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<br /> � REAL ESTATE MORTGAC�E FORM r�e zo6 (aev. i—r7) 4 : �
<br /> � i� � 7�'�`(?t�2'33.�. . � nPr�z z�, z9�� .-_�_.�. ; �
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<br /> �� Loran ?�, Quandt (also known as Loraax Quaudt) and �sever-ly J_ Quandt (also lc'nawn as ¢ �, y f
<br /> i� r �
<br /> r *',
<br /> �� Bever3.y Quandt), husband and wife ' y1i h ' + { ` ?
<br /> A.n�s`s�a.$or� r � '; k , � t
<br /> y: � . . . � . .. . . • � .,."I � }SY C � � �J"1
<br /> . � 'Ha12 r Nebraska : ` ' �
<br /> n oY � . Coun_.y..�� . . . . _ cs cans}.d�r�, Uu�ot� �yyy '�.. } : t� � $.
<br /> Ghe��adv�nce��of trie princlp�i�.�sum:ecited�in Uhe nata.��hereinafte:� QescrS.bed;recel.pt.�i whicll ls.&cknqwlez?ag.d..T��reby � ,, k i t f a l..
<br /> ;. , martgaEe etltl cof]Vey���Cn . � � . � . � . . , � ; �a , '� x
<br /> i� � � � � � � � � 9 ��- vp t . ` � �t
<br /> g THEFEDERAL LAND'BANK OF OMAMA, a Corparation, q �
<br /> ' af Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address } t ' t i
<br /> ; � i s Farm Cred i t Bui 4ding Omaha, Nebraska 68100, } " ° r i �� "
<br /> a r.
<br /> � T
<br /> "s� � Murtgcgee �j��Sub3ect to oil, gas. sild�mireral rlgh4s ^��vnrd by parc e� oUher Lh���.n Mc tK�F�rs; exSsting ea omerr� c� j ' � ��
<br /> i � recard; �reserv2.tions Sri Ui�Y�ted St�tes.andSY,atepater�.ts:a:idt.lie rlgri�ts�o;. t:tie ni.bllc in a21 hi�..h:vays)�,thkTo�l4��uina�*•
<br /> r Ha22 Nebrasita , � �
<br /> . } Gescribed'real es..aLa in �=c+:F"t.Y; � � `'��
<br /> � � � '
<br /> ' � � � � � SEC.� TWP. �� R8.� 7 `i�i t q z�
<br /> ' � - ZS 12N 9 W 6th P.M � ; �'
<br /> f SE'SLSE'�S and S�aNFrSF.� - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br /> lfi � � ' � � ;
<br /> ' = and the fo�lowing-described real estate in Howard County, � .- 4
<br /> � Nebraska: ( �
<br /> �� � ) .', r
<br /> � NW64 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 13N 2Q W 6th P.M � �` v a
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<br />{� R or a;Pu±�tennnces .s:liereon er h�� �.sTt.er ,�1:_ced t erton i�_. Ftiac�r, irr•1>.3 inn, and dr:ilncsr'.e rik?�tt� „Yte�t�tn�c^ents � M �. C-r7�i�
<br /> ��� '� �heredlt�ments, 3nd aPpurtenrin�.es therftc ,�:�d t�i�� �sn s 1�� L:e^ cn . nd �-.. o.*i . rat�int. fr�m �n�d i�Llc+ � az-d �St 1 �,.'� ' r�
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<br /> ; ; �11cenSes.;orpr2vlle.ges, ap�+urtenant o: nouiR:.:�It n:5,nt Lu 3.1 mo �gcd �.iti� e . ,:svo;• hE^eaTGe ,::.i.e:'. eX E.CeC, j �.
<br /> ii ;� Y � eS' renewecl�to.ttte Hor�R,"iEtor� UY tte UniL � *..at�:, or L!te. „*....tr.�±.n wiic°: t.he :.hat�t.—dC5c�7Ued T!=oP�'-ty :s .q�<.1..-ea �r ; -_ '�;
<br />�' � +»lY �eGcv�tment�. Cureau, or ageri4y thereot. � � � .
