<br /> + F;.
<br />"0"'�G{2 � � 1 � '3 . 4
<br /> y . . . . . . . . . . ` ♦d �� . .
<br /> . . . . . �. .::.y� .
<br /> �
<br />� .� �..mn. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . r�. .. . . . � . . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> � nob � extend ox• - poat.pox�e� the � due date � ai tLe� montl�lc� installments r�>ferred to in ���aragraphe 1 und 2 hereof or �
<br /> ehunge the sinount of sucl� installments,
<br /> 20. BonowerNo! Released. Lxtensiom of tl�e tiinc for payinent or modification of a�nortization of the sums
<br /> secured 6y this lloi•tgage grantecl bg I:ender to any �uccessor iii interest ot Borrower s6a1! not operate to release,
<br /> in any inansier, tl�e li�sbility of tlie original 13oi•rower arid F3nrro�� er's sticcessors in interest, I.ender shall not be
<br /> required to comnleuce proceedings against sueli suice;5or or refuse to extend tinte for payment or c>thertivise modif,y
<br /> � ainortizution of the sums secured by Ghis \1ort�age hy reason of any ciemaud n�:tide b}� t.he original F3orrower and
<br /> � � $orrower's successors in interest.
<br /> �"� 12:: Forbeazance by Lender Not a Waiver. �ny forbesrance 6y Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � � ' ilereunder, or otherl¢ise affarded by npplicable la�¢; slyall not be n ���ai ✓er of or a�reclude tlxe exercise of any right
<br /> ° � or r�medy hereunder. The procvrement os" insuranee or the 3>ayineni of taxes or otl�er liens or cl�arges by Lender
<br /> � shali not he u waiver of I.ender's'rigl�i, co ncceler:ite t.l�e maturiiy of the indebtedi�ess secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> 12 Hemedies Cumulative. All remedies F�rovided in ti� is \lortgnge are distinct .ind cnmulative to any other
<br /> � right or remedy under this �Iorcga�e or rxftorded h,y Ia��• c�r eqwc��; snd mu�� tae exercised concm•rently, independ-
<br /> ^ ently or successively. <
<br /> � 13. Successors aad Assigas Bound,- Joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. The cocennnts and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall t�ind , snd tltie righis Lcreunder :;l�ull inure to, "thu res��ectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrawer, su6jeet to the provisions oi pareagra�ph 77 hereoi. � I1 covensnts and agreements of Borrower shall
<br /> be joint nnd several. The ca��iions and he:�dinga ui tl�e p:iru�rre�ihs of this 1lortg�ige are for r..onvenience onl,y and
<br /> iare not to be nsed to ir:terprei or define tf�e pro�:sior�s lze�•eof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notic;e Co I3orro��•er pro��ided foi• in � thi� 1Sc�rtgagc sl�all bc gi��en by � nxilin�; suol� ncyf,ice bq �
<br /> certined inail sddressed to I3orrower at thc Propertp _lcldress ,i:�ted belo�ti• , except for :Lny nntice required tmder
<br /> p�ragruph 1 $ hereuf t:o be given Lu I3orio�ri�r in tlie manncr presciihi�d bp ap��licabie la, �r . Anp norice providecl
<br /> for in ihis \IortCagc sl�all be deemed ta hsve bcen given to Borro���er �cLen qi�•en in tiie munner designated lterein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. 't'Jii� form v{ mortgzige co�nbines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenantc with limitect ��ariations bv j urisdietion t.o constitute a uniiorm secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering reuI }'�roperty. This \Iorigage shall be governed by t.}ie lan• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is loc�ted . In the event that any provisiai or clause of t}�is \iorGgnge or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable la�r, sucli conf3ict shali noC atiect ot.her � �i•ovision� oi this \7ortgage oi• t }7c idote wl�icli ean be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision , and to this end ihe provisions u+.' t.he 3lortgage .and thc Note nre declnred
<br /> � ' to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bortoweis Copy. Borres��er shs� i be furnis6�d a conformed copy of this \lortgage aG ttte time af execu-
<br /> tion or after recordntiou hereof.
