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<br /> � � (���'.�� NOTIC� OF CONTRACT OF SALE
<br /> �7 - �
<br /> Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a eontract of sate dated the 22nd day
<br /> of Octo6er 1971 , have agreed to sell to Darrell G. Mead and Delores
<br /> E. Mead t�ie fo7lowing described rea'� estate in Ha11 County, Ne raska, under contract, with
<br /> the fina'I:payment due orr the 21st day of February, 1983.
<br /> A tract of iand comprising part a�F the Narthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW�-aNW4)
<br /> of Section Thirty-four (34}, ' Township Eieven (11) North, Range Ten (70), West of the 6th
<br /> � P. M., in Hal] County; Nebraska, more particu]arly described as fo7lowsc Beginning at a
<br /> point on the North Iine of said Section Thirty-Four (34), said poir�t bein� Six Nundred
<br /> Forty-one and Four Tenths (641.4) feet West of the Northeast corner of said Northwest '
<br /> Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW;NW�a); thence running Southerly along a line forming
<br /> an an le in the Southwest-Quadrant af 88o37' with the North line of said Section Thirty-
<br /> four �34), a distance of Fifty (50.Q) feet, to a point on the road right-gf-e�ay';line,
<br /> this being the actua7 place of beginning; thence continuing Souther7y a7ong the last
<br /> described coursa, a distance of Four Hurrdred Eight and Five Hundredths (408.05}, feet;
<br /> thence deflecting right 57°54' and running Southwesterly a dis�ance of One Hundred Eighteen
<br /> and Four Hundredths (1i8.04) feet; thence deflecting right 122 06' and running Northerly,
<br /> a distance of Four Hundred Sixty-eight and Three Tenths (468.3) feet to the S4utherly
<br /> road right-of-y+ray ]ine; thence Easterly along said right-of-way linQ, a distance of Une
<br /> 'S Hundred (100.0} feet to the actual place of beginning, said tract containing ].OQb acres,
<br /> ' more or less, and
<br /> Part of the Northwest C�uarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW�-,NW;) of Section Thirty-faur
<br /> (34), Township Eleven (11 ) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , more particulariy
<br /> described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 354.9 feet South and 47Q.2 feet West
<br /> of the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of t#�e Northwest Quarter (NWaNW4) �f said
<br /> Section Thirty-four (34), Township Eleven (11) fVorth, Range Ten (10) West, running thence
<br /> South and parallel to the East line of said Northwest Quarter af the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (MW�-4tVW4) a distance of 300 feet to the right-of-way line of Federal Highway No. 30,
<br /> runnirtg thence Southwesterly along the Northerly right-of-way line of said Federai
<br /> Highway No. 30 a distance of 320 feet, running thence North and parallel to the East line
<br /> of said
<br /> Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW;NW34) a distance of 3QO feet, running
<br /> thence Nartheasterly and parallel to the Northerly line of said Federal Highway No. 30 a
<br /> 4 distance of 320 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and
<br /> Fart of the Northwest Quarter of the Nort�west �uarter (NW�,NW;) of 5ection Thirty-four
<br /> (34), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10), West of the bth P. M. , and more
<br /> particularly described as follows: Seginning at a point on the South right-of-way line
<br /> � of the Highway, said point being located Two Hundred Fifty-four and Six Tenths (254,6)
<br /> a feet East and Fifty (50) fieet South of the Northwest corner of Section Thirty-four (34);
<br /> thence East along said South right-of-way line Three Nundred Twenty (32Q) feet; thenc�
<br /> South and parallel to the West section line Seven Hundred Sixty-eight (768) feet to a
<br /> point on t6e North right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence Southwesterly
<br /> along said North right-of-way line TMree Hundred Seventy-seven and Four Tenths (377.4)
<br /> ± feet; thence North and parallel to the West section line Nine Hundred Fifty-nine and
<br /> Seven Tenths (459.7) feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.34 acres, more or iess.
<br /> Signed this a. q day of _�,�i1�,�, �/�
<br /> —7�-- 7--
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<br /> � ' Dar�� 11 G. Mead Dale Jacobsen � ••»� ` � �
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<br /> �.L . ✓ // . ..�'_�eri . F. �.".,7„s:/ �Yi . ~C� (.:... ',-,T�'�y �a�s � �. � � .
<br /> Delores E. Mead �� Emily J��obsen �"r��� �.s:{.,s-� ''
<br /> a�' NC)7ARY
<br /> STATE OF NE$RASKA } '� �- .§ Y:�►aaaes.;�;a�� �
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL )SS: , �,��� .�'^�a�,��, =�'
<br /> Before me, a Notary Public qualified � �,��i�� oun#,yo.�er nally came
<br /> Un� ���
<br /> � �, NFi3�.,-�
<br /> who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing to be their volun�'��"and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on � day of �}��
<br /> otary u ic
<br /> /7 ».r .
<br /> Nly cormnission expi res: --� e"jr ' , ';,.
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