<br />��u,, , T K:.
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<br /> 7'�- U Q�4 2'�
<br /> �soRrcn.r c
<br /> �;tc�xTz;.arti,Lo,�x�vo. ---- '
<br /> �.^nou���.tra�Na��THt;s�Ptt�e?v�s:Tt,ar ponaid d. E�tgie and Hattie Lngle; each in his and
<br /> � her own right a►�d as spouse of each other
<br /> __Mlortgagur,wl�ether u_-a.moir_ia con`d¢rat_an,oi the sumof
<br /> Thirty-t+vra Thausand-and No}100------------------- n��.�.�aus `
<br /> . .loanec3 ta.said niortgagvr by��T}�e Equitahle i3uilding a�nd Loan Asscrciation o!Graad istand.,Nekaraska,l+iorfgagee,u�wn 3�� : �tiases cai sto4ic.ot
<br /> �saiil`�SSC)C3A?'TON.Cecl.ititate�No. L �22}�i,�$� � � �.dp I�erebV B�ant.,ce��irey�and rnortgage unio the said A�OC`.iAT101�1 ihe�.foliavring.
<br /> desiYitard na9 estato,situatcd in 1{ali Cuunfy,3�'cbreska:
<br /> FRACTiONAL L�3T SIX (6), IPt Bl.OGK TWEfVTY Tl+tO (22),
<br /> TO-t+tIT: LOT FIVE (5), IN 8LOCK T4JENTY ONE (21), iN
<br /> � �
<br /> . �. ic�geUier with�all tlie teiicn�nts,heic:ditnmeuta und appu�tenances t}�crceinto belovigiiig,i�icluli��,G 3tiaehed fl�ao.r u*��er`sngx,all.windt�w�sc.rncns.
<br /> � �.�tZ�idc:w•sh�drx,blinds,storm winduFvs,na�mings,heatin�;,uir cancfitionii3g,aead pltunbing anS w�atcr 4quipment and acccssurie�ihcreta,pwxips,xiaroes,
<br /> k� . � �rrt'rigerslurs.,and uttzer tixtures und equipment now or hereattrc atti.:sclicd ta or usad in 4onnect.ic�ta with said rcat cstate. � �
<br /> . �� And+k�hereas t}ee said rzic.�rtgagur has:�me3 und does licrnby agrre tl�ai the rnortgsger shalt and wiil pay a.11 taxes azjd as�essmenTs loviec3 ot�
<br /> ;. � � rasscsve�u�wn said pTecnista and upon i}tis�mortgagc a�s�i lhr h�ind secuced thereby h�.lore ttie same sl�aii becume dclinquenk;ro furnesi2 ep�arc�cr<i �
<br /> . ._ . i�isu�xnce uqon the 6uifd'nngs c.�n�s+id pruruiscs s�xuate�in ttie sum c�l'S 3Z.(���,�� pa��ai�ie to .ai�: \SSC3C�tATI(J1 and�.tca de]ivrr to s:tid . �
<br /> � ASStX'.IATIUN ihc Ewlicies tur said in�urvncr;and not to iomitiit c�r permic any wnste on ur at+out said{�irmiscs; � . .
<br /> . .. is�cas�ui'defautt in the pertbr�twnce oE any oi'the tercns a�td condit.iuns ai tiiis m�rtgage or tt�c t�ond src.u�e3 lurcby,tl�e mvrtgsgce stxali,�� �
<br /> s°
<br /> . an de�n��nd,hc entiNeci tu�inxnrrdiace��s.x.ssion uC tl�r murt�,ngcci prenii�s an�f. thr murrga�.or kcrel�y xa5ign�,�rrun�lcrs. nnd sets �ver�tw ihe.� �
<br /> mart�.sgec s11 tftr rents,revenues an�i inc�.me to be deri��d fr�m tile mort�ed prertuses durin}�such time as iho�n�ort8age indcUrodness sha.ik trzzaxiu �
<br /> u��paict;and the mortgsgee shall have t}te puwer ca appuint nny agesit ur agen�s it may de�ire for t.lir pt�rpose of repairing sazd E�reniisas and remtin�� .� ��
<br /> � the�;tnic und cc�llecting t}ee rents,revenu�s and incnme,and it msy pny out. af said i�ic�amo a4i e�prnscs of repaizivtg s:iid }�remises ati3 nec��sar�^ � ��
<br /> � conunissions and�exp��nsea incurred in.renting and managuy;the s.::�mc an3 oY cutlectii� rentals tliereCrurn; the �aiancti re�x9xinin�. il�any, zo be � � . ..
<br /> � �upptied.loward ihr�disr:hargr at'ti3id murigage indebtedness;ihese rights of the mortgsgcr may t�e eacr4;sed at any tin�e durin�t the esixcence of such � � - �
<br /> d�tauti.irrespac2ive�Canytemporary�vaitimroCttxesatne. � � � �
<br /> � .7'licsr Presrnts,fiioµ�ever�,.are uywn thr('onditiun.`i'tuit if�the�aid Mc�rtgugur sha3i.�epey sxid ioan on ur beiore ihe macurity oi s:sid�Pxares by � . .
<br /> � paymrnt;pay»tunthly te�Said A'SSCX'.IA'I'IqN cif ttie suin apecilied i�i ihe Bond ser.umd here6y��s interest rnd�rrncipal ore s.aid laan.�on or.hetixe � .
