<br /> 4 l,_
<br /> Y,„�a�. � ,, .z.
<br />� +�c,:. ._ ..._ � . . . . . � � »+.,�� . .,
<br /> ` � ..... _�� �
<br /> ff'°
<br /> ` -�. ��"` ` � � ,`� ��i'�,
<br /> !'n improwements cu 1�r �ad� ,yussuant ;m �a�d ,;�cxildin� 3ryad a�reement shall not ut. �:arrul nr, with ressc�a:cbde dilift�ncx: :cu s3ya17 (
<br /> 3�e iiiscnr�tinue�3 .zi. .:�pY :finn� . f�s an}r reas�;i :cai7:er th�r�.:Strikes .or ,loctc-auts, the hf�.rrt$z�ex. ,-:ittez dur z��saaa� tey ki�� hiockga�Vi
<br /> us sny tubsequent c>tivner, ' is herebY sz�vestec; with ' [si!! cnd ccrom�letc: authnrit � tc� enier upon ttae ^:asd .}�r� n�zses . empi�y `
<br /> � � w�atc�hme�1 °to ';proLect ..:suc4� ��inx�rovenasnte; �;frani dear�elatinn ��:ar an,jvr}• �..�and -��.tc: - �se:cervc ..-sr�c4 �mtecC.. Yfat� -�{�ers+xna] �:pttrPertv � . . �
<br /> r � LherC.ttx; amt� Co Ersatnnsse;:uly anr's ��all auSstancling � eanirecY:� .foa '.tri.c ,ereetisrn an� conipleiaoix ;05 saicY :l�uz3dm,�; xas�-� f�lniY.c3utg�, th . ��"r
<br /> � sazafCe ,and entcr intt� axiy aonYracls and oix3a�aYwns ;wr�. cmvcr �zac:essaxy , e�tiies ui . iTs awn auzms or ut t�z� :n;�nu. �xt" .t£ee
<br /> � :tlonCga�or, anu tn ,;ray an3 dfsc3sargr_;tLl c4evt&, vbla�tiass3ns, �red taa�iJitie;s incurreri ,Lhereb5'- Ali .�x.:h sume. r�> asir-anc�d iaS 't2te `
<br /> a
<br /> �44n�e (exciustvr. �I:a�ivascc�s �f tfu:, pxincy�aT of :ilte ,inRiebCsd�iesx=z�ecured:hexeb}F) -sktall 'hcadr3�c3!c� tt�e;;pcinciPa! ot' tz:e
<br /> e
<br /> ir�dckst�:dness :sccuxx�d tsen:by anc3 ;eiu11 br. secured �5° tixis Mori£,:z�e an�- s�ha11 he uLce and payalsRu nsz iiern�nr� �vith intei�st zac ,
<br /> tiu.�rete spaeiffied ia� t1xc:Npke, but na su�f� a�u�anres. shall !ae imsured unir:s.5 ,r.ime �re� sriedl3ca]!b' ?�Frnveai I7Y tiic SeLretary af
<br /> a
<br /> f�utssisti$ and Ilciarxx `31a�ctnpriwnc,acxtng iay �asd: tF�russ�h thr F'e�ferat:flousing�,C:csmmissionez;priflr :c�`ttu �nak 's:x�- themnt: filac
<br /> ts x
<br /> � � �ziucit� sun� :;a�3ct aYhcr cttar$s4':�roviciexP for nereirs s#tal:, at :r;ne v�#ion oE' thc� �rsort�agec sar h�lde= ,nf Uu5 �ioxt�ag� a�uiit�r.
<br /> 7'w�urx: :si:rairod :h�rcb}' , 'h�rrs3me dt��,;a�u? �vay�ai�ie.r�i� Yfse fa't3urc of the A4ortga�wr ;tc,: k�ep �zAtb .�zrrforne:;any 4if tlar: , ecavtinarics,
<br /> r,audiizonu, ��ad �reezrscnts oi sai�3 buildxnK tcun �grecmenz . Tlti., e:ns�nant shall fie t,ernaircatec� it;aon the compEettc�n �ii':tYiY.
