.�"�,f .. . . . . , E�..
<br />� � ( ���'
<br /> �
<br /> u��� �
<br /> � �
<br /> 7.�"• i�f32�5 r
<br /> cr;�t��z��ca�x� nr r.��rL�:�rrc�rr
<br /> y ft�: LaL• l, �31+�i:k 5, F.vane t'#�id3t:iun .
<br /> � 923 E�sC �ith 5tr��t, Gr�:nd Is�.atiid, l�iebr.a�tca
<br /> ; . Wltkttt"sA5i undet` tlic tei^ms �,f � cerr�in coiatra�t etiti,rled G(lN'!'ItAGT FnR S�LR
<br /> OF LANTI �'OR t'Lt2VA"C� ►tF:pEV�XA1'MMF..NT d�ted :5evietnUer ��3. 1476 and s�.�nr.ded iri
<br /> L'h+a OCfi�e nf the 3iegi�tc:r at Deeds, FI�11 �rauntY.: Nei�y-aalca as 3oe�uinent i3r�.
<br /> ,. ;, i,wi]q5� y t3hieli cantract provide�i fc�r the �ale tiy tk�e Cr�inm�xl3ty
<br /> � Dwvelqprnent Agrex�cy nf L-he Git�� ��L l�rand 1:�lai�.d, Netsr��ska ka '�'he �ee Gampatt}r, Inc.
<br /> � a� {�ur.cliaser, iC tia�s ��re�vi.ded tttat said purchae�er C,cottst_rtzc�)
<br /> (rehaUilit�te) ce.rtait� £�acpravc!rnnnts .�h tlte la�rd
<br /> ` CJHEIi�AS, �ursu�nt l-c� i;lie (;�ntr.ac:t-, a e�rl-�in dee�i t.•as };iven clateci llekaT��x_5z,
<br /> 197i"i �nd re���rde�l as dac.ument Ni�. a6-C}05773_ in L_l7e C)ffit;e i�f
<br /> ttte lte�ir�ter nf Deeds, l�all Cc�uttty, N�.t�r�i3Cca an<i said dee�i �,*as ;subjeet: t:o i.l�e
<br /> ct�v�ln3ntas conditic�ns ertd iesi:ri.c:ti<�ne� cnntai:ne� in said Gontract•, au�f
<br /> WllfiR�r15, thp sai.d ctnnl:rar.t Eirovide� L-haL- �i�x�n cria7pletic�n oi` clie (r.t�nstructic�n)
<br /> � (Yetiabilitatiun) di the i�iiprovements e(i� Auth�arity cJill iurnisll Che Eiiiy-r.lxa�er wf:th
<br /> a certificatc af r.c�mrleti��n, and
<br /> ,. ; WFi�1tEA5, tlie puricltasc:i lias completeci ll�e (c.ui�strur_ei-�n)(�e}ial�ilitak3on) cif
<br /> t2ie iiu��nvements called ic�r in said cnntract, �ii<�
<br /> ,� C�ft�RE.AS, '.ClI� COrII�I[INITY DEVliLQYr[FNT ACI3NCY, <.f= L-Iie Citti� c�i' Gr.and IsL�ndi
<br /> Nebraska, ltar eompletrci a1Z oi: iL-s obl.i.gakions cclnt:ained in :said cc�ntract as
<br /> :�c�11er.
<br /> NOW, °THEREF'p1tE, the Cocnmunity Uevelo�iment Agency ni tlte Ci.ty �E GY�nd I.slanci,
<br /> �,' Neb�'ask�� heYeUy certiT ie;a I.-.1Lat tli� e�aic3 hurct�a�er hae� t�ornpl.eL-ed tlie (�canslructinn)
<br /> (Y�h�biliC�t-itari) �f the improvemet�tr� raLled for i.n tlic �siici c<sntrac:L-. '1'liig cer-
<br /> ti�i4ate �onatitutes .t conclusi.'vc. clelermincitic�n caf: tlie s�tie�i'act;i.un �nd f:er.minaCi:ott
<br /> +�f- ttt� ci�venai�ts �t�cl a�;rec�rnentA in yatcl ec3ntraet ari�i de�d �oi�la resp�ct to LIYe
<br /> ` +at�ligatiunm of the t3urch.tser to complete L-l�e (cnrl�truc�Ciacx) (xe.hat�ilttatiott) of
<br /> t.h+e :Lm�arovemants called ior. in .�aic9 ccrrttract.. ..
