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<br /> 7?- (�023f�J
<br /> 13I:F�C712I: TFtT-.' 130t'IE�D CJF' ?aPP1U1ISERS FOR FI3UG�TIONrU. L:1?4T1)S
<br /> ` � Bt�DY, P]a.intiff )
<br /> � �
<br /> �rs. ) 12E"3i1}ZN �F r'el?T'IrraISERS
<br /> )
<br /> 33t�a1'�t� UF LUUt:�ATIONt'�L Lr1.TvZ1S A�'QD )
<br /> FUiSAS C�� TI� SPAT'E OF ;v'EtiRASKA j
<br /> )
<br /> DeFendant }
<br /> Hal1 Count,v and Hall Count Air ort Authorit
<br /> having hereto.ore on t e t day o December ,19 76 , :.iled
<br /> its application to acz3uire a rz�t-af-�aay or a c}ear zone easement
<br /> across the following l�td:
<br /> A tract of land located in the West quarter (W',) of the Nartheast quarter (NE34)
<br /> of 5ection 36, Township 12 North, Range 9 West of the 6th Principal Meridian,
<br /> Hal] County, Nebraska and described as follows:
<br /> ` Beginning.at the intersection of Runway 4/22 centerline extended having an
<br /> assumed bearing af N 45° 18' 19" E and the west line of said W';, with said
<br /> intersection being approximately-875' south of the NW corner of the NE; of
<br /> Sectinn 36; thence northerly along said west line approximately 533 feet;
<br /> thence S 44° 41 ' 41" E approximately 379 feet to an intersection with said
<br /> centerline extended; thence continuing S 44° 41 ' 41" E 505.00 feet; thence
<br /> S 53° 51 ' 10" 41 approximately 770 feet to an intersection with said west
<br /> iine; thence northerly along said west line approximately 550 feet to the '
<br /> point of beginning; containing 7.73 acres more or less.
<br /> and notice of the penden�r of. such apglicatinn and the da-te of liearing havin� beeEi
<br /> given, by serving a copy of the application tonether with notice of the c3ate of
<br /> }aearing thereon, on the 3rd day o:E March , 19 77 , upon
<br /> the Governor and Attorney General, said hearing being mo�e than ien days after the
<br /> iilin� of said application;
<br /> N01�; 'I'Iff:REFORE, the matter having come an ior hearing before a Eoard of
<br /> -appraisers, consisting o£ the Corrunissi.oner of I;ciucation, .'�uditor of T3.�lic Accounts
<br /> �id State F.eal T:state Cemmission ��tember, constituting a legal quor�tt af such I3oarc?,
<br /> and evidence with relation tliereto having been heard t�y the said Loard and thc
<br /> matter h.aving been fully considered,
<br /> 771e said 3oard o£ 1'�.ipraisers £in�is and awards tlie stun of $54i.10
<br /> (Five iiundred Forty-one and 10/700 - - - - - - - - as being a.ir value o.
<br /> the interest o e State o£ \ebraska ui e abat=e describeci Iand, as acquired by
<br /> this proceeding by the County of Hall, State of Nebraska and Ha1T Coe�nty Airport
<br /> Authority, a public body tor tie �u3�oses ereto ore set or .
<br /> 1�IT:�?ESS our hanc3s this 14th d3y of April y 1�� 77
<br /> ✓ ,.
<br /> � �`� ��
<br /> CoRuniss33oner ot L:duc�tio ;
<br /> . � . . ,r'�� �,'� ` ' ��� � � � . .
<br /> � . �h�����':�i"L./'L�i' ��/�',?'�"'+' �.,� . . .
<br /> taze,...�:tTa��;�s�ate Corr¢�i,�ssz9.ca���e�aer
<br /> �
<br /> ,. � . . . -'..Z_,/L-- _ :�/ � ,�� � �
<br /> SI'ATF, OF ?v'EIiR4SKA ; C -:�/'.C�',-C,' ;�' . r�; _,--��'��',,'"„_�-.
<br /> LA.�ICA51'�R COtP.Vi� ) Auditar Yub�i Accat.uits
<br /> / � ,�
<br /> I> Kent Hickman > Secret�ry of i`fie 3eard o£ Educatianal Lands _,�,�y . � ;
<br /> ��nd Fimd.s o t e tate o n�e ras•a, ereby certify that the fore�oing,is a Yrue an�3 =
<br /> exact cony of t]ie RETITRN OP tll'PFvaISERS e�ecuted under date of � �Pri�- � , � -,; '
<br /> i t3
<br /> 7� �► ,
<br /> � • _
<br /> Dated this 7th day of Ap=11 /' , 19'�7 /� 'r
<br /> , ��..-
<br /> _ ,,-,y r
<br /> �� �
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<br /> '�,.�,�i , : �.
<br /> 41tJ5 4/70 J��¢ efary, ]ioard o�j�:�aonal Lan ' ti Funds
<br />�` b,.,,w.
<br />�. � �
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