2s of itie zz�orteagee niay be eacrcis�cd ax:iny eime 3ursng tlee existe�2cr�i su�ch . �
<br /> � deEauia,irrespectire�f an}°�cin�urary waiver�r�t"the same. � .
<br /> , �:�. . These Presents,hou�evez,ace up�n che Cun3.scion.That it ihe��id hfortgagc*r sixa{i reps��said le�s��on oe'oeforc thr maturity�uf s�azd sh:tacs�bv .� . '.�,
<br /> � � pa��mrnt;pay�vnon2hir��[o.said ASSO(:lATtO!��+f tlje sc�m speciteed in xhe B�aad secuzed herehv as znterost�n1�cincipai un said:Foun.un or ber<�re . � � �
<br /> � �hc Tu�entieth day ui each an3 erery month.,untit said ioan is fulf�•}�ai3;.pay ai3 caxcs ar,d as�e�s�nents fe�ieci z.@;sinst�.;iic±prcm:ses enci.�un ilzs h4ur2gage . � � . � � �
<br /> � sn;�.tfi�c$ona s�cura3 th�reby,before aefin�nenc���.iurnish approved inaurance ugon.i.2ae Luiidings thernan in tBe�sum�i S 38'+$0�•�a na�•able � � �� .
<br /> � ao saiu.A5SC3t'lr1TSQ\.:�,epay co�add�ASSpC'.I.tTLI�\u}�csn den;sr.ci.atl m��nev by k}�aid for sucE.taxes,asse;,ix�rats ard is4>uzar.�.e x�tih nxeaerest at � � � . .
<br /> � � the maxi�:uin:rga!rate therran fra�n date ui pa��cisent xil��t'K�hich�iartgagur h�reF,4�a�rees to psy;permit no tvasce on sai:�reinisrs:i:r.ep snri mm�ty � . .
<br /> � � wdxh a:i tE�.e agcceencnts and wnciitiuns of che Boncf.for S ,3$�$QQ� QQthis dav si+�en by she sx'td'�lcartgsgar z� s;i3 A�SC7l'SAT3U��+,aerd c;arzap3,y � ��
<br /> u�tth aF4 idie rrquireaner�ts ai che Ce�nstitution xnd B}�•L.aws of sai3 r4SSOCl.ATdOti:itiea tl�rse presrnts sr.ualf Fe��ccsane ezu� anC voau,uthem•ise ttaey .
<br /> .. �. sh.a[I�rem:szn :n futI�fi�rcc snd may��.iorrclos�d at tiec opcion of the s;n�3 ASSl7CiAT30!4 ai[rr taituze iiar three ta+eeytiix :u rnake srt�� ei said � � � .
<br /> � �payaie:.�is�or ik elirre r.sonths�in uneacs in making�aid v�onihiy�payrc3ents:ur tc�krc�an1 cum�+lt'w�ith r.hz ags�r:nents:end c�snditiuns ut".saiu Bvnd; � � � . �
<br /> a�ic1 11�tc+xtgage�.c agrres tu haroe 3 rcr,e�ver appvinied forihwizh in suc}i fi�reclosure�arcocrcden�.s. � � � �
<br /> . If thexe as sny chassge i�a owaius'teip oi ttx real estate nforfgac,ed h�aein,by �aic ut uiheru�ise,:��e�t t!:e e:zEire zen�.taine m�3eiatrdxness he�ebp � �
<br /> � � sc:t�uced sl:a31,at the option of'Ltu�F:quitablr Builduag and Loan Assori�xion uY Grsnd IsLua3.Nebrasi:a.beco�ne unn�ediate:v duc arsd psysbl�with�ut � � . �
<br /> � 1'tiss�tiirr nraticr,nnd tna u�xnaur.t:�ernaining due.undar saicd bond,and any ettzer Sond fox aF�y adciitiuna's adrancrs n�adm tiie�run�3rr.shail.i�euns c}�r � . � . . .
<br /> daEt csf�e�.crcise ot;aid crptinn,beat inecrese ar tlae m�cunum icv,.xi sace,and this m�rcaa�e may Yl�en bc tertc:o�rd to tausiy ihe��sesunt dve Un said � ���
<br /> � . � bcin3.,and:u�y arhec band fnr a�idis.i�nal sdt�artces:xugeU�rr with al?swns paiS by saiei The�4uitab3e Hulleiin�,srd Loa.n A.ssociatton�f t:rand Lsiand, � � �
<br /> � -''vebrsska.l'or insar:i.ai;:c,iaxes and�assessments,aczu absiractine,eatensiun.charges, d��itrt inteces[ ttieraon, irnm �isir.uT psyment at che n-�,a�inaum� . .
<br /> kgal rste.
<br /> � � � �s p:vszded:n the$tirid secured.h�.reby,whilc tltis morzgage rer:vins in et"iece tlir rzzertgagee rnay hereafwr adti�.r.;:e a�3ditfnnsai sums te:he � . .
<br /> � ict�Accs crt sai41 Band.,Lheic nsi or soccessc�rs in�z�iterest,�vEu�h sun�s strxlt be wicftin tha security oE'ihis anortgs.�e the�saune s�s i'�se flir.ds uriF,{nall� �
<br /> " � � sreured'ilter�v,[he toL3(a�iix��u t yf"�principzl detai not te excerd�.�t an��titne the originat a»xonnt oi�his martgsge. � � � -
<br /> , C ��,�� �r��c�Jr Stt�I. ,;!f� a�5 0,�jY�'� M8y .�.F?,i 9 7 7
<br /> . . � �-r".rV`✓.�'4•.,.�.-.... 9",,,.J'� ;d4��'^6. . .
<br /> /"..�Y�ra.+u�.�.., .i�Qd'� �^ "
<br /> Gf� i�n . aw �-sr
<br /> � �. � �,.l�''`r,�::,.
<br /> hSarci a �3, l.awton
<br /> ; STAT80FAiE8RASKA,t ss. On chis ���1 �iay�cal' Mdy 1°!'T ,before mo,
<br /> ' C'(lL';�TY'OF H 4S.L Y i - � a
<br /> � � � � the undersigned,a Notar}•Puhlic iss ana f�r ssid Counc?r�,flersc:nsl.iy caane �"�
<br /> Wilifam J. �awton and Marcia J- Lawton each in his and her own ri h� and as s�ouse�of each � �r"=Y
<br /> Q��1L'T' � . � . . � � 9 v�� c3Ye rsan ?�known so y""i, R
<br /> ��� �ma+4u 6r the identic.31�R S� �. ahos�i}atne.S �d 3^e� a;fixad io the.s6ove instruznent as morEga¢as S and t�l@�/ xe�zraSlp �� �� �
<br /> .a-0���",r; �� . .
<br /> q�� � � . � �aracu�wlrages's Lhe sazpr'ux�inamoc�t�.to be , �'�• .., votunesry ac.t aua aeea_ �� �.,.J t �
<br /> r
<br /> II� . N bT��J tu�'3tand�azea hotatiai^.,�eal.ttie,dsce siaresa�n.. _ . . .
<br /> u� ds . . .:.�
<br /> h9y:Coxsnni5sianexpsxes�,�� ';" F y .,�; .f . .*
<br /> ;i � �r, ;,'S�� i'� „s r.;�r�„�:'2a -'`l'.
<br /> . � . .l� � \.n .P._3.{i_
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