<br /> IN WIT'NES5 CJfILRliOF, k.tie Ccmmiunity vevelopment A�eney r,f the. GiL-y of GYaa�d
<br /> ; Isl�nd, N�braska, ha.s r:aused thts Gei�tl.Licate o1: Cotn�leC.ton t:o Ue duly executed
<br /> on iC5 U�h�1L t�p itz� Director tf�is 3rs1 �iciv �:,f Tfay � ��� 77 ,
<br /> COMI�llI1�fITl' �FiVliL01'TSkN'3' AGGNGY �7t
<br /> 'CHI3 G7'CY t)1' G1tAND IS1.lt[VD;, NL'Sl2ASKA
<br /> 15 _ �" __ 1. ��
<br /> �.,______.._r��y��-^"�+"�'��31�..__.
<br /> ! � llllttiC'IY)TZ
<br /> 5TA'i'� UF NE13RA5P:A )
<br /> ( �H:
<br /> CC)UNTY C7I�' IiALL )
<br /> �
<br /> bn thia t"�',�1.C�.: day vf �'�4<c_,c�....��,__,_.._.�..� ].9�'',J._L�.._, ,t�c.fvie me� a N Lcary
<br /> rubliG �:n ratza ictr L'1sE eaid C:ou�iG��, p<.rescsi�n�lly apyc:arc��t _;�,�,,�e��`ae,�' �\_ rv,���,�r.(�.
<br /> Ca �n� �ye.rHori�liy know�t whr U�i.ny f�.i'wt-. r���1y awvrn �tiii s�ay 'tlyai` }�e iv Lhe �ircctc�r
<br /> uf L2t�3 Cwii4t��11�it.y Lluv�lu�3v�ecai: ��,en�y ui: ci�e i:ity ui I;racxJ Lslancl, Nebcr�akray crettteii
<br /> ut�c� �Xd�C2n� uaxcier til�e lawra oi` Lhe St'ale �f Nehrcaslca, arad thext satd cer�iiicale
<br /> wa�t=t�i�xai�cl itt'bel�ala:' ttrtd �xi behulf �i s�tid C�4numanitv �evelopmerxC Agc=r�cy bY i:l�r.
<br /> ,
<br /> t�ut}�o9�iGy,of �Ca: memis�eY�a un@ ti7a er�i�i Uirecic�r cicknawl.c�dNed the i.nc+lrumenC C<3 i
<br /> lrc. tht� `vc�lu[ltgry mcC �iid ciced c71 L-he t�ai� Gomau�anity llevelv�nne�tt� Ay,ency oi' tlr� "^-
<br /> �.� � � �"� . .<��'t
<br /> ; Ci�y t�L Gk:�n3 'T:�lat��i, Nrbrxaka. �,�y��'
<br /> ` � �
<br /> ; ' ....,�.-,..�, ...a., .... ....�. � ,�,
<br /> � . . ..� . ) , r ;
<br /> I�INCI?dl NO�AN1'•�,,tate��(IVut�r. 4 ( �/ // T
<br /> . . � J"J�^l...CP`7(�1�n_ V,. .. 'S, �,�..5_'S l.c.,t_(I�„{.�_.
<br /> �' � J�ti'�NNk:J.r,AtYrtat���1'G � _._ _._ � �__r.._W.__ _._.__..___ �
<br /> MyGomm.Czp.3rt,�.23.tuT9 Nat::�ry I'ublic in a�x�l �':rr 1dc�1] County :
<br /> 5v;;�Le o[ Nel,x'.34lca ,
<br /> Mp Ct�m�nissA��n Ex�:Lree�'�����,n,.�.G2+� <:;:2 3' l s Y�"
<br /> �.,......`�
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