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�-: � �. <br />�;: 1 ��a;�' <br /> � �*.;�:�:: <br /> � � <br /> STATE OF`NEBRASKA, County of ..............................:.....................: . <br /> NEEFASKA Dt?CtJMEiVT?,RY. <br /> Flled for reeord ou, , ...;...._,....:........_.., 19_......, at............................ o'ulock ... ..................S1�Mf�"I�A:C <br /> ' and recorded`in the 1)eed Rccoid ......... . :................ Page ..........,.............:.... MAY -� ���#� ' <br /> . . ......:. ........ . ......_....... .: ................ By ,......... . . ...... l,�. <br /> Register of lleeds Ueput} Reg' �S���BY X'�`�._.��.. <br /> � <br /> 77 U02408�URVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DE�D ��.�,��.�rt �j�"`� <br /> . <br /> Ei�a E. Stockman and Mary C. Stoclanan, husband and wzfe, each in <br /> his and her own right and as spouse of the ather, <br /> � , herein called the grantor whether ane-or more, <br /> in consideratiora af Love and af�eCtion, <br /> rec:eivsd from grauLees, c3oes grant, barg;ain, aell convey an@ confirxn uuto <br /> Elda E. Stackman and Grace E. 5tockman, husband and wi�e, <br /> as joiut tenunts with righ4 of survivorship, sud uot as tenauts iu common, the fullowing descritaed real <br /> ` ro ert i.n H811 .........., povnty, Nebrnska: <br /> PF Y ..................................................... <br /> A certain part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (NW'� NE'�) of �:ction Thirty-one (31), in Township �aelve (12) North, <br /> Range Ten <IO), West of the 6th P. M,, more particularly described as <br /> as foi3ows: Beginning at a point on the North iine of said Quarter <br /> Section, 38.0 feet east of the Northwest corner of sai.d Quarter Section, <br /> running thence due East along the North line of said Quarter Section, <br /> 1"�T9.O feet; running thence due South 168.8 feet; running thence due <br /> 3 West, 129.0 feet; running thence due North 168.8 feet, to the place of <br /> beginning; containing .50 Acres, more or less. <br /> Tci have and to hold the abevo descrihed premises together with ali teneineiats, hereditarnent,� <br /> y and up�urtenances Lhoreto belonging unto t}�e grantees xnd to their assi�us, or to ihe lieirs and assip�ns <br /> of the survivor c>f them fore�•er. <br /> $nd grantor does 1�ereby covenant with the grantees aud with their sesigns and with the heirs <br /> and asai�ns of the surviror of Lbem that grsntor is lawl°ull,y sei:aed ot s�aid pre:uise,s;tLat they are free f om <br /> encumbrance e�ccept an easement for electric lines �o the Consumers Pub�lic <br /> Power District, whict� easement is of record; <br /> Lhai: �rantor tia� good ri�lit and luwful authority to convey tJie eaine; uu�l that grautor wrirr.�uts und nill <br /> ' ' de£end tlie tit.le to sctid �>remises uguicxst the lawful claims c�f xll person> �slio�n�or.ticr. <br /> It is tLe inteutiozt of all parties hereto tLat in ttte event bf the death of either of tY=e grrrnieev, <br /> � � � tkii• r+x'itire �fee iitle Yo thih real propnrty �ah�ll �.•t�st. in t.he survi��iny; };ratite�?. � � <br /> ll�ted May 12� 19 7 6. <br /> ; � � , <br /> ; �� L-� � ��" ,� <br /> ............................................�....................... ...... . ....... .....r... . .. ......... <br /> �-� <br /> �.. <br /> ..': ... .....................,...........................�.............._....... ..��...�r�.l.G::�..:�......�...��`.�.�-.�:!1'.�.r�r�:p,..- <br /> : ST[3TE O�' ....AIE$�S:I�.................................. i:ouncy ot ......Howard....................................: <br /> Before me, a uotary puhlic quxlified for said eountp, person�liy cume <br /> EZda E. Stockman and Mary C. Stockman, husband anafl wi�e, each in his <br /> and her own right anu as �pouse uf �'-ia ot:er, <br /> � � 4 . <br /> ktiawn to me to be tlie ic3enticetl nerson or pereons who sip!ned the fore�oinG instritrnent �nd nckno���led�ed �'- �F�'S,� <br /> the execution tharenf to be liis, her ar thetr zroluntary act �ud deed. � ;: <br /> � �� ' ' <br /> ;.'� Witness my hand and natarial seal on M gg..76. ; ° <br /> ..... .. ..... ...�..............rh .... ..� .. <br /> � / ,�/ <br /> ,-,,/ �� ,��,�,�./ <br /> ,. . . �1ptlN� "t", ..� C.,/.�/.L.,.,'� f \� T? t <br /> � ....,,.. .t, <br /> � ......... ..:...��... .............._... ..... ' A"N' <br /> ....... _.�+/-� <br /> ... <br />� � � ws..wNi� S.F:�a!`!4`.:: '" .. .. ,. <br /> ..,..... � . <br /> J <br /> 11�Y�tl1Y�YIn�'a\4Ntw���'^ . . <br /> .:�4r.qt1(ni5fwo ExPueK. . . . w � <br /> ,,�1St.7192� My comm�sion expires ......... M.�'�..Y...�9....... ........... 19. 7.E? <br /> l�'uri2t �."�� tr�>prur•ed bY \c°l�x•atiku .`;tiate liax•.��sociation er�co�.&WWf Co..L�naWn.NeLr. <br /> � . � ... . . . .. . � � � <br />� <br />