e`�`�,x� � . �� ' . . � . . ' v oj i�:: � . ..
<br /> . . . � . p .'kz`.�;�� #.
<br /> . .. � . . � f �..,`, n>k. . 4�
<br /> Yw
<br /> .�...., . , . ... .. . .. . .. _..._..._. ... . . . v.:,y. . . �:
<br /> ' ST.ATE Ub' NEBI2�ASIiA, Goxrttt� of ....... ,.... ........ . :.:....>....•
<br /> ' �l A'C1E t�&.l�tT 1l'f'1 Atk4l�
<br /> E+'iled far rncard on .....:.;., .>..::.. .,:7.9...._...xt..... ...............:. ��'ctock ...,.. ........ Di: ._,_.. ...___,._._....._
<br /> ......___._.._..:._.
<br /> ,
<br /> iVE[�ifi2A:>!t� t3tJCUt�I�N'I'At'�'i'
<br /> and reoorded ia the_IJeed �aord ..:..:.. ......... ....:..... i'��e ....._.......,..._........... `il'11iL9V Tt��
<br /> t . . 13y ..... .. .. .j���...;�.1..�.�I.�
<br /> � ltegiater nf Ueeda Deputy lta.�3i�ter f D�r,ira
<br /> � °�a�—.�.,{i_.k�3'��(��...�
<br /> �7~ [3 t���3 8 SUF�V3V�.1l�SI��P V4TAF:�ANT�' I)EE
<br /> �enmi� �. Nelsmta �nci Jciditl� J. NeL��ri, Tiu�taa�ic3 :�nd Wife� e�c2� iYi �Tie� aacid f�iex•
<br /> i o�rn r.ig�it and as a'E�ous� o£ eacY� oths:r , hexviu oslled the �rantor �vhether oxie �r m�tre,
<br /> in no�did�r�tivn nf T�veiaty�-c�ne 'Tlzau�:�.nd. Seven EiundrGd I�i.Cty �nd Ne�/1()�($L3 , �`_50. �f)DT��ll�ar� :
<br /> ? i:
<br /> reoei�od fram gruntees, dvca grar�t, bar�c�in, se23 aon��ec� aud caii£irtu t�rAto
<br /> ; Clzc:sley :a. T�'�1cer atir3 l�ella 11� Saker, Nuc�hat�d anrl tiUife
<br /> �' e�s aqint tenanGs �v:itli right of survivor�hip, iiud not ae t.R�iiintn in r.ommnu, t}tr. folle�tvin� c3e.wribeci real
<br /> " property in Iiall. ..... CnuntF�, NeLrz�Mian:
<br /> A 'tr�ci Uf larxd le��ated in the Wcsc I�alt of the �Veat: 1-�:�lf oE tlie Sr�uChEast
<br /> Quart�r {4Y1/2W1/���1/4) u£ 5ecticau tlzirty_fUur (3�), in 'I'.�wn��rap
<br /> ' ; Ttut�Zv� (].2.) Nor�:h, l�an�� Ni,aie ('3) V1'est wf the C,th �'. I��I. , f.i�ll �:u�z.ttty.
<br /> Nebra�ka, naare pax•ticul�rly c3�e�cribed as fnllo�v�s� �ieui�an.in� a.t the
<br /> Sc�ut•hwest- cc�rrae.r of �tie� \�Ver�C I-#alf �f the Wc.:�C Flal.f nf the 5e�i�theaet
<br /> t�uarf:e:r (�N 1/'�\�I 1/25�:1/=�) af. �aid secti�xi 34; i•ttxanin� thcnce xtc>rCh
<br /> parall�.l to t.he l�a�l, lazi� c�f th� Saut.11cast C2u:�rt�x (SE1 1^11, �. ciir�t�nce r�f 2t.1
<br /> xvcis> thenc� �a�t �aral.lel. to the South ].iucs a[ ehc 5nutt���e�I: `-7u:�rfer (5F_ I('�1
<br /> a ciir�tanc� of 8 rc>ds; lhence Saut-h parall.el to Che We:�t line c�£ th� Sotxih�a�t
<br /> C2uc'r.rter (S:E.114), a distance vf <?0 rud�; tlicixce �V��t a r3i,etanr.e caf � rot1� t.0
<br /> t}i� piace �f b�ginnin�, conta�ininK an� acrc�s , mc�re c�r lee�s.
<br /> To hisve uttcl to hold the abovo c�er�eraLed ��reu�iAce t,oKetUer tvith ull texrercieut�t, hc+redit.amcnts
<br /> uzsd apin�rtouhnaett tl�areto beloaging nnto thc �runtees and ta tlieir r�nni�nH, or to tixr, }Geirs ainti ucasi�tn�s
<br /> aP ttie sc►rvi�ar of'thacu £oru�:c�r.
