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<br /> and apptirtenaueae ti�ereto belon},>ing wrto tEie grantees a.id to t�eir arsigns, ur t.0 the heirs aurl assi�*ns
<br /> of the survivvr c�f them fare�•er.
<br /> .dud grantor does hereby covenant K�ith the grantees and suirh their asssgns �d zs-ith Lhe heira
<br /> e= snd assi�us of the surc-irar �f tkiem thst grantor is lzawfuill= seised of said �remise�5; that Lhey�ara free frnm
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<br /> 3efend tl�a tiitle to said precnises a�,*ainst trie lat�ful cluims af .t3i p��rsons 3r]iouisuevi�r.
<br /> �; 3t is t�ie intentaon of all p�rxie� 3ieset;a that in the ev�nt af the dezt2a af eirher af the �;r:��ntee�,
<br /> � � � tiie ei:#i^e fe� title to tk�is re:il �,>re3�7ert�� shall �•esst fn 1�9zc: snrcirinq �rLxltee. � ��
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