<br /> � � . . . . . � 4 §:,; . .
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<br /> � ��. -�.�
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<br /> 2i. Fut:sre Ad�uaaces , ti�an ��.qv�t. of B�rrawer, �.t:ncic:r, ai. Lend�r', cap#ion, ��rior ta release of t�zis
<br /> Afort�a�e, nzfl}� make Fti�ur� _At�vance4 #o liL�rrnwer. �uch i�uiur� Aa3vances, u-ith in "t�rest therc�csn; :�h.nil
<br /> be s�eucec3 b�* this A�ortg�gz c4hen evzc€ettced bY Pmmis�or�� nor.e.s sr�tiu� t<hnc snic� noL�*s a.re secur4c� h�eaek��,
<br /> eac��at ,thai Lhe inLerest rsie c�n €I�e ent'sze ampsid : balsnce a�7d tlie tsam of the� vrininai loan, tc. zh� exte.ta 't
<br /> p�:;ruaitted b�°; lacv, znay kae ac9juated �s the par�,ies, h�rnto m�ti= a�re�e. �it no time ahu31 ihe }�rixacipal atxaaun#
<br /> � c�I the fnde�iednes� �cured by tlYis �2oztgag�, noi in�fudin� sums arlranced in accarclnn� l4�r >witlz ta pxa-
<br /> ` tect s.he sc.�curity of this '_Vfori;gecge, exc+e��d t�he eri�inal sn�nunt of t}se A�ote plus L� � w , 16�} OC4
<br /> , .� ' PRfl'tii£)ED; HflWEVF.R, ttiat prepa}-naenL�. ot pranrip�l, as prcrvided fQr in par��ragh �Z tt�at. folioK*s' arc
<br /> nr�turn�d � $vrrr�s�aer.or are ;rn�,dre sbsolut.e s�un-u;ith�sau�*,al�le prv�cipal ,��repa}�ntea#s �rior ,xc� ��vanr.ing
<br /> {. surus .�s Fr�ruiitted urithin Lt2i� }aara�rsaph.
<br /> � 23. Scrvaaxgs Fuad. Barznw��er nz�y mm1:e prepakruenLs of �rancapai on �trv inst�l�inent t3ue date or
<br /> � i�nme,tdiu#.e3v prc*r:�eciiing sa.id date to be �eetive on iha c3us ciate fallowing snr� �repz�yniea:t slialt be e��sliet3
<br /> , to installnsen:s last. �o b�cocne due eia;des tlais. n3ort�ag�. li�s�n xequee;;t oE th�e undersi�:ae�d or eafher of
<br /> tk�ni, �arovsc3�i a defs�ult c3aes rsot ecist and they an i.hi ocvners of i,Iie mcariga�ed .propert5; t2i�, lender ,
<br /> agre� to #'urt�ish, to the unciesszaneai 1f}t�i°`�, of ru�h prinr.a�aol prepayntent.�, unlcs.s sdvanceniertt is proliiiaitet3
<br /> b�> the re�ufaiion:: of charierin, sind , �n}�ervi5on° autharities th�ii in efiec;t. AL� sueh a�vrinceinents sh�l t�e
<br /> secured b,y this naort:�age in ch� same m:�nnea and et3ec€ as ii �ao prn�aaF inents had lxeea made:
<br /> 23. Retease. �.'�on y�ayment of s�ll surns secureri by �his �lortra�e, I.ender shall cizs�harge thia
<br /> 1�ic�rtaahe, �rithout chargc tn Brarro�cer. �3�rroreer sha12 pa�� alt ccas#s of recordatioza, if nny_ �
<br /> » �
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<br /> " ,` F:. 1Tv�2xFss F'4'tt€ttE�F; t:he �nrro��.-er has esecu# ed this �4arY�nge. .
<br /> c . , ..�5
<br /> .-.
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<br /> ? _ . . _ . . _ .. ._ _. _. ._ _ __. _ _ . _ . . __ . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . c?�.x . . �-. . ✓":,r-t�'t,d,. , , �
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<br /> ' Forrc�ese
<br /> ' L-bis t3 . 'Sch�ef�e e�tEr':.. . . ... . :. . .. . .. . .
<br /> ; —13i�rrawer
<br /> � pn3{�rtr Ad,c�ms.y_ 607 Norfh Cleburn , Grand Island , Nebraska
<br /> . STn�r� os Ik�.ssAsaia . . _. . . . . . Hai1 _ . . _ ._. t:aunt,y ss :
<br /> CTn this _ ._._.�nra�. . . . _ dati• of . . ._ . _�j�.�! ... . . l �b_. . . E>efaxe ra,e, ih� and�r�i �ntci a lQotary
<br /> � Public m anri for said County, jxrnont�3d}� cairie . PAUi. b SM�7Yi , a sangle person _ an� LO'iS A
<br /> z: .. _. ._..