<br /> the'TH'�niietli e�ay uf cacl�and every c3iun�#�,w�til said lean is fully guid:pay ali!a�es and ssxxaruents lavied against sa�d prcmises aiid on xhis At�ttg=ge
<br /> ` . and the Rnnd cecure�i thercbt�,belure delinquency;Purnish ap�ru��cd insuraner utwn the buildiciRs therec�n in the sum af 5 �2�QQQ.(j(j paya�le � �
<br /> ; � � tv�said ASSCJt.l.41'ION;rcpay tu said A5SOCI�1TlON upen dcrosad ail�none�°by it �aaid for such tuacs,assessmenis an3 iitsuranca�'i4h iutere�t ui ��
<br /> .'� � Uie insa.imitrn,k^gal i ate titereean irom date.of payxiient utl ol a4uch Mortgagc>r h�rcto���grees tu pap:pennit trc�waste on.suid premises:l:cep snd�umply. .
<br /> �� witti a#t.the agrremonts and c�nditimis al tlie I3und for.�i 3� Q�� ��Q tliis duy g��rsi Uy the said llcartRa.g<ar to ui�ASSC?C'Ir�l'IC17v.xnd aoznplv �
<br /> µ�ith a72�he requirements af the Cunstitutiun and By•Laws at ixid ASSC)C:IA7'lUN;then tltcse presents slisil.became�null�and �vid,oeltecrvise thcy� � �
<br /> � � �he.11 remuin izi tull focce�and :nay be 1'orccic:se3 at ihe uption o#thn aiid r1SSOC1A7'ION after faidure (or three nx3�uFis cu�t�ske 'a.ny ut'sai�i . � �
<br /> . pnyiiients or be three mamhs in arrear�in mak,ix3g ss�d n�cinchly payments,c�r la keey and c�rnply with thc agrerments and conditio�ts nf said 13oud; � �. � .
<br /> and 11{cnrtgagor ce,grees ta have u.reeeiv€r ap{�i.aineed furthwix3l in sucii li>�edvsure pruceedings. � .. . .
<br /> F#�thcra is any chanke in uwnorshrp oi the rcal rstate mqrtgagcd hercin, 6��sale <�r otitenvise. Uten ihe cn[ise rcmarxun}�indobc�aicss heret?y � � � �,
<br /> � � .secured shall,:xt the uption uf The GyuiYsbic Building sns Lorn Asauciation caC Grand isiwtd,NeL+rJsi:u,becusne imtrndietety duc and.p.uy able witiaou5 � � - �
<br /> turlher notitt. aeld i3tc am��unt rema5r�ing duc under axid bund, ctnd any nti�cr hond 1ur an�^additional ad��anrea made thrreundcr,sZiap,licrm thc � � .. � � �
<br /> � ciafe ut exrrcise�ot sai3 upiion,br.sr intems:at tlio mxaimum Irgai z�ato,xnd s.liis mort�raEc mny t9�en be�ii�xdoseri ro�atisCy the anuaunt dut un said� � � � � �
<br /> 6ond,.and�any uther b�nd kor additional advan�ros,tu�ethnr witli all sums puid by said 1'hc LquitaUle Building and i.oun Associatiun o!E�rarzd[siand, � .. � � . � �. � �
<br /> � !vrAraskn far in�uranrr,taxes and ass�:ssments,aa�t abstrxctin$ertension charges, wii.h iaiere�t ttierec�n, trom dact UL p9VItTl:tlt at t3�e m�cimum . � � . �
<br /> tegul ratc.
<br /> � :ks providrd in the Bond secured hcre.by^,whiie iliis martgage rem:+.uis in elfcct the murtgat;ee caay hateatter ad�uncx addit[onal sua»ta the � � ��
<br /> nwkers of said Bc�nJ,their assi�ns ur suc.:essurs i».iuterest_ti�hich ss�ms shall be witt�ir� ilic security c�t xfiis mnrtgagc the xamc as the funds nrij;ivia(iy � :. �
<br /> � securecf themby,the�total amount af priacipai debt n.t ta rxmed at uny time the c>riginal xmaunt ot�this mvrtgage. � . � � ' �
<br /> ,j�ated th�s , 4�h .3�v �/f,, May :�.la..th�77
<br /> %� r� r ,-��,✓�'�`'�'��k�^� /..;� . .
<br /> . ,i'"/// ,:� t . . .
<br /> _ a ng e , --
<br /> _ ,:-�,y��"�"-;;f" �.�-�.-,1-� sr'�_
<br /> Hattie fngle
<br /> STATE OF NEBI2ASKA, � Un this �tfi day af �`'��Y I5��� ,hri'ore nie, '
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� �s '..0� `;
<br /> . . r;te undersigned.a`otary Yu6iic in xnd loc saiJ Cc�unty.Fx:sorw:ly:::sam ��� ,
<br /> ; Dona'Id D. Eng]e and Hattie Engle each in his and her own right and a�s spause of eafrh other i� � '
<br /> . � . �v to gr� persana y known to ' .. �
<br /> e�
<br /> � : zne tu be ���c��' �� t+.�hasc nxme S . d�^e affixe�i to tl�e abvve�inatrun�nt as mottgagors ,nnJ t�}�y uvarcilly � �'.'
<br /> ' `� / `. � 2`"+z .�
<br /> • arkao � d`t'�iC�t'���iLjdc�tj. be��.�th�71"� voiuntary sct und deed, .�� s .
<br />�" .�.'�.��'�,"�S�tiSy�uv and Notxrial Sesil ttac datc afwresaid. , � '
<br /> C�,� IG / ,� / �. �
<br /> � . �. ESI}Ihc���4$Odf:?1 �����..�� d`7'd � . ���,2.-•G-C.,lC�"y'�."w..+ :;���i��C--�'G",ZJ,--'"'-
<br /> _ ,�.�., .,� � � �.anry Pubtic
<br /> . � s 1�^_5s R'_ �� . �"- �
<br /> . . . a"'�. �-� . �,�C.•,�,�
<br /> ,Y'f',F dF '��,�y�P-
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