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<br /> � ��� �Mt�A2GAGE--Saving�.aad Lomi Fotm-�-(Dkect.Cradit:.�ImS 255•2 tSpodo33 �.. - � . . . ..
<br /> �a. c�c���,�� �oRr�A�E
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<br /> �� :��� ��� 'FH�B udD�N7'URE� made�+htn._ S�h � �ay of �`�'3,�(.,,� � � 1 s,_7�b1r�a.b.ssve�n �- � :.�
<br /> NQFit�lAN T. AN70NSQN AND '�OROTHY E. ANTON50N,"hust�and and w i fie, e3ch in h i s and her
<br /> ;. awn right and as spouse of the other '
<br /> ,�p � Hc']I��I Couaty.Neta:aaka.as mortgagor_.S�cmd Home Federal SavFaqe aad:Eoaa�AasoeFatica ot Graad.Lland.�..�
<br /> � i _ � a;carporation�.orqaaised tmd�eziafia9 under�.the�lawa��of Nabraska.�witL.ib�.pctndpal.otHee aad�place ot bumineea ae Grand�Idrmd.�Nebzaslca. �.
<br /> m martgagee: � . . . .
<br /> # �� � XNITNESSETH: .That aaid.moriqagor 5 !or and ia comido[ation ot the sum.of
<br /> "' ' E 1 GHTEEN TMOUSAND E I GHT HUNDRED AfJD NO/I 00 ------_-�-------- n,u�, cg ��:��p���`�,
<br /> ,,,`
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<br /> 1 � ��the recaipi of whlch�is Lerabp ackaowledqed. da__ by�theee�preaeale mortgaqe�aad�.warrant�uato said.mortgagee.��ib aucseseor� m�d�.
<br /> � r��� � assignn..lorever, ull 1Le tdlowlag demcrtbed seal e�tata, aimated '.ai tha county of }'��� I � �
<br /> . 3..�. . . . . . � . . . � � ... �. . . . � ..
<br /> :.- . .-�and.State"of�Ncbraska,to-wh: �� .. . . . . . :',
<br /> ,
<br /> LOTS TWO HUtJDRED N I NE (209) AfJD T�n'U HUNGRED TEN (210) I"J �
<br /> � S
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<br /> � ��
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<br /> j�: Toqather with dl heatiaq. lightia4� and pltimbinq equlpment and fixtura�,iacludsug atoken aad bumesa.scieens.awaing�sio+m wiadawc�.�.$
<br /> aad.dooxs;and wiadaw shade�or 6knda. ueed on oz in connection with said pxope�rty, whether She rama me aow latated on �aid.propeaty $
<br /> � ��. oz heseaitec plaeed thereon. � �
<br /> r {F
<br /> $...� TO RhVE�.ANA TO�HOLD THE SAME, together with ali and aingular 2he tenemeata,hereditameata vad appuiten�cea theteunto bel�g-�.
<br /> $� inq, ox in anywiae appertainiag.forever,and wanant the utle to t2ae eame. Said moctqagor 5 kezeby covenaat_ with aaid mortgagee>
<br /> �� ihat.t.-he-x— . , a�e at tha delivery hereot, tha lawlul owner-of the p:em.ises above coaveyad asad daa�ihed,and `'�re y
<br /> #£�. seized af a.gaod and�indefeasibie estate of inheritance therein, frea and clear ol all encumhrancea,and that—fiheY_will waaaat��d.� �f
<br /> ` � defend the� t�tle thezeto forever agaiaat tLe ciaima�and demands oE all peraona whomwever. �
<br /> , �$ PROVIDED ALWAYS, aad� this inetrumeut ia e:ecuted and delivezed fa secure the paymeat of the sum oi .��
<br /> $j$j$j3' E IGIiTM�P1 THOUGHND E IGHT NUNDP,ED ANU N0J I 00 ------------------ nouan (s I 8.80d.OQ �
<br /> ��. with iafesest Rherean.��together with such chargea and advaacea as may be due and. payable to said mortgagee vadar�the terma. emd. ��
<br /> condi.lioa� ol�the promisaory aale of even date heiewi.th and aecured hereby.e:enated by emd��mortqegor=to smd martqagee.�paya�le
<br /> r �� m expreeaed in eaid nate,aad to soeure tha pedosmance ol all the terms and coadittons conemaad thecein. The.terms of said note are
<br /> �� hereby.incocporated l�rin by lhia referenoe.
<br /> It ie the iateatioa aad agzeemant o(the pastien hereta that tMn mortgaqe ahall aiso eecura aay futrue advancea made to wld .
<br /> � S{ mortqagos.S�by acrid mortgvgee, aad any and all indebtedneas in addition to tba amount above atated which aaid mortqaqoxe,�or �y� �
<br /> iF' �of them, may owo to aaid mortgaqee..howeve= evidenced. wheehes by note,book account or otherwiae. 'Ihia mortqage nhull remain�in�fnA
<br /> $� force aad rilect�bntweea. the� partiec hareto and their hoirs, pecsanai ropreseataUvee, sucxessarm aad amigaa. natil a4l� amouata aocuzod
<br /> �`+�..� bereunder.indudinq futw-e advanees. me paid ia tuil witks iateraet. � . . . .
<br /> �� The mortqagor�=_;,kexebp asaign_—_-.to ecud ma�tgaqee ali rents.aad ineome asviag.at auy.and.a!! tisaer f:om sald.A=operlp..�d� S� . . .
<br /> hereby authorize�eaid mortgagee or iu agan2, at ib oprion, upon �detautt,�o iake chaxqe oi xud property and eollect all zents and�iacome. �
<br /> $ theretrom and apply�tbe same to the payment of iaferast,.priaeipal. lnauzaace�premiumn. l�es. erseanmenta, repairs or improvements neoae�
<br /> �� � s¢ry to koep smd pxoperty.in tenantable coadition, oz to other chazqee or paymenn pxovidod Eoz horeia or!n the aote�haraby aecu�ed SLI���
<br /> renr aasiqnmeat ahail continue 3a lorce until the uapaid 1�,�.i..n� of said note is tulip paid. T2ce t¢kiag of poaneasion ttCI6UO�Ci ahail in ao �
<br /> maaner prevoat ar retard eaid�.mortgagee:ia the rnit�ectloa at eatd aume by foseclasure or othezwiee: '
<br /> ti,� � The laifuro�cl the moitgaqee t0 aase�zt auy vi�.it�;zigLb...heceuadar at aay tima ehall aot be conatzued ae a�waivac oi tb x3qM to assert . �
<br /> $i�� the-same��et any latar time,an.d to�inafet upnn and,,eata4ca�atrist.�comPliaace wilh dl ihe terms ana prvviaions ot said note aad o! this j . .
<br /> v� 3f� mortgaqe. , . . _ . . . ._ . . �$ . . .
<br /> ?#���, If�aaid.mortg¢qor�rhall cauae.to be paid to aald mortqagea eha eatira�euai due St hereuader,�d uadez the texms and pmviuons F3
<br /> ;,.. ot said natg��h��ehy�ecuied..lnc3udiog tutws�advaucea.aad.cny ezteaaioru or.seaewals thereof,s,accordaace with the tezme�d proviaioas � � �
<br /> � therec�.:�aad if.aald:moslgaqor��:... sh�all mmPly wtth all the pmvLdone�oS�said note and o!thla mortqaqa�.then those Preeeab ahait be void:
<br /> S. athar+an�e�M remmia„in h�il larc�.�and eHsc4��d.aaid:mostqa9�e.:sbaL:be eutttled�to�ih.e poweaaivn.oi.all et said ProPerty.�cd�maY...at.its. .
<br /> �� . upLL�n, deelare the whole af.aaid nata aad all indebtsdnew�i�prer�ated�hezeby lo hs immsd3atelY�due and papable,and�may torecloae t3sie �
<br /> � �� mortgags��or lake msp otLrr��2oga3.�aeNoa.�to.pmteet.�ib rtgh4�and'.from ths�da't�ot�aueh�detault��alt�.items of indobtedamr�eeeured�.Lwseby �^^!d! " �� =:
<br /> � ahal! d�aw iatereat at 9% p¢r uaa�m. Apprmaeswat walved. � � "
<br /> ij I'h3s mort9e�9a�aLall be Liudtn4 apoa aad ahali.onuza to.th� beneflt ot�.tiae hafn. esecutan.�admiaisuatocs. �uceeuon�aad assigsu ot ��r' ��,.
<br /> -.�„�� ��ha caryecu..ra pmtiar.Lesatq. . . . . . . . . , ,,
<br /> , l� . � � . .. �� �
<br /> �$$$ . INn�WLTNFSS �OF.::..aa.Ed biocWaqor.s�..h�� ���e hueuato.ast th2 i r ti..ad-5 Wa day and year.fir�abov� � � � � ri,.
<br /> , �� j� :�to/f . .. /,�� ��/ .._.... . . E , � .' .1� . . � ��.
<br /> ,...
<br /> i� S � Y%��r"�' . .e.... i`���✓"�"`iir.<n.CYr-s —.---- '``��`"'rrz�- -�--�. r . .,_ r. ::�.,...�,....� � �. .
<br /> ` t�iormar 7. ntonson Dcro#h�/E. An7onsor. °
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<br /> � C_,_,_ �
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