<br /> f . . _ SC2iROEDERo- _ a- si.ngle. :.i?erson . . . _ _ . . .
<br /> _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . _ . ._ .._ . . . . _ . . .
<br /> . _. .. ..__ . ._
<br /> ` ' ^ �ersonall�� I:now�n ta me #,o k�e t �e ideaitical �er;on� K�l�ose naines are aHixed tn the aLwve ant3 faregain�
<br /> r ; insLrun�exit, ms mvrzgsagors, and eaeh ncknowledged said instrumeni to be his �r her 4oluntary� act nnd c3eed.
<br /> `. t�'itnu�.� m�• hand and noiariat se�l ai ..� rand islaad , :3ebraska Lhe date last above �ritten.
<br /> � . . . . .. . . . . . . ., . . _.. ... . _ . . .
<br /> ,� f
<br /> . CflNNlE S. S7'O�t£ ,d.,.. .
<br /> , Rfy Cc�mrnission � �pi�s : � . . . . ..�.« . .�r*�=�:"r.e. ..._ �.:.'` °. -.�' k�: 't:'�s.. _ _
<br /> ; �. � uzP.�R:.� :tCTf.�'y .. .. .. . .. . .
<br /> 4tate a1 NeM:�ska � =�otarj� F'ublic
<br /> " ; � . ,«,;A„�, AA� Cc+ratmission � Expires
<br /> � .. . ... _.... ..._ .. .. ... . . _ . . , . . . , . .. ., a ..�yFy,.....�s,+,.... -- .CBftQayer..r�..}c�a.y. . . , . . . . .. _. .. ._ . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .
<br /> . . � -. . . . . . ... . . . . .. _ . .. . . _.. - -., . . �.
<br /> V ` STATE +CJR - -. '�Iei�rasicxx ,
<br /> _. . . . . .
<br /> Cauni.y .- -- -Ha1Z , '
<br /> ; ;' . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. _ .. i 's.
<br /> Fntered on nuxnerical index and filed f�r rerord in the F?�gi�ter oi De�ds Offire :>� said Couatty t:he
<br /> _. . . .. . ..... .. . dai' of. .. . ... .. _.. . . _ .. . ,... .. .,. . . . . _. , 1�. ._ _.. . . , at . . . _ __ _
<br /> _ . o'dai's: and . . _ .. _ . , . �aiinutes . .. _ .. .,. .'�f.,
<br /> =` and �rorded in Eook .. . ... . . . . .. . ... . . . . v£ �4larigages st- Iaage .. . _ . . . . . .. . _ . . . ., as In.�t,svic�eni I��o. _ . . .
<br /> �, . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . ... .. _ .. . . .
<br /> ., .. :�. . . . . . . . _ . � ..,,. . r a. . . . . . . .
<br /> ' � _s..h. �,. ��i_us . . . .
<br /> iBti . : .._ _ . . . . . _. . . . . . .. . .. . .... . . . . . . w. . _._ . . . . ."-. . . . , Lle�)U[�'
<br /> \�'hett rernrded to be reYurned tc� the ' """�'� , "'�'
<br /> x �� ��RST' FEI}E�RAL SAVI:hGS� AND LQ�N AS$C3CIATIOI�T �QF I.I\'COLhT �' �k"��V
<br /> � >,•ra�
<br /> t,�t�.
<br /> +^ , ��°x
<br /> ; , . . . . S2rcet Address � . . � Maiting Aydresx . Phone .. . ;:'',. �yt'{ .
<br /> � . . � � 135 No��Catner 82vd,., �:Lincoin . . . . , F.O. Sox 52P4.. Linco4n. N�. 6s35D5� � � . . �75-0521 � ..
<br /> ,, _ . . . . , ,, ,
<br />�* . � � [_;� 2301 So��. +42ricl� St., �Umaha �.� . . P'.O.�� Bax �6273, �OrnaMa� [ve: C,EbIQ6 . . . .55F-8t?OQ � � , ° . .
<br /> :- ,. ..... . . . . . . .. . . . � . . � .' .
<br /> : . , . � i81i WesL 2»� 5t.. GranC Isiatid � � 1,811 iYesf 2ntl 5t.,. Grand. Island, Ne. 68801 . 384-4433 � , � `���. � � �
<br /> � . � �� —.___�...�_.�.,T_. __ �� ._ � ---.____._:_.. .r. .�.. __�...-------_ . ._._ ___..,_ _....._..._�_ .
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