<br /> 17. Tras�sfer of the Property; Assumptioa. If all or an�t� part nf the Propertr or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by I3orrower �vithouc Lender's prior wriiten conseni., exduding ( s ) the creation of s lien or eneum-
<br /> Uraiice subordinata to tt�is \Iortgsge, ( b ) tl�c cre� t-ioxi oF a purchase monet� securik,y interest for liousehold appli-
<br /> ances, fc ) a transter Uc devise, desceni or by operation oi ] u�.- ulron the death of a joint tenant or {d ) tl�e. grant ot '
<br /> any Ieasehold interest of tlar�e years or less not containin� au optiou ici r�urchase, Lender m�y , � t Lender's option, � �
<br /> decl�.reall the sums secured t�y chis llortga�,gE: io Ue iiumediateh� ciue and psyuble. Lender shall l�ave �vaiveci sueh
<br /> option to aeeelerate if, prior to the sale oc- h•ansfer, Lender anci tl�e person to �vhom 'cl�e Yi•oE�ec•ty is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reaclz ugreement in wri 'ting t.hai tlie credit oi such pei•son is satisfactory to Lendcr and if�at the interest
<br /> payable on the sunas secured t.iy this \Iortg.ige sliall be ac �ucli rate as ]_ender sli�ll request, If Leiider has �v:�ived
<br /> the aption to secelerate provided in il�is parugrupl � 1 i and if Boirowez's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ? teu assumption agreement accepted iii �vriting by I,cndei•, I.c;ndea• sl�all release Borrower ironi all obiigations under
<br /> ` this Mortgage and tl�e Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� optipn to accelerate , Lender ,hall �nzil I3oi•rower notice of ucceleratian in accordanee
<br /> ���ith paragragh 141iereoi. Sticl�� not�icc .li�.11 pro��icie a period �i iioe l �ss tliiui � 30 day�s f:•osii tl�ic date tl�e notioe is � �
<br /> maileci a•itl�ir� �vhic6 Borrowei• tna�� pa,y t3'ie ,u�i'�s declared due. Ii I3oirowei• fails to p:�y sucii suzns prior Lo i,he � �
<br /> expiration of sucli perioci, Lei3der uiay , «� itlwut further notice or cieniac�d on }3'orro«�er, invoke anv remedies per-
<br /> � xnitted � by paragraph 18 hereof. � �
<br /> .\ o:: -I? :� raarint Covr:x.� rz�s. Bo �•ro���er a� nd i.en�ler fu �• t.:]ir�r cocenant. ttnd a�;�r��e as fallo«�� :
<br /> 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Isxce� n a� pro�� icli:�d in � �arrxgra� ih 17 horec�t, u � �on Borro�cer's breuch� af nny � � � �
<br /> � coven�nt or agreernei7t ot 13orroi��er in tliis \l�rtgugc, including Llac covenxnts to pay «�hcri due an1• sutns �ecured � ��� � � � �
<br /> by lhis �Iortgage, I.encier 1u�ior t � t�ceclersciou �Iiall iii:�il noticc c�e liorz•on�cr as � »•c��>ided i�i p�zrabraph 14 I��reof � � � �
<br /> sE>eciiying : � ( l ) � rhe brea�di ; i2Y the action rcquircad t� cui•e �uch brearli ; � 31 ;� �iatc . not lese fhan thirt,y dny:� � � �
<br /> � Proi�u t}�e dxtc thc� notiee is uiailecl to 13orrc��cer, ! ,�- ��- hicli aucl � hreaeli must ba cw•ed ; t�nd t41 th:it E.� ilurc to eure
<br /> � ,�ich bre�clr on orbeiom the date �pec'• ified in [lie noticc uiay r�sutt, in nccelerafion of th�; autus securecl by t.his � � � � �
<br /> _llortgage nnd salc of the S'ropert.y. If t, he t��r•eacl � is: rwt riired uu or I ,eforc� tli� �i;itR specifie� i in ih� nntice , Leniier � � � � � �
<br /> si I.,ender's option ma}• declare atl of the• suu�s uecui•ed t ��� rl�i; \lort�;a�;e io b�: iin�iiedi;itely due xnd C�aysUle
<br /> ' �ti•it.hout furfher <le�nand and inuy foreclase this �lortgage b}� j ud [cial 2mocceding. Lender sLat. be entitled to collect
<br /> in such ��roceeding all ixpenses of (orcc!osin�e , inclu�lin �;, I ,lii not liiuited io, costs of clocumentar�� evidence ,
<br /> ab�t:rac�� and iit:le reports.