<br /> ^ . . .� � anx�aXcrvemUnLs ����sn� the s:itisf+�dtro:��.:,of tlie :MorYfi��: . �Taii � thc .. mukitt� n�i�� �_ kiic, :fir.al. �..acirancx;. .as .pravrdeu sn sui3 ���tax�i3c€ii>;; :tcra��. � . . . � ,�
<br /> � agC�e]ateAi: .� � � . � . . . . .. � . . . . . . .
<br /> Ixf . That + thv A4c�tC�agos coYex2ancs �r� :t�r�es' that - so 1an�* as 3l� is dlartRagr aniY <tl�sc sai� Note seeaacee# ltrxchy ac.,
<br /> zaas�txt,t% ru»dLr : tice ��ravi5ions ul t.hi: \iaiir_ittad <$iousing i1ct, . nr ' d3�id bY tttc 'Secn:tazY o1 3-Tcsu�rngand [iatran' i?evtlopmeni , r[
<br /> ; � � � will �not r�xecaasi�.�,or fitr.`fc�r�se:rssrd ..anV : �.irtsII:ur.acnS rvhi�:ft�� sm�uses �.a �:rostrictintr ��.uFon Lhi-�s,a.(e ur.c�ccunanU�s� o, `::[ic� rrartr[l��ea � � . . .
<br /> , .. � � �Srover�.Y on tls�c�'�basas oi���. ra::e: . �c�iar,� or�.erer,d ; � � . . . . . � � '. .
<br /> 2{1 Th:ai as acidi[iorw3 'anii ccillateral .�r:curity for thc }�xynsent c�4' tiie ^�int*� desc.itred asx� a!l .sums u� hecome dxxe
<br /> under zliis ;�4c+rCga�e: , the hfartga�or izeret�y sssi�ns ;sc ti�c� ?St�rt€3gee �i3t �rotits , rejvencces. rnualtie;,, z�ghts, ariti btn�tics
<br /> ,• � � sccr�in:� to tft.� `11Sorti�oi ��uttcier::an}' aeae �ali. �csii anc3 .ga.s � de.:ses . un �:.:ticI �� Frirr�ises_ �wittc�� ti�e sight ta� recervc��an�i �re�ai� t fnr:th.�.. � � �;
<br /> � , " same a�red a}r}i'�5" •them ° t.� -sa�ia9 ���indebkednas^ �- as �wel1 ��bePran� us afCas � default -ire - tftie -conditat,7ns� � .3: �i'8��; ��ta�st�a£zc , � aicd i�3;c: � �
<br /> �rforK��e mai� denuzne�, sue, fa., and er��ver anw si:�:h ��3ynienk5 4vher. siue anii paya[+1� : �iut shatT nne he r�ynrrerl :sci icr sic. ,
<br /> ' . � �� `B'hixusss�.nmena�,��:is '.t�a�- t.e:rn�ivsate�ane; � tryecc�me�� nu7lun� ��j��iei up3on� reteau���i��this A1�astg:�ge ; . � . . . . �;,
<br /> <: 1 . Tl3akcil' ihc M��rt�or• t"ails [u m:tkt� atty }�aYm�:atcs ui niQaek� whexi iite satne taaurin� ztrae , or faiEs tc:� .cozitornt zr�
<br /> t ane3 comply with �ny nf t3ie .conditions nr aRreenaents .vantaineci i�t ttua Adoctgage„ or tne A1ore wixi�:dz ii .,-�¢ures. :tEterz t3x�
<br /> �ntisa priui�iP3! sunx and, accaued intccNst shdli :at oncc° uecom� duu and p�^.�anl� , a� thc uteci�e�n �it' Yiii- �lirartgxt�ce ; und :thzs '
<br /> Aiurtm=Ae maY ' thereuPon be rarr.iiuse� i�ame�aateSy tor ttte w�otc n1 saic} munuy' ; av[esesY . annnt"tLi}� paYmcuts. :costs;ground ':
<br /> nnEs,` taa�cs, and tlie :e�rst of �:�cYenziing ttzc ahscrxcz �i tiite zao�ai thr esaee ui ths.; lcsan to thr iins� nf ccsrnncenczng-sis.:,t� '
<br /> � "; furcc4usun: suat ; ati sdvancs:s a:�d :inceresc, ar+�i a reasc�naafe . aftasi�cy 's : sec ; :all ni wYueiz :shali lsc. inutucie�i ir. tsxc . r5ecrc�:,r�f i
<br /> � � fvre.ctosuie, :a.sxci �..the. ,.c��ntract ��:emFs�.udi�d :.in � .t"rais . ;t#ottga}n; �:.aud �..the N.c�tr: sucurecl � iacref�c< . ,sh:tll : in �.�tll. rrsPccts �. bt;�:�nvzm�cl... . . . . .. . .
