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<br /> Iid 'T11E t)S;aTi"�ZCT COiJi2'I" C?F Hr'�I.L COU?J'CY, TIf't3RA:it4t'�
<br /> � `I'IiC)tilAS F. VIi.RI: �n3 FZZCt�.'�:tt7 J. � C�se rlo. 53-213
<br /> � , ) ' `;
<br /> iPZ['':iK,
<br /> ) ,�
<br /> Ylaintiffs, 3 r
<br /> > ` ) D�C.T2LE O�' .`�'�'RTCT r ORECZ.t3S1T3E �•
<br /> Vs. �
<br /> `. � ' } QF Lr"3A3D'�C7N`�'RACT .'
<br /> GT�f',^7 FILL£I: �nd ?�A'THLE:VE f:zLLL�R� )
<br /> ' ? : .
<br /> D<�fceridants. )
<br /> �.
<br /> S"
<br /> . E�
<br /> }3P IT R"r_efr..-i�3t•:RF.D that this rnatter came on f:or haaring on tnis ?_lst
<br /> dzy of C)CtobeT, I97d, upan the- Petiti�n for Stricc "r'o�eclast:xe filed
<br /> hcrein by L-he Flaintif�'s and ur.��n �aid Pc�titi��, the cvi.dence z�d t,z� ,}
<br /> � � � _ .
<br /> filn, the Court beinc� r:ully ar��r��ec .in t}ie ��r�:�is�s, iinds as foZlows:
<br /> 1:�-. .�he T��fendarlts have bcc�n served with process by publication
<br /> ,� � � � �
<br /> uccording ta law and thai the Court I�as jurisdic�ion aver them and
<br /> ' ? ttsat �hay have failzd t� �nswPr. `��'he Def�nu�ar_ts` defi.:ult •.;hould be
<br /> 4 .
<br /> er.tared of record. �
<br /> : ��C ,
<br /> ; - ' _.-<3.- o�,ar;e"-s of the fo3lowin desczir�ed re 3� �state, ,
<br /> t
<br /> 2. 3?�3.��r,.-3�-#....r � - _ g
<br /> �ntrr�d i:2to a writU.�n ccntxait to se1l aar.d convc.y saici rea2 c>:>tat� ta
<br /> t]�e P�f.encianis, Gltn Fi7?er az7G Ka�}zlen� F.i31cr, izL.sc3nd �nc� wi:�e, ;i
<br /> t
<br /> e _ .
<br /> un��z t?ie ter��s and c.er.tiitions oT t_he cc>ncract set iartn 3nc: a��acr_�d :
<br /> to P?aintifs"s' ?'ct.iti4n her��n, b�ing_
<br /> �..ot One (�3 in i�1ocY Fiv� (5) , ir� tne 'i'nird Acidi- ��
<br /> tion to th� i:o:an o� Cairo, Siall Co:xnt.v, Nebraska_
<br /> _,_ _ .
<br /> jT7�? �•�f��i�;�?> �'��%".�..,'�� '�-��o �'�i�TrucT jo /�t� ;/�i,ui,�7ilFS.
<br /> 3. `i"h:a C'aurt r:u�ther fi.nc3s ci-sat D:.,renc3ant>, C.,len 3�illez arid
<br /> }:au;�'s_�nt ri�:Zer, }���s�and and caiie, l�ave �al��n benina and izave s�Egle.c�ed
<br /> to �ay iaoni;hl'y �<ay.r�nc� i:� a�corciaricr_ with r.he t°.Ar:i� �nd coi�c3i�'.i+�ns os"
<br /> thv cont:-:�ct :.>e� zcsrth ayd :it._�chr_�d ta Pl��i*�tL;.`fs' i?��;.tion }7eaL:c�tn.
<br /> 4: � �, `l3'ie Coux� {"u:-":i�er f;nds t?:.at ?:.'Ze 3�nount ciue, �ue '.�a i�he>_ arrear-
<br /> ,' _ � �,��,,>r�ii
<br /> , a<{e �:�a ne;c�lcct of �'-�r. _.. . t_Zt:;, c;le� F:.1.'_�.rr .at�d :ti.�4nl�>n:� 1-'il.lc , hus-
<br /> ia�_inc� G3;Z:i ivi.x"�', i:o p�y ..;zid s ayc;�eiit�.�, is in < �c_.�ss c>� the v�=tue .� ' _;rtid
<br /> real est<-a�c, l��adly ��ascribed as:
<br /> � ;;c>t n�ne� (2! i.r� 131ock cive t 5) , i.il i�he `1'hird T�ddi-
<br /> ; � �
<br /> ' tir�n �o t.hc: t:oi.r!� ��c Cairo, I-tall Cot_nty, ti�>:��as;:a, � �
<br /> s . ,
<br /> . .. � . . . . 4��, ��yF Y
<br /> . . . .. . � � . � • ,.,
<br /> ,:n;� cor.i:icanly k.icawn as ��1 ,.Tu'r�ia 5tr�et, C.�iro, P]rLra�ka. � �;�, .�
<br /> � � ` �r
<br /> 5» 'PYit� C�ui:t s:i�rt.lc>t f.iaiels t3aat k'laintif�s �re e�ni.iticci ta ,trict �
<br />�. l..��:r- :i,�`..r� L•t . .. . . ., `.'•- _ 'na , ,j p,��rh:>r bv r.�a:;on oi= d.�fzult in �:�rc- y,».
<br /> �., a -. .-, ,,.
<br /> . � . . ...
<br /> •. ` �� ..
<br /> �:.
<br /> ..,•itL il.ic7�� ��i ivi.i�•t�._� i��f 3`c.� ,.ri*1:3tit.:
<br /> � _ �
<br /> e__
<br />,�
<br />