�„ � . . . � . . � � � � , :t � � � � .
<br /> � , . . . . . . . � � � . . �. . � �:���� � .
<br /> . .
<br /> � .� � . . ... ... .. .. _ . . _ ... .. .. . . � .. .. _ . �......�.. � �
<br /> I'�� VIJL:wiJ��.
<br /> ndC3Ct'[YiA(;:�. � . . . . .
<br /> — _ -- — —;�sr3dztr„n<��'tonr.na�• �2,G26 -------
<br /> xrinw.at�t,r,�rtv t�Y•rrti�SH rRt:sr�xls:Tr,�c Harotd G. Day and C-vat ene A, day, cach i n hi s and tier
<br /> � ovan rig�t anci as spouse ctifi eaCh ather
<br /> h!i>iEgaKoc;Hf�ethe�une or mc+re,in cuirsideratioia of the�sutn uf
<br /> �`hirCeen T'haus�nd Siix �iund�•ed and No,�lOQ ---_ ___ ___ ----- -__�a�LL�xs
<br /> t�aancd tn�sa,id rh�rtgagur Lty TIYe�I:qtritxh9c Huildwng si�d Lr,3afi A.ssro�.atinn�o(C.ranJ Isten�l.hel>nasha Mb�4gagee iatx�ni Z�.�!skvares�uf stucic uf
<br /> av�1 A55(k:IA`I'FON, ('erRiticate Ni>, 1_ 2��C726 ,d�3 herel�R�grant, cc�nve�� and inort�a�e unte tlre �aid r15S(X:[A"i'ION ehe Cotlawdn�
<br /> d¢scribcvi feai est.mte,aaYuaEcJ in liall f;�uniy,?'rsiaraska:
<br /> f LO"f 5�VEN (7) IN CiLOGK NI�lETY SIX (95} IN lliE ORIGINAL TOWN, NQW
<br /> Gi7Y �F GRAtV� ISf.kN[7, NALL COiJM7'Y, NE6AA5KA.
<br /> -and-
<br /> TNE EA57ERLY TNTRTY ANn �IV[-TENTNS fEET (� 30.5') OF LQT C?NE {1), IN
<br /> � tco�Zetti��.r ���it1x ull t.he taaterncnls. liereditaments and u�>Giurtena{tces �IrereuNo helo�xKin�,iG�cluding ateacl�ecl I�loor co�2crenKs.al.i U^inde�w��sc��cet+s, . .
<br /> winduw shudes,blinds.sttisrn���i�idce.vs,a�vninp,s,hcatink.av�a�.mditil�nin�Z.a��d plurnbin�aira K�atereyuipntentand accessotien the,recu.F+um��s.si4�ves,
<br /> � refltporatiu�s,aud uthcr fixturenaad eyuipn�ent n:.+�a or Ite[eaffer:jlt�cl�ed tu ni vsed in t.r�imectis!n�cith snid re:�l esfate.
<br /> � Anil.xvlten.as thc said rnortgagor has a{irreJ and�r?es iie.reby a�,rce tttat tl�c m�a�rpigor si�sll an.i ���il! �aat atl tarch and assessments levi��iar ��
<br /> '.. . assosseci ap>u��stii�l prena�ses and ups�n this mort�xge anii!he bond sctc.u.rcd Ihcrehc p,�ti.�e rhe sa�Yie sh.dl I?ec.ome delinq�:�e�tt;to tuFiaislt e;iproved
<br /> � iitsurnrur up�ar.the bz�ilds�i�s vn sni�t p�eiuiscesiluated in Uee suw vf� 1�,(pQ.�l7 ��i�a�ble t., �;iid A.SSC)<;loAIiDN a�i� ta deli��e� tv sai.d � . .
<br /> .. ,ASSO('I.'�TI(3N tlic.}�uliE.ics li�s said insurance;and nut tu�vzninil i�r i�exmit aiu•wosle cai�i:.�i�u�.ii Saad prerreesca; �. . .