<br />� ; � S � � �
<br /> �9'hli�moT_"tqa�e is'gl.ven to�:;eC!1re ci promissoi,', iote c�f e,�en d�ite herewi.;ta. eze::uCec t,;r h�? r.�T.�gez�e Le �;cr�1..:�Y,�e, �n y �
<br />� y �tLe.�nrincii;al sum bi
<br /> ;.. ; .R�Y'�.ble�with ii�terest�ar.cur<i1.^E�. to t�,he.t��� n i�.d ❑urc � ..?ic rir 1 :=)ri�.n±� b�1��g :iie at�� �a.l�ble .n.*.t�� fir�t d�i^ 4 :� �
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<br />�� l
<br /> �� � �ihis mOrtgsge is se�D�ect Lo the. provl:lans o.i THG�"r'ARH CHEL��I'L�AC1' aud >�71 mct:z ecnendwCory theree" ur .��ppler.enGa1 � ,�;,, jj
<br />��,� ,:� r��� t.tie:eto...�7'Ae proceeds.ot L�e 1.U�'u� seceired hereby Kill [�e u:.ed .i�^ the ,n.ui•pose.s spec,Ified lr; tY;e Hurt�:��ars�� app1.- ���
<br />�� ; cation Por..sald.loan und.authorized by sa.c7 act. . ;
<br /> Rr��� �� � � �ThQ�Martgagors,� and�each of Lhem,�1�!�retry war•r�ent t::at they sre 2ee ewni.r� cf z.ite rnax•CaaweC�re32 p�oyerty: ctiac Gh�.y � •, ���
<br />�°, f � wlll deSend the�tltl:e �.halzz�t all clrt±msn.s �.tiomsoever �n" Ctih 3.1u ti•uF�i"ty 1 =ree +rom a11�eia�._4i-�u;ces; triat
<br /> F- ; < � Lhey w.1l�keeR all '.he SnF^nver+:rC.,. f�tt, ^c� e G �sPFa�..,er*.zanr.ee 7s u.�:ed nd lu rtood r�c.eSr• :�ic n�.rm;t ne nt.�s �.* i .'
<br /> a.� .:.S .�wast�;..antl��the.)`..w:l.i relin4.nish..a11 rig.".ts o� h_mNstexd Sn �uaid FrEr..1.=e"ruiuceveti�it ac�d a,�,'-'er :vlcli Che� Ntxtr=.igee, ' �
<br /> s�ria '� j �.an�Sa12�}vcc. �. � � ' :
<br /> k� . . . . t '�:
<br />.�`�• ,��� � �(1} � That�the,y.rv117.� p+�,}�.tiv}t�,�.due ¢ll. Gaxes, ilers. JudFments, cr ti.s::,assnret:ts wtii:ch may be il�afuli.Y' assessed ag31n t
<br /> i� � thz. property heruln�morrPaged_� � . . �
<br />�' � t .(�w;� 1'nat c:�ey will in.>urc� rir:d kcep ;r..,v^efl�.^t:±ltl!nus nr oe:^ec• lr�pr^vemazt� „a,•a nn or �vr i...h m..;,�� 2�ereaY'ter be p2acetl � '�
<br />�� '���� � an. snld� vremises��.tu�Uhe satisfac�lon of�tlie Mo2c��5e.cr, s��h�lr_surance P�-1e.y ^.lall 5e er,da sed wYth s�ma:t�zage clause ? ,�..
<br />�� ��. � ���with�Ctte.loss the.reunder..to be reJ�ab2e to 4Y:e Mortg..�ee .„�i�� �um. recei�e�i�m�g D- usecf to� pa,y�Y r ^eco�sL^u^Cion •
<br />'��t �.^. �. of�.�tha [�estroYed iriArovements: or. Si nut sc :�7..aiie�. Tsy �.t:, t�e aptla.i oT' t.he N� rga�ee, be ripr�lied Si. F�ame.*�t oi f '
<br />�"��� ;. � at±:r'� InHaOtie���ne s� r�.t c �r , . -v � *� �r .
<br />��� = i3} iu Pny a 2� cn. ��� cr ct e n�1. ..0 or �r �, e. r .c c.. �e, _ � �
<br /> _ ; .�Nl'i�l a62..i:u ,c.yi,:."...�... .....,:,.. . IC..�.... -� ��n�r-; .._..�.:�.. '. . .e�.r .:.::'. . . �.c-.:. ..n . . .�c w ��.�.�..�., � ,...