<br /> 19. Bozzowar's Riqht to Reiastate. NoC���itLsttsndiug Leuile� ', acc�erlerxt �on of the swns cecured !�y this �
<br /> �Mortgage, Borrav+rer shuIl hxve the right to ]�;x��e sn }• r>roceeding� he�un by L.enci�r to enf'or<�i� chi, :�TGrt�a�e dis- � � � � � �
<br /> continued aL any time prior to entry oi a ,� udKiix:nt enfox'cing ehi� \Iortga�e if : ( s ) F3orra���er pavs Lender ail
<br /> sun�s wi�icltwonld be tl�en due under tlii� 1fo�2g:i�;e, ti�c lote auid not.es �ecm•in�; F�rturc Advance< , i2 any, l�ad no
<br /> acceYeration occurred : 1l� 1 E3orrawer c�:ro� all bret;cli��� uE ,,uy oti,cr ��o �E�u;tut.. ur a�recinents u� �3orrower con -
<br /> � taiue� �iu ti�ie �lurigage ; (c } �orruwer pays au rrceson:�i>le e�pensee- mcurred V.��• Lender in cuforciug c�-he couen�sn2.s � �
<br /> snd agreements oi I3orrower coi�txined in thi, \lort�;ti�e :�nd in cniorcin�; I .crider', rcti�eciies as �irovided in para-
<br /> � � graph 18 Lereof, including; l�ut� not lii�nited To, reasonnble attoi•nca� 's tr,ee : and Idl 13orru���er fxkcs such action a, � � �
<br /> Lender nlay reasonably requii�e to aatiure tht�x the liei+ uk tdii. \IortgaRe. Lendei'. irterest in the Yropert�� and
<br /> Sorroa�er's obligation to ptty the su�iis secured bv tlii� 1loa•t�;aµ. .� l�;ift continur• uniitipeiircd . I. ��on �ucli I7symenl ,„ t . , ,� ,h
<br /> � � and �cure #�y Borrower, this &Sc3rtgabe and the oMigat�ocz� �eiure�i l; ri < by �hsll nmuin in fu11 forco :�rzd i. Reet �s if �'"
<br /> ' � � , ..
<br /> no socelerst�on had occurred. � � � �
<br /> ' 20 Asstgameat of Reats; Appoinimaai of Receiver, Lendez in Possession. _�s esddiiioual securit.y here- � ''�!�'
<br /> � �, under; Borrower liereUy assigns to Lender tl�e rents ot t��e Yroperiy. prucid�d that Borro�rer si�all , pz-ior to scceler- ` ' *.'
<br /> ation under �aragraph 18 hereaE or a�bandanmcnt ot ilie Yrope�rtv, haec tP�e right to collect � nci re 'caSn such rent� �' �ttq� %
<br /> ,, :; as tl�ey becon�e due and payabie.
<br />� CJPon� �acceterat4op � uncie� pa�ragr�t},�1�' 18 3�craat o� .shandonmen: of zt�ie Yic��'>e � t� . Lencler , in �u�r.nn. �Ly a�ei, t �
<br /> or by_ � udiaially a�ppointed reeeiver shall -�l�e: ei�titled co � r,Cir upo« . take nos�Ee��on of and n�antzge the k'roperty "'�"°�'
<br /> and to eoIlect the rents of the 3'roperiyy includiri� tt�ase patst due. 911 unts coileckeci i>v l.ender or thc receiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of tha cor�t � of n�anagei;ient of tlie E'iop� n.y aiii�! collectior� vf rcnts , includin�;, hui
<br /> i:ot li7,itec� tc, lecei�er'; ;�r�, z�r�uiiuuia uu r.�rvive,'s � i,un�is au� i ree,uaii�ole azcorne�� 'n iees . and chen t.o the Sum�
<br /> � �ecured by this \7ottgage_ Lender and the receiver s4alt 1 ,e iiable to account only for tho�e rer_ts actu:Lit}• recei��ert .
<br /> i �
<br />-� ,
<br />