<br /> .._ � U�cusa�cif dci'ault in Uie perfi�arman�r of aay o1 tlie�crnu and�v��diU�7m uC flll3 muxt�dge ur t9ie hniid yecured heret?y�.tbe moctgag�ea�slta€8,
<br /> e*r���Jen�a�iJ,�bi en[illed tir i�nmc�ialc.pussessinr��il�thc m�rl};agc.l}��r.mis��:s an�l Ilic nwitKa�.�.*�� 1���^reby n5aigns.. lranslers ;sitd sets c�!ver ir? ttaE
<br /> -�� ��aotYg;�ec all tlie�renis,revenues 8nd inex�mc 1-�be dcai.ed.4}um tl�e zi�c�rc�taged��i�crnis�s dunng sucfi tiiue as tfie mc;rtnx�,c inclebteduess sha3#.reana"xn ��
<br /> � � �wt{,iaf,d;.and t4ir,nrorlgagce shail.have U�c K�owttr to.aqiolnt ae�y ag�rnt oi agents it may �9esire Yirr tlie nurpose of rcg�eirinp��sr�id{,�rerrzisea end re4�tirtg
<br /> . � tite sarue and c.��llecti�z�I.he rcnte.[c�•enues and i�ic��.nne,mid et�ua����a�•vut. ol xaid ia�Kr..nnr ail exi�es�ses of� rrpairii�� se�id {?remises�nnd�xci.^essar�� � . . .
<br /> . cummissio�as an�ex}renxs�ncurre�i in renUng an�i n�xnaKing the.same and ��f cc>Ilertir�K rerrtnLs tlicrefro�rr; the. i+aleiicr remai�iing,if a�t��.tu be ..
<br /> a�iptid�t��H�ar�f the discirarKe uf said�mortgage iia�l�.bteducss:thasv ngiiis+�f the n�ortµagec�nay be execcined at any tfina clitzi.Ai�;tlae�xisfenc¢�ut�sauh. �
<br /> def�aull.ittespeclive of an}tcrnrorary�vaiver uf flie sarnc.
<br /> � Tl�esc.Prssent.s.Rsc�u6vcr,aie.u�iort lh�e(;ondiLioiz.�i'h�t xf the a,ud plir�yFagur shall irpay sai�t luau uu s,a� bci��rc lhe naa[urity af said shares be�� �� .
<br /> � . payqncnl:�>uy�nwntlilv n.sau3 ASSC�C:I,+1.TtC)N r�f'tiic suai i;+cc�l'acd ia tlae 8und secured hirc�l�y uv lnierest asul}�nncipal on sa.id lvan,o�t ar l,etotc. �
<br /> SE7C���\'CI111C1�1 C3 i)�C)�l'.JC:E13I1(�CVFfI'tlll)ill�l.Ulill�ti:)1lI IUAfI IS AlIIIV�):11(3.:j>�i\':{II Ii1XCS e.lit�.iISSI'.Stil!)CIIIti�ft'ICI�L(!ClL15l 9dt��ICiTIISCB iiitl��:]fi 1�115 ti'{C�Pt�q�(! . .. �
<br /> and d�e��13���nd sectncd ttcrnNy<befura dcliny�.ien�y:fi.irnish a��pruved isisuranaeupcm�he buildi��Ks the�con h�lhe sum ul� �3 6�C)�ad ..
<br /> h>.said t1S5t7C'LA1701V;+ep.�y ii�.su�d ASSK�('IATION�.��iou dcmand a.41 m�,,�rev b��i� �,aid lo�sucli I»xes.aesa;ssener.i<end'ts�sucance wiih ini.cre t�,�i � .
<br /> � ita¢maairxu+iai ieknl R;�ie tfaraecti�i 1'ron�clatC af payment all��t w�hlcla btust�agar lier�hy Hp�ees t�,pay:�x�unit nu a�,sto��i�so(d yirxi�ixea:keep.end curn,�f,� . � � .
<br /> � tvitt�al1 ftte�grc:�tnc�us and coeadi[iuns t�f i�hc 13ond fur'�1��{�?d�.�� lhis day g,iven lp tiav xeid A4�.3n�,aKivr to said ASSCW�IATt(_�N.�rnd cv��mpl�� . . . . �
<br /> � wilh aU tftr re.quieements t�f tt�c Cianotitut[ur�and Bv l..:t�vs u7 said A)5{)l'1 A'I'Ipiy: tlsrn tl�etie�,xcycnts =liall t�ecume m�11 and void,i!�)ieiwisc t��e!.t �
<br /> slzuil t.amain ira 1'ulI i�orcc.an�i.ma7' be 1'otecdiexcd 3f t4�e optivn�vf lbe sald �155CH.1��'SION aftcr teifu�e Ibr tlu�ea �nunth,s t�.� t�ezsk� niq� o(sni�3 �
<br /> payn�ents or b�fhrec mntxhs in unoais ia n3xkha&M:sad ntuntlil��p:e�mcros,�er tu ktiep�nJ c�.,mpl��wi�F�the�grc�=ia��crun and�n,�kditn�aiy vf naid Nvnd: . .
<br /> � AiaJ Mcik�f.�a�ur agrtex to 1t.�ve a� ret�tiver eF+pv�nted f����tPiwith i+�y eui�h 1�recle�aua�c p�uceediitkx.