<br />�k� i� e issued,�extBnded;�or renewed by the�Uni:ted ,tates�or the sCaze 7,. wt._eh. Lha r�bova ,lescrSUad�proAert} Ss�l.pc�te�3;•and t �: -
<br /> y��k"+, °�` � ta��:�erSorm:ruid abssrve every act�,.covenant, concfitifln, 2rd stipulacia❑ necesser> c� xeep euch of 4�he sci.�,e in �;oad a � � -
<br />�"" �.,� ;� S�3RtlSR�,:';t1Tld :t0��481i2 P.VEPy��I1CCC.'SSBTy Stf'p LO:SEC}li'E Lh2.I'e. 35UE' �I`�.'.11EN31 .L�T' PX�.F.R�10I7 Of �@3Ct7 O( thC' SAtRE; k:St(} CO ;
<br /> �ssign, tvaive, pleciSe, ur eridoi'se to [;�e Morr,crs�,ee ?r.�ch lea..:e, ,.c.mit, llce�ns��, or P.�ivtlege iC��tort�Fg.s.gors� r'.Eht�: � , '� +
<br />� :� � ln.publ2o domain�are requlred hy Mort��Cae:�for security pur�:os4s.. � R �. :� +
<br />'� �,�: � (a}��� That in tho�event 4he�.Mortgn�ee��is a narty�to Fsny 1t��,2q�.Cion sffecti�ng�the sr�curl�t� rr �..he 11en of its rnerL- s �� °��. � -
<br /> .gage, SnCludin& iiayY �suit b.��. the Me�rt�gsgee�to�fareclvse.t1i15 m�?i•tgage� oi• 3u� �i�it. '^ whlch ..nc htt�:��M�;ee mr�y Ue nsmed ; ,��,�,�� `.��,� ,;
<br />� F3 � a-party �deS�nlant�.in wY�lch. it 9s obll�rsLPd.to �roteeL �s�rlghcs er 11en 1•t���iud�nR conclemnat*on�and Uanknipt�p � '
<br /> pTocec�dings,� the Mortgagoe��niay incur.�xper.ses n.nd advat e g�gy.ment �or �.6strn.ct T'ees, �.tt�rney+ *ees (except G� thc ( .�, '�� �-� :
<br /> �_., � extent proh!bited Dy law), cascs, expenses,�asid atl�er�.t�Mar�es. �� �. � , :.
<br /> ��
<br /> � (5}�. rnat ln.the evwut the-ilortgagars fs11 Lo�.pay when flue���any taxes, i]e.ns.. �fudgmznts; er assessments, cr fa11 to � '��
<br />��4� ;}� � anaintain insursnce.as 2laraint�e.ore��provid2d, o �11.Yo g�.Y' rents �tees .or cY:1r�e under .ttie tarms a£ tL v l�ase, 1 ,' ,."��a �
<br />�+37a'� :,., VxTtAit. ],J,CtlYlt3t�..�US'.Ll'7.41irtge 1" h}U4" h�beN.`su �y�iS'�� .��:�-i.., ... u y : e �. ,..
<br /> �s.. f 41 � •:y 3Ut,1t DtiV11�811r OT',i'(�V 1 hr+ F.r.,a ; t, )til.�, • .,
<br /> r„r�rw.p , R - ��';. �a I � . . ,�'e k. „v..
<br /> ,ti.a7�ec•c,qnr�r.rrypr��rFarvP��in� rt nn�°cf�9orz wit:h� 111.1u�.at,i<�ri M trl;uaver. mxv mtixce � {+ ..+ 5 , � . ,�.
<br />� `� or incur such o621ga.tion, arid Lkre amaunts pa3d tTzerefo. sha_l 6ec�ame-a part�u1' Li�e Snciebte�ness s«ureC h�.re bynAi:e 1 �� �`����'� ����
<br />�'�;1�'1. `. h and��.peya0le.irrenedlateyY, �nd-��;shall Uear InteresG trom tSxe�dat.e.of p:3,yment�at Lhe same� rate es gcevltled fa. deYault
<br />¢p"`� �; f �n the note: � �
<br />�,.� �3� � �
<br />�y, � �..�. _ _� .. .. _ ..... . ._.__ . __.
<br />�� � � � �
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