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<br /> 1 �;„�,,
<br /> 0. „.,„,...:. ._ �
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<br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSHIP�WARRANTY�EED Falton Fr Wolf Compam.Lincoln,Ne6r. � � � � �
<br /> �7- Q(j2�`�`� SURYiVORSHIP WARRA!'•!7Y` DEED
<br /> �' Kar1,E. Schueler and Arvera I. Scfiueler, also known as Ar Vera I. Schueler, Husband
<br /> :' and Wifa
<br /> ,hercin called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration.af Thirty-tw� Thousand and No/100 Dollars �$32,q00.Ob)
<br /> reeeived £rom,granteas, does grant, bargain; sell convey and confirm nnto
<br /> Randall P. Lukasiewicz and Suzanne C. Lukasiewicz, Husband
<br /> and Wife,
<br /> ns joint tenanta vQitli right of survivorship; and not as tenants in common, the £ollowing descrihed real
<br /> ` � property in Hal.l ._......... Couaty, NeUraska:
<br /> The Southerly Eighty-three and One-half Feet
<br /> �, (83�} of Lot Eive (5), in Black One Hundred 1�'EBF.ASKA D(7CUMENTARY
<br /> Twenty-f3ve (125), in Union Pacific Railway S7At�4P TAX ,
<br /> � Comgany's Second Addition to the City of
<br /> � Grand Island, E�all County, NeUraska. ��� '� ����
<br /> ��
<br /> � �$:��6Y�:�=�-'—
<br /> To have and to hold the above described prauiises to�;etl�er witki all teneinents, bereditawents
<br /> anc� appurtensnces thereto belanging unto the �ranteea and to their assigns, or te the ueirs aad assi�ns
<br /> of tfio survivor of thein forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby eovenant with the gx•aniees and witk their asaigns and �vith the heirs
<br /> s�nd assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la�vfully se�aed of eaid premiaes; that they ara free from
<br /> ` i ' encumbrance ----;
<br /> . j��':� �. . � . � � � � . � .
<br /> #.hnt grantor f�a�good right xnd lawful authority to con:vcy the same; and that grantor warmnts and �c�ill
<br /> 3ePend tlie titie tio ar�i3 preiuises abainst the lawful claizns of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of sll parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteee,
<br /> the eut.ire fee sim�le titie to the real eytate shall vest in the surviving gruntee.
<br /> s �1 ril 3,
<br /> .
<br /> ed 8 19 7 7 ��t � A
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<br /> . .~4.�.�... ..... ... ..
<br /> (K r �. Schueier) T
<br /> (Ar Vera L Schueler)
<br /> ' STATE OF .........Nebraska � Hsll
<br /> , .............................�...... (:oantp of . ........ ......................»...»�...».: ss
<br /> Before me, a noiarp pubiie �qualified for ssid cannty, personaIl?� carae
<br /> Kar2 E.' Schueler and Arvera I. Schueler, also knawn as Ar S�era I.
<br /> Schueler, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own right an�, $
<br /> spouse of the other, ��VJ C'• t',�,
<br /> U �N eq: Sa _ ;
<br /> = � � .,v � s'• ,�,� � � _ . _�.
<br /> � ; �: . ,
<br /> ; knmrn to me to be the i3entical person or personr who �igned the foregoing instrum tY��d aT dg�a �' ,��, ,�
<br /> the esecution Lhereof to be his, her or their voluntury �et and dee<i. � �'1R� N '7"� �w ��
<br /> � ���� � � Q �"" ' ; �
<br /> __z_.,
<br /> . `Witnesa mg 3xand attd notarisl seal on..... r,,,,.,�pri1 13.v.............:,�y.....� 19. �,�n�r•19+'.S�R,� � �' .
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