<br /> ; constria�d. and ac3#ud��d;:Yav ihe laws oi 3Ve6ruka; wiar�rr the samc is. made.
<br /> The ;cuuereanxs lzerein cc�nc:uned sh311 bizid, aiid the �ar:�2�fits aexd adrranta�cs s-hall inure to . the res��eecivL :suwc�scacs;:s�-rid
<br /> .: . �.ssig:zs� :mi d�e �:"�ar[i�ea�hemtc� . -Wlicnever used.-: ttae singuls;'nvrnbar�. sk�;tl! inciude th.: ,{�tural.ane�:'the pluru!'.She��.sea��;ulaz:� . � . . . . . . . ��:
<br /> • Tha� LorL�ning ca�itditinns, a!i anri singui:ar; i�eixag pertorm�d accurdin� tc� fheir- nsturas :and 1��;aI< inz�ort , zhns convcyattcz:
<br /> � sfcatl` lae void :and saia ;�rexause�s re:l�ased at - the .uxPenss oE tY3e ?�forxga;'-or: attierwise tc� ne and rema3n i�a fui! xcncrnrsrYeC£r�x.s_
<br /> � , I3� WITP*IESS " WH£REOF , thti: said Mczrt�a$or has �:aused ttiese presents -to rs� si�ed !r� iis team4, Uy its I'resident;
<br /> sttested by iks :Seere[Szk' ; anc! iLs cur�orata sx;u: tn be hereunao affaxed the ckaw ansi Yc-ar firsz ab�ve witte.n :
<br /> , �. 6RAND VIEY�' A;�t��C7Rh£i�5i5 , .L°I'il .
<br /> �rtCv5t�9t
<br /> ! -�'in the¢presencc oi'— �3i�3)G '
<br /> ( �, � � ,�, .-�r^..---"' �
<br /> „ •�
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<br /> ' T . M . SELDSiV , +',�A�2AL RAftThfiE£: �E�`iG
<br /> l S4S£��`fE3H4�C�C�r�7�'r�
<br /> �
<br /> ,.s"'s1'A«'�� '.OF iVE�R3iL5bCA i
<br /> . . . ss: . . . .
<br /> ;f . . � {"t7'U3�'TY t�F'�. ��[3P..N'"�LA,-'�,' . �} . . . , � � . .
<br /> s"Jn: this 2ND day s�f MAY , : '� ,77 , t�et'are me. � NOTiaR1' P1:�LSC
<br /> in .and sor said f:auntY. �ex�anallY rani� the :ahove•n:imad T, . M . :aELttS4�l �1CCGXAGX
<br /> :IG#PRARIG�X A '.GE�AL f�ART9*lER . w3to�44t :T.S
<br /> � �aersoxurJly kiwwa to me tu be tize.idencical ;3�rwns �v�asa nc ,ties are .3ffi�ced tQ tzie af��u� mon�tgeaa . GES*�E�dAL pA:f2T@�3Ef2
<br /> �j6p�,lqiipWY„'""�"" }j��, s�f satc3 p}���, eaczi acknx�wledgea tlic znszrument toixe hu vc�iurita�•
<br /> act �n�`i4`tt�kcl'�4g���o1 targ. act anc �t�ea of raid n "� F'VdStness m�• ha:nc anu seal the siarr iast
<br /> � � aPures'a.�ic�f:�At hii.iYN8t1tL . �. � � . � � . . . . � .
<br /> . �i � dA:�. �.. . . . . � . .
<br /> � :�'��Ez'�F�4?�ire � n�.the� . ;'�, da�Y a1' . :�;. � li. . ; .
<br /> . .. �'..�.,>._
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