>cy� � � a:. . .
<br />,� � .,.:�.'�`
<br /> . ..
<br /> `._.:� �--
<br /> �. �
<br /> �� MQRTGRGE.�—SnMmq�.and.Loan.Fona--fLl4act Cndlt.Plcn1 255,.� fSpe�JaU . .� . . . . . .�. . .. . . . ..
<br /> �y` � � t�!��3(�6 MC)t�T+GAGE
<br /> � ?�
<br /> � - . . . � � �. .�.' � �Lxin.No . . � . �.
<br /> : ��� 1'ffi3 TN�ENTt7RE, mnde��hin J��� � day o! � A�j2x'?� � 19��bY ao+d.Mtwern �..
<br /> GHfk#�LES t". KqHf+�"ANC7 JUYCC-: S. K4}�;�i, husb�nc! and tvifc.,' r;ach in h{r, �ncj h�r tywrr r ie>hi-
<br /> r 3 �nd �s 5pau5� raf i lie ��ther
<br /> ; �'
<br /> �, t�{aI�t � �
<br /> �.�a[...,. _ Counly.Nabzaalca,a�mortgaQx�:..aad Aama Padervt:�cviaqa aad Loan Araoefplton of Catamd Lland. .�.
<br /> .. a eoipaxQtian.nrgaxtaed��,aad.asietlaq unckec S!w lawa�ai.Nrbtastn��Mth ib prindpal ottica�d pIacro ot�burfaecs at Grmid.Ed�d.Na2araska�.�,�
<br /> .rm�mort9a9�c':�. . . � . . � . : � . � � . .
<br /> VdITN£SSf:TEtr.:� �That said��moriqagof'�., !or and��ixi cvaafd�ratioai o[ tha rum ofW___ � . . .
<br /> TWCN7Y-FCIUR �f"Ht7USAND ANL> NC)/i i.�0 ---- ---------- _�__.___--- �„litir. ts.��'�..�,OUt�.Y�d a
<br /> �, ��. .��tho mcaipt�at whieh��ia 1�,oraby:�aeknqwledyad.�da� by��ho�e�praeeuls.maatgage.and warcual ursta�sald mortqopme.�.(te auceessuis anei�.
<br /> � asatgn�:.�.Iweear, all tLe�ioliowing deactihed reast a�tals, situated Sn thn wunty o1._..._ �'��`31 ! � �,
<br /> ..�.aad'Etate�ot�:Ne6eanka.�taw11:�,.. .. .. . . � � . � . _. . . . . . � . . � . . � .
<br /> = Li�7 TF-?RCE (�5? :i"dD 'iHG Wt..5TEf2�Y l't�'F'(.VE: AtY[? EI(,FiT '!'I'?�il�r f C:_1- ,
<br /> � � � (Wf�'_.�') t�f: L�i TWd (�), Al.i_ IN f3z�(aC:l� SIX7Y-T`WO i��"�), Wttf��L:!E}� � � >
<br /> AND E3�-NNEI t r<. ��C;(�NC� ?�l'3b i T I�2Q T(? �`f IF �f 1Y t?i C7f�a�Nf)� !'�l_AN(�,
<br /> NEBFA`�KA
<br /> 'f
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> � ��
<br /> �y�� Toryether �wtth all�hoatinq, lighting. md pi�mbing.�oquipment and hcturo�,includinq �token and�burnars,aczeoaa,nwnfngr, slwm wfndovn.�
<br /> � 3�� ��pnd daorm,:¢nd.w[ndow�hades or bllotia. ueed.on or ia ronaection wlch edid proparty,whother tha sumo ara now locnled an.w{d propectp � ,
<br /> jjj or horeatter pincsd�heseqn�.�
<br /> j� � 70 TilIYE ANQ TO HOI.D TtiE SAME, ro ather wltti dl and sln �r
<br /> ` 9 4vini Ihe IenQmssu,hererlilammnts and appurtenance�therouuto belonq-. $
<br /> t� Yp'� APartainiaq,lorevar.and wcvrraaf ihe litle to the eame. Said mwtqagor,,.:i__horeby covenant_..__w5tla wId mottgnqew ��
<br /> inq.. or in�an �se n
<br /> � � S,�� that._......�hen.._Y_.________��E� ai t3to deGvery hcreoi, the lawiul ownr.z_`_�..ok tha premieoe above aonreywd aad desecibad, and___.r�Y'El . .
<br /> �� �
<br /> . �. aeSsed.of a qood�and fndet�as161e.estate of inharitanca+tlierein, treo and.clear ol ull erucum6raaces,and that �..t„ha__�.wtll waszant aad ��
<br /> �� �dntnnd thn titie� ihmreto laraver vqaimt�the etatms and flcmanda o! nll persons whomadaver.
<br /> F'fiOVIUED ALWAYS, and ll�is inatrument fs uzrscnrad oad delivered to sacure the pnyment ot the aum ak__ �. �
<br /> � _„_t`WENTY f Ot1f2 7f iC.U,/iND ANQ NO/I l)t1. -----_---------�-_-�_��-- n,,u�n iS�.�`I,OC'i').(JO �
<br /> +wilh iatere�ei�tXser�on,toyo�her wlth mueh eharpers and advancas as may ba duo and payable to.auid mortqagea undac. the turnu� aad jjSS
<br /> . condiClona.at� tho pronniawry note ol evea data herewiih and secuind Aeret y.nxecutod by said mqrtqaqor ='�to wid moctgagee, �payable $?� . � �
<br /> 2 aa.expxesaed�in aaid.note,and.ta�cecure tha perlormnnce ol nil the torm� and coadi�ioaa containnd ihenfn.. The torms.�at ��anid nnts arw j
<br /> $+ .herek+.y.lsacorporated hecc.ln by tWr ietrra:>cm. . . � _ . .
<br /> tC
<br /> fi � It Ea tha tatuaeion and agrewuent of t1�e partlea hnrata that ihia mortgaqe m6all ciiso aacuze ¢ny future adwncns mo�ie to eaid. �S ��
<br /> e
<br /> mortgaqo=_..'�� by ratd mortgagem, and auy aad all indehiednew�ln addlHon to the amosant aYwve araead which aaid morfgaqoxe, �or atty� } � �.
<br /> of them.�may-oww�to ratd mo�tQeqee, however avi�ienced. whethar by-aote,boak ncccunR ar c�ther.,•ise. Th1r.martprsqe�hrr13 ramain in tu12 � .� �
<br /> . .... a hrr � .
<br /> #�orce aad o{tect-betxaen tha�parties he�ato and their hn�n. pacwaal repreaentativee. aucar�wra and� vutqna. unti2 all aaevunt� aecuzvd � �� .
<br /> . hernunder,includiuqt.tutura a�dvaneae.ace pcd3 in tull with[nierest. � �
<br /> Ths aartqaqor.S. herrby ctWiqn.,__...to�cid�..awrtgatiee all��ieats and�issrnm�¢xir[nq�.at�any:ncad.all�tim�a A€om said:}xapetty aad��... � � �
<br /> � huraby authorise wtd martgaqos.or ib cqen4 at in option, upan dolaul4 ro ttzke oh�ya al said property and catiect vG.tenta and.incc�+s # � . .
<br /> {. the[olrom.and npply the wmo to tho�paYmanl o! intecwt. rr4acipd..�in�uroaca�.:premiuma,tans. veeassmaala..re�po5r+��or{m}amvemeab necus. . �. . .
<br /> j � � :
<br /> � ea�y to ktep sotd A+�P�'�Y 9n teanatabia ctxidltion oi to othet. charges�or p¢yiuvnka pr�vfded!vr be:si.a or fn the noia het4by arcutad. y'lfis . � �
<br /> zant asaigament ahnll eontlaue in larco uatil ILe uapaid Ywlanca ol said noto fY tully paSd. T'he talclnq of poawuion horeundes ehcail.in uo�
<br /> maaner p;evsal or relard said mortgaqen fn the cnlioctloa a# w5d �unu.by loreclwuro or othenrias.
<br /> � Tha latlure ol ihe�: ,:..� � :
<br /> 1 �notl9VqM.� tiWsc¢�cmp qt�4tA[FqHb hmraundar at aay timo�hall aot be construod aW a waivef o!fts xiqht Ya rrwert � �
<br /> the wmo.at.anp latec�ime� rsad 4o infLLL�qpd�.anloscp stxiti cc�inpli.auce writh a31 lhe xuim� and..provfniea� of aatd aois �d o1 thia � �}� �
<br /> � F��� au6r2gaya. . �� � . .
<br /> ���� <i,. .�.-a k.;.�i..� � � � �
<br /> +y , . . .� . .. ..... ..�.„,.»+.w,.�..�.,.�....; :?. i
<br /> `�" � � : � I1 wEd-merigegoc_..yi,_sLaA eau�a to t+e paid 10 raid mortgagae eho outlrs amounx dum!t hereuader,aud undur Uae tecuu and proriatoaa � I .� �� �
<br /> ' y rat eaf3naEa.h�crby aae�s»d jacludfaq luture�.�adramcw...ottd any eutansioas�ox�,ismwai� tbeerat.lu�,.eceordanne•:wlth thr� brnu..and.provWoar .
<br /> aa
<br /> � thexmol.aad�f[ w[d morlqagar `';. s1w11��umplp wiih.a11 lhe.prnvWous o!sald.aplc aud W Uils moctqaBe.iLsp 4here prewtuE�..aqald 1re.vrsid; � � .
<br /> � S athecwrSse to��rnmatss.3a.�uU Lorcf�and etlrcl..�.and..wid:mmlptmgNr ahall�bn�ntieisd to.t6s.�Pe�wrian o7.��all�ot�satd�P�QA+riY•and waT.M Jts � � .
<br /> � � op4on.declare th� whot�af wid:aote xmd:ali ludwh�rodnsu re�e■�ated.therabY�be imm+dlataly duw o.nd papable.<xnd may�farecic�ihia.� .� . '�h *,..„
<br /> � �'�9aBe ru-;tnb aaay--ctiyec i�qal act{va�:to prafact��iis riciht.��d�irom-ths date�ot wah detoult�ait�items ol indeb�e�ciues��sacurad hncaby •�'��`
<br /> a
<br /> ; siaaU drav►inter�t�at.l}�%ayoi e�^••••• APAmfsemeat�wal�vd.. � ..
<br /> ��
<br /> :a
<br /> �T3ilr mortgvge ahrod,i�o bfadiaB upoa�and�hclt.�anucs lo the E�aeYlt.u! tL� lu1n. asecwtesa.edminia�rsator�.aucc.�wr�.and.a�Aqa� ct � .
<br /> ,� Iho�;re�Arctia"►:�3aar1[�e hatato. . ... , . . . . . . ' .
<br /> i.» ; .. -.,- . .: : . ,.. : .
<br /> � a.
<br /> „ �� IN ?NL"R8 �VHF�EOF wdd 1[oz�payyu3�n.b�zanaio..�sl�.�?.> �,.,j��..�r tiaad_,.:=Ihw.day�and yea[lirK dboos �
<br /> Y writ�7 / / � /1 -'"�. !' /� .
<br />�'a � i3 � .lrl.�.n , t!� . � Y� [\�..��� �����T��� 'r'.� s� /d. � � '� jt .
<br /> � j• �___�/1 rr n f�f f�1�3.:�:.w��. __ _. _ ...,.�. _�.��C.� . � �'' : 3x
<br /> :i� h"'G..�_
<br /> � i.�Y�C:S {'. �t> fl . _. _..I��y(���. _ \OYtfl �� �
<br /> �?'�
<br /> � .. . . . . . �. �
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