<br /> �.zta �rHutar doe� lanrt+i�y cuvenunt w�ith 4hn yrr�uitc+ew ecud �vitli i,taeir uewigtss c4nd wit}t tl3e he'tre
<br /> , - nnd tisaiqh� t�i:Cho sourvivor ot t1�e.m thnt �t•Rnt�i� ib 1Eais•1`ully heiHed crf ceuSd�:�reiuiec.a: t:hut they �i�e frcr.. trona
<br /> snaumbxnuaa.oxcepl, easezriex�tH xaca�l r��tri.ctaona �sf i•«:c�nrci
<br /> thut gTnutlar har�.gocai9 ri�liQ,nncl Irxx�Ptal a�.uthority tu auxi��ny tl:i4. �xiuer; ttaid t.}�scfi, �„rttrit-or �+-crrraxib�c axt��! t+�ill
<br /> �� 3e£oncl;�tli��1;it�lu�tp ani3�preMnixe� c�buinat t�he lxiwfttl nl�iiere of .a1i pec•�<3�iK �cli�ivatu3veaa,.
<br /> 1C i5 Ltio iuivntio�� of t�Il �iar.tier� Ixc;x•etu t.ut�t an thr� c�vrsni, oi' tLu dotaf:h c�t ei6t�er oC t.t��t ttraxiLeE�,
<br /> lhi� c:titirtl feu ti$1�; t.0 t,tiir� rea�l pa•u{�r�rty r�l�aalt ��ewC iia i.l�e� rat�irr�iriri{� �ra,ul.:ee: � � �
<br /> T?atcd M a^y 3 ].9 77 � -;
<br /> ..�.... .. . , .:.. ..� .. ,.,�............. ..... .���i. }`•r;^ �.,r''�'l��?C.j�z.,�;k. :1�,.,......
<br /> ,. ,. ......� . ..........:. .... .. ............. _�t ll�.�.�`r����?�:'...�� .. ..
<br /> �,�
<br /> ^uditki .T�. iN�lecy�s
<br /> S1tA'1`]� UL+ ,..... NE�1�,f�S�ta................... Uo:intv r�f ,........�:I,F1I!1.,,. ...,.,.�........... .,..,.....
<br /> ,.�
<br /> I34faze me,a xiutury trut�li+�yu�tli8i�d fe:� auic! ev�u.�t,y�', t�creanulty o,uae
<br /> ', I7ezxxiiH }?. N�leot�and JuclitYl,J. 1Vcl;aoa:�, Nu�siaurac! �rad 'vtiia:�, e�cli ixa i(ia ax�u i;tix•
<br /> �wn �i�ht �nci �;� �zV�oue�e-<.yf �ac]�e at:h.�r
<br /> kuuwn�G��uan t���ie Clrte iil�ntiier,e7����are�cra��ar ��rix�soum u�]ac�.sii�i�c��l Lt�c fioz�c��rixa� lus4rsuueut r�z�t3 aiekuutvind(qeel � � '"``"�� ' ';�" �
<br /> � t�t�a cts,gatx�i��u.tht�rmoE to.bt� !�➢K,.L�t �r tl��ir vaIu,�t�����t azid c3eed ,� '"
<br /> � �Yftu�aei my h�rid and notariul �er�1 r��x . �.'�,'��,�• . � ,-�� , ]`�. �.��„ �� ���s.
<br /> , ,, „ ,
<br /> � ;�,,,
<br /> � t '� �,�
<br /> (..✓A ,r �'" ,�-..� , ; -
<br />�w �i�.dE83FRAi MSi1`Ar??t, h ';,;+bp.»w . yP..r'�.�'+GX.�r"/,w�..ra�;,�tc.,./..l..t:�,A�x,G.t'a,^:�k..c.e.,kans;.r:�.»�*lot�aa•y i'iableu � .
<br /> , r� �
<br /> . . . '� M6�t�AIUTAN IY�lIRI{ ' .. .. � � .
<br /> 1 -
<br /> MrCa��m Ea7 Feb 6,Ic78 Mv �ou�xnacae�ioxi e�[yirnn`�....:,�a...{'r.G�,t�.�^F''�h .&;i...,,. , 19,�..'�.........
<br /> �:.Y ry ••.•�»: �1 !� dn. r � V' Metwn6 Waif(k.u.I.tuabiu�Nebr. • . .
<br /> '!�`nrisr 4.._ !<> krc n��rc�tec3.b�� � r.�zat.lts ..Catr. I - 5. ,P�a,i„„
<br /> � . �
<br />