<br /> li t}aere i:,�my chuc*r in uwoe�.shi4>ot tlic ret�.l estut�rra:rf�eged hcrc3n, 6y �:ale ui uU�rYwise.�heil tlie enilre rcrnuitiiatK andebtedr�ess t�uret�v- �
<br /> .. w�cured siaall.at pie�3piicrn ui...l'h�tlyuif.able Binl4ing anJ[.�ian Assuc�ulion uf C��aud fstend.N�•.lrtaska.beceme im�neJiuletS'�9ue und iaevehle w�ithirut. ..
<br /> . furtlrea n��tice�..�anJ thr ameaunt rernainiaK�luc under sa�d t�un<l. and a��y��Ilaer bonci t�i�eaiy a,idfln.,��at advanccs a�iade tbec�ew�Jer.stwall.tiaani t{,� � . . . �
<br /> � ttxic o! r�.rrr�sc�vi'said eptinn,i�eai iutcrest a�Ibc iiiaa.imut�i h*gul rntc.and fl�is mort�,a�te ma}�tlieii t+.e fiireclvse�l to satisiy�tkie amu urtt Jue cva seid � .
<br /> . bc�t�d,und ai�y�athar ba��d fen�ariJitiaual a�var�ces,t4xgether wi#1�a11 sume pitid by safd'3-h�icy,uitable L3Aailding n�xd Loan Assoaiatn.m 4�f Gr;�nti Inlai�d. � . .
<br /> �
<br /> Nebrx�ska for insurante.taxes�.nd asar.ss�ncnt.�,and a0str;�ctinK ext¢naican cFwr�es. �n°�t)i inle�est Ittcreoii. lii.�n �rite of F�a�anere� at fhe maxlmuna
<br /> � lcgal rate. �
<br /> � � As pnavicicd in i1»Hond secu�ed hcret.ry,N�hile Ikais m!srlg¢ge resaaains{n cl'fecd the nx�rtgu�4c may iiexeal'tmr adr•ance addi�ion�il au�Rts �o it�c � �
<br /> .. rtfakers uP�seid Y�mid,U�eir atisi�ns�ar�ucrrss��ia i�r it�tcresl,wl�'reh rourns sLull he�ti;lta;iz;tic sceiuity u .��is n�urt,�+age !hc aame as Ihi iunils m-ip5dna{ly
<br /> sreured th4reby.Ihe tc�tnl amounl ol rivacipal Jcb[nut tri excced a�arsy�in�e Ure uiiginal n�nc,runt ol ti�is�nurt�tx�e.
<br /> , � �I�xFad tt�fy � .
<br /> � 2n d�v�,e May n,ca_.����7
<br /> - . �
<br /> 4� / La „,
<br /> " � `��G. aw9 �_,_.-.�r'�T_�:�1.,� � �w_�-
<br /> v�l sn� A�, i7ay _ �L, . �=_._ �
<br /> s�rn rt.aH Nt.��tnsi�w.
<br /> � � x9, � r}a th�it+ �f'ii� �ia��ut �`�dJ� �ti �i�.6e1'e�re�mr. ^'� �::..�,.��t .
<br /> (:DUNI`Y C31'H,vL�.
<br /> � thc�uside�s�e�.�eJ.a Naiaiy t'ublEc.in and tUr sald Ci:�uiitS.FrE�sonally ce�ero . . �� a.:
<br /> �+�� ay and �valene A. Day, each in his and her Uwn riqht and as s�nuse of each ��
<br /> ' ; �if�C'j�'� � . � wbo �C� persvraelly knuwu[o � � �� �
<br /> r�. ��
<br /> .� � n 5��.� wf�ose nstme S. dCG afYixrc�to the eb�Sve iwstrwnent as nx�sr��aagvi S anrJ. tfT�_y �everelly � �����•
<br /> x� �S+lodgdd�t[atii' d in Knt.tu Ur.. ��el P volw�[aa}•act aa�d.dees.
<br /> �'��'���W I � mv hxnd und N��taiixl�cnl�tlre dvir s!'cresaid.
<br />�� �'`� CC47Y5Ml,b"€iICFN�
<br /> ' ;� �.XY�4R65 M�gti,�C.ut� i:�siancxryirca ����'' �� 1 G�Q V, �� ��\ '�.�� � _ ____ �
<br /> " ,n �"��♦�' at.,`'�•• t Il�_.l`�'�.:,�.�r „,
<br /> fP r Q
<br /> �,�,_
<br /> .�1LL�� �YYT�����+� T �,� Nntnt�vi't�lali�
<br /> �� f`�P hkE��' i;
<br /> {� �
<br /> ,.